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In this article I have listed a step by step demo of XML Publisher as a Concurrent Program in Oracle Apps.

I think it is very important that you get a feel of XML Publisher, as this will become the reporting tool in Fusion [assuming XMLP can become as powerful as Oracle Report in the given time].

Before I explain the steps in details with screenshots, let me brief them:-
a.    Create a report and register it as Concurrent Program of type XML
b.    Build a Data Definition & XML Template using XML Publisher.
c.    Create a relation between XML Template & Concurrent Program.

Sounds simple, it is indeed, but devil lies in detail. Hence read the below carefully.
I have provided the source code with installation instructions for you to try this. Please note to try this you need 11.5.10 environment.

Now lets get into the details….Step by Step…..
1. Create a table xx_emp_demo and insert two records into it.
create table xx_managers ( manager_no integer, manager_name varchar2(200) ) ;
insert into xx_managers ( manager_no, manager_name ) values ( 1000, 'Anil Passi') ;
insert into xx_managers ( manager_no, manager_name ) values ( 1001, 'Martin') ;

2. Next you need a concurrent program that spit out an XML file to the output of the concurrent program. Such concurrent program can be of type SQL or PL/SQL or Oracle Report or any other supportable type, provided it can produce a XML output.
Hence in this case, we will develop a Report that has all the columns from table xx_managers
Create a plain default Oracle Report using wizard in Oracle Reports 6i.
This can be done using wizard with SQL “select * from xx_managers”

Do not change anything in DESFORMAT, as Concurrent Manager will take care of passing XML to this. Hence XML Publisher will be fed an XML output by the concurrent manager itself.
3. Add three user parameters P_CONC_REQUEST_ID,  P_RESPONSIBILITY_ID, P_USER_ID
These parameters will make it possible to run a report as concurrent program.
Save the above RDF as XX_MANAGERS.rdf

4. FTP XX_MANAGERS.rdf  to $AR_TOP/reports/US
Silly it is, but for demo I will use standard Application [forgive me, but I am making it easier for you to run the source code].

5. Create Concurrent program executable for XMLP report, as if it is a normal report

6. Create a concurrent program for the executable. Note that I have kept the shortname and the program name both as XX_MANAGERS.
IMPORTANT:- Note that format is XML

7. Register this program with Receivables request group.
    ,REQUEST_GROUP       => 'Receivables All'
    ) ;    
    when others then
           dbms_output.put_line('Object already exists');

8. Run the report and you will see an xml output appearing. Save the output as XX_MANAGERS_241106.xml on your computer. You will need to use menu /Tool/Copy to open this XML output in browser, and then save it as XX_MANAGERS_241106.xml on your PC.


9. Install this XML Publisher Desktop software on your pc, ensuring that you have MS-Word installed(for this demo)
The XML Builder Desktop Patch for Word is Patch Number: 4561835
This software can be downloaded from

This is a tool given by Oracle[Desktop XML Publisher] that will read any XML file, will create the fields automatically.

10. Open MS Word after installing as per step 9, and you will now see something similar to below in Microsoft Word

Now in MS Word, click on “Load XML Data” and select file XX_MANAGERS_241106.xml that was created in Step 8.

11. Now, click on Insert/Table Form
And then drag and drop “List G Manager No” within the template section and click on OK.

Effectively by doing these steps, you have just created a Layout for the report in XML Publisher. The layout will look like this [as below].

Save this MSWord file as MANAGER_XML_TEMPLATE.rtf

By clicking on Preview, you will see the output as below

12. Now, lets do the real bit in attaching the Concurrent Program definition to XML
Publisher. Logon to responsibility “XML Publisher Administrator”.

Click on “Data Definition” menu as above…so that we can create the XMLs source data Definition. Effectively we are saying that output of the Concurrent program becomes the data definition for XMLP.

Lets define the value in below fields
Application : Receivables
Code : XX_MANAGERS  [Note: This is the short name of the Concurrent program]
Start Date : Leave it to default Sysdate
Click on “Apply”

13. Now lets define a template as below for XML Publisher.

For doing so, click on Templates Tab. We need to create a Template for the data-definition of previous step.

Name : XX_MANAGERS  [this is the name of the template]
Code : XX_MANAGERS  [short name of conc program]
Application : Receivables
Data Definition : XX_MANAGERS [the one that we created in prior step 12]
Start Date: : Leave this default.
Type : RTF
Click on browse and select the RTF file[MANAGER_XML_TEMPLATE.rtf] that you had saved in Step 11.

Click on Apply, and you will get the record.

14. Navigate to “Receivables Manager” and submit report XX_MANAGERS.
Click on Output button to see the report.

Anil Passi


0 #1 kartikey 2006-11-26 00:00
Hi Anil,
Thanks! I want to make a request that can plz make a article on how to make Audit trail reports or how to manage it.
0 #2 Anil Passi 2006-11-26 00:00
Hi Kartikey,

As per your request, I have now written an article on Audit Trail, which can be accessed from the link below.


Please note that in any Audit Trail, the prime objective is to capture the changed data.
For reporting you can use a Discoverer report or an Oracle report, based on a SELECT statement on Audit tables.

Many thanks,
Anil Passi
0 #3 kartikey 2006-11-26 00:00
Hi Anil,
Thanks! I want to make a request that can plz make a article on how to make Audit trail reports or how to manage it.
0 #4 Anil Passi 2006-11-26 00:00
Hi Kartikey,

As per your request, I have now written an article on Audit Trail, which can be accessed from the link below.


Please note that in any Audit Trail, the prime objective is to capture the changed data.
For reporting you can use a Discoverer report or an Oracle report, based on a SELECT statement on Audit tables.

Many thanks,
Anil Passi
0 #5 Khwaja 2006-11-27 00:00
Hello Anil,

I found the solution for this. I was using Reports 9i and there the XML Prolog default value is

so i changed this to

this solved my problem..

You have written a very good tutorial.

Re gards,
0 #6 Khwaja 2006-11-27 00:00
Hello Anil,

I am thankful to you for your tutorial.
I learned the basics now. I feel I can do further analysis easily.
Can you please give some tutorial like this for customizing self service applications.
Like adding an additional page or changing some fields in the existing selfservice application.

Khwa ja Hassan
0 #7 Khwaja 2006-11-27 00:00
Hello Anil,

I found the solution for this. I was using Reports 9i and there the XML Prolog default value is

so i changed this to

this solved my problem..

You have written a very good tutorial.

Re gards,
0 #8 Khwaja 2006-11-27 00:00
Hello Anil,

I am thankful to you for your tutorial.
I learned the basics now. I feel I can do further analysis easily.
Can you please give some tutorial like this for customizing self service applications.
Like adding an additional page or changing some fields in the existing selfservice application.

Khwa ja Hassan
0 #9 Anil Passi 2006-11-28 00:00
Many thanks Kishore for sharing your experience on XMLP. I agree, the preview option is fantastic. It saves you the round trips of running the Concurrent Program repeatedly.
0 #10 Anil Passi 2006-11-28 00:00
Many thanks Kishore for sharing your experience on XMLP. I agree, the preview option is fantastic. It saves you the round trips of running the Concurrent Program repeatedly.
0 #11 zoha 2006-11-29 00:00
Hey Anil,
Beautiful site, i was wondering weather u could help me
1. In invoice report how would u print along with the line item description the lot # it came from and what quantity was shipped from the lot.
2. I have to make this report print using xml publisher but in different laguages im thinking miltiple templates attached to the same report in diff languages and accroding to territory any ideas how i can make this work??
would really appreciate the help!
0 #12 zoha 2006-11-29 00:00
Hey Anil,
Beautiful site, i was wondering weather u could help me
1. In invoice report how would u print along with the line item description the lot # it came from and what quantity was shipped from the lot.
2. I have to make this report print using xml publisher but in different laguages im thinking miltiple templates attached to the same report in diff languages and accroding to territory any ideas how i can make this work??
would really appreciate the help!
0 #13 Anil Passi 2006-11-30 00:00
Hi Zoha,
==>print along with the line item description the lot # it came from and what quantity was shipped from the lot.
Ans: Change the Report Data group query to include that information. Next using the XML Publisher tool, include those two additional fields. You should be able to join the Receivables Invoice Line to Original Sales Order and join that to Delivery lines and from there join to inventory to get lot number details.

