The XML Publisher(XMLP / BI Publisher ) requires a Template layout and Data XML to generate the report in
PDF, EXCEL, RTF or HTML format .The Data XML can be generated from Oracle Report, OA Framework and Data Template.
Using this approach, you can develop BI Publisher reports in Oracle EBS, without having to develop an RDF report.
You can specify an SQL Statement in an XML file, and results of that SQL Statement are published as XMLP Output.
In this article lets understand the usage of Data Template with a small demo. In the next article we will discuss in detail the Data Template XML Schema.
- Data Query : The SQL query with bind parameter specifying the data to be fetched.
- Bind Parameters : Definition of each bind parameter defined in the query.
- Data Structure : Definition of the Output XML Structure.
- Data Triggers : Triggers that should be executed before or after the data query execution. Triggers are used to either do initialization or do some post query operation.
XML Publisher Data Template Architecture
The Data engine execute the Data template to generate the Data XML file . The Data XML file is then merged with the Template layout by the XMLP engine to generate the XMLP
Lets try to build a sample XMLP report to display Employee Details. The Following are the steps involved
Step 1: Design the Data Template XML File.
Step 2: Create the Data Definition in XML Publisher and associate it with Data Template
Step 3: Define a Concurrent Program to generate the Data XML File.
Step 4: Define the RTF Template using the Generated Data XML.
Step 5: Registering the Template with XML Publisher
Step 6: Execute the concurrent program to generate the PDF report.
Step 1 : Design the Data Template XML File.
For each bind parameter in the query , we need to define a Parameter. In this case we have defined p_DeptNo parameter.
In the data structure element, we have defined the output XML structure. He we map the columns in the select query with the data xml elements.
Step 2 : Create the Data Definition in XML Publisher and associate it with Data Template
Using Responsibility: XML Publisher Administrator --> Home --> Data Definitions --> Create Data Definition
Screen 1 : Enter the data definition Details and click on Apply. Note down the Code. The code should be used as the short name of the concurrent program.
Screen 2: Click on the "Add File" button against the "Data Template" Label.
Screen 3: Upload the Data Template XML file and Click on Apply.
Screen 4 : The Data Template is associated to the Data Definition..
Step 3: Define a Concurrent Program to generate the Data XML File.
Using Responsibility System Administrator --> Concurrent : Program --> Define.
Screen 1: Define a Concurrent Program With executable = XDODTEXE and Output Format = XML.
Screen 4 : Execute the concurrent program "Employee Details Data Template Demo"and click on the output button get the Data XML. Save the XML file. We will use it to generate the RTF Template.
Use the Table Wizard to create the 'Table Report Format' with all the columns of EMP.
Step 5: Registering the Template with XML Publisher
Responsibility: XML Publisher Administrator --> Home --> Templates --> Create Template.
Enter the Template Name and other details. The Data Definition should be the data definition defined in the above steps. Click on the apply button
Step 6 : Execute the concurrent program to generate the PDF report.
Open the concurrent program for submission and click on the option button to specify the XML Publisher Template defined in the previous step and Output type to be used. The options specified once gets stored . Hence if open the option window again, the template name and the output type will be available. Click ok button and run the concurrent program. When the program completes. Click on the Output button to see the PDF report.
h ari
Nice article. can you please explain how to do develop Multi Lingual report using XML Publisher.
I am working on the 11i version, could not get the XDODTEXE while creating Concurrent program.let me know any alternative.
If I have multiple template files over a common data definition file, how will this work?
For ex, say I have 1.rtf, 2.rtf, 3.rtf and I am registering all these with the same data definition xml. While running the CP, which rtf will it pick?
- Senthil
This feature is available in XML Publisher/BI Publisher 5.6.3 and above
If there are multiple templates attached to your data definition, you can choose one template to be your default template while registering the Template in XMLP Administrator responsibility. The same template will be defaulted when we run the XMLP report from SRS. You can change the default template to you template of choice, by going to "Options" on SRS form. In the Layout frame in Options, you can select the other templates that are attached to report's data definition.
Hope it clears the question.
Rega rds.
Oracle XML Publisher V 5.6.3
xdo Data Engine Fails with a exception [052208_0950459 50][][EXCEPTION ] java.lang.NullP ointerException
Trying to genarate XML Data File from a custom XDO Data Template using XML Publisher.
