Oracle Fusion Procurement Training

With over 10+ years of specialized expertise in the Oracle Supply Chain Management sector, our training instructor has meticulously crafted the course Oracle Procurement course/training to ensure comprehensive mastery of the subject. The Oracle Procurement training prepares you to gain expertise in the Oracle Procurement Cloud. You will learn to set up procurement, the steps involved in receiving PO, and the 6 pillars of Procurement. Further, you will also understand how to create a template for item creation for procurement flow, self-service procurement, sourcing, single-stage, and two-stage RFQ. You will comprehend topics such as Request for Information (RFI), reverse auction, procurement contracts, supplier qualification, and supplier portal under this training.
In This Module We Will Learn :
- Specify Supplier Numbering
- Manage Procurement Agent
- Manage Freight Terms Lookup
- Manage Procurement Document Numbering
- Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement
- Configure Requisitioning Business Function
- Configure Procurement Business Function
- Manage Mapping Set for Material Charge Account
- Supplier Creation
- Direct , Standard and Inspection Receipt Routing
- Corrections
- Return to supplier
- Substitute receipts
- Unordered receipts
- Process all lines together
- Print Receipt Traveller
- Include closed POs for receipts
- Allow routing override
- Blind Receiving
- Other controls in receiving parameters
- Setting Payabes-Invoice Options
- Open periods of GL and AP
- Create a ERS invoices upon receipt with summary level as pay site and Rceipt
- Debit memo on RTS
- Specify Supplier numbering
- Manage task Configuration for Procurement
- Manage sub Ledger Accounting options
- Manage Payment Terms
- Create Carrier
- Manage Freight terms
- Manage Purchase Profile Options
- Manage Procurement Document Numbering
- Manage Purchasing Line Types
- Manage Document Styles
- Manage Lifecycle Phases
- Manage item statuses
- Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement. First select the scope.
- Configure requisitioning Business Function
- Configure Procurement Business Function
- Ensure Data Governance and Data consolidation are disabled in Opt In Features of Product Management Offering
- Item Creation in PIM
- Failure on creation of a Purchase Requisition
- Explanation of Procure to Pay Business Process highlighting Charge, Accrual and Variance accounts
- Setting Manage Mapping set for Cost management for PR creation for Asset Item
- Creation of a Purchase requisition
- Demonstrating the 6 ways of approval of a PR (Auto Approval, Approval by a worker, Approval Group, Job level, Supervisory level and Position level approvals.)
- Various methods of populating the Charge account in a Purchase Requisition
- Manage Supplier Registration Approvals`
- Manage Supplier Profile Change Approvals
- Manage Supplier Spend Authorization Approvals
- Create a Prospective supplier. It will not have a Site
- Supplier creation and failure on site creation.
- Create Procurement Agent and complete Site Creation
- Convert Prospective Supplier into spend Authorised Supplier
- Failure on creation of a Purchase Order
- Setting Manage Mapping set for Cost management for PO creation (Accrual account)
- Manage Purchasing Document Approvals
- Creation of a standard Purchase order
- Setting and testing of PR-CPA-SPO
- Setting and testing of PR-BPA-SPO for auto create of PR into PO
- Touchless Buying
- Direct, Standard and Inspection Receipt Routing
- Corrections
- Return to supplier
- Substitute receipts
- Unordered receipts
- Process all lines together
- Print Receipt Traveller
- Include closed POs for receipts
- Allow routing override
- Blind Receiving
- Other controls in receiving parameters
- Setting Payabes-Invoice Options
- Open periods of GL and AP
- Create a ERS invoices upon receipt with summary level as pay site and Receipt
- GRN Number in Invoice Number
- Debit memo on RTS
- Setting up of Costing
- Demo of Costing transactions
- Create Categories a01_Desktop and a01_Laptop
- Create a01_Desktop and a01_Laptop and a01_Visiting_Card items. Do not assign them to child orgs and associate the respective categories
- Create a BPA for all the above three items
- Create Catalog Administrator legal user
- Assign Catalog Administrator Role
- Login at Catalog Admin
- Make Cat Admin as a Procurement Agent
- Create Catalog Category Hierarchy
- Create Local Catalogs for Desktop and Laptop
- Create Content Zones
- Create Information Template Descriptive Flex Fileds
- Create Information template
- Manage Public Shopping Lists
- Manage Purchasing News
- Manage Smart Forms
- Manage Supplier Content Map Sets
- Create Content Zones
- Set Requisitioin Preferences for a01_Madras Location
- Create Requisition from emp2 for Description based item
- Observe Auto Creation of PO.upon approval
- Change Requisitioin Preferences to a01_loc_0 Location
- Create Requisition for inventory Item
- Observe Auto Creation of PO.upon approval
- Receive Requisition
- Correct Receipts
- Return Receipts
- Add Sourcing Manager Role to first employee
- Manage Procurement Agent for PRC00.instructor
- Manage Negotiation Styles
- Create Cost factors
- Create Attribute List
- Create Cost Factor Lists
- Create a Negotiation template
- Create a Single Stage Negotiation
- Create Techinal and Commercial Evaluatioin teams
- Create Requirements
- Approve Negotiation and Publish
- Accept Invitation for the first Supplier from email.
