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I was asked a question on one of the comments.


How to make XML output to be displayed in excel spreadsheet, when the report has been registered to run using XML Publisher?

Thankfully my friend Fabio kindly sent me these screenshots/steps

Add highlighted line using System Administrator > Install > Viewer Options

Add the following for each listed user.

Anil Passi


-1 #1 santosh 2007-06-28 00:00
Thank you. I was looking for this info.
0 #2 tony 2007-06-28 00:00
Hi Anil,

This is fine, But what about the Template?
How will we develop the template for excel output

Thank s
0 #3 Fabio Ielpi 2007-06-28 00:00
Hi Anil/Tony,

W hen setting up the template we opted for RTF as the type, however this will need to be amended at run time using the Options... button prior to submitting the Concurrent Request.

Once clicking on the Options button, you should see the template you have assigned to this concurrent request, you will need to change the format from PDF/RTF to EXCEL. Click OK and submit your concurrent request.

This should then allow you to open the output directly into Excel.
+2 #4 Anil Passi 2007-06-29 00:00
Hi Kishore

Than ks for sharing this.

Regard s,
0 #5 priyasankaran 2007-06-30 00:00

Thanks for posting such useful information.

I tried the same and it is working .

I have a small doubt in this.
I have set the viewer text at my user level.
But when I login as different user and use
tools-->copy , i am getting viewer option.
What should I do that it will not affect any other users?

It will also be useful if you explain the different levels wherein the viewer option can
be set.
0 #6 Tony 2007-07-01 00:00
Hi Anil,

I got the solution, thanks for the patience,
I am getting the Excel Output now, but with a white background(as the template is rtf and has a white backgroud), How can we avoid this white background

T hanks
0 #7 Fabio 2007-07-06 11:26
Hi Tony,

You can amend the background on your .rtf document which will then change how the excel spreadsheet looks.

0 #8 Francis 2007-08-20 10:54
Hi Anil,
How can we customize any Report 6i to produce .csv file output enabling the user to open it in excel?

0 #9 Srinivas.Kondu 2007-08-21 09:30
Hi Anil,
I have tried the same as explained by u, but i couldn't get the outpout in Excel sheet.
The output file is empty.
The log file has the error: REP-3000: Internal error starting Oracle Toolkit.
What should i do to overcome this.
Kindly help me out.

Thanks in advance.
0 #10 Vineet 2007-08-22 10:42
Hi Anil,

Is there anyway we can set default Preview mode from PDF to excel so that while submitting XML report for excel output we need not to go to option screen to set Format as excel.

0 #11 Michele 2007-08-22 17:55
Hi there

I have been stuggling to get reports to output to an Excel spreadsheet for some time, so I was hoping this would solve my problem. Still no luck. Output file is empty. PDF output is fine, so process/templat e is not the problem. Is XML publisher version relevant to the solution? According to Metalink Note 358296.1, Excel output problem is a bug that has been solved in version 5.6.1. I am working on version 5.0.1

Anyone got any suggestions?

C heers
0 #12 Anil Passi 2007-08-22 18:37
Hi Michele

Hope you are well, it was great to catchup with so many friendly people in SA.

If you are using Excel 2002, then you must be on at least XMLP 5.6.1

Also, if you are on CU2, excel output will not work from FNDRSRUN (View Requests).
This issue was fixed in CU3.

Anil Passi
0 #13 Michele 2007-08-28 13:39
Hi Anil

Sorry for the delay in replying but thanks for the feedback. Will be upgrading XML Publisher soon. Then will retry.

And glad to have you in South Africa. It was great to share tech info with you. Hope you will return someday.

Cheer s
0 #14 Lakshmikantu 2007-09-07 19:43
Is there anyway we can set default Preview mode from PDF to excel so that while submitting XML report for excel output we need not to go to option screen to set Format as excel.

We get asked this a lot as well. Does anyone have any ideas? As far as I know it is not possible.

Than ks!
0 #15 R C Pandre 2007-09-19 05:15

Once I had my friend calling me of such requirement to work on a Oracle report. They wanted the o/p to be displayed on Excel rather than on the browser. They did not have Excel installed as an option in Install- Viewer Options. It was an older version of EBS where there was no XML publisher.

Sol ution: Once the report o/p is generated, Just ask the user to Save the o/p file as .csv. This would resolve the issue.

It works irrespective of user.It is a simple solution. But those were old days, but now since we have XML Publisher in place, I would defintely like to try and explore ways suggested by you all.