==>report print using xml publisher but in different laguages im thinking miltiple templates
Ans: Indeed, you need to define two different RTF Templates. At the time of submission you can specify the language settings for the concurrent program.
NOTE: I think in receivables, it is possible to set the language against the customer bill to site. You may find that Oracle automatically works out the language the invoice needs to be printed in from the Customers Bill Site.

thanks ,
anil passi
0 #14 Anil Passi 2006-11-30 00:00
Hi Zoha,
==>print along with the line item description the lot # it came from and what quantity was shipped from the lot.
Ans: Change the Report Data group query to include that information. Next using the XML Publisher tool, include those two additional fields. You should be able to join the Receivables Invoice Line to Original Sales Order and join that to Delivery lines and from there join to inventory to get lot number details.

==>report print using xml publisher but in different laguages im thinking miltiple templates
Ans: Indeed, you need to define two different RTF Templates. At the time of submission you can specify the language settings for the concurrent program.
NOTE: I think in receivables, it is possible to set the language against the customer bill to site. You may find that Oracle automatically works out the language the invoice needs to be printed in from the Customers Bill Site.

thanks ,
anil passi
0 #15 zoha 2006-12-04 00:00
Hey Anil,
Thank you for the advice. For the line item lot number and shipping quantity for each item im using the follwing query

rct a.trx_number,
ra_customer_trx _lines_all.desc ription,
--ra_ customer_trx_li nes_all.
--nd. NAME Delivery#,
dd.shipped_qu antity,
dd.lot _number
wsh_del ivery_details dd,
wsh_delivery_ assignments da,
wsh_new_deliv eries nd,
ra_custome r_trx_lines_all ,
ra_customer_ trx_all rcta
rc ta.CUSTOMER_TRX _ID = ra_customer_trx _lines_all.CUST OMER_TRX_ID
an d dd.INVENTORY_IT EM_ID = ra_customer_trx _lines_all.INVE NTORY_ITEM_ID
AND da.delivery_id = nd.delivery_id
AND dd.delivery_det ail_id = da.delivery_det ail_id
AND dd.lot_number IS NOT NULL

but im not sure it is right can u suggest how i can correct it

thank you
0 #16 zoha 2006-12-04 00:00
Hey Anil,
Thank you for the advice. For the line item lot number and shipping quantity for each item im using the follwing query

rct a.trx_number,
ra_customer_trx _lines_all.desc ription,
--ra_ customer_trx_li nes_all.
--nd. NAME Delivery#,
dd.shipped_qu antity,
dd.lot _number
wsh_del ivery_details dd,
wsh_delivery_ assignments da,
wsh_new_deliv eries nd,
ra_custome r_trx_lines_all ,
ra_customer_ trx_all rcta
rc ta.CUSTOMER_TRX _ID = ra_customer_trx _lines_all.CUST OMER_TRX_ID
an d dd.INVENTORY_IT EM_ID = ra_customer_trx _lines_all.INVE NTORY_ITEM_ID
AND da.delivery_id = nd.delivery_id
AND dd.delivery_det ail_id = da.delivery_det ail_id
AND dd.lot_number IS NOT NULL

but im not sure it is right can u suggest how i can correct it

thank you
+1 #17 zoha 2006-12-08 00:00
Hey Anil
Im using report builder 10g and ive come across the same error as khwaja when i run the report it says complete with warning and when i see diagnostics and click see xml it give me the samew error im not sure why but above i cant see the value for XML Prolog default value and what khwaja changed to to solve the problem do u have the value and can u post it thanking u again

0 #18 zoha 2006-12-08 00:00
Hey Anil
Im using report builder 10g and ive come across the same error as khwaja when i run the report it says complete with warning and when i see diagnostics and click see xml it give me the samew error im not sure why but above i cant see the value for XML Prolog default value and what khwaja changed to to solve the problem do u have the value and can u post it thanking u again

0 #19 zoha 2006-12-10 00:00
Hey Amit
Thanx a lot for ur help so far i just wanted to know is there a step by step guide as to how to set parameters when u register a report in apps i mean the user parameters we set in rdf file when we resgiter the report how do we set them i know it has somthing to do with tokens any help would be appreciated.
T hanx again in advance.

Zoh a.
0 #20 zoha 2006-12-10 00:00
Hey Amit
Thanx a lot for ur help so far i just wanted to know is there a step by step guide as to how to set parameters when u register a report in apps i mean the user parameters we set in rdf file when we resgiter the report how do we set them i know it has somthing to do with tokens any help would be appreciated.
T hanx again in advance.

Zoh a.
0 #21 Anil Passi 2006-12-11 00:00
Hi Zoha,

When you define a concurrent program, you get a button labeled parameters.
If you click on that button, you will then be able to define the parameter. The value that you enter in token field for RDF report must exactly match the name of the user parameter.

F or PL/SQL concurrent programs you can leave the token field blank, as parameters defined in conc program are mapped sequentially to pl/sql procedure parameters.

0 #22 Anil Passi 2006-12-11 00:00
Hi Zoha,

When you define a concurrent program, you get a button labeled parameters.
If you click on that button, you will then be able to define the parameter. The value that you enter in token field for RDF report must exactly match the name of the user parameter.

F or PL/SQL concurrent programs you can leave the token field blank, as parameters defined in conc program are mapped sequentially to pl/sql procedure parameters.

0 #23 Anil Passi 2006-12-12 00:00
Hi Shri,

Please click this link for the answer.

Anil Passi
0 #24 Anil Passi 2006-12-12 00:00
Hi Shri,

Please click this link for the answer.

Anil Passi
0 #25 Anil Passi 2007-01-02 00:00
Hi Santosh,

The se parameters are mandatory for all the rdf reports that are run as Concurrent Programs.
Conc urrent manager accesses these parameters, hence are mandatory. I think Oracle uses these parameters to set fnd_global.init ialize for the new report session[not sure]
Anil Passi
0 #26 Santhosh 2007-01-02 00:00
Hi Anil,
One more doubt from me about XML Publisher. You have mentioned about three user parameters P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID,P_RESPONSIBI LITY_ID, P_USER_ID. Are these mandatory parameters? If so then what is the need for it?.I have created a concurrent program without these parameters and it is working fine? Could you please clarify me on this?

Regard s
0 #27 santhosh 2007-01-02 00:00
Thanks Anil

0 #28 Anil Passi 2007-01-02 00:00
Hi Santosh,

The se parameters are mandatory for all the rdf reports that are run as Concurrent Programs.
Conc urrent manager accesses these parameters, hence are mandatory. I think Oracle uses these parameters to set fnd_global.init ialize for the new report session[not sure]
Anil Passi
0 #29 Santhosh 2007-01-02 00:00
Hi Anil,
One more doubt from me about XML Publisher. You have mentioned about three user parameters P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID,P_RESPONSIBI LITY_ID, P_USER_ID. Are these mandatory parameters? If so then what is the need for it?.I have created a concurrent program without these parameters and it is working fine? Could you please clarify me on this?

Regard s
0 #30 santhosh 2007-01-02 00:00
Thanks Anil

0 #31 bhuvi 2007-01-05 00:00

Can you provide me some info on XMLP? I wanted to know the steps of converting an .rdf to xmlp report automatically using some java class.Pls revert back if you have any info on this.
0 #32 Anil Passi 2007-01-05 00:00
You can write scripts to use fnd_programs_pk g[or fnd_programs] API, such that existing reports definitions become XMLP.

But the format triggers of the RDF report will not work in XMLP. I think this migration will happen one by one basis

anil passi
0 #33 bhuvi 2007-01-05 00:00

Can you provide me some info on XMLP? I wanted to know the steps of converting an .rdf to xmlp report automatically using some java class.Pls revert back if you have any info on this.
0 #34 Anil Passi 2007-01-05 00:00
You can write scripts to use fnd_programs_pk g[or fnd_programs] API, such that existing reports definitions become XMLP.

But the format triggers of the RDF report will not work in XMLP. I think this migration will happen one by one basis

anil passi
0 #35 Anil Passi 2007-01-16 00:00
Hi Bhuvi,

Are you saying that when you run the report, it does not produce XML output, and merely produces the plain text output?

Than ks,
Anil Passi
0 #36 bhuvi 2007-01-16 00:00
No anil,it produces xml output when i run conc prog. But 14th step u have mentioned is not clear for me,so pls can you provide screenshots or detailed step on how to submit.

14)Navigate to “Receivables Manager” and submit report XX_MANAGERS.
C lick on Output button to see the report as pasted below.

here name of the report is SampleRep same name i have maintained for conc prg,data defn,datatempla te, So when i navigate to respective responsibility and try submitting request by giving SampleRep it picks up the conc prog only.But wheres the report or data definintion running???? pls rep ASAP.

