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In this article, i will take you through a brief introduction of the Fusion Application, the various deployment options of Fusion applications, what is Fusion coexistence, what are the various scenarios of coexistence.

Introduction of the Fusion Application
Fusion Application is the new standards for business. It's the new standards for innovation, new standards for work, and also the new standards for adoption. So Fusion Application is a complete application platform that adopts your business needs. It is based upon the latest technology. The Fusion application is completely a Service Oriented Architecture model. So that provides a way for new standards for book. And with respect to adoption, the Fusion application can be implemented in a variety of ways. It can be implemented as a full suite application, or it can be implemented in a modular way, along with an existing application. You can implement few Modules of Fusion along with other existing application like Talent Management, Compensation Management & Talent Review. So in this case, customer may not give away with an existing core HR application rather, customer can leverage the new features of Fusion.



The deployment option how the customer wants to implement the Fusion application. Is it going to be on premise, or on demand, or a SaaS?

In an on premise model, the Fusion application will be installed and implemented, managed by the customer themselves. So the hardware, software, everything will be procured by the customer. They'll be managing it in house. And then all of the maintenance will be handled by the customer themselves. This will be the most expensive option.

In on demand model,then the hardware and software will be hosted in an Oracle environment, whereas customer will be able to access the application and also the environment from remote. In Oracle on demand, the hardware and software will be managed and also hosted by the Oracle team.

The third approach of Oracle on demand hosted and managed is that here, Oracle will be responsible for even maintaining the hardware and software. And any maintenance, like applying the patches, bundles, everything will be handled by Oracle. With this option, the customer purchases the product licenses, but Oracle (or an Oracle Partner) is responsible for the software and infrastructure installation, configuration, and management at a remote datacenter. With this option, customers get high scalability without having to invest in additional infrastructure; however, it should be noted that hosting partners must have an Oracle database

And the fourth way of deployment option is SaaS, Software As a Service, wherein customer would be accessing the Fusion application in a subscription model based upon the models they have subscribed, and also based upon the timelines. Oracle retains the product licenses and is responsible for software and infrastructure delivery and management. Customers subscribe to the services and support plans they want. So in a pure SaaS model, the Fusion applications are available in a subscription basis, based upon the modules that are opted for, based upon the timeline of subscription, and also based upon the employee data managed. In a SaaS deployment, the services are available in a subscription based model. And all the modules are multi-tenant enabled, in the sense more than one customer data will be available in the same application, but it will be separated, and security will be enforced on that in such a way that one customer will not be able to view the data of other customers. So that's basically the multi-tenant enabled model. So which modules of Fusion are available on a subscription model? It is at the discretion of Oracle, and it is purely a revenue driven decision.

Three Options available for customer.
Let's go into the other topics. The Fusion applications can be deployed in a variety of ways. And these are all the options available for a customer.

Option 1 - A customer can continue on the current path. Like for example, if a customer is using PeopleSoft HR 9.0 or 9.1, they can continue to go with the same application with the next version, 9.2 or 9.3. So in this way, they will not be able to leverage Fusion, but they can still go ahead with the current Oracle product, PeopleSoft, and then they can leverage the new features of PeopleSoft.

Option 2 - The next way of looking at it is Fusion can coexist with the other core HR application, as I mentioned before. Like the customer can take a few models of Fusion, and they can use it. And then they can also integrate Fusion with an existing core HR system. So that's what we call it as a coexistence opportunity. So in this way, customer will still be using the core HR system for the day to day transactions and operations, whereas the new features of Fusion will also be leveraged for other functionalities like talent management, compensation management, which has embedded analytics feature.

Option 3 - The other way of looking at the deployment option is, customer is planning to move away from an existing core HR system to the Fusion application suite that covers various pillars, like Human Capital Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Supply Chain Management. And also other features like procurement, financials.

In my next article, I am going to cover the topics on Oracle Fusion HCM coexistence and what are the various scenarios of coexistence. 


Jayashree Prakash

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About the Author

Jayashree Prakash

Jayashree Prakash

Jayashree is a Oracle Fusion HCM certified consultant who has over fifteen years' experience with Oracle. She has worked as a consultant with several of Alberta's energy companies. She lives in Edmonton and her interests include staying active in the warmer months and vacationing in the Caribbean in the winter

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