- Login as supplier and accept Invitation
- Send a message from Supplier Portal
- Reply Back as the Sourcing officer
- First Supplier will respond by filling the Requirements and Lines
- Review the response by Sourcing officer
- Respond by Second Supplier with slightly less price
- Create a Surrogate response for the third supplier
- View Responses
- Monitor Negotioation for Respoinses and Savings by Supplier
- Create an amendment and get responses from all the three
- Extend, Pause and Close Negotiation
- Open Scoring and send message to Collaboration Team.
- Score the requirements.
- View Automatic Award Recommendations
- Award Negotiation and Submit for approval
- Complete the award by creating PO
- Create a 2 Stage RFQ template with technical and commercial sections
- Create a two stage RFQ with Line attributes
- Upon approval it will become Active and Locked
- Submit a response from both the suppliers
- View respoinse History as Sealed
- Close the negotioation
- Unlock stage – technical
- Analyse negotional and view Responses
- Look at the technical Requirements
- Price will not be visible on the Lines
- Unseal Stage Technical
- Buyers and Suppliers can view responses of technical stage
- Complete Stage – Technical
- Unlock Commercial stage
- Buyes can only see the responses
- Unseal Commercial stage
- Award negotiation – Choose the Supplier
- Submit for Approval
- Award Approved (Unsealed)
- Complete Award and create a Approved PO
- Create a RFI template
- Create a RFI negotiation and approve
- Submit response from Supplier
- Analyse the negotiation
- Close and Complete RFI
- Create a Auction Negotiation Style
- Creatre a Reverse Auction negotiation
- Add Lines, submit and approve
- Respond from First Supplier
- Provide the following
Proxy Decrement Amount = 25
Response price = 470
Proxy Minimum = 400
and Submit the response - Respond from Secod Supplier with a Response price only as 440
- Analyse the negotiation and find the Best Transformed price as
440-25 = 415 - Submit a second response from 2nd Supplier as 410. The Best Response price will not go below 400.
- Analyse the neg and award the Contract.
- Approve negotiation
- Complete by Creating SPO
- Create Legal User p01_emp1 with the requisite roles for Procurement Contract
- Similarly Create user p01_emp2 with AIC , IT secu Mgr and Employee roles
- Run the ESS job: Import User and Role Application Security Data
- Login with p01_emp1
- Enable Contract Terms in Offerings
- Create Administrator Role for c01_emp1
- Check in Manage Users – The Resource
- Make p01_emp1 as Procurement Agent
- Create Supplier p01_sup_1
- Create Item p01_item1
- Enable Procurement Contract Management
- Make US1 Business Unit as Project and Task Owning Org
- Make the Default BU for CRM as US1 Business Unit
- Specify Supplier Contract Management Business Function Properties
- Create document sequence p01_Contracts for Application Enterprise Contracts
- Create document sequence p01_Clause Sequence for Application Enterprise Contracts
- Manage Contract Party Roles
- Manage Contract Role Sources
- Create two lines with Source as Item , Buy and Free Form Buy
- Create p01_Contract_type for above two optioins
- Create p01_Contract_Clause
- Set Approvals for Contracts Clause , Contracts and Terms Template.Search for ContractClauseApproval, ContractsApproval and TemplateApprovalHumanTask
- Set the Approvers for all the three above as p01_emp2
- Manage Contract Risks
- Create two Sections in Terms Library
- Creating two Clauses with text and Instructions
- Get them approved by p01_emp2
- Create Terms Template and submit for approval
- Create a Question and Activate.