Thanks .
0 #37 Anil Passi 2007-01-16 00:00
Hi Bhuvi,

Are you saying that when you run the report, it does not produce XML output, and merely produces the plain text output?

Than ks,
Anil Passi
0 #38 bhuvi 2007-01-16 00:00
No anil,it produces xml output when i run conc prog. But 14th step u have mentioned is not clear for me,so pls can you provide screenshots or detailed step on how to submit.

14)Navigate to “Receivables Manager” and submit report XX_MANAGERS.
C lick on Output button to see the report as pasted below.

here name of the report is SampleRep same name i have maintained for conc prg,data defn,datatempla te, So when i navigate to respective responsibility and try submitting request by giving SampleRep it picks up the conc prog only.But wheres the report or data definintion running???? pls rep ASAP.

Thanks .
0 #39 Anil Passi 2007-01-19 00:00
Hi Agostino,

Mo st likely you are correct. The last time I developed APPS reports were in 11.0.3 version. And I vaguely remember it was a good practice to define all these parameters, specifically for Multi-Org Reports, whereby we used to invoke SRW User Exit API to set the global context. I think the OrgId UserExit references all these parameters to set the context.

Tha nks,
Anil Passi
0 #40 agostino_neto 2007-01-19 00:00
Thanks Anil.
I will try to reproduce it.
I have always heard that only P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID was mandatory to use SRW.
That said - I think there is no problem for declaring the three parameters.
0 #41 Anil Passi 2007-01-19 00:00
Hi Agostino,
Plea se could you email me the image that should be in Step 14. I will put that image onto this article in step14

Anil passi
0 #42 Anil Passi 2007-01-19 00:00
Hi Agostino,

Mo st likely you are correct. The last time I developed APPS reports were in 11.0.3 version. And I vaguely remember it was a good practice to define all these parameters, specifically for Multi-Org Reports, whereby we used to invoke SRW User Exit API to set the global context. I think the OrgId UserExit references all these parameters to set the context.

Tha nks,
Anil Passi
0 #43 agostino_neto 2007-01-19 00:00
Thanks Anil.
I will try to reproduce it.
I have always heard that only P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID was mandatory to use SRW.
That said - I think there is no problem for declaring the three parameters.
0 #44 Anil Passi 2007-01-19 00:00
Hi Agostino,
Plea se could you email me the image that should be in Step 14. I will put that image onto this article in step14

Anil passi
0 #45 Anil Passi 2007-01-23 00:00
Hi Bismi

Good question, and a very demandig user you have got.

I suggest, you submit a concurrent request.In your preview screen, you will have a button of type SubmitForm. Hence when the button is clicked, you can write code in processFormRequ est to submit a concurrent request of type XML Publisher.
Use class ConcurrentReque st, it has a method named SubmitRequest.

Ani l Passi
0 #46 bismi rahaman 2007-01-23 00:00
Excellent article Anil! Do you also have an example on how to invoke XMLP from OA Framework Pages. In our requirement we have a custom OA pages wherein the customer wants to generate the report on the fly by clicking a preveiw button. I can generate the XML from VO but how do I pass this XML to a template to get the required PDF
Bi smi
0 #47 Anil Passi 2007-01-23 00:00
Hi Bismi

Good question, and a very demandig user you have got.

I suggest, you submit a concurrent request.In your preview screen, you will have a button of type SubmitForm. Hence when the button is clicked, you can write code in processFormRequ est to submit a concurrent request of type XML Publisher.
Use class ConcurrentReque st, it has a method named SubmitRequest.

Ani l Passi
0 #48 bismi rahaman 2007-01-23 00:00
Excellent article Anil! Do you also have an example on how to invoke XMLP from OA Framework Pages. In our requirement we have a custom OA pages wherein the customer wants to generate the report on the fly by clicking a preveiw button. I can generate the XML from VO but how do I pass this XML to a template to get the required PDF
Bi smi
0 #49 Zoha 2007-01-25 00:00
Hey Anil,
How r u? Just wanted to thank you again for this excellent site. Anil i had 2 questions
1. I developed shipping documents like packing slip and commercial invoices using the seeded report in xml publisher. Now oracle says running it as part of the shipping process is not possible because that functionality for xml publisher in in release 12. Is there anyway i can get my customized xml report to run as part of the ship confirm process?
2. What is the logic which is used by the packing slip and commercial invoice to select language to be printed in and how do we set the templates so that they automatically get selected.

Ur help is greatly appreciated

0 #50 Anil Passi 2007-01-31 00:00
Hi Sateesh

SUM( ) will return 0. If you do not wish to see 0, then do a decode, as below
select decode(sum(),0, null,sum()) from dual

0 #51 Zoha 2007-01-31 00:00
Hey Anil,
How r you? Thanx for all ur help till now. We have this situation in conversions we are setting the language in the charactersitic tab of each address of customers.
Now i Have say a packing slip and its in xml publisher i have registered 3 templates for this report using diff language and territory settings. Now when we run the report will it know which template to pick automatically based on the defination of the template and the language we set at the ship to level of the customer or do we have to manually select the correct language template from the LOV of templates registererd.... .if thats the case how can we automaye this??

0 #52 Kiran 2007-02-06 00:00
Thanks a ton Anil - blog was very helpful in getting me started.

I have a question though - am generating remittance advice using XMLP. My customer requires me to email the remittance advice as an attachment; and wants this done as a part of the concurrent program that generates remittance advice. Would you have any idea how to go about it?

PS: I did search the oracle forums, found a couple of topics on this matter - but no concrete answer was forthcoming.

0 #53 Anil Passi 2007-02-07 00:00
Hi Kiran

have a look at http://www.google.com/search?q=site:apps2fusion.com+send-binary-attachments-with-notifications-in-workflow

You can use workflows to Email files as attachments.

An il Passi
0 #54 Rajeev 2007-03-14 00:00
Hi Anil,

U r doing a awesome job.

I have a question that whether XML report will work with ver 11.5.9 or this feature will only be available in 11.5.10.

If it is possible to generate XML report then pls do let me know coz when i submitt the concurrent program and its gets completed successfully also it generates the output in text format, I have checked in the Concurrent program definition also its Output format is XML.

Thanks n Regards
Rajeev Kumar
0 #55 Anirudh 2007-03-19 00:00

I have a similar kind of report except that a notification has to be fired to every manager
in excel format the Concurrent program is running well and the O/p in concurrent requests is also in correct format but when the notification is sent to managers in the excel sheet i see only html tags and i dont know why

please help me out


0 #56 Anil Passi 2007-03-22 00:00
Hi Kishore

Of course I remember you.

Thanks for sharing this. I have uploaded your data template at link http://www.apps2fusion.com/docs_apps/demo/xmlp/xxont_so_dt.xml

An il
0 #57 Srini 2007-04-03 00:00
Hi Anil,
I followed following steps since I had rdf file:
1- Defined Concurrent Program with output as XML
2- Defined Data Definition with a code the same as concurrent program shortname
3- Added Concurrent program to a request group.
4- Ran the concurrent program, request output will be in XML format.
5- Save this file to your desktop
6- Built RTF Template Layout
7- Defined xml template and associated the data definition and load XML template rtf file.
8 - Run the report again. it should be published using the template.

In the result, I was not able to find some of the fields like Item Number and some of the formula columns.

Ple ase let me know anything else I need to do?

Thanks in Advance!!
Srin i.
0 #58 umesh 2007-04-30 00:00
hi Anil,
This is a wonderful article it helped me lot. My requirement is i want ouput in EXCEL through Application directly can we use XML publisher since it can give ouput in EXCEL.. if yes then how? Because i can get ouput only in PDF format only.

I will be very greatful if u can help me out.

0 #59 Anil Passi 2007-04-30 00:00
Generating an excel is very straightforward . Have a look at article http://www.google.com/search?q=site:apps2fusion.com+technical-interview-questions-oracle-apps

And search for text excel within it

Anil Passi
0 #60 Subhamay 2007-05-03 00:00
Hi Anil,
Thanks for your excellent work!!Can you write an article to show how to incorporate Flexfield Data in the XML Publisher reports.

Tha nks,
0 #61 Srini 2007-05-14 00:00
Hi Friends,
It was nice to see such a good examples about XML Publisher.
I am currently facing one problem.
My report contains multiple Queries and are linked thru data link.
When I generate XML Output from the reports I am not getting the underlaying data from the other queries which are linked to the main query.

