Compliance 101: Understanding the Basics

Compliance 101: Understanding the Basics

Compliance ensures that organisation adheres to government regulations domestically as well as globally if applicable and avoids missteps that could result in fines, legal ramifications and reputation damage. 
Compliance involves meeting various controls (usually enacted by a regulatory authority, law, or industry group) to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Compliance requirements vary by industry and sector, but typically involve using an array of specific organisational processes and technologies to safeguard data.

Navigating Identity and Access Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating Identity and Access Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an information security discipline. IAM manages users and devices access across the entire organisation. IAM has many things incorporated which includes Governance, Risk & Compliance, Strategies, policies, programs, Controls & Monitoring, Security etc. It acts as a centralised place to manage all the organizations resources, devices and other components…