Example of the Data Template is :
The follwoing is the error on view log:
XDO Data Engine Version No: 5.6.3
Resp: 20420
Org ID : 84
Request ID: 3865200
All Parameters: p_name_like=Sha ik
Data Template Code: EMP_DETAILS
Data Template Application Short Name: EGLCUST
Debug Flag: N
{p_name_like=Sha ik}
Calling XDO Data Engine...
[052208_0950459 50][][EXCEPTION ] java.lang.NullP ointerException
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.Dat aTemplateParser .GetNodeNumChil dren(DataTempla 45)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.Dat aTemplateParser .templateParser (DataTemplatePa
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.setDataTem plate(XMLPGEN.j ava:599)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.Dat aProcessor.setD ataTemplate(Dat :193)
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.util.DataTe mplate.(DataTem
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOD ataEngine.runPr ogram(JCP4XDODa 82)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main( 161)
java.lang.Ind exOutOfBoundsEx ception: Index: 0, Size: 0
at il.collections. ArrayList.Range Check(ArrayList .java:492)
at il.collections. ArrayList.get(A 06)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.Dat aTemplateParser .getParentDataS ource(DataTempl 1737)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.writeDefau ltGroup(XMLPGEN .java:320)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.writeGroup Structure(XMLPG
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.processDat a( 266)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.processXML ( 05)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.writeXML(X )
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.Dat aProcessor.proc essData(DataPro )
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.util.DataTe mplate.processD ata(DataTemplat
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOD ataEngine.runPr ogram(JCP4XDODa 93)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main( 161)
This article is really good!
Can u help me for the following scenario
I have to include the Bind parameters in the xml output so that I can display them in the rtf file. But I have already created the report with sql query.
Now, I have to display the bind parameters in rtf but i could not found any place where I can specify to include the parameters.
Wit h Data Template, it can be done by specifying the include_in_outp ut attribute to true.
waiting for ur reply.......... ..........
This artcle is very good.
Actually i was using word to create the data template...whic h was sending a lot of junk.
I tired it with notepad, it worked perfectly.
Th anks Ruhu
Can we make use of the busrting cconcept of XML here. I fso how can that be done.
Indeed you can use bursting. Simply follow the Bursting article.
Bursti ng file will parse the XML Output generated, regardless of how you generate that XML.
A nil Passi
I figured that out. But I wanted to know, on how to make use of the trigger in SQL Query procedure. The last step of the Bursting article - Oracle rdf -AFTER REPORT TRIGGER. The same thing where should that be defined on the Data Template Definition is my question.
You all are doing great work....and helping us...
its always pleasure to read all the articles posted on this site..
Hope some answer from you.
i generated reports through XMLP, it is working fine, but Excel reports is not opening. it is giving errors like data not found, while other types of report is running fine. please help me.
we are developing the xml publisher reports using report builder.First we are creating the data definition in oracle report builder and
placed in sever registered it as a concurrent program and taking the output as xml.And we design the template in MSword and
loaded the xml data and we registered the template in xml publisher responsibility all are working fine.but my question we developed this reports in Development instance how to move this xml publisher report to production using FNDLOAD.i know how to move the
concurrent program request group using FNDLOAD.But how to move this XML Publisher report because it is having xml file,RTF file,
RDF file.Using Fndload we can upload concurrent program along with rdf but how can i move the xml and rtf file.
099 40651244
The XDOLoader utility is used to upload and download the physical files (RTF, PDF, XSL-FO, XML, and XSD).
Use the following commands to
1) Download all the data definitions and corresponding templates in an instance.
FNDLO AD apps/apps_pwd@d b 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/ 115/import/xdot mpl.lct
targetl dtfile.ldt XDO_DS_DEFINITI ONS
2) Download all the data definitions and the corresponding Templates in a specific product.
FNDLOA D apps/apps_pwd@d b 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/ 115/import/xdot mpl.lct
3) Download a particular data definitions and its corresponding Templates.
FNDL OAD apps/apps_pwd@d b 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/ 115/import/xdot mpl.lct
4) Upload the data definitions and its corresponding Templates to an instance.
