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The purpose of this article is to show you :-
    1. How to create a new Field using Personalization in OA Framework
    2. How to attach a List Of Values to this new field, again using Personalization in OA Framework

This is an Audio-Video demo.
You may encounter a similar requirement in real world, however, in real world you will also need to extend CO/AM to take actions on the value selected in newly created field.

Before we jump onto the audio-video demo, let me give you the overview of the Requirement.



To add the two fields as shown below, alongwith an LOV.

This should be done without modifying the base page, i.e. using Personalization

Where will we add these two fields?

These fields will be added to HelloWorld Page, that comes with OA Framework Tutorials.

We will use a LOV Region supplied in OA Framework Tutorials.

LOV Region is nothing but a page that displays data fetched from a SQL Statement [via ViewObject].

The LOV region being used is /oracle/apps/fnd/framework/toolbox/lov/webui/EmployeesLovRN

This LOV region is delivered as a part of OA Framework Training Tutorial.

In real world, you will be creating a similar region [based on your requirement], in case there is no existing/standard LOV region to implement your LOV.



Anil Passi


0 #1 Rafiq Khan 2007-08-02 10:08
Thanks for a great tutorial, Anil.

Anil, I'd like to know if one can one auto-apply a hold (not a credit hold) to a Sales Order using Oracle Forms Personalization . If yes, I'd request you to give me the relevant process (setup et al).

0 #2 Anupam 2007-08-08 05:40
Hi Anil,

First of all my heartiest gratitute to you for putting up such a great effort for bringing inside information about this cutting edge technology to us. This is really a great JOB.
I have a wish and i am sure that you will fulfill that in due course. Can you please put up something related to how to change look and feel (I mean from BLAF to CLAF) in order to have a completely different look and feel of a OA frame work based application.


0 #3 Rajasekhar Hasthi 2007-08-08 06:26
Hi Anil,
Thanks for your great work.The tutorials are very helpfull.
I am working on iPayment(IBY).

1.Ftp'ed all the necessary files in to my local machine from apps server and decompiled the class files in to java files.Also taken webui - xml files from MDS using jdr_utils package.
My problem is i am not able to make directory structure as like in server using jdeveloper.
Can you please tell me how to replicate entire structure of files in jdeveloper as like in apps server?
2.Can you please tell us how to generate debug statements in log files?is there any package for log statements generation?Do we need to set any profile options or do we need to change any configuration fies?I am new Oracle apps .Please let me know at the earliest.

3.Wh at are all the new features in OAFramework?Wha t is the scope of ADF?
Best Regards
0 #4 Rajasekhar Hasthi 2007-08-08 06:27
Hi Anil,
Thanks for your great work.The tutorials are very helpfull.
I am working on iPayment(IBY).

1.Ftp'ed all the necessary files in to my local machine from apps server and decompiled the class files in to java files.Also taken webui - xml files from MDS using jdr_utils package.
My problem is i am not able to make directory structure as like in server using jdeveloper.
Can you please tell me how to replicate entire structure of files in jdeveloper as like in apps server?
2.Can you please tell us how to generate debug statements in log files?is there any package for log statements generation?Do we need to set any profile options or do we need to change any configuration fies?I am new Oracle apps .Please let me know at the earliest.

3.Wh at are all the new features in OAFramework?Wha t is the scope of ADF?
Best Regards
0 #5 Anil Passi 2007-08-08 07:22
Hi Anupam

Style sheets are stored in /OA_HTML/cabo/s tyles
When OA Fwk started, that time we could override the definition of Existing Styles sheets by making entries in custom.xss
A concept very similar to our good old CUSTOM.pll

But from 11.5.10CU3 onwards, this task has become much simpler.
There is a responsibility named "Customizing Look and Feel Administrator"

See the image below, whereby you can easily create new stylesheets or amend new stylesheets.

Within just 5minutes you can have a new skin for OAF Pages, without writing a single line of code.

Anil Passi
0 #6 Rituparna Dey 2007-08-12 03:52
Hi Anil
A very informative article!!
Is there a way/script to import personalization s of 1 environment into another without having to effect them again manually?
Also, please write on Integration of XML Publisher with OAF.

R itu
0 #7 Anil Passi 2007-08-19 06:36
Hi Ritu

Indeed you can move personalization s from one environment to another.

Prior to 11.5.10, we used to write scripts using XMLExporter and XMLImporter.
However, from 11.5.10 onwards, we can simply use a responsibility named Functional Administrator to download the personalization s into a flat file.

Step 1. Download personalization s using Functional Administrator
S tep 2. Tar the files and move them to new environment
Ste p 3. Unzip/explode tar file in new environment
Ste p 4. Import the personalization s in new environment, again using Functional Administrator

Anil Passi
0 #8 Rituparna Dey 2007-08-20 14:50
Thanks Anil!!
Will try to import personalization s the way you suggested. Waiting for your article on XML Publisher Integration with OAF. Actually i extended the XDOCommonRN.xml . I get the PDF outline on my page after deployment, however not the data. I think there is some problem with the way I am attaching the template to the data. Are you planning to come up with an article/demo sometime soon?

