Oracle HRMS Table Name | Table Description |
HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS | Organization unit definitions. |
HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_TL | Translated organization unit name definitions. |
HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F | Position definition information. |
HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F_TL | Translation table |
HR_API_BATCH_MESSAGE_LINES | Results and messages generated during batch API processing. |
HR_API_HOOKS | Lists the hook points which are available in each API module. |
HR_API_HOOK_CALLS | Lists which extra logic, package procedures or formula, should be called from the API hook points. |
HR_API_MODULES | Holds details of the business processes and row handlers. |
HR_API_TRANSACTIONS | Kiosk processes in progress |
HR_API_TRANSACTION_STEPS | Kiosk workflow data rows |
HR_API_TRANSACTION_VALUES | Kiosk workflow data columns and values |
HR_API_USER_HOOK_REPORTS | Used to hold HR_API_USER_HOOK error information if this exists otherwise no information is held. |
HR_ASSIGNMENT_SETS | Formula definitions that identify sets of assignments. |
HR_ASSIGNMENT_SET_AMENDMENTS | Identifies explicit include and exclude rules for an assignment set. |
HR_ASSIGNMENT_SET_CRITERIA | Identifies individual criteria in the definition of an assignment set. |
HR_ATH_ENROLL_TBLS | This table contains ODBC connectivity information for the Authoria enrolled plans table(s). |
HR_ATH_VARIABLEMAP | Variable mappings table for the Authoria Integration |
HR_AUTHORIA_MAPPINGS | Authoria Mapping Information |
HR_CALENDARS | Dated instances of a repeating pattern. |
HR_CALENDAR_USAGES | Assignments of calendars to individual entities. |
HR_CANVAS_PROPERTIES | Canvas properties for configurable forms |
HR_COMMENTS | Central repository for comments. |
HR_DE_LIABILITY_PREMIUMS_F | Holds Liability Insurance Providers Premium rates for the Organization |
HR_DE_ORGANIZATION_LINKS | Holds extra information for Organizations links with External Orgs |
HR_DE_SOC_INS_CONTR_LVLS_F | Holds German Social Insurance Contibution data |
HR_DM_APPLICATION_GROUPS | Data Migrator locking ladder groups for applications. |
HR_DM_COLUMN_DEFINITIONS | Column definitions for sequence range management |
HR_DM_DATABASES | Table containing names of all databases within database farm |
HR_DM_DT_DELETES | This table holds the information for the deletion of date tracked data. This table is also used to hold participant data information of data that has been downloaded but not been uploaded. |
HR_DM_EXP_IMPS | This table holds the data from various tables in the source database that will be moved to the destination database using the transportable tablespace for upload in the destination database |
HR_DM_GROUPS | This table holds information about the groupings used in the data migration process. |
HR_DM_HIERARCHIES | This entity will contain the relationships between tables. The following relationship will be recorded: |
HR_DM_LOADER_PARAMS | This entity contains the configuration data for the AOL loader files |
HR_DM_LOADER_PHASE_ITEMS | This entity contains the migration specific configuration data for the AOL loader files. |
HR_DM_MIGRATIONS | This table contains the data migration information. There is one row per migration in progress. |
HR_DM_MIGRATION_RANGES | This table holds the allocated ranges for each slave process to process during each Download Application/Participant data phase of the migration. |
HR_DM_MIGRATION_REQUESTS | This table holds the information about the request id of the issuing concurrent program. |
HR_DM_PHASES | This table holds the information about each phase of the migration process. |
HR_DM_PHASE_ITEMS | This table details the work to be undertaken for each phase of the Data Migrator. |
HR_DM_PHASE_RULES | This table contains the rules governing which phases apply to which migrations. |
HR_DM_RESOLVE_PKS | This entity contains the values of the primary key for both the source and destination database for each table for use by the TUPS package. |
HR_DM_SEQUENCE_DEFINITIONS | Table containing Sequence Name information for the PER/PAY/DT/FF/OTA/SSP/GHR/HXT/BEN applications. |
HR_DM_SEQUENCE_HISTORIES | Table containing sequence information from the different Fidelity databases. To be updated before any changes to sequences are made to enable sequence history tracking. |
HR_DM_SEQUENCE_RANGES | Table containing Sequence Ranges for particular Sequence and Database. This table can hold multiple Ranges for a given Sequence and Database. |
HR_DM_TABLES | This entity contains a HRMS table listing that will be processed by the data migrator. |
HR_DM_TABLE_GROUPINGS | This entity holds the information for the grouping of tables. |
HR_DOCUMENT_EXTRA_INFO | Documents of Record Information |
HR_DOCUMENT_TYPES | Document Types for Documents od Record |
HR_DOCUMENT_TYPES_TL | Translated Document Types for Documents of Record |
HR_DU_COLUMN_MAPPINGS | This table holds the relationship between the column name used in the source object (e.g. the spreadsheet column) and the output target (e.g. the Data Pump parameter name). |
HR_DU_DESCRIPTORS | This table holds the descriptor details for each API to be uploaded. |
HR_DU_ERRORS | This table holds details about errors encountered during processing of a batch by any of the Data Uploader modules. |
HR_DU_MODULES | This table holds the details about each module which can be used for either input, process or output with in the data Uploader. |
HR_DU_UPLOADS | This table holds the data relating to information uploaded from a single source file. |
HR_DU_UPLOAD_HEADERS | This table holds the details for each API to be uploaded. |
HR_DU_UPLOAD_LINES | This table holds the details for each item to be uploaded with an item spanning one or more rows |
HR_EFC_ACTIONS | Contains one row for each time the EFC conversion process or delete _EFC table data process is run. |
HR_EFC_CURRENCY_HISTORIES | Contains one row per NCU currency as defined in FND_CURRENCIES at the time of the EFC processing with details of the NCU. |
HR_EFC_PROCESS_COMPONENTS | Holds one row for each processing script in each conversion processing run. |
HR_EFC_ROUNDING_ERRORS | Holds one row for each time a rounding error adjustment has been made. |
HR_EFC_WORKERS | Holds one row for each parallel worker instance of a processing component. |