- Create Constant
- Create Rule and Activate the rule
- Mention the Template in the Rule.
- Create the First Contract
- Populate Lines
- Run Contract expert
- Delete Warranty Clause
- Auto Create PO Lines
- Validate and correct errors
- Submit for approval
- Auto Create Purchase orders
- Create Contract using Wizard
- Create New Business Unit with RDS = US1BUSET
- Enable Material Management , Requisitioning, Receiving and Procurement Functions
- Create Location s01_loc_1 and 2
- Create Master and Child org
- Tie org to Locations
- Create three Legal Users
- Assign four roles to all the users
- Login as s01_emp1
- Make all the three users as Buyers
- Set the Requisitioning Business Function
- Set the Procurement Business Function
- Add s01_Supplier
- Add s01_Small_Business
- Add a Category
- Questions to be Duplicated
- s01_ Code of Conduct
- s01_ Compliance Review
- s01_Disclose Fin Info?
- s01_ Public Company?
- s01_Employee Count
- s01_CFY Revenue
- s01_ISO 14001 Certification
- s01_Forbes Sustainability List – Top 100?
- s01_Office Recycling
- Qualification Areas to be duplicated
- s01_Environmental Sustainability
- s01_Financial Viability
- s01_Compliance
- Model to be Duplicated
- s01_Compliance for Sourcing Eligibility
- Manage Supplier Spend Authorization Approvals
- Manage Rule Sets
- Create a new Rule set s01_SR1
- Create a Spend Authorised Supplier
- Change the Business Classification and answer the questionaire
- Use this sample IBAN Number during Registration
- Submit for approval
- Observe the creation of new initiative to qualify the Supplier
- Approve by PRC00.Instructor
- Respond to Internal questionnaire by (a01_emp2)
- Manage qualifications by admin
- Manage Assessment by Admin
- Observe that the Initiative is completed on all the 4 (Supplier Response, Internal response, Qualifications and Assessments)
- Create a new initiative for a Model which has both Internal and Supplier Questionaire
- Make emp2 as Internal Responder and emp3 as Evaluation Team member
- Launch the initiative
- Respond to the questionaire from Supplier Portal
- Respond to the Internal query from emp 2 login
- Evaluate the initiative from the evaluator’s login (emp3)
- Since it is a re-qualification…assessment is not necessary.
- Observe that the Initiative is completed on all the 3 (Supplier Response, Internal response and Qualifications)
- Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request
- Change Supplier Profile Change Request as Approval Required for the desired profiles
- Manage Supplier Profile Change Approvals
- Login to supplier Portal and change the Business Classification profile. (Extend the end date of certification)
- Submit for approval
- Approve by PRC00.Instrucctor from bell notification
- Observe the warning message vanished in manage Profile of Supplier Portal
- Create a Supplier with Pay On Receipt Enabled.
- Create a PO
- Observe the population of PO in Manage Orders in Supplier Portal
- Manage schedules
- Create a partial receipts in PRC00.Instructor login. Note down the GRN number. Oberve the receipt details in Supplier Portal.
- Run Send Pay On Receipt ESS job for the GRN number In PRC00.Instructor login
- Observe the creation of Invoice in Supplier Portal
- Create a Blanket Purchase Agreement
- Observe the population of BPA in Manage Agreements
- Create Advanced shipment Notice (ASN) and submit
- Go to Manage Shipments and View Details
- Receive the ASN in PRC00.Instructor login. Note down the GRN number
- Run Send Pay On Receipt ESS job for the GRN number of ASN Receipt
- Create Advanced Shipment cum Billing Notice.
- Tax details to be populated by the Supplier
- Receive the ASN. Note down the GRN number
- Observe the creation of invoice in Supplier Portal. No need to run Send Pay On Receipt
- View receipts in Supplier Portal
- Enable Debit Memo on RTS
- Make a Retrun for one of the GRN in PRC00.Instructor login with Create Debit Memo enabled
- Observe the creation of Debit Memo in Supplier Portal. No need to run any ESS jobs
- View Returns in Supplier Portal
- Add Contract terms in the PO. Add Deliverables and submit for approval in PRC00.Instructor login
- Observe the population of Deliverables in Supplier Portal
- Consigned Inventory
- Invoices and Payments.
- Negotiations
- Auctions from Seller
- Qualifications
- Manage Products
- Manage Profile
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