Thank s in Advance.
Srini vas
0 #62 Sai 2007-05-20 00:00
Hi Anil,

Certia nly the great effort you made to make the things easy for a developer.For me,the things were really exciting upto step-14.
But while running the report finally(as per step-14),i have the following error log.

Please advice as it is really difficult for me now to track the things.

Erro r Log
+--------- ---- 1) PUBLISH -------------+
Beginning post-processing of request 9382219 on node OADEVDB03 at 20-MAY-2007 00:21:57.
Post -processing of request 9382219 failed at 20-MAY-2007 00:23:57 with the error message:
The Output Post-processor is running but has not picked up this request.
No further attempts will be made to post-process this request, and the request will be marked
with Warning status.
Settin g the profile option Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout to a higher value may be necessary.
+-- --------------- --------------- ------+

0 #63 shekar 2007-06-01 00:00
Hi anil,
Thanks for your excellent work!!Can you write an article to show how to generate a report with parameters. what i want to say is suppose i want to generate a report by taking the inputs from user.The inputs are like starting date and ending date . And want to display the report with in those dates.
I will be very greatful if u can help me out.
0 #64 Anil Passi 2007-06-05 00:00
Hi Darshan

Many thanks for sharing this info.

Regard s,
Anil Passi
0 #65 someshwar 2007-06-06 00:00
how to submit XML publisher through back end with parameters. I mean using any package or procedure.
0 #66 Gayatri Jayaraman 2007-06-13 00:00
Hi Anil,
Im trying to develop a report which will display chart of accounts ,its entity,branches and Cost Center. The report is developed using xml publisher. The problem is beacuse of the data volume im unable to write the xml data directly to the output file and if i break the data into manegable chunks to be written, the program takes a long time to complete.

Ca n you pls Help me?

Thanks & Regards,
Gayatri Jayaraman
0 #67 Tony 2007-06-18 00:00
Hi Anil,

I am not sure what happened, the next day the XMLP report was running fine without any modifications.

Anyway thank you for your reply, As by now i developed a couple of XML reports and trying out differant things

Thank You
0 #68 sourav 2007-06-19 00:00
Hi Anil,
I did all the above steps, but when finally when i ran the report i got the xml output rather than the templete output,so please help me in this.
0 #69 Anil Passi 2007-06-22 00:00
Hi Amit

Not sure what you mean.Parameter for report registered as conc program are exactly the same as that for any other normal report which is registered as concurrent program.

Par ameters can be passed in exactly the same manner as that for Oracle Reports

Than ks,
0 #70 Tony 2007-06-27 00:00
Hi Anil,

I developed an XML report, now i want to edit the rdf query, what are the steps to be done so that the changes will get reflected

Th anks
0 #71 Anil Passi 2007-06-27 00:00
Hi Tony, if you have simply modified the whereclause then no change is needed for XMLP

However if you have changed the structure of the results i.e. the output, then you have to reflect those changes into the template too.

Anil Passi
0 #72 Kiran 2007-06-27 00:00
Hi Anil,

Colud you please explain about the conversion XML to XLS format. I need some code on this XML to excel format.

Than ks,
0 #73 Anil Passi 2007-06-27 00:00
Hi Kiran

I think this link http://www.google.com/search?q=site:apps2fusion.com+how-to-open-using-excel-spreadsheets-directly-from-the-concurrent-re.html answers your question about excel.

Thank s,
Anil Passi
0 #74 tony 2007-06-28 00:00
Hi Anil,

I am getting one problem in the header and footer section.
How to recreate the problem
------ --------------- -------
1. create a word template which has 3 pages
2. Insert some header and footer
3. now the same header is coming in all the 3 pages in the template
4. the report is just text feilds(ie fetching no xml data)

The Problem
------ -----------
Th e header and footer is coming only in alternate pages ie in page 1 and 3, while running from SRS

Steps taken to solve this
--------- ---------------
In Words Page setup-Layout Tab--Header and footer section-- differant odd and even =is not checked
differ ant first page = is not checked

Than k you for the Patience
0 #75 Tony 2007-07-03 07:15
1. Header and Footer is coming only in Odd Pages(The checkbox for odd or even pages is not ticked)
2. How to get Excel report without the White background
0 #76 spriha 2007-07-05 07:17
can we use xml publisher without the support of APPS & also can we generate multiple reports with XML publisher? if yes it would be nice if u give the method.

0 #77 Venu 2007-07-05 21:29
Hi Anil

You are doing a great job in explaining things in a simple manner.
I am also receiving the same error which is reported by Sai. Request you to address it.
/* ERROR */
------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------
Beginning post-processing of request 1515874 on node UACIN006 at 05-JUL-2007 15:47:37.
Post- processing of request 1515874 failed at 05-JUL-2007 15:52:37 with the error message:
The Output Post-processor is running but has not picked up this request.
No further attempts will be made to post-process this request, and the request will be marked
with Warning status.
Setting the profile option Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout to a higher value may be necessary.
/* ERROR */

Thanks and Regards
0 #78 Anil Passi 2007-07-05 22:12
Hi Venu

Check with your DBA's if OPP is up and running.
Output Post Processor(OPP) is a Conc Manager itself that processes the output of the XMLP enabled concurrent program.
This manager must be up and running. Bounce your Concurrent Manager and ensure OPP is runnning.

Also , run this SQL

Set this profile to a value of say 1200, and then bounce conc manager

Full name of this profile option is "Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout"

Thank s,
Anil Passi
0 #79 Mohamed Ismael Wahba 2007-07-13 20:38
First of all I would like to thank you for this wonderful site. Its very educational to me. Learning a lot from here.

I have a question on XML Publisher. Can you give me some input on how to print XML PDF report straight from concurrent manager. Currently after running the report we need to open up in PDF reader and then send to the printer. Can you shed some light on this.

0 #80 Anil Passi 2007-07-14 05:27
Hi Deepak,

It should be possible to print the output directly from concurrent manager, if print copies at the time of submission is greater than 0.
You haven't mentioned of any error in log file when print copies is more than 0.
Two important metalink notes are 316447.1 and 338990.1

Try to Submit the request to print with the "PDF Publisher" print style and with number of copies to 1 or more.

There is a metalink note[338990.1] titled "How To Print XML Publisher PDF Reports Via The Concurrent Manager?"
Pleas e get your DBAs to implement this note.

If your patching level is lower than 11.5.10 CU4 then raise an SR, as you also might need an additional patch to get this to work.

Anil Passi
0 #81 vvrpavan 2007-08-23 19:46
Hi Anil,

We are trying to print some text every alternate page on the xml report, can you please suggest any better way.


0 #82 Alaka 2007-08-27 10:44
Hi, Anil...
Can you give me a description about Entity Objects in Oracle Apps. It is better if it is with an example..
Thank s...
0 #83 Rakesh Sreenivasa 2007-08-31 11:32
Hi Anil,

Can we associate single short_name to multiple templates/data definitions. If Yes, does the user gets prompted on which format of Output is required. Please let me know.
0 #84 Anil Passi 2007-09-01 16:14
Hi Rakesh

Yes, that should be possible. You can attach as many formats as required to a concurrent program

Thanks ,
Anil Passi
0 #85 cavaya 2007-09-06 14:11
Hi Anil,

i read some of your articles about oracle i feel this one of the correct blog to get awareness on the subject.

curre ntly i am working on xml publisher and facing following problem while i am going to register template in template window:

My RTF template works fine in preview mode in Word (using XML publisher desk top tool). I go to upload it via XML Publisher Adminstator and I get a screen that just says "You have encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the System Administrator for assistance."

T he only option i have to Log out. Is there a way to validate my template to know what could possibly be wrong with it?

sa i krishna
0 #86 Simardeep Bedi 2007-09-07 19:14
Hi Friends,

I am not sure whether this topic has been discussed or not. I am facing a problem in attaching multiple templates to the same concurrent request. Please let me know whether it is possible or not. As per requirement, I need to attach 2 different templates to one concurrent request (APXPBFEL). When I try to create the data definition or template, I get the error "You entered a duplicate data definition. Please change the Name, Code and/or Application and reapply". Can I not attach more than one template to the same request of the same application? Please let me know.

0 #87 Rakesh Sreenivasa 2007-09-12 21:27
I need to change the format of the PO Delivery date generated from Standard generation of PO.