FNDLO AD apps/apps_pwd@d b 0 Y UPLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/ 115/import/xdot mpl.lct
targetl dtfile.ldt
To download the RTF template and other files use
java oracle.apps.xdo .oa.util.XDOLoa der DOWNLOAD \
Use the below command to upload the rft template and other files
java oracle.apps.xdo .oa.util.XDOLoa der UPLOAD \
I will prepare an article on this with sample by end of this week.
Hope this helps you at this moment.
Prabh akar.S
Really very good article.
have some doubts please clarify
1)whet her we need to put the .xml file any where on the server like we will be putting rdf.
2)while creating Executable what we have to give for Executable File name
Ra jesh
You need to upload the xml file to the Data definition. Please see the data definition creation part.
There is no need to create executable. Oracle provides XDODTEXE named executable that u need to use.
P rabhakar.S
Thanks For Reply.
please clarify on this
whether we can use SQL*plus Statements like DEFINE, set serveroutput off,..
in the Data Template XML
i have tried bus it showing error.
How can we generate Master-Detail data in the same XML file using a Data Template ?
Suppose for each Master row, I need to get all the Details rows and show the XML in a heirarchical format,
how can we achieve that using a Data Template ?
Thanks and Regards
this is siva your article is good but i want to know how to instal xml publisher admin
thanks & regards
siva g
In relation to this article, is it possible to protect the documents by section only like in MSword documents where you can easily set the section break and protect only that section? I hope xml publsiher has this kind of properties
Beca use this is one of the requirements on most of our letters.
Thanks in advance
This one is (Mr. Pabhakar's "XML Publisher and Data Template - SQL Query to develop BI Publisher Reports ") very nice article. I got some problem with import style sheet into RTF Template. We are in Oracle Apps 12. We are implementing Contracts Core Module. Our Contracts clauses data embeded with html tags like for bold , for italics like that. Some reason we are getting the output same as data stored in database, that means not converting html tags. I am using OKCCOMRTE subtemplate to convert these html tags for formatting.
Please let me know, is it bug? or configuration issues?. Same xsl style sheet is working fine, if run this with generated xml from my computer.
Thank you
How can we attach dynamically generated Data Template XML File with the Data Definition in XML Publisher, when we are Defining a Concurrent Program With executable = XDODTEXE. Do we have to create a executable which generates the desire output at runtime using sql and attach this to the concurrent program and attach this conc program to the Data template? Or is there any other way to attach dynamic XML output to the Data defintion using the executable XDODTEXE?
Than ks and Regards,
Sand eep
Good article!. Could you tell me how can I default output format not to PDF but to EXCEL type when submitting request?
Thanks in advance,
below is the xml code.
now when i load xml data in world by pressing data tab then it shows data loaded successfully.
but when i press field under insert tab then it does not shows me filed which i written in xml query.
do you have any suggestion.
pl s let me know.
e-Mail :
I have created a report in the similar way.
Now If i want to burst the report to customer.
How can i do that.
Is there any setups for this.
things I messed, and which would of interest to others are
1) the executable used it a java concurrent program; and it uses token to pass parameters; and like reports, the token name on the conc program definition should be exactly same as the one used in the data template.
called in the sql:
Toke n used in Concurrent Program Parameter is EMP_NAME
The program runs and returns results; however, the parameter never seems to limit the query.
Any ideas? I'm stumped.
Thank s
It is my usual practice to use oracle report to generate the XML data and then design the template for XML Publisher Reports. In the process I end up with 2 concurrent program definitions.
Question : Is it possible to make these concurrent program definitions redundant? IF not could you elaborate on the reason behind this.
I am unable to see the screenshots. Only X mark is avaiable. Could you pls let me know how shall I go with this?
i am trying to use a dynamic url on a dummy image field in the RTF. I inserted the actual URL on the web tab. this url is an element in my xml file.
if the value in the 'url:{}' is static, it works, but i cannot get this to work:
url:{imag e_url} as per the oracle documentation.
the preview in word does not show the image, and neither does it show in the concurrent prog o/p.
Need help!! Please.
This is good article. I just want to know how can we generate data template for any XML reports?
Is there any tool for it?
I've a requirement where I need to print template "T1" based on certain condition otherwise template "T2". Both the template have common data definitions. Is there a way where user need not to select template and we can do it programmaticall y based on value of some tag from data definitions??
Pratu l
[u rl=] seo company
I want to show my RTF's last page as different..In that i have used ""
tag with 'Continuous' break...It shows double of each page.