HR_EFC_WORKER_AUDITS | Holds one row for each HR_EFC_WORKER row per currency code processed for update scripts only. |
HR_EXCEPTION_USAGES | Identifies usage of defined exceptions to a repeating pattern. |
HR_FORM_CANVASES_B | Canvas definition for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_CANVASES_TL | Translated canvas definitions for configurable forms. |
HR_FORM_DATA_GROUPS_B | Form data group definition for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_DATA_GROUPS_TL | Translated form data group definitions for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_DATA_GROUP_ITEMS | Links items with data groups for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_ITEMS_B | Definition of items available for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_ITEMS_TL | Translated definitions of form items for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_PROPERTIES | Configurable properties for configurable forms modules |
HR_FORM_TAB_PAGES_B | Definition of form tab page for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_TAB_PAGES_TL | Translated definition of form tab page for configurable forms |
HR_FORM_TAB_STACKED_CANVASES | Definition of stacked canvas for tab pages in configurable forms |
HR_FORM_TEMPLATES_B | Definition of template used by configurable forms |
HR_FORM_TEMPLATES_TL | Translated template definition for use in configurable forms |
HR_FORM_WINDOWS_B | Definition of windows for use in configurable forms |
HR_FORM_WINDOWS_TL | Translated definition of windows for configurable form |
HR_H2PI_ADDRESSES | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to addresses while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_ASSIGNMENTS | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to assignments while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_BG_AND_GRE | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to bg_and_gre while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_CITY_TAX_RULES | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to us employees city tax rules while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_COST_ALLOCATIONS | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to cost allocations s while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_COUNTY_TAX_RULES | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to us employee county tax rules while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_DATA_FEED_HIST | This table stores information about date feed history for Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI). |
HR_H2PI_ELEMENT_ENTRIES | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to element entries while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_EMPLOYEES | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to employees while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_ID_MAPPING | This table stores information about ID mapping for Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI). |
HR_H2PI_LOCATIONS | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to locations while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_MESSAGE_LINES | This table stores information about all the messages for Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI). |
HR_H2PI_ORGANIZATION_INFO | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to organization info while data upload is in progress. |
HR_H2PI_US_MODIFIED_GEOCODES | This is staging table for the Oracle HR to Oracle Payroll Interface (H2PI) and stores data related to US midified geocodes while data upload is in progress. |
HR_INCOMPATIBILITY_RULES | Incompatibility rules for navigation units. |
HR_ITEM_CONTEXTS | Combinations table for the item context key flexfield ICX |
HR_ITEM_PROPERTIES_B | Properties for form or template items used by configurable forms. |
HR_ITEM_PROPERTIES_TL | Translatable properties of items for configurable forms |
HR_JP_PARAMETERS | This table holds unique id for Japanese legislative specific data in order not to hard-code Multibyte characters in Japanese localization code objects. |
HR_KI_EXT_APPLICATIONS | This table holds the details of the KI integration external applications |
HR_LAYOUTS | Information about an instance of a Self-Service User Interface configuration. |
HR_LAYOUTS_TL | Translation table for HR_LAYOUTS. |
HR_LAYOUT_COMPONENTS | Set of User Interface Components used within a configurable Self-Service layout. |
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_DEFINITIONS | Definitions of the set of User Interface components that can be used within a configurable Self Service User Interface Layout. |
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_PROMPTS | Set of prompt codes associated with a Configurable UI Layout Component |
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_QUALIFIERS | Set of layout qualifiers which can be used to modify the rendering of a Self Service User Interface component. |
HR_LAYOUT_COMP_QUAL_RULES | Set of rules that determine whether a Self Service User Interface component can use a particular layout qualifier. |
HR_LEGISLATION_INSTALLATIONS | Status of each product/legislation combination installed |
HR_LOCATIONS_ALL | Work location definitions. |
HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL | Translated location codes and descriptions. |
HR_LOCATION_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a location. |
HR_LOCATION_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a Location. |
HR_NAME_FORMATS | Contains the format masks used to determine the displayed formats of personal names in Applications. Oracle will seed rows in this table which cannot be deleted, but can be modified by customers. Additional rows can be created. |
HR_NAVIGATION_CONTEXT_RULES | Context specific rules for taskflow navigation. |
HR_NAVIGATION_NODES | Taskflow node definitions. |
HR_NAVIGATION_PATHS | Taskflow navigation path details. |
HR_NAVIGATION_UNITS | Information about potential navigation options in a taskflow. |
HR_NAVIGATION_UNITS_TL | Translated fields for hr_navigation_units |
HR_NAV_UNIT_GLOBAL_USAGES | Global variable usage by specific navigation unit. (Form or block). |
HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION | Additional attributes of an organization, dependent on class or organization information type. |
HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATIO_EFC | This is a copy of theHR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
HR_ORG_INFORMATION_TYPES | Information types that are used to add information for an organization. |
HR_ORG_INFO_TYPES_BY_CLASS | Defines organization information types for specific organization classifications. |
HR_PATTERNS | A repeating time pattern, eg a work pattern, SSP qualifying pattern or a resource schedule. |
HR_PATTERN_BITS | A defined period of time used to construct a pattern. |
HR_PATTERN_CONSTRUCTIONS | Decomposition of a repeating pattern into its individual 'bits' of time. |
HR_PATTERN_EXCEPTIONS | An exception to a repeating pattern. |
HR_PATTERN_PURPOSES | Potential purpose for the parent pattern, eg 'Work Pattern', 'Resource schedule', etc. |
HR_PATTERN_PURPOSE_USAGES | Valid combinations of entities and pattern purposes. |
HR_PUMP_BATCH_EXCEPTIONS | Holds data pump processing exception (error) information. |
HR_PUMP_BATCH_HEADERS | Stores information on a batch to be loaded by the data pump. |
HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES | Each rows stores the information required to make an API call. OUT-parameter values are written back after the API call. |
HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINE_USER_KEYS | User keys and their associated information is stored here on the creation of entities that require user keys. |
HR_PUMP_DEFAULT_EXCEPTIONS | Lists API modules that do not conform to the API parameter defaulting rules. |
HR_PUMP_MAPPING_PACKAGES | Lists PL/SQL packages that contain the parameter mapping functions used by data pump generated code. If module_package and module_name are both null then the mapping functions may be used by all APIs. |
HR_PUMP_MODULE_PARAMETERS | Holds seeded information about API parameters for data pump code generation. |
HR_PUMP_RANGES | Controls the parallelisation of the work when the data pump is running on multiprocessor platforms. |
HR_PUMP_REQUESTS | Holds information on data pump concurrent requests currently running. |
HR_QUESTIONNAIRES | Questionnaires used within SSHR. |
HR_QUEST_ANSWERS | Answers for a questionnaire. |
HR_QUEST_ANSWER_VALUES | Answer values for a questionnaire. |
HR_QUEST_FIELDS | Fields of a questionnaire. |
HR_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX | Legislation specific information for payrolls, organizations and assignments. |
HR_SOURCE_FORM_TEMPLATES | Identities of templates which have been copied and the resulting copy. Helps distinguish seeded templates from copied ones. |
HR_STU_EXCEPTIONS | Error conditions from the startup data process. |
HR_STU_HISTORY | Versions of HRMS Startup data installed |
HR_SUMMARY | HR_SUMMARY holds all data for the Generic Summary Process. |
HR_SUMMARY_EFC | This is a copy of the HR_SUMMARY table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
HR_S_US_CITY_NAMES | US cities and their VERTEX geocodes, used to validate US addresses. |
HR_S_US_CITY_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_COUNTY_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_FEDERAL_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_STATE_TAX_INFO_F | Element definitions. |
HR_S_US_ZIP_CODES | Valid zip code ranges for VERTEX cities, used to validate US addresses. |
HR_S_WC_STATE_SURCHARGES | - Retrofitted |
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_B | Properties of tab pages for configurable forms |
HR_TAB_PAGE_PROPERTIES_TL | Translated properties of tab pages for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_CANVASES_B | Definition of canvases on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_DATA_GROUPS | Definition for data group on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEMS_B | Definition of items on template for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXTS_B | Definition of items on a template for given context, for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_CONTEXT_PAGES | Information about which tab pages item belongs to for a specific context, on template for configurable form. |
HR_TEMPLATE_ITEM_TAB_PAGES | Information about which tab pages item belongs to on template for configurable form. |
HR_TEMPLATE_TAB_PAGES_B | Definition of tab page for template, for configurable forms |
HR_TEMPLATE_WINDOWS_B | Definition of window for a template, for configurable forms |
HR_TIPS | Help components used within SSHR. |
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_B | Properties of windows for configurable forms |
HR_WINDOW_PROPERTIES_TL | Translated properties of windows for configurable forms |
HR_WIP_LOCKS | Stores context lock for a transaction |
HR_WIP_TRANSACTIONS | Stores the transaction information and state |
HR_WORKFLOWS | Taskflows in Oracle HRMS. |
HR_WORKING_PERSON_LISTS | Holds a list of people who constitute a user current list, used in the Line Manager Web pages |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES | Records of absence, or attendance for an employee. |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPES | User defined absence types. |
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_REASONS | Valid absence reasons for an absence type. |
PER_ABS_ATTENDANCE_TYPES_TL | Holds translated information for Absence Types |
PER_ADDRESSES | Address information for people. |
PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F | Employee and applicant assignment details. |
PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F | DateTracked table holding personal information for employees, applicants and other people. |
PER_ALL_POSITIONS | Dual-maintained position definition information. |
PER_ALL_VACANCIES | Vacancies within a specific requisition. |
PER_ANALYSIS_CRITERIA | Flexfield combination table for the personal analysis key flexfield. |
PER_APPLICATIONS | Applications for employment. |
PER_APPRAISALS | An appraisal is a record of an evaluation of a person by others. |
PER_APPRAISAL_TEMPLATES | The heading or grouping of appraisal questions. |
PER_ASSESSMENTS | The grouping of a set of assessment elements. |
PER_ASSESSMENT_GROUPS | Grouping of People for 360 reviews |