Future -- 2007-08-10T11:4 6:06 0000 (Post Modify)

Presen t -- 2007-08-10T11:4 6:06 00:00 (Present)

Ho w do i go about modifying and what should i modify , please let me know .
0 #88 Mahdev R. 2007-09-19 08:33
Hi Anil,
I tried the above tutorial, but couldn't get see anything in the output. I've done exactly the way you have explained. Secondly under the XML Publisher Administration at our site I couldn't see the Administration Tab as shown in your screen shots. Do I need to add that tab and do something in there?

Can you please help ?

Mahde v
0 #89 Ritu 2007-09-19 15:55
Hi Anil
Please can you come up with an article for generating XML Publisher reports from OAF? The VO I have for my page generates an XML output which I would want to feed to the XMLP. This is urgent.

0 #90 rash 2007-09-24 11:43
Hi Santosh/Anil

A s per Santosh's Question You have mentioned about three user parameters P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID,P_RESPONSIBI LITY_ID, P_USER_ID. Are these mandatory parameters?As per my thinking n knowledge when ever u use srw.USER_EXIT ('FND SRWINIT') or FND SRWEXIT then u need to define p_conc_request_ id as a parameter to the report.Other wise its not neccessary to define P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID,P_RESPONSIBI LITY_ID, P_USER_ID otherwise no need to declare P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID,P_RESPONSIBI LITY_ID, P_USER_ID these parameters.More over report will run fine wthout P_CONC_REQUEST_ ID parameters too.

Correct me if i m wrong

0 #91 Anil Passi 2007-09-24 13:16
Hi Rashmi

You have hit the nail on its head, your explanation is correct.

Thank s,
Anil Passi
0 #92 Ravinder YAdav 2007-09-28 05:14
Hi Anil,
I create the report in BI PUBLISHER. How I register this report in E business suit
Ravinde r
0 #93 Ravinder YAdav 2007-09-28 06:35
Hi Anil,
I create the report in BI PUBLISHER. How I register this report in E business suit
Ravinde r
0 #94 Ifath 2007-10-09 08:48
Hi Anil,
i have tried the slution given above, by Tony for this problem... but i still cant see the header and footer on even pages in the report output... i can see the header and footer in the even pages of the template but not in the output... my first page consists of summary data of the report and details data starts from the second page. so, i have given a page break before detail data starts. is there a connection between this page break and the problem that i am facing?? plz help...

Regard s,
Ifath :(
0 #95 srrp 2007-10-11 06:34
Hi Anil

Thanks for giving this type of Artical.
This Artical helped me very well.

My Requirement is I need to call the xml publisher rtf/pdf template from the custom form
My custom form is having one push button, if i press that push button it has to display the XML PUBLISHER REPORT TEMPLATE OUTPUT.

Please explain me clearly its urgent

0 #96 Milan 2007-10-30 21:19
Hi Raja,

Use FND_REQUEST.SUB MIT_REQUEST to call the concurrent program. And this CP will have XMLP report attached as output.

M ilan
0 #97 ratnesh pandey 2007-11-13 12:12
hi anil,
its always nice to see your article and learn from.
i have one xml publisher report and i am still worried abt how to handle formula column in xml publisher report ,if ur using data defination file and template in xml data administrator.
please let me know ....its very important for me ...also i want to know how to change currency in words (need to handle in xml publisher report).iknow how to handle it through rdf formula column .i want to know how to handle in data defination file for xml reports.
thanks in advance....
reg ards
0 #98 prabhakarreddy 2007-11-20 06:03
Hi Anil,
I want need information on Unix with ShellScript ,here as a Apps Technical consultant how much knowledge require on that.plse could u share some information.

R egards
Prabhaka r
0 #99 I.K.Srinivas 2007-11-22 04:42
Hi Anil

PLease suggest me, how to print the parameter values in the XML publisher report.
0 #100 saleema 2007-11-22 10:05
Extremely Informative and clear. Thank you. :)
0 #101 rajeshkoripalli 2007-11-27 04:51
Hi anil,

U r atricles are very informative, thanks for ur continous support.

I would like to know how can we a custom field to an Standard XML Template.
0 #102 Subhash 2007-12-01 09:50
Thanks a Ton for this information!! :)
0 #103 gjagesh 2007-12-12 10:35
Hi Anil,
Is there any way in XMLP to create dynamic template. according to the SQL query the template should create.
my requirement is having many sql scripts run from one concurrent request ...needs to show the output using XMLP
Please suggest me any work around.
Thanks in Advance...
0 #104 SLakshmi 2008-01-20 03:37
Hi Anil I am working on AP Payments check format.
Our requirement is to print the invoices on a pre-printed stationary.
We have to print the invoices on this page and page below we are going to have the check.
if the invoies are less than 10,it is priting on the first page and check is also printing on the first page.this is as per our requirement it is coming correctly.
But the problem is when ever there is invoies over flowing mean more than some 30,then the check is moving to the second page but this should not happen,
our requirement is when ever there is a over flow of the invoices it shold print half on the first page and check also sholud be printed on the first page the over flowing records should goto the second page and check should not print on the second page we have to show some void statement in place of the check.
this is our requirement and we are facing problem only with the over flowing invoices.
Pleas e help me in this as soon as possible.

Thanks in Advance
0 #105 Kate 2008-02-05 02:34
Hi Anil ,
I have some question , how can I fix this one?

I have performed all that you suggested and more thing I also
run script (cmclean.sql) but it still not work.
Begi nning post-processing of request 1045407 on node MATHERP at 05-FEB-2008 08:32:30.
Post- processing of request 1045407 failed at 05-FEB-2008 08:34:30 with the error message:
The Output Post-processor is running but has not picked up this request.
No further attempts will be made to post-process this request, and the request will be marked
with Warning status.
Setting the profile option Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout to a higher value may be necessary. :(

Thank you so much.
0 #106 Anil Passi 2008-02-05 04:54
You will find the solution in Metalink Note:352518.1
E xcerpt from that note is below.....
Appl ies to:
Oracle XML Publisher - Version: 11.5.1 to 11.5.10
Oracle Application Object Library - Version: 11.5.1 to 11.5.10
This problem can occur on any platform.
Execu table: XDOREPPB - Generate PDF from XML output and given template
Concur rent Manager: Output Post Processor Output Post Processor
Sympt oms
A concurrent request fails to complete due to a timeout caused by the Concurrent Processing integration with XML Publisher
funct ionality (Patch 3435480). Two possible errors can occur, but never at the same time:

Error Message A (CONC-PP NO RESPONSE):

The Output Post Processor is running but has not picked up this request.

No further attempts will be made to post-process this request, and the request will be marked

with Warning status.

Settin g the profile option 'Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout' to a higher value may be necessary.

Er ror Message B (CONC-PP TIMEOUT):

The concurrent manager has timed out waiting for the Output Post Processor to finish this request.

Chec k that there are enough Output Post Processor service processes running.

More information may be found in the service process logfile.

Cause A
The Concurrent Manager process generates the XML data file. Upon completion it will trigger the Output Post Processor in order to merge the XML data file and the template which was selected on the Submit Request form.

The number of Concurrent Requests that the Output Post Processor can handle in parallel depends upon:
- the number of Processes
- the number of Threads Per Process

The default values are 2 Processes and 5 Threads Per Process so a total of 10 reports can be processed in parallel.

In case there are other Concurrent Requests running which have already invoked the OPP then it might happen that no additional requests can be picked up for a period of time. The pending request will be picked up as soon as one of the running jobs completes.

By default a timeout will occur if it takes longer then 120 seconds (2 min.) for the Output Post Processor to pick up the request from the Concurrent Manager process. In that case, the Concurrent Request will complete with status Warning and the Request log file will contain Error Message A (see above).

Cause B
Once the Output Post Processor picks up the request, the XML Publisher engine is invoked to generate the final output file. The time that this takes will depends on various elements such as:
- size of the XML Data File
- complexity of the template
- performance of the server
- ....

By default a timeout will occur if it takes longer then 300 seconds (5 min.) for the XML Publisher engine to generate the output file. The Concurrent Request will complete with status Warning and the Request log file will contain Error Message B.

Th ere are 2 new profiles options that can be used to control the timeouts. Depending on the error message, one of the following solutions needs to be implemented.

P rofile Option : Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout
Descr iption : Specifies the amount of time a manager waits for OPP to respond to its request for post processing.

Pr ofile Option : Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout
Descri ption : Specifies the amount of time the manager waits for the OPP to actually process the request.