If The file wants to print 2 pages,It shows 4 pages with One Blank pages...
Plz Kelp me to solve this problem..Its Urgent...
Than x in Advance,
Chitha mbaram Perumal
I have some parameters in my report that I need to derive the value of before the report runs. I tried setting the values by calling a trigger, but the values remain null after the trigger is called.
The trigger seems to be running OK, and returns the correct true/false status.
Do you know what I need to do to pass the parameter values from the trigger back to the report. (They are defined as package variables in the Oracle package associated with the report).
Many thanks,
I'm wondering how to have a parameter value updated by a trigger. I have some
Is it possible to drill through from one RTF template to another RTF template . I want to navigate from one report to another report through a hyperlink.Pleas e suggest how can I achieve this
Thanks in advance
Regard s
My HRMS letters are now ready without RDF.
--------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------
flower delivery
flower delivery glasgow
Thanks for sharing your oracle knowledge.
f lower delivery
Jit hen
I tried the BI publisher in 11i using the executable XDODTEXE.
But i got the following error. ng.ClassNotFoun dException: oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOD ataEngine
at ssLoader$ URLClassLoader. java:199)
at ccessController .doPrivileged(N ative Method)
at ssLoader.findCl ass(URLClassLoa
a t java.lang.Class Loader.loadClas s(ClassLoader.j ava:289)
at sun.misc.Launch er$AppClassLoad er.loadClass(La )
at java.lang.Class Loader.loadClas s(ClassLoader.j ava:235)
at java.lang.Class Loader.loadClas sInternal(Class )
at java.lang.Class .forName0(Nativ e Method)
at java.lang.Class .forName(Class. java:141)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main( 144)
when i checked for the class file JCP4XDODataEngi ne.class in unix, the file was missing.
in other instances also the file was not there.
I'm now wondering whether we can do this BI publisher in 11i.
some help please.
Regard s,
This is a very important information. I cannot see the pictures in each step. Since I am new to this, could you please email me the article with pictures. Thank you for your help.
t homas :)
Images are on google docs server
I also faced issues with dynamic images in the template. My issue was something similar, that I had the image URL in my xml file, but when I gave url:{IMAGE_URL} it dint work. I resolved it by giving the exact path to the image url element in the XML file. Something like this,
url:{ROOT /IMAGE_URL}. It worked, but I have issues with its size, as it was displaying the image in the size of the dummy image I have placed in y template. I am stil looking for an answer for that.
S ajith
2008- 01-01T00:00:00. 000+04:00
this date format is coming. Please let me know how to extract date from this.
Thanks a lot for quick reply. When I running the sql query on toad, I am getting date in correct format but when running concurrent program, I am getting date in format 2008-01-01T00:0 0:00.000+04:00 in XML.... In the example above also, date is printed in same format.... I tried to do some operation in sql considering it as string.... I mean first substr then to_date.. but in that case date is coming as null in XML file..
I tried this in sql... but in this case date comes null.....
to_da te(substr(pps.d ate_start,0,10) ,'YYYY-MM-DD')
You can check the example above... in pdf output screen shot (just above starting of comment).. date is in format 2008-01-01T00:0 0:00.000+04:00.
After deleting only I'm not able to create data defination.Any help ?????
is it possible to set it by default rather than changing it each time when submitting the request??
than ks for the great site
how can i achieve that??
thnx alot
She ena
Sorry, I did not check this forum after that. The issue is like this.
Suppose I have 2 photographs. One of size 100 X 100 and another one 1000 X 500. I have made my RTF in such a way that it has a 100 X 100 picture loaded in it, and I have setit up to take the photograph from a url which I will be passing in the XML. Now the issue is, if I am passing the URL to the 100 X 100 picture, it is fine. But when I give the URL to the 1000 X 500 picture, what happens it, it will try to fit it in the 100 X 100 space, and it will look distorted. I was actually looking for a way to pass the dimentions of the size in the XML so that I can tell it to display the second photograph with the dimention 100 X 50 so that it doesn't look distorted.