PER_ASSESSMENT_TYPES | The definition of an assessment template |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F | Budget values for an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALU_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUES_F table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_ASSIGNMENT_EXTRA_INFO table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_INFO_TYPES_TL | Translated types of extra information that may be held against an assignment. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_LIST | List of assignments that a secure user can access. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES | Predefined and user defined assignment status types. |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPES_TL | Predefined and user defined translated assignment status types. |
PER_ASSIGN_PROPOSAL_ANSWERS | Web Candidate Offer Answers |
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS | User amendments to predefined assignment status types. |
PER_ASS_STATUS_TYPE_AMENDS_TL | Translated user amendments to predefined assignment status types. |
PER_BF_BALANCE_AMOUNTS | Holds assignment level run amount and summary values for backfeed balances by payroll processing period |
PER_BF_BALANCE_TYPES | Types of balances that can be held |
PER_BF_PAYMENT_DETAILS | Holds details of payments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider, by assignment. |
PER_BF_PAYROLL_RUNS | Payrolls processed by 3rd party payroll provider. |
PER_BF_PROCESSED_ASSIGNMENTS | Intersection table storing details of assignments that have been processed by a 3rd party payroll provider in each payroll run |
PER_BOOKINGS | Event booking details. |
PER_BUDGETS | Definitions of HR budgets. |
PER_BUDGET_ELEMENTS | Combinations of organization, grade, job, and position used to define detailed budget values. |
PER_BUDGET_VALUES | Planned HR budget values for specific budget elements. |
PER_BUDGET_VALUES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_BUDGET_VALUES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_BUDGET_VERSIONS | Identifies specific versions of an HR budget. |
PER_CAGR_GRADES | The reference collectively agreed grades for a Collective Agreement. |
PER_CAGR_GRADES_DEF | Collective agreement grades key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_CAGR_GRADE_STRUCTURES | The valid collectively agreed grade key flexfield structures for a particular collective agreement |
PER_CALENDAR_ENTRIES | Calendar Entries |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_GEO_LIST | Calendar Entry Geo Coverage Cache |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_ORG_LIST | Calendar Entry Org Coverage Cache |
PER_CAL_ENTRY_VALUES | Calendar Entry Values |
PER_CAREER_PATHS | List of career paths for jobs. |
PER_CAREER_PATH_ELEMENTS | Progression paths for specific jobs. |
PER_CHECKLIST_ITEMS | Checklist information. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_BENEFITS_F | Details of a benefit that the employee accepts or rejects as part of their COBRA coverage. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_PERIODS | Holds coverage periods for COBRA qualifying events. |
PER_COBRA_COVERAGE_STATUSES | Tracks the status of a COBRA enrollment. |
PER_COBRA_COV_ENROLLMENTS | Enrollments for people who are eligible for continued benefit coverage under COBRA. |
PER_COBRA_DEPENDENTS_F | Holds employee dependents coverage for a COBRA qualifying event. |
PER_COBRA_QFYING_EVENTS_F | Events that have meaning in the context of COBRA coverage, e.g. Divorce, Termination, Death etc. |
PER_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENTS | Collective agreement information. |
PER_COMPETENCES | A competence is a definition of knowledge, skills, abilities or other charactaristics that a person may possess. |
PER_COMPETENCES_TL | This table is used for language translations |
PER_COMPETENCE_DEFINITIONS | COMPETENCES Key flexfield combinations table |
PER_COMPETENCE_ELEMENTS | A competence element is used to record an individual competence and an evaluation rating. |
PER_COMPETENCE_OUTCOMES | Competence outcomes |
PER_COMP_ELEMENT_OUTCOMES | The outcomes achieved towards a given Competency . |
PER_CONTACT_EXTRA_INFO_F | Extra information for a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_INFO_TYPES_TL | Translated types of extra information that may be held against a contact relationship. |
PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS | Contacts and relationship details for dependents, beneficiaries, emergency contacts, parents etc. |
PER_CONTRACTS_F | The details of a persons contract of employment |
PER_CPN_DATA_UPGRADE | Used to log errors / warnings during the conversion of competences to a key flex structure. |
PER_DEPLOYMENT_FACTORS | A factor affecting a person's capacity to be deployed within an organization. |
PER_DISABILITIES_F | Hold Disability information for one person |
PER_ELECTIONS | Holds election related information. |
PER_ELECTION_CANDIDATES | Holds information of Election candidates. |
PER_ELECTION_CONSTITUENCYS | This table holds information related to constituencies participating in the election. |
PER_ESTABLISHMENTS | This entity is used to maintain a list of educational establishments e.g. schools, colleges, universities, etc. |
PER_ESTABLISHMENT_ATTENDANCES | A record of educational establishments that a person is currently attending or has previously attended. |
PER_EVENTS | Record of events such as interviews and appraisals for applicants and employees. |
PER_FORM_FUNCTIONS | Navigation and person change information for the Enter Person information screens. |
PER_GENERIC_REPORT_OUTPUT | Text lines for output by a generic report script, including: title, header, footer and body lines. |
PER_GRADES | Grade definitions for a business group. |
PER_GRADES_TL | Trnslated fields for per_grades |
PER_GRADE_DEFINITIONS | Grade key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_GRADE_SPINES_F | Stores the progression points for each grade scale. |
PER_HTML_TOOLKIT_REC_TYPES | Default values for the HR html toolkit. |
PER_IMAGES | Images for a designated row in a designated table. |
PER_INFO_TYPE_SECURITY | Cross table between Responsibilty and Info_type tables, used to secure info types based on responsibility. |
PER_JOBS | Jobs defined for a Business Group. |
PER_JOBS_TL | Translated columns for per_jobs |
PER_JOB_DEFINITIONS | Job key flexfield combinations table. |
PER_JOB_EVALUATIONS | Job evaluation details for specific jobs or positions. |
PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a job. |
PER_JOB_GROUPS | Holds Job Group Information. Each Job will be a member of a Job Group and a Job Group can optionally be within a business group. |