Note: The profile options are available as of $FND_TOP/patch/ 115/sql/AFCPOPR B.pls 115.3 and are included in Patch 4125550 11.5.10 CU2 for ATG Product family.

Soluti on A
Option 1: Increase the value (in seconds) for the profile option 'Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout'.
Optio n 2: Increase the number of processes or threads (or both) of the OPP via Oracle Applications Manager (see Note 291792.1 for the detailed instructions)
I f Option 2 is taken, remember to stop and restart the OPP for the change to be implemented.

S olution B
Increase the value (in seconds) for the profile option 'Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout'.

Work around
The timeouts can also be altered directly in the package AFCPOPRB.pls :

-- Default timeout values for waiting on a response to a request (seconds)
TIMEO UT1 constant number := 120;
TIMEOUT2 constant number := 300;
TIMEOUT1 and TIMEOUT2 corresponds to respectively OPP Response Timeout (solution A) and OPP Process Timeout (solution B).
0 #107 Kate 2008-02-13 06:38
Hi Anil

Now the problem has been gone.

Thank you so much!!
0 #108 Madhu Goyal 2008-02-13 08:51
If i have to add a field in PO output which is not available in data definition say
requester's phone number which is coming from PER_PHONES table. Then please explain the steps to modify concurrent job for this program and as well as steps to generate data definition for this program.

This program's sounce code is java and output is PDF AND getting published by XML
I searched this topic on internet and everybody just explaining how to modify template and i need information on java concurrent programs and its data defintion
0 #109 Akash Jain 2008-02-18 12:19
I want to mail the XMLP report as attachment via unix shell.
The problem is that it seems to me that XMLP displays the report by combining the XML and the Pdf file dyanmically.Now when i am trying to mail XML file i can see the data in the XML format and not the way as it looks in document.

Also i read in a blog in this page that the solution to this is the use of Workflows.But in workflow also i am facing the same problem as above .the data in the attachment is in the XML format.

Please help me with this.

0 #110 Richa 2008-02-21 08:14
We are migrating customized AP Check print report from RDF in 11.5.7 to R12 XML Publisher report. We have 18 reports to convert.
I have followed

link to do the same.
I am facing the follwoing issue.
I am getting empty output after did all the changes as per the ablove link
But only modification i did is, as in R12 we ahve separate top for Payments. But we dont have Report folder under IBY_TOP. So I am keeping my RDF report in AP_TOP and I have created executable under ap_top then Program under Payment_top. Remaining are same.
But I am not getting the output.

Pl. let me know, what I did is same or how to proceed
this is very urgent. so expecting the reply at the earliest
0 #111 Kamesh 2008-02-21 13:14
I am involved in an upgrade project.
In 11.5.7 they have custom payment formats and we need to upgrade those to R12.
In R12,XML report is mandatory for check/paymnt formats.

So i thought of designing an RTF file and link with Data Definition.
So that i need not create again data definition logic.

I have done the same,but while running i am not getting the output.
The thing is that the data definition is not getting mapped with the RDF report short name.

I have done as follows,

1)Def ined executable in 'Payables; application and the reason is in Payments top(IBY),there
is no reports folder.and the Execution type is Oracle Reports and gave the custom rdf name
2)Defined concurrent program registration in 'Payments' application.Bec ause i need to map the
concurrent program short name to Payments application
3)C reated Datadefinition in Payments application with Data Definition code as 'Short name' of
concurrent program
4)Creat ed Template definition linking with the Data definitin defined above.

But i am not getting the output exactly .The Data definition is not getting mapped exactly.
Kindly help if you have any suggestion.

Th anks and Regards,
0 #112 Bismit Pratap Singh 2008-02-22 12:18
Can anyone just tell me, is there standard Concurrent prg known as "XML REPORT PUBLISHER" and how it's linkage with data definition of XML publisher. What's the concept of this above concurrent prg name and how we will use it.

Need the response ASAP as i am going to develop that type of reports.

Regar ds
0 #113 Lakshmikantu 2008-03-14 17:40
Hello Anil,
I am trying to create xml output for a concurrent request, bypassing the report piece altogether. Are you familiar with the DBMS_XMLGEN package?

I have gotten so far as to be able to run my procedure and see the output in TOAD using dbms_output.put _line, but I can't seem to quite get the right link to convert this to Oracle Apps output.

I have a concurrent request setup to output XML.
This calls a procedure to return to the output file.
So far, all I am getting returned is 'XML document must have a top level element.'

Here is the relevant code...

ctx DBMS_XMLGEN.ctx Handle; -- vars to convert SQL output to xml
xml clob;
xmlc varchar2(4000);
off integer := 1;
len integer := 4000;
i number := 0;
rc_data sys_refcursor;

-- this calls simple open cursor for sql statement, returns rows
rc_data := fa10022_data(P_ BOOK_TYPE_CODE
, v_depr_per_ctr) ;

ctx := dbms_xmlgen.new Context(rc_data );

dbms_xmlgen.set RowsetTag(ctx, 'XXFA10022');

dbms_xmlgen.set RowTag(ctx, 'G_DATA');

xml := dbms_xmlgen.get Xml(Ctx);

i := dbms_xmlgen.get NumRowsProcesse d(ctx);

dbms_xmlgen.clo seContext(Ctx);

apps.fnd_file.p ut_line(apps.fn d_file.output, xml);

I was also following this link...

any suggestions?

Jane l
0 #114 Kate 2008-03-17 02:51
Hi Anil,

I try to create XML report but it got error and I log TARS ,later matalink suggest me to change header in XML data file but I don't know to change because I cannot copy file ,it shows error and I want to change to
only , Could you pls tell me how to do?
By the way do you know path that contain XML data file in database?

Than k you

0 #115 Kate 2008-03-17 02:56
The error
and I want to change only

Thank you

0 #116 Kate 2008-03-17 10:28
Hi Anil ,

That question that I asked you before ,current I already fixed it. But I still got some question I have created report paramter but why it did not work because after I run the report ,all data come out even input paramter depend on customer name.

Could you pls explain more about report paramter that concern with XML report template.

Than k you

0 #117 Shweta Tiwari 2008-03-20 11:09
Hi ,
In the report (RDf )I have user parameter which are getting populated when the report fires.I want to display the Value of the parameters in the O/P (Either the XML O/p or the Output of the XML Publisher).How can i acheive this?
0 #118 vandsuri 2008-04-16 12:06

I did understand that we can get the XML is generated by Oracle Application Concurrent Program (for Oracle Reports). Lot of blogs have the same solution.

My question is what if we want to develop a new (custom report) report from scratch in XML Publisher? I mean developing a RDF, converting data in XML format and then using the XML Publisher is a two way process right. How do we develop a new custom report in XML Publisher from scratch? (with all those features, formula columns, summary columns..etc we use in reports 6i for developing an RDF. How do we do the same using XML Publisher)

Tha nks
0 #119 Anil Passi- 2008-04-27 05:01


0 #120 Keith 2008-06-07 15:52
Hi Anil,

I am working on a matrix report for which i need to build the rtf. Can you please give me a link with instructions as how to create xml template for a matrix report(rdf). Also if you can send me any sample templates(cross tab) that would be helpful for me.Below is the format i am trying to build in the template.

Acco unt:  ACCOUNT
E E Desc E BusinessIe Ie Desc Ie Business E_POSTED IE_POS TED


Thanks ,
0 #121 Anil Passi 2008-06-08 02:03
Hi Sonya

This link has what you are looking for
http:// technology.amis .nl/blog/?p=155 8

0 #122 Sandeep_rkl 2008-06-21 20:47
Hi Anil,

Can you pls tell me how can i add picture in XMLP reports ..
I have a BLOB image needs to be added ..
Orace apps version

Sand eep A
0 #123 Sandeep_rkl 2008-06-21 20:50
sorry ..typo error ...its 11.5.10
0 #124 Anil Passi- 2008-06-21 22:06
Use the syntax as shown below
fo:instream-fo reign-object content type="image/jpg "
Your BI Publisher report should be based on data template

Also, for this Blob insertion to work in XML Publisher, you must be on version 5.6.2 or above

Anil Passi
0 #125 Saritha Rani 2008-06-22 04:31
Hi All,

Anil, I would like thank you for this article. I developed a report following this article and I completed it. Thanks alot.

I am working on PO report with BI Publisher.

I am done with complete report. Users are fine with the existing output.

Report looks like this:

First part of the report contains

Bill To, Ship To, Logo, Buyer Info, Somes Notes etc.,

Second Part Of Report conatins a loop for printing the lines of the PO.

and last 2 pages of any PO contains Terms and Conditions.