Saj ith
Sa jith
there is a way within the url tag of the picture in ur word doc that you can specify the size of the image. i was under the impression that the picture will format based on what gets passed in.
i have not tried with the size you mentioned, but if you look at the xml or bi publisher document, i believe, it has the details on how to specify the size.
good luck
request.I have made a concurrent program with XML as the output and XDODTEXE as the executable....p lease help
and the error generated is
+------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --+
Human Resources: Version : 11.5.0
Copyrig ht (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
+---------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----+
Current system time is 26-FEB-2010 16:03:39
+---- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------+
X DO Data Engine Version No: 5.6.3
Resp: 53838
Org ID : 1041
Request ID: 38224060
All Parameters: review_id=
Data Template Code: TDP_BLOB_CLOB
D ata Template Application Short Name: PER
Debug Flag: N
Calling XDO Data Engine...
--SQL Exception
java. sql.SQLExceptio n: ORA-00911: invalid character
at oracle.jdbc.dba ccess.DBError.t hrowSqlExceptio n( 134)
at oracle.jdbc.ttc 7.TTIoer.proces sError(TTIoer.j ava:289)
at oracle.jdbc.ttc 7.Oall7.receive ( )
at oracle.jdbc.ttc 7.TTC7Protocol. doOall7(TTC7Pro )
at oracle.jdbc.ttc 7.TTC7Protocol. parseExecuteDes cribe(TTC7Proto
a t oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleState ment.doExecuteQ uery(OracleStat )
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OracleState ment.doExecuteW ithTimeout(Orac leStatement.jav a:2963)
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OraclePrepa redStatement.ex ecuteUpdate(Ora clePreparedStat
at oracle.jdbc.dri ver.OraclePrepa redStatement.ex ecuteQuery(Orac lePreparedState
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.processSQL DataSource(XMLP
a t oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.writeData( 9)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.writeGroup Structure(XMLPG
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.processDat a( 266)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.processXML ( 05)
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.XML PGEN.writeXML(X )
at oracle.apps.xdo .dataengine.Dat aProcessor.proc essData(DataPro )
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.util.DataTe mplate.processD ata(DataTemplat
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOD ataEngine.runPr ogram(JCP4XDODa 93)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main( 161)
+-------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------+
Start of log messages from FND_FILE
+----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------+
+-- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------+
End of log messages from FND_FILE
+----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------+
+ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- +
Executing request completion options...
+-- ----------- 1) PUBLISH -------------+
Beginning post-processing of request 38224060 on node TLNT09 at 26-FEB-2010 16:03:45.
Post- processing of request 38224060 failed at 26-FEB-2010 16:03:45 with the error message:
One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
+----- --------------- --------------- ---+
Finished executing request completion options.
+---- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------+
Co ncurrent request completed
Curre nt system time is 26-FEB-2010 16:03:45
+---- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------+
i am working on
Database Server
-------- --------------- --------------- --
Orac le Applications :
I created Data Definition and Template on XML Published, but when I started the Concurrent Process this finished with "WARNING" status and create log with the following message:
Template code: XLAACCPB01
Temp late app: XLA
Language: pt
Territory: BR
Output type: PDF
[2/27/10 8:29:08 PM] [UNEXPECTED] [546478:RT12955 480] FoundException: /arch/xdoTX5kEk MOL8022710_0829 (No such file or directory)
at Native Method)
at putStream.(File OutputStream.ja va:179)
at putStream.(File OutputStream.ja va:131)
at oracle.apps.xdo .common.tmp.Tmp File.createTmpF ileJDK118(TmpFi
at oracle.apps.xdo .common.tmp.Tmp File.createTmpF ile(TmpFile .java:113)
at oracle.apps.xdo nerateFO(FOUtil
a t oracle.apps.xdo nerateFO(FOUtil
a t oracle.apps.xdo .template.FOPro cessor.createFO (FOProcessor.ja va:1659)
at oracle.apps.xdo .template.FOPro cessor.generate (FOProcessor.ja va:969)
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.schema.serv er.TemplateHelp er.runProcessTe mplate(Template 6)
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.schema.serv er.TemplateHelp er.processTempl ate(TemplateHel
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.schema.serv er.TemplateHelp er.processTempl ate(TemplateHel
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.opp.XMLPubl isherProcessor. process(XMLPubl isherProcessor. java:259)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.opp.OPPRequ PPRequestThread .java:172)
Cou ld anybody help me with this issue ?
Thanks a lot,
Jean Antunes.