PER_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a job. |
PER_JOB_REQUIREMENTS | Requirements for specific jobs or positions. For example, skills, qualifications, experience, training. |
PER_JP_ADDRESS_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Addresses |
PER_JP_BANK_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Bank Branches |
PER_JP_POSTAL_CODES | Lookups for Japanese postal codes and districts |
PER_JP_SCHOOL_LOOKUPS | Lookups for Japanese Educational Institutions |
PER_KR_ADDRESSES | KR specific |
PER_KR_GRADES | KR specific |
PER_KR_G_POINTS | KR specific |
PER_LETTER_GEN_STATUSES | Associations between letter types and possible status type changes. |
PER_LETTER_REQUESTS | Requests for specific types of standard letter. |
PER_LETTER_REQUEST_LINES | Details of individual letter requests. |
PER_LETTER_TYPES | Letter types and auto-request definitions. |
PER_MASS_MOVES | High level mass move definition. |
PER_MEDICAL_ASSESSMENTS | Hold Medical Assessment information for one person |
PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS | PER_MM_ASSIGNMENTS holds assignments that were defined as part of a mass move. |
PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS | PER_MM_JOB_REQUIREMENTS holds data related to transferring position requirements to a newly created position. |
PER_MM_POSITIONS | PER_MM_POSITIONS holds positions that were defined as part of a mass move. |
PER_MM_VALID_GRADES | PER_MM_VALID_GRADES holds valid grades that will be moved with a position during a mass move. |
PER_NL_ABSENCE_ACTIONS | Dutch Specific Absence Actions |
PER_NL_ABSENCE_CHANGES | Dutch Specific Absence Changes |
PER_NL_ASG_SCL_UPGRADE | Records the Dutch Assignment SCL Context Information Migrated used by the Report |
PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS | PER_NUMBER_GENERATION_CONTROLS holds the numbers that are automatically generated for a Business Group. |
PER_OBJECTIVES | A target or goal which may be evaluated during an appraisal. |
PER_ORGANIZATION_LIST | List of organizations that a secure user can access. |
PER_ORGANIZATION_STRUCTURES | Organization hierarchy names. |
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS | Organization hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between organizations. |
PER_ORG_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS | Version control information for specific organization hierarchies. |
PER_PARENT_SPINES | Details of pay scales, (previously known as parent spines). |
PER_PARTICIPANTS | A person participating in an appraisal or assessment. |
PER_PAY_BASES | Definitions of specific salary bases. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS | Salary proposals and performance review information for employee assignments. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSALS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSALS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENTS | Component details of a pay proposal for an employee assignment. |
PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PAY_PROPOSAL_COMPONENT table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_PEOPLE_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a person. |
PER_PEOPLE_INFO_TYPES | The table holds the definitions of extra information types that may be held against a person. |
PER_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS | A single evaluation of an objective. |
PER_PERFORMANCE_REVIEWS | Performance review information for employees. |
PER_PERIODS_OF_PLACEMENT | Periods of placement details for a non-payrolled worker |
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE | Period of service details for an employee. |
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_PERSON_ANALYSES | Special information types for a person. |
PER_PERSON_DLVRY_METHODS | The communication delivery method for a person. |
PER_PERSON_LIST | List of people that a secure user can access. |
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES | List of people that are to be added to current PER_PERSON_LIST. |
PER_PERSON_LIST_CHG_ARCH | Archive table to hold content of PER_PERSON_LIST_CHANGES on upgrade. |
PER_PERSON_TYPES | Person types visible to specific Business Groups. |
PER_PERSON_TYPES_TL | Translated person types information. |
PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F | Identifies the types a person may be. |
PER_PHONES | PER_PHONES holds phone numbers for current and ex-employees, current and ex-applicants and employee contacts. |
PER_POSITION_DEFINITIONS | Combinations of segments stored in the PER_POSTIONS table. |
PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO | Extra information for a position. |
PER_POSITION_INFO_TYPES | Types of extra information that may be held against a position. |
PER_POSITION_LIST | List of positions that a secure user can access. |
PER_POSITION_STRUCTURES | Position Hierarchy names. |
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS | Position hierarchy details showing parent-child reporting relationships between positions. |
PER_POS_STRUCTURE_VERSIONS | Version control information for specific position hierarchies. |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOBS | Used to store Previous Jobs |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Previous Jobs extra info |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Used to store previous job info types |
PER_PREVIOUS_JOB_USAGES | Used to store previous job Usages |
PER_PREV_JOB_EXTRA_INFO | Previous Jobs extra info |
PER_PREV_JOB_INFO_TYPES | Used to store previous job info types |
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_MEMBERS | Web Offers profile categories of questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_CATEGORY_TYPES | Generic web offer category definitions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTIONS_ADV | Web Offer advanced questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_MEMBERS | Web offer profile questions |
PER_PROPOSAL_QUESTION_TYPES | Generic web offer questions |
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_HEADERS | Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F. |
PER_PTU_DFF_MAPPING_LINES | Table for storing DFF migration mapping Information from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F. |