My Question is:

If have many lines how to handle the lines onto next page ?

--> Do I need to set fixed lines per page ?
--> Is ther any way to print onto the next page when the space is not sufficient ...

Please throw some light on this....

Thank s,
0 #126 Anil Passi 2008-06-22 06:59
Hi Saritha

You need to use split-by-page-b reak

Simply search for split-by-page-b reak on metalink, or within user guide or in google.

Anil Passi
0 #127 Saritha Rani 2008-06-22 12:17
Hi Anil,

Thx for quick reply.

I am using MS-WORD 2007 and BI Publisher desktop

W hen I use split-by-page-b reak, splitting is performed for every line .. but not for group of lines.

Hope you got my point.

FYI... I am using the following code inside G_LINES block....

Each line in my report contains 3 diff lines so according to the mod valu it should split for every 2 lines but it splits for every line.

Am I on the right way or missing something...... ...:-(

--Sarit ha
0 #128 Saritha Rani 2008-06-22 12:18
I am sorry the code is gone..here you go...

----- ------------
0 #129 Saritha Rani 2008-06-22 12:19
?if: position() mod 6= 0?
?split-by-pa ge-break:?
?end if?

within tags of course..:-)
0 #130 Saritha Rani 2008-06-22 12:42
Hi All,

I got it.....

Issue is with misplacement...

Thanks All.....
0 #131 Saritha Rani 2008-06-22 13:25

It is fixed if I check it in my local system.

But if i run it in apps..i get some wierd output.

If i fix number of lines per page = 2

Initially header gets printed (this is fine)
Immediate ly after header printing of lines should start, instead it goes on to next line prints 2 + 2 =4 on the next line...
then form page 3 it prints perfectly like 2 lines per page.

PS: I observed a gap between first 2 lines and next 2 lines in page 2 (next to headr page). Ideally, these 2 lines should print on next page.

--Sarith a
0 #132 Santhosh ND 2008-07-19 07:23
Dear Anil,
Thanks a lot for this wonderful article. Now I learned basic of xml report. Thanks a lot.
I started one blog with data migration codes.
It will appreciate if you can give some feedback.

Santh osh
0 #133 rakesharyan 2008-08-12 05:04
Hi Anil

i am following your tutorial on xml publisher but while creating data definition when i click
on the apply button i get the following error on the page

oracle.ap ps.fnd.framewor k.OAException: oracle.jbo.DMLE xception: JBO-26041: Failed to post data to database during "Insert": SQL Statement " INSERT INTO XDO_DS_DEFINITI ONS_VL(APPLICAT ION_SHORT_NAME, DATA_SOURCE_COD E,DATA_SOURCE_S TATUS,START_DAT E,DATA_SOURCE_N AME,CREATED_BY, CREATION_DATE,L AST_UPDATED_BY, LAST_UPDATE_DAT E,LAST_UPDATE_L OGIN,OBJECT_VER SION_NUMBER) VALUES (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5 ,:6,:7,:8,:9,:1 0,:11)".
.. .
## Detail 0 ##
java.sql.SQL Exception: ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table
0 #134 abhishek paliwal 2008-08-20 06:15
Dear all,
Please help me. I have a requirement of generating images on the basis of organization ID. for that i insert some images in OA_MEDIA directory. Now RTF i insert dummy image and in the web i am writing url{'$OA_MEDIA' ,',',Image}. here Image is xml tag name . in XML tag the value is 'abc.jpg'. but it is not working.can anybody tell what is the correct solution.
If i write complete physical path of the image and write url:(Image) then i got the image in output.
i am not able to understand y it is not taking $OA_MEDIA. I also try with $PO_TOP but then also it is not giving any output. Instead of that if i write complete physical address then i am getting output.
please help me
0 #135 Anil Passi 2008-08-20 06:24
Hi Abhi

Follow these Steps Refer OA Media Directory File
---------- --------------- ------
1. First you need to Insert a dummy image in your template.
2. Next, in format Picture dialog box - within Web tab type in the syntax in Alternative text region :
url:{’${OA_MEDIA}/image name’}


0 #136 Anil Passi 2008-08-20 06:24

Pleas e copy paste syntax from above into notepad and amend as per your need
0 #137 abhishek paliwal 2008-08-20 08:16
Hi Anil,
I tried the same syntex but then also i am not getting image in output.
I have an rdf which i registeres as concurrent program and also defines rtf. i am passing org_id as parameter . according to the org_id i want the corresponding logo image. for that i write one formula column in my rdf and according to the org_id i am fetching jpg file. the pl/sql of formula column is like that
If :org_id = 1 then return ('abc.jpg');
el se return('pqr.jpg ');
end if;
The xml tag for this formula column is Image.
and in format Picture dialog box - within Web tab type in the syntax in Alternative text region
i am writing url :{'${OA_MEDIA}' /Image} --- Image is formula column xml tag name.

but in this i am not getting any image in output PDF. in place image name if i write complete physical path and in the web section url :{Image} , then i am getting image in pdf output.

Please tell me how can i use OA_MEDIA. and for that how can i write formula column .

0 #138 abhishek paliwal 2008-08-22 06:45
hi anil,
please solve my problem which i stated early.
title is :- How to insert Dynamic image in xml publisher. date -August 20, 2008
0 #139 lakshminath 2008-10-21 05:51
we can insert dynamic image in XML Publisher by using if statement in rtf itself.
here copy the image
here copy the image
like that you can call images dynamically in XML Publisher.
0 #140 Rathan24 2008-12-04 07:21
Hi ,

Thanks a lot for this wonderful aritcle, it was really very usefull for me. I learned basic of XML reporting.
Than ks.
0 #141 Michael Lake 2008-12-18 20:36
Hi Anil:

I am new to BIP. I have created a data defn and a template. I have merged both together via XML Pub. Admin. But when I run the concurrent program from SRS I dont see a Layout section. I am not sure why this is. Can you assist with any suggestions. g Thanks
0 #142 abhishek paliwal 2008-12-19 00:21
Hi Michael,
i think you are not writing correct data definition code value.
the data definition code must match the concurrent program short name.
And you have to select concurrent program Output format as XML.
I think this will solve your problem.

Thank s
0 #143 Teresa Koo 2009-01-08 14:45
I followed your example. In step
14. Navigate to “Receivables Manager” and submit report XX_MANAGERS.
Cl ick on Output button to see the report as pasted below.

I did not see the output like yours. Instead, my outout looks like this

Anil Passi


I am using BI Publisher 5.6.3

any helps are appriciated.

T eresa
0 #144 Jydeep Mitra 2009-01-12 04:43
Hi Anil,

My template has some static texts and some columns which are populated with data through query. Now when the query returns NO DATA , then my xml-pub report generates no output. But I am expecting that even if the querry does not return any data the report should print the static texts.

Can you please throw some light on how to achieve the desire result.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Joyde ep
0 #145 Anithar05 2009-03-17 22:54
Hi Anil,

Can we generate 200 columns in XMLP report.I want horizontal display in word document.Also can we create XMLP tempalte in EXCEL??Its very urgent..Kindly reply...
0 #146 sudhakara mullagura 2009-04-02 09:18
Hi Anil,

i don't know about XML Geteway, i have knowledge on XML Publisher,

i very much intersted know more about XML Geteway, can you please provide any related document or URL for XML geteway to know about this

Thanks in advance

Sudhak ara Mullagura
0 #147 Yogesh Belgaonkar 2009-04-24 06:14

It is really good tutorial. The question I have is how do to wrap all the steps followed to create templates etc. in may be ldt file for version controlling and promoting accross different instances.

0 #148 Monika 2009-05-12 15:30
Hi Anil,

I need to give a option to the user to select the template from Option->Layout before submitting the program. However, I am able to select only the default template. When I go to the XML Administrator and try assigning a new template to the same CCP I receive the following error- >

You entered a duplicate data definition. Please change the name, code and/or Application and reapply.

When I change the code name(CCP program) I am able to save the Template. So is the relation between Template,DataDe fn-> Concurrent program 1->1.
Please confirm.

Thank s,
0 #149 sheena 2009-05-27 20:00
Requirement is to show employee picture stored in the seeded apps table as LONG RAW.

How can i get this to work?