What is OPP Error Log and where can i find it? Please provide navigation to avoid confusion. Thanks. Btw i sent you email might wanna check that please.
check OOP file as follows:
sysadmin -> Concurrent -> Manager -> administer -> Output Post Processor -> processes -> manager log
or better way is from find request window , choose concurrent program -> Diagnostics -> view XML
Check the xml file in the end for error.
link :
Kindly let me know if there is any way where when we generate BIP Reports in Siebel(8.1.1) Logo(any company's logo image) should get assigned to the Report Dynamically. I mean we don't want to put the image in the .RTF templates Report Header but the image should come automatically by accessing a particular location while generating it. Please help me in achieving this.
A nil
I added a parameter for Transaction number named "P_TRX_NUMBER"
this will filter the sales order item to match transaction items.
when i run the concurrent request, it says
PLS-00302: component 'P_TRX_NUMBER' must be declared.
I am also trying to show an image based on a criteria. I am using this in the Alternative Text of the dummy image.
url:{con cat('/11.5/comm on/java/oracle/ apps/media/','' )}
IMAGE_FILE is one of the elements on the template.
I am not getting the image to be shown on the page.
Anybody with a solution to this ?
Sheena: Did you get a soluion to this ?
Deep ak.
I am also trying to use the CHART object Bi Publisher in word but the Preview and Ok button are always disabled. I am using the same XML dat file. Any ideas?
Thanks for any help.
if that does not help, feel free to post a note on that blog.
Could you please let us know if there is any chance to add attribute to the XML elements that are generated by the Data template concept in oracle.
Also, what is the best editor, for creating these xml files? Is JDeveloper a convenient tool to develop these? If so, which version would do? I would like to have a lighter version of JDeveloper not the Studio.
I am looking for a code sample to achiever master/detail data in a single data template. Similar to this person's question below:
How can we generate Master-Detail data in the same XML file using a Data Template ?
Suppose for each Master row, I need to get all the Details rows and show the XML in a heirarchical format,
how can we achieve that using a Data Template ?
Please advise.
Amity Scott
There is one example in following blog on how the achieve Master detail Data Template hierarchy in Data Template. Please check it out.
But I noticed, BI Publisher was not used in any of the steps. There's a data model section in BIP where you can create a data template. Can it help in this case?
I have a requirement where i need to create three tables in a same rtf whihc should populate the data from a single data template.
I have created a single data template with three and 3 groups in the . All the 3 qeries are independent
and mapped to 3 seperate groups inthe data sttucture sections.
But When running the reprot i am not getting the correct result . the query displays the result from onyl one query only. but whn i run the 3 queres in the backend i am getting data. Any help will be great.
Tha nks for the tutorial. This was extremely useful for me. I had little time and you have everything here. Thanks alot.
name of the file XMLPDF.xml
Date Definition:
Applicat ion Receivables Start Date 07-Jan-2011 Concurrent Program
registe red the report output xml and used the seeded executable XDODTEXE
i do not see my query in the data template getting executed. i am expecting my 3 columns that i have defined in the query to be shown up in the output xml file.
I'd really appreciate if someone can help me here. also my query gives out around 200 records so there is no problem of no data found.
Thanks a lot
In step 6, for concurrent program submission, we need to select the layout from options screen manually. If I am submitting the job from backend/plsql script, how can provide this layout value. I am using the API call Fnd_Request.sub mit_request. Please help.
Creating report for XML and data def.
I created a query in SQL Developer
Inita lized variables
execu te fnd_global.apps _initialize(&us er_id,&resp_id, &resp_appl_id);
execute mo_global.init( 'SQLAP');
Then ran the query
(select amount_remainin g from ap_payment_sche dules APS WHERE API.INVOICE_id = APS.INVOICE_id ) AS REMAINING_aps,
(select DUE_DATE from ap_payment_sche dules APS WHERE API.INVOICE_id = APS.INVOICE_id ) AS INVOICE_terms_D ATE_aps,
invoic e_date,
invoice _amount,
nvl(am ount_paid,0),
n vl(discount_amo unt_taken,0),
n vl(invoice_amou nt-(nvl(amount_ paid,0) + nvl(discount_am ount_taken,0)), 0) as remaining,
disc ount_amount_tak en,
cancelled_d ate
from ap_invoices API
--inv oice_amount amount_paid
can celled_date is null
and nvl(invoice_amo unt-(nvl(amount _paid,0) + nvl(discount_am ount_taken,0)), 0) 0
G ot my data
Now I usually move the query to the report builder save it as a rdf run it through the report coverter by IKE wiggins
And take the files move them into Oracle and create word template for the xml template and it works except this time I'm having an issue and I think it's due to the execute fnd_global.apps _initialize(&us er_id,&resp_id, &resp_appl_id);
execute mo_global.init( 'SQLAP');
1)I' m not sure how to get my query to work in the report builder? I believe I need to do something about the id's so I can see the data
2) After I get that working I presume when I run it through the converter it will create the needed files?