PER_PTU_DFF_MIG_FAILED_PEOPLE | This table is used to store the details of the person records failed to migrate to PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS | A record of educational qualification, certificates, licenses, etc that a person holds or is acquiring. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_QUALIFICATIONS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_QUALIFICATIONS_TL | Translated qualification details. |
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES | Maintains the list of qualiification types that can be attained. |
PER_QUALIFICATION_TYPES_TL | Maintains the list of qualiification type translations |
PER_QUERY_CRITERIA | Used to store criteria to build up a query |
PER_QUICKPAINT_INVOCATIONS | Identifies QuickPaint report runs. |
PER_QUICKPAINT_RESULT_TEXT | Text description for the result of a single QuickPaint run. |
PER_RATING_LEVELS | A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences. |
PER_RATING_LEVELS_TL | A rating scale step is a single point on a rating scale and is used to rate competences. |
PER_RATING_SCALES | A scale used to rate compentencies. |
PER_RATING_SCALES_TL | Translated rating scale name and description. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES | Recruitment activities and costs. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITIES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_FOR | Vacancies associated with a specific recruitment activity. |
PER_REQUISITIONS | Vacancy requisition details. |
PER_RI_DEPENDENCIES | Dependencies among Workbench tasks |
PER_RI_REQUESTS | Concurrent requests for workbench componenets |
PER_RI_SETUP_SUB_TASKS | Workbench setup sub-tasks |
PER_RI_SETUP_TASKS | Workbench Setup Tasks |
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS | Stores data related to view reports for HRMS |
PER_RI_VIEW_REPORTS_TL | Workbench View Reports Translation Table |
PER_RI_WORKBENCH_ITEMS | Workbench items |
PER_RI_WORKBENCH_ITEMS_TL | Translation table for Per_ri_workbench_items |
PER_ROLES | Holds the different roles that a person performs. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEYS | Market salary survey information. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES | Details for market salary surveys. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_SALARY_SURVEY_LINES table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_SALARY_SURVEY_MAPPINGS | Mapping information for a salary survey line. |
PER_SCHED_COBRA_PAYMENTS | Payment schedules for benefits provided by a COBRA coverage. |
PER_SECONDARY_ASS_STATUSES | Secondary assignment statuses used for information and reporting. |
PER_SECURITY_ORGANIZATIONS | List of organizations to include or exclude from |
PER_SECURITY_PROFILES | Security profile definitions to restrict user access to specific HRMS records. |
PER_SECURITY_USERS | List of users for a security profile whose access permissions will be stored in static lists duringSecurity List Maintenance. |
PER_SEC_PROFILE_ASSIGNMENTS | Security profile assignments for User, Responsibility and Business Group. |
PER_SHARED_TYPES | Holds 'type' and 'status' information. |
PER_SHARED_TYPES_TL | Translated information for shared types. |
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPES | Special information types available to a Business Group. |
PER_SPECIAL_INFO_TYPE_USAGES | Limits usage of special information types to specific windows. |
PER_SPINAL_POINTS | List of progression points in a pay scale. |
PER_SPINAL_POINT_PLACEMENTS_F | Details of assignment placements to a grade step and point. |
PER_SPINAL_POINT_STEPS_F | Grade steps defined in a specific grade scale and their incremental order. |
PER_STANDARD_HOLIDAYS | Statutory Holiday information. |
PER_STARTUP_PERSON_TYPES_TL | Predefined list of translated person types. |
PER_STD_HOLIDAY_ABSENCES | Records when Statutory Holidays are taken. |
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN | Holds a record of a person's subject usages for a qualification |
PER_SUBJECTS_TAKEN_TL | Translated grade_attained. |
PER_SUCCESSION_PLANNING | The record of a person's proposed succession to a position. |
PER_TIME_PERIODS | Time period definitions for payroll processing and HR budget calendars. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_RULES | Rules for time periods used by the system. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_SETS | Specific dates for a defined calendar. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES | Predefined list of valid period types for payroll and HR budget calendars. |
PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES_TL | Predefined list of translated period types for payroll and HR budget calendars. |
PER_US_INVAL_ADDRESSES | Temporary table used to hold invalid addresses. |
PER_US_INVAL_LOCATIONS | Temporary table used to hold invalid location addresses. |
PER_VALID_GRADES | Lists valid grades for jobs and positions. |
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS | Holds information on Incidents that happen at work or en route to work, for example, an industrial accident |
PER_WORK_INCIDENTS_EFC | This is a copy of the PER_WORK_INCIDENTS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process. |
PER_ZA_AREAS_OF_ASSESSMENT | Table to store the Areas of assessment per NQF Assessment |
PER_ZA_ASSESSMENTS | Table to store the NQF Assessment info for a person |
PER_ZA_EMPLOYMENT_EQUITY | Temporary table for Employment Equity Reporting |
PER_ZA_FORMAL_QUALIFICATIONS | Table to store additional NQF Qualification info for a person |
PER_ZA_LEARNERSHIP_AGREEMENTS | Table to store the NQF learnership agreement info between a person and the organization |
PER_ZA_QUALIFICATION_TYPES | Table to link qualification types (titles) to NQF qualification types |
PER_ZA_TRAINING | Table to store NQF Training info for a person |
I was looking on the way security profiles work and there is no table such as PER_SECURITY_US ERS in my implementation of oracle apps altough I found it on eTrm on metalink. Did you had this situation before ? We use : Oracle Applications : 11.5.9
thank s,
This table exists in 11.5.10 with following columns. Possibly this is a new addition to 11.5.10
--------------- --------------- -------------
An il Passi
We have upgraded from oracle 11.5.9 to 11.5.10.The address form(People->en ter and Maintain) in 11.5.9 is PERWSADR and it is PERACADR in 11.5.10.