0 #9 Synthia 2007-10-06 05:50
i had an issue with my custom interface i.e order handling system ohs to project accounting interface.
0 #10 Praveen Kumar B 2007-10-09 07:03
Hi Anil,

I tried the OAF Personalization for creating the LOV based feild.
I followed all the steps. But it is giving me following error.

oracle. adf.mds.Metadat aDefException: Unable to find component with absolute reference = /oracle/apps/fn d/framework/too lbox/labsolutio ns/webui/HomePG .xxEmpName, XML Path = C:\JDeveloper\j devhome\jdev\my classes\JRADXML ;C:\JDeveloper\ jdevhome\jdev\m yprojects;C:\JD eveloper\jdevbi n\jdev\oamdsxml wk. Please verify that the reference is valid and the definition of the component exists either on the File System or in the MDS Repository.
0 #11 Sonia V. 2007-10-23 18:25
Hi Anil,
The information is very helpful.. Thanks a lot...

Using the steps given , i have created a new Category LOV item in the iProc Non Catalog requisition page.
But i am not able to hide the existing Category LOV,
the rendered property is not present when i try to personalize the item.
Can u please let me know how can i go ahead in hiding the extisting LOV.

Many thanks...

Rega rds,
0 #12 shobhit 2007-10-25 12:40
Hi anil,

Great tutorial.I was trying to carry out the personalistion in the hello world page.but made some mistake in typing the address.so when i click apply i got an error.now i want to correct my mistake.but the hello world page is not getting open as it is throwing error.so how can i revert back the personalistion?

-1 #13 Anoop 2007-11-29 13:10
Hi Anil

The tutorial was great. Am pretty new to OA framework. Can you just tell me if we create a item throough a personalization in a page, where is the value stored in the backend.

how do i link the values to a attribute coloumn

regard s
0 #14 A S Narayanan 2008-02-07 10:28
i have a oa framweork page with lov's in it.it is working fine in the jdeveloper but when i am migratin it to apps.it is throwing me an exception.somet hing like "" callinfromform= 'y'....failed:c an only fwd frm a jsp or html""
i have only registered the main page under my responsibility and not the regions associated with the lov's.
can u please help me out.
0 #15 Synthia 2008-07-07 02:53
Hi All,
I had an problem in form customization.. .my requirement is there is sales order form in order manager responsibility. ..there is field order type...and one lov is attached to the field...i have to sort this lov at runtime as per the responsibility. ..if i am using "xx1 responsibility" then the order type should i can see in the order type field lov must start xx1 i.e "xx1 sales".And if i am login through xx2 responsibility then i should be able to see the order type starting with xx2 i.e "xx2 sales"sales.i am not getting how to get the responsibility name and use this responsibility name to sort the lov value at runtime.would it be possible through Form personization?
0 #16 Periking 2008-07-29 06:06
How can LOV's be modified on self-service web pages?

I need to modify a Query´s lov on a web page. I'm having trouble finding and knowing where to find documentation that
will explain how to do this. Does anyone know where to find this?

I have read OSO 11i Application Developer’s Guide and Oracle Application Framework
Developer’s Guide (Release 11.5.10 RUP5) but I do not find solution to this
0 #17 Forum Admin 2008-07-29 06:10
Hi Periking

This is possible by extension
To get a detailed solution to your business requirement, please post the query on

Please follow the template in the forum to give maximum information and we will respond.
Also please post under relevant section only

A pps2Fusion Forum
0 #18 Bibs 2010-01-07 22:36
Can you please let me know where I can find OSO 11i Application Developer’s Guide?
I was searching in the metalink but couldnot find one.

Bi bs
0 #19 Sham 2010-07-21 12:36

I have a custom page using a query region suing autocustomizati oncriteria. In simple search panel of that i added an LOV item. eg Resource Name. So when i select any resource from LOV and then save view and apply results. I see that only resource name get added in view criteria(checke d through jdr_utils.print document). I want that resource id also gets added to the criteria so we dont have any performance issues. Currently its searching on name only and hence performance issues.
I have created the LOV with Resource Name as Criteria & Return Item and ResourceId as return item. Also ResourceId is there as a formValue in Search Panel region And correct mappings for Id's and name fields are provided.

Plea se help. Any pointers will be appreciated.

T hanks in advance.
0 #20 Ajay 2012-01-23 03:29
I am unable to view the demo as we dont have flas player 10 in client site. can you please format it on ppt/word and re-upload it.
Or send it to my id -
0 #21 Ajay 2012-01-23 05:35
Hi Anil,

You had mentioned in this thread that - Style sheets are stored in /OA_HTML/cabo/s tyles ............ See the image below, whereby you can easily create new stylesheets or amend new stylesheets.... .........

I could not see the image. I am a non technical person, but am required to make changes to the colour on iRec external candidate/site visitor page where the logo is already changed. This is on a instance. Can you give a step by step easy to understand guide on 1. How to change the background colours to match client colours (they gave a gif file and RGB colour code) and 2. How to know if the logo was changed individually or done using a customised stylesheet

Aja y
0 #22 rajasekharreddy bhavanam 2012-06-25 04:57
The remaining fields in the form getting cleared while updating a lov field in the update field

This is my RT requirement.
Pl ease help me
0 #23 Lov Search Change 2015-03-26 13:21

In LOV page opend seprately on there if we keep search allowed true then we found that in search by feild option eg. two feild name and region.
My requrement is such that by default there is Name but i want that with Description.Is this possible.

Thank you,
Trushar P Gohil
0 #24 radhe3797 2015-08-20 19:21
we have a product E-Sourcing, which can integrate with Oracle E-Business Suite.
please email us for a free demo.

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