R C Pandre

;D ;D
0 #16 RamKrishna 2007-09-27 10:05

Is it possible to create editable PDF reports in Oracle applications?

Thanks in advance,
0 #17 Gareth Roberts 2007-10-08 12:19
You might like this post also:
0 #18 Anurag 2007-10-19 15:44
Thanks for the information..
I have the rtf template (preview shows me excel output as desired) attached in XML publisher , alsofollowed above steps but once i submit the concurrent request (set the option as excel) i get a warning "unable to find the published output for your request"..where am i going wrong

0 #19 vathana 2007-11-10 04:07
Currently I am developing a XML report.This is my first XML report. I have a requirement to pass a parameter for order by from the concurrent program. I designed the template in RTF format. Everthing is working fine. But, I have no idea how to create a dynamic sort in XML report. If anyone has any idea please share with me.

Thanks in advance
0 #20 Frida 2007-11-12 05:51
Thanks) That is what i needed)

------ ----------
0 #21 Mr.Quang 2007-11-29 11:08
Hi.I'm developing XMLP Report.
my data is varchar2(tax code) as :00123456789
when output excel display : 123456789 loss 00 (excel is number)
Please, give me solution
0 #22 Sudhamsu Josyam 2008-01-04 18:44

I have a simple XML report whose output I want to show in EXCEL format. I have followed the steps below:

1. Set the profiles for the Excel (for which the screen shots were provided).
2. Entered the concurrent program name in the SRS form
3. Before Submitting the request, I changed the Format to EXCEL.
4. Submitted the request.

The request completes normal but when I click on the View Output button, it says NO DATA FOUND and in the Details with the below error:

ORA-014 03: no data found

-------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------
FRM-4 0735: WHEN-BUTTON-PRE SSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502.

Ple ase suggest.

Thank s
Sudhamsu Josyam
0 #23 Vijay 2008-02-04 09:56
Hi Sudhamsu Josyam ,
I hope for this problem you need to install the patch (4334965)
I hope this is the solution if you are using 11i.
I hope this may solve your problem.
I hope you can see the output in Excel Format.

Regard s
0 #24 Richa 2008-02-21 10:28
how to get xml tag for R12 CHECK PRINT.
i Want to get the value for supplier code, supplier site, beneficaiare name etc.
pl. let me know where will i get these information
0 #25 Ashwini 2008-09-11 11:31
Hi Anil

I have a doubt on the screen shots attached...

In the set up steps : 1) Does it mean by setting up the first step...always outputs of XML reports are in Excel format?

2) In the second step, by setting browser in the user level. It overrides the setting up of Excel in Site. Please let me know what is
the purpose of setting up of Browser in user level.

Thank you
0 #26 MP 2008-12-03 03:56
Hi ,
Firstly Thank You for sharing such useful information in a detailed way!!!

I created a report with output type XML and also created the required data definition and the template . When I run the report through SRS ,I choose the output type to be EXCEL. Even the preview style in the datadefinition is EXCEL . The report completes successfully but when I click "View Output" browser opens up and then it closes off but no data is seen .

Not sure where I am going wrong . I even tried the same report registered as the new concurrant program with output type as "TEXT" but even in this case if I select "Microsoft Excel" in viewer option that is seen a browser open and it closes off . No excel sheet is seen .

Please suggest .

Thanks and Regards
0 #27 Ravi 2009-03-18 12:04
Is there a way to default the XML publisher concurrent reports to Excel instead of going to option ans set the Formal to Excel.
0 #28 aa 2009-05-06 09:20

I have a XML Publisher report, when I run the request for the report I change the option to Excel format and sumit the request. But the output in Excel format has all fields wrapped and also the amount fields does not behave as Number field to summarize. Please help

0 #29 Grau 2009-08-06 11:32
Try to use native Excel templates :)
Welcome to xlspe.com
0 #30 Allah Baksh 2009-10-22 12:04
Hi Anil,

Thank you very for sharing this useful information.

Could you please let me know how we can zip the file before bursting the file to the user?

0 #31 IT box 2010-09-10 11:56
Hi Anil,
thanks for the info..i have a query.
I am getting 'unable to find the published output for this request' error when running my xml report.
fyi please...i am able to run the same report with same setup in once instance but not in other .

Can you please help me in this.
G opal
0 #32 karunakar16 2010-12-22 23:59
Hi all,

I tried in this process, My programs gets completed and Normal, Whenever I am going to view the output it is showing that No Data Found.

Please let me know where I have gone wrong....

0 #33 Richard Goldmanez 2021-07-28 02:39

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