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In this article, you will get a flavour of Fusion Applications in action and we will draw some comparisons with the Oracle EBS/R12. Of course the book on Fusion Applications Development is work in progress, and you can pre-order it from Amazon website or from this link. Keep in mind, its good few months before it will be released.

During the implementation phase, you first need to know which modules the client wants to implement. In our traditional Oracle EBusiness suite, we used a terminology called module.

However, in case of Fusion Applications, you can compare this with R12 as Module [Offering in FA] and SubModule [Option in FA].

In EBS, General Ledger, Payables, iExpenses were modules. However in Fusion Applications, the parent module is Financials. This parent module is called the offering.  Therefore Financials is the offering, HCM is the offering. Within this offering you have Options. For example, within Financial offering you can implement Payables or Receivables or iExpenses or all the above. Now within the options, you have features. For example, iExpense has a feature of importing expenses straight from excel. Another feature within iExpense is to implement corporate credit card integration.

To make the job of doing implementation easy, Fusion Financials generates a task list on the basis of combination of Offering, Option and feature that you have selected during the implementation.

These initial screenshots will give you a flavour of Fusion Applications.

When you login to Fusion Applications, you will see a Navigator link.


Your DBA will give you a Fusion Apps super user, that won't contain all permissions, but enough to get you started. This usually is FAADMIN or weblogic_fa or something else that your DBA would have defined during the install

Click on Navigator and select Setup and Maintenance

When you click on Setup and Maintenance, you can then search for any page/screen. This is called Task, inherently due to ADF application UI being called Task [bounded/unbounded]. 

You can search for any task here in setup and Maintenance. Think of Task being a Form Function that effectively points to a screen in Fusion Apps.

Offerings are the various modules offered within Fusion Applications. Within offering you have options.

For example, in R12 context, HCM is an offering, and options are iRecruitment or Learning Management or Talent Management


In order to go to Setup and Maintenance, click Navigator and then Click Setup and Maintenance.

To define users and their roles, you need to use Oracle Identity Manager that comes in built within the Fusion Applications.

When you log into Oracle identity manager, lets say using the default login of xelsysadm, then you can either view your own roles[self service] or you can administer other users.

In the screenshot below, click on Administration link and that will present you with the screen to create users or roles.

Here you can create users or roles.

However please note that a role gets registered in OID as a Group, whereas a user created from here will get registered in OID as a User. OID is the Oracle Internet Directory that can either be used standalone in which case usernames and passwords will be stored in OID, or OID can be synch’ed up with AD, and kept a slave of AD, in which case the passwords will be stored in AD. Many organizations already have active directory for authentication in their enterprise

You can also perform wildcard searches for usernames and roles.

One role can inherit properties from another Fusion Applications role.

After selecting the role, click on Hirarchy. Using this hierarchy, you can make a role child of other roles or you can make a role parent of other roles.

For example,if you want to club GLOpen Period close screen and GL Journal Entry into a single role, then you can create a new role, and in Hiearchy, you can say this new role inherits from the above two roles. Effectively, GL Period Open/Close is a Duty role ad the new role named GL Admin is a Job Roles.


The screenshot below shows how you can make one role inherit properties from another role.

Select the roles you wish to add

we have created a hierarchy of roles.

This setup means that IDENTIT USER ADMINISTRATOR inherits privilleges from IT Securit MAnager role. It means, if you assign IDENTITY USER ADMINISTRATOR to a person, then that person will also automatically get privileges of IT Security Manager.

In order for a role to become available to an impementation user, that role must be assigned to the Xellerate Organization. This is a dummy organization to which all the administrative users belong to.


We can grant various permissions on role FND_IT_SECURITY_JOB to Xellerate organisation.


Anil Passi


0 #1 Reza 2013-05-16 12:13
Hi Anil
thank you for your posts,
except OIM and OID witch components of FMW needed for Fusion Apps? and Is BPM suite knowledge needed for Fusion Apps ?

thank you and regards
0 #2 Saurabh 2014-05-20 18:55
Hi Anil,

Thank you so much for the wonder touch base to Fusion Applications.

Can you please let us know if we can install Fusion apps on our laptops/PC's?

0 #3 AAszezt 2021-06-25 09:57
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