Can we say it is because of the to check this form is changed because of upgrade.
Thank s in advance.
Aravi nd M
Thank s,
Anil Passi
Per_ALL _PEOPLE_F is the right table.
Try this...
sele ct * from per_all_people_ f where creation_date > sysdate - 2 ;
this will return all the records created during last two days.
Before you do that, can you query the record back from the screen? You need to be 100% certain that the record got saved in the DB.
Anil Passi
again great effort from your side.your site is giving me a lot of knowledge in each n every way .Here i like to ask one thing ,wheather I am not very sure I am rite or not.
but can you provide some list of queries which generally we use to develop any report or any form .I am giving you a example for that may be my point will be clear ,just like previous you have send one query which will" return all the records created during last two days"
select * from per_all_people_ f where creation_date > sysdate - 2 ;
like this if you can send us some more query then that will be really great help from your side.
Thankx & Regards
Saurabh Srivastava
Please see
Anil Passi
Your website is really very helpful, thnx for all your efforts.
The Self Service Time sheet that is available in OTL, does not allow the user to fill the time for multiple assigments if the employee is assigned to more than one assignment. The client wants us to implement the solution so that the employees should be allowed to fill the time entry for multiple assignments. Could you please share your ideas on how to achieve this?
Best Regards,
We need your expert guidence in implementing address validation in Oracle R12 HRMS form "PERACADR.fmb"
In this form person address is captured using the standard DFF "Personal Address Information".
This DFF is context sensitive. Address Type is the reference field.
In case of address types US and CAN, we need to have our customized validation on the segments like City, State, Country, Zip Code.
All the segments are attached with oracle supplied value sets.
In our case, while populating the list of values for any of the above four segments, we need to consider the remaining three segments.
Based on those three segments we need to do some validations and populate the list with valid data only.
We tried below steps to implement this...
1. Create new value sets based on our custom tables and assign them to all four segments.
2. Write Key-Listval trigger on all the four segments with following code...
a) call our custom procedures to populate the custom tables with valid values
b) populate the LOV using list_values
But after implementing the above changes, we identified that none of our triggers on DFF segments are getting executed.
We tried some other possiblities also, but could not make it.
Could you please provide us your expert guidence on this.
Your earliest reply would be highly appreciated.
T hanks in advance,
Whenever user tries to see the list of values for any segment, data should be populated in our custom tables which are used in value set.
So this is a an front-end item level action, which cannot be done using backend triggers.
Plea se let us know, if you have any other inputs.
Thanks ,
I was wondering if you can guide me to understanding Oracle HRMS field inter-dependenc ies?
Does Oracle or any other source offers any tools or mappings as such? For example, there might be an inter-dependenc y between 'City' and 'Country' fields.
Looking at some masking solutions and thus wanted to make sure we cover all integrity and data relationship issues.
Your guidance would be greatly appreciated.
M any thanks,
Depending upon your business requirements, you can use CUSTOM.pll or API Hooks or Personalization s to achieve your requirement.
A lso check Metalink if there exists a localization patch for the specific country address for validations.
T hanks,
Anil Passi
"A" Feil, Mrs. Phyllis Jan
"B" Uran, Mr. D Mark (Mark)
"C" Huynh, Ms. Thuy Ngoc Thanh (Tiffany)
"D" Ahnberg, Mr. Donald Searle (Don) Not related to any one in the list...
FYI: Uran, Mr. D Mark (Mark) approved timecard for period 11-NOV-07 to 17-NOV-07, 46 Total Hours - (Timecard Num: 671416 )
From Feil, Mrs. Phyllis Jan
To Huynh, Ms. Thuy Ngoc Thanh (Tiffany)
Sent 16-NOV-2007 13:18:15
ID 1792503
Feil, Mrs. Phyllis Jan,
This timecard has been approved :
Timecard Details Project Number Project Name Task Number Task Name Type Hour Type Date Day Hours Comments
IT-FINANCE IT-FINANCE 1.01 NON ERP HOUR NON ERP HOUR PS-Labor Worked Hours 12-Nov-07 Mon 11
IT-ERP2 QUOTE TO CASH ERP PHASE2 QUOTE TO CASH 8.00 Project Admin Project Admin PS-Labor Worked Hours 13-Nov-07 Tue 1
IT-FINANCE IT-FINANCE 1.01 NON ERP HOUR NON ERP HOUR PS-Labor Worked Hours 13-Nov-07 Tue 10
IT-FINANCE IT-FINANCE 1.01 NON ERP HOUR NON ERP HOUR PS-Labor Worked Hours 14-Nov-07 Wed 5
IT-ERP2 QUOTE TO CASH ERP PHASE2 QUOTE TO CASH 8.00 Project Admin Project Admin PS-Labor Worked Hours 14-Nov-07 Wed 4
IT-FINANCE IT-FINANCE 1.01 NON ERP HOUR NON ERP HOUR PS-Labor Worked Hours 15-Nov-07 Thu 10
IT-FINANCE IT-FINANCE 1.01 NON ERP HOUR NON ERP HOUR PS-Labor Worked Hours 16-Nov-07 Fri 5
Timecard Link Action History
Num Action Date Action From To Details
1 16-NOV-2007 13:18:15 Submit Ahnberg, Mr. Donald Searle (Don) Feil, Mrs. Phyllis Jan
2 16-NOV-2007 13:18:15 Delegate Feil, Mrs. Phyllis Jan Huynh, Ms. Thuy Ngoc Thanh (Tiffany)
Could u please show ER Diagram of Oracle HRMS??