0 #150 Anil Passi 2009-05-27 21:04
Hi Sheena

This is documented in Metalink, the excertpy is pasted below

Replace square brackets [] with less than/greater than symbols

Render ing an Image Retrieved from BLOB Data
---------- --------------- --------------- -------------
I f your data source is an XML Publisher Data Template, page 9-1 and your results XML contains image data that had been stored as a BLOB in the database, use the following
synta x in a form field inserted in your template where you want the image to render at runtime:
[fo:in stream-foreign- object content type="image/jpg "]
[xsl:value-o f select="IMAGE_E LEMENT"/]
[/fo: instram-foreign -object]
image/jpg is the MIME type of the image (other options might be: image/gif and
IMAGE_ELEME NT is the element name of the BLOB in your XML data.

Note that you can specify height and width attributes for the image to set its size in the published report. XML Publisher will scale the image to fit the box size that
you define. For example, to set the size of the example above to three inches by four inches, enter the following:
[fo: instream-foreig n-object content type="image/jpg " height="3 in
" width="4 in"]
[xsl:value -of select="IMAGE_E LEMENT"/]
[/fo: instram-foreign -object]
Specif y in pixels as follows:
[fo:in stream-foreign- object content type="image/jpg " height="300
px" width="4 px"]
or in centimeters:
[f o:instream-fore ign-object content type="image/jpg " height="3 cm
" width="4 cm"]
or as a percentage of the original dimensions:
[fo :instream-forei gn-object content type="image/jpg " height="300%
" width="300%"]

Anil Passi
0 #151 sheena 2009-05-27 23:35
Thanks for the snippet Anil! Problem is:
Created an .rdf file with the data model query (select image from per_images. The field in the report is image file format). This .rdf when run thro a concurrent manager will not generate a .xml file ( the DTD and template are not attached yet). So what do I specify in the template for the IMAGE_ELEMENT?
hope i understood u.
0 #152 Anil Passi 2009-05-28 02:25
Hi Sheena

The above code snippet assumes that you are using Data Template.
Can you try a quick demo of printing these images using Data Template, instead of RDF?

An il
0 #153 sheena 2009-05-28 13:58
Hi Anil, A bit confused now. I have not worked on Data templates before. So not sure HOW to go about it. I see some info online but not much. Can I use the report's xml output to create the data template and add on the snippet? Not sure again what you mean by use data template and not RDF.
Can u please point to a resourse with more info?

S heena
0 #154 sheena 2009-05-28 14:51
Anil, I eventually found this good link that makes some sense and related posts: http://bloggingaboutoracleapplications.org/integration-of-oracle-apps-and-bi-publisher/

It seems like its hard to create a data template as it will give problems with format triggers and such. My report has quiet a few of those. I could do a quick test with just the image in the RDF report and create the data template. But eventually I will need to use it with my report.
If u use a data template, I need to convert the rdf file's data model as well as the layout to XMl Publisher data template and RTF template. Wont I?

0 #155 Anil Passi 2009-05-29 01:56
Please see this link

Additionally, if you do not wish to manually write data template, then use the BI Publisher Migration Utility to convert your rdf to data template
0 #156 sheena 2009-06-20 19:32
Anil, I created the data template using the utility from Ike Wigging's web site, but now even after i add the xml code to the image field in the rtf document, i am getting this error:
java.sql .SQLException: No corresponding LOB data found :

Can u help pls! its urgent!
Thnks very much
0 #157 sheena 2009-06-20 22:41
Anil, the concurent process ends in a warning:
Callin g XDO Data Engine…
[062109 _015329488][][E XCEPTION] java.sql.SQLExc eption: Stream has already been closed
at oracle.jdbc.dba ccess.DBError.t hrowSqlExceptio n(DBError.java: 134)
at oracle.jdbc.dba ccess.DBError.t hrowSqlExceptio n(DBError.java: 179)
at oracle.jdbc.dba ccess.DBError.t hrowSqlExceptio n(DBError.java: 269)
at oracle.jdbc.dba ccess.DBDataSet Impl.getStreamI tem(DBDataSetIm pl.java:1598)
a t oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleState ment.getBytesIn ternal(OracleSt atement.java:35 55)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleState ment.getStringV alue(OracleStat ement.java:3808 )
0 #158 sheena 2009-06-24 14:50
The XML o/p file from the concurrent process does not have the value for the image element. So the image in the RTF does not show. The image is stored as a blob in the DB. I am using a utility from the Ike Wiggins blog to create the Data Template and the RTF. So that is not an issue for sure. Any ideas on why its not working?


0 #159 sheena 2009-06-24 14:52
posting the XML o/p again w.o,. tags:
[?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 " ?]
[IMAGE_URL]http ://XXX:8005/OA_ HTML/fwk/t/2435 7[/IMAGE_URL]
0 #160 Ashish Desai 2009-08-22 11:19
Dear Anil

Please find attached a XML template for your ready reference.

My requirement is to create a group with matrix report (crosstab report).

I have created a datamodel for the query, & the xml output is attached with that.

Now, i have a RTF template which is already created with one of my collegue, this report is not registered since i am getting an issue with xml tag.
Kindly check the tag & let me know what is the issue in the RTF template, even i am new to crosstab report so please let me know the concept how can i use this template to execute in oracle applications with these tags.

The tag details are as below:

0 #161 sandeepk 2009-08-25 06:57
My problem is I am able to get the logo file in PDF format but I only get the link in EXCEL format. So I can see the logo in my network but when same Excel is sent to customer, they do not see the complany logo. I am using "" to get the file on the document. Can somebody help.
0 #162 Allah Baksh 2009-09-18 08:27
Hi Anil,

Thanks for providing such a huge information which are useful people like me who are in learnig stage.

I have a problem when implementing the Bursting with translations. When I hard coded the file system path of the translation (.xlf) the translations are working fine but I want to use the database path instead of file system path like for RTF i.e. like xdo://TNC.XX_IN VOICES02.en.US

Please let me know if we can give database path for translation file also.

Also could you please let me know the format of the fnd:// protocol

Thanks for your help,
AllahBaks h.
0 #163 ramesh 2009-09-23 03:49
Thanks for your basics,

But i feel there is lot more to travel in, whiile developing RTF templates,
Can any one give the steps in developing a matrix layout(variable columns) in XML
0 #164 Suman.g 2009-10-13 08:44
Hi Anil,

Thanks for provoding such a informative & good tutorial.

I would like to know that Is there any way to use Translations with database path instead of giving file system path.
Sometimes when we promote out reports from one instance to other we need to modify ctl file but like giving .rtf template with database path (xdo://TNC.XXRE QXMLPB.en.US )can we give similar way for translation .xlf file aslo.

Best Regards,
0 #165 Steve 2009-11-16 07:53
Hi Tony,

I had the same problem with the frikkin header and footer only appearing on the ODD pages (1,3,5..)
I fixed it at last:
in Page Setup click Different Odd and Even and Different First Page ON,
and then duplicate the header and footer in the even header/footers.
Crappy solution I know but it worked.

regard s
0 #166 niharika 2009-11-17 04:03
its very good article.
And please can you help me to create discoverer report. the report should provide such a flexibility that user should able to decide the columns should be displayed in report
0 #167 mithun26 2009-12-23 06:49
Hi Anil,

Your websites is really good for fresher. I learnt all my technical Stuff from you site only. Thanks for such wonderful site.

I want to know how we can add formula column and place holder column in XML template. Suppose My Requirement is that I want to produce one column's result using PL SQL code. This facility i m having in Report Builder(formula column). Like wise can i design report which having formula column with XML Publisher?

Please clear if i m asking wrong way of question.

Wait ing for your reply.

0 #168 Matt 2010-01-21 20:48
This is with reference to the topic mentioned above..
I come accross this situation some time back.
To generate customized PO PDF for Complex Service Purchase Order,
I had done few changes to the data definition and lot of customizations on
XML template. i.e presentaion layer.

I documented few important steps and work arounds at http://chandramatta.blogspot.com/
You can visit and see if it helps.


0 #169 xyz 2010-02-18 06:40
gud stuff buddy :)
0 #170 Francisca30Gibson 2010-06-12 13:50
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0 #171 B.H.Mohamed 2012-07-02 05:20
Hi Anil,
Thanks for the Wonderful Article and i'm creating matrix report and i need to add total average column and row for entire reort
i followed following tutorial but in this tutorial i couldn't find how to add total column and row for entire report

thanks & Regards,
Mohame d
0 #172 Dheer 2012-12-27 07:52
Hello Anil - Is there is any way we can end XML publisher report into Warning on certain crateria please. Regards Dheer
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