This is my first mail to you.
Am looking for any document related to Oracle HR and payroll set up of UAE localisation.
Kindly help me
Nare n
This is my first post
Have any hint to change UK to Sadui legislation without creating new business group and data migration
Thank s
I try to use business events in Oracle HRMS but i didn't find any documentation about business event system.
Exampl e:
oracle.apps. per.api.person. update_person
I created a bpel process, make a setup of bes in the subscription page (Oracle Workiflow), but i don't know when the Oracle APPS raise this event and others bes in the Oracle HRMS.
Tks a lot,
Marcos Allonso
Oracle Brazil
Great efforts!!
I am looking for transactional tables in OAB, though I am not a hrms functional consultant, need to know this info.
Actualy i got tired from trying and asking about my issue without any help, bu i think i found what i'm looking for, I think you are the one who can solve my issue:
the issue is :
i want to change the hire date for an employee who have 3 payroll runs, and some non recurring element entries, and abcenses,
e.g: the employee hire date is 01/10/2009 and he was an applicant from 01/09/2009 till the hire date ,
now we want to make the hire date on 15/09/2009
Is it possible to remove old timesheet notifications in OTL.
The supervisor has received timesheet approval notifications of his subordinates. But he didnt approve them, and now his subordinates are no longer in the organizations. is it possible to remove the notifications from his list. there is no option to approve, reject or close it.
I was inquiring about advertising on your website, . I am really interested in
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Pleas e send me an email at your earliest convenience to discuss rates and advertising options for your
Thank you for your time,
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living. The master bedroom features an ample walk-in closet and its own patio.
El Modena
The El Modena High School, an exemplary school in California
opened its doors in 1966 and has been serving the community of East Orange for nearly four decades.
It has graduated nearly 10000 students and the alumni
share a common bond. Here are five common memories from the El Modena experience.
Continue reading to learn more. These are the most frequently heard feedback
we receive from students regarding El Modena High School.
In 1928, Bellarmine changed its name to the more contemporary "Bellarmine College Preparatory." The school was
named in honor of the Jesuit of the sixteenth century, Robert Cardinal,
who was a saint canonized. The school colors changed from the red and white of Santa Clara to blue and white which are the colors of Saint Mary.
The athletic program of the school is ranked among the top 10 in California.
Villa Park
In 1860, Villa Park was known as Mountain View and the Post Office refused to deliver mail to the area.
By 1880, the city was the size of Orange and Anaheim and had horses and
buggies being the usual. There were many orchards, primarily of citrus, walnuts
as well as apricots, grapes and apricots. It was also the home for Millicent Strahan, the first Miss Villa Park.
St. Ignatius
Since 1886, St. Ignatius Catholic Jesuit High School has been helping to shape future leaders
with a focus on academics and exceptional athletics. The school's commitment to academics and faith is evident in the school's culture.
St. Ignatius offers many opportunities for students to enrich their education through the Summer Enhancement Program.
Its athletics program is an excellent opportunity for young men entering eighth grade to gain knowledge about the game and their peers.
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This article will give you information on Arroyo Alto Prep, Irvington, El
Modena, Bellarmine, and more. These schools are renowned for
their academic success however, what is the experience of riders?
Are you looking for something new?
Preparation for the Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart Prep in Arroyo swept Arroyo Grande 10-6 in a
nonleague girls water polo match on Thursday. Ashley Penner scored two goals and also assisted with three goals.
The Sacred Heart Prep girls water polo team plays St.
Ignatius in a WCAL matchup on Wednesday. SHP defeated Arroyo Grande 7-5 at the St.
Francis Invitational.
The Arroyo Alto area offers an excellent community for homebuyers.
This stunning home boasts beautiful views of the
lake and an excellent layout. The living space is open concept with gas fireplace, a boveda brick
ceiling, and an open pantry. The kitchen has stainless steel appliances,
as well as sliding glass doors that open to a patio covered for outdoor and indoor living.
The master bedroom is equipped with an enormous walk-in closet, as
well as its own covered patio.
El Modena
El Modena High School is an California Distinguished School that
first opened its doors in 1966. It has served East Orange for almost four decades.
It has graduated close to 10000th of its pupils, and the alumni share
a common bond. Here are five of the most memorable memories from the El Modena experience.
Find out more about them. These are the most frequent remarks
we hear from students regarding El Modena High School.
In 1928, Bellarmine changed its name to the more modern "Bellarmine College Preparatory." Robert Cardinal, a Jesuit from the 16th
century who was also saint, was the school's name.
The school colors changed from the red and white of Santa Clara to
blue and white that are the colors of Saint Mary. The athletics program at the
school is among the top ten sports in California.
Villa Park
In 1850, Villa Park was known as Mountain View and the Post Office refused to deliver mail to this
area. The town was approximately the same size as Anaheim and Orange by 1880.
Horse and buggies were the usual. There were many orchards, mostly
of walnuts, citrus Apricots, grapes, and apricots.
It was also the birthplace for Millicent Strahan, the first
Miss Villa Park.
St. Ignatius
Since 1886, St. Ignatius Catholic Jesuit High School
has been helping to shape future leaders with a focus on academics and exceptional athletics.
The school's culture is a reflection of its commitment to faith and academics.
St. Ignatius offers many opportunities for students to enhance their education, including the Summer Enhancement Program.
Its athletics program is a rich opportunity for boys entering
eighth grade to gain knowledge about the game and their fellow
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