I have the xml shema alone to develop a bi publisher report.. Can u pls tel how to convert xml schema to xml data.. So that i can proceed further..
Than ks
My data template looks like this:
On running the program I am gettingnullpoin ter exception :
Calling XDO Data Engine...
java. lang.NullPointe rException
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.util.DataTe mplate.getDataT emplate(DataTem
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.util.DataTe mplate.(DataTem
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOD ataEngine.runPr ogram(JCP4XDODa 83)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main( 157)
I am not able to find the cause of this issue.
Can anyone tell me what may be causing this issue. and how to debug these kind of java exceptions?
Th anks,
called in the sql:
AND MP.organization _code = nvl(:p_org_code ,MP.organization _code )
Token used in Concurrent Program Parameter is p_org_code
The program runs and returns results; however, the parameter never seems to limit the query.
Any ideas?
Excellent job you are doing.Thanks for sharing valuable knowledge.I have requirement of passing parameters to the xml data template file.But those parameters are optional.User may pass or may not pass the parameters if the parameter value is null then how to use this in xml data template file.
I am using like this msib.segment1=n vl(:p_item,msib .segment1)
and pha.segment1=nv l(:p_po_num,pha .segment1)
but while i am submitting the program with null values to the parameters the result is empty even though there are records with null values.
Please gurus provide me the solution as early as possible u can.
Thanks in advance.
Please Help me out to rectify on this ?
ConfFile: C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Templat e Builder for Word\config\xdo config.xml
Font Dir: C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Templat e Builder for Wordonts
Run XDO Start
Template: C:\Documents and Settings\uswmad 80\Desktop\Acti vity_Sort_Solut ion_Options\Opt ion 1\BIP_Loss Report123.rtf
R TFProcessor setLocale: en-us
FOProcess or setData: C:\Documents and Settings\uswmad 80\Desktop\Acti vity_Sort_Solut ion_Options\Opt ion 1\BIP CRN INS Claims3.xml
FOP rocessor setLocale: en-us
java.lang .reflect.Invoca tionTargetExcep tion
at sun.reflect.Nat iveMethodAccess orImpl.invoke0( Native Method)
at sun.reflect.Nat iveMethodAccess orImpl.invoke(N ativeMethodAcce 9)
at sun.reflect.Del egatingMethodAc cessorImpl.invo ke(DelegatingMe thodAccessorImp
at java.lang.refle ct.Method.invok e( 97)
at oracle.apps.xdo .common.xml.XSL T10gR1.invokePr ocessXSL(Unknow n Source)
at oracle.apps.xdo .common.xml.XSL T10gR1.transfor m(Unknown Source)
at oracle.apps.xdo .common.xml.XSL T10gR1.transfor m(Unknown Source)
at oracle.apps.xdo .common.xml.XSL TWrapper.transf orm(Unknown Source)
at oracle.apps.xdo nerateFO(Unknow n Source)
at oracle.apps.xdo nerateFO(Unknow n Source)
at oracle.apps.xdo .template.FOPro cessor.createFO (Unknown Source)
at oracle.apps.xdo .template.FOPro cessor.generate (Unknown Source)
at RTF2PDF.runRTFt o( 629)
at RTF2PDF.runXDO( 9)
at RTF2PDF.main(RT
Caused by: er.v2.XPathExce ption: Extension function error: Class not found 'com.siebel.xml publisher.repor ts.XSLFunctions '
at er.v2.XSLStyles heet.flushError s(XSLStylesheet .java:1534)
at er.v2.XSLStyles heet.execute(XS LStylesheet.jav a:521)
at er.v2.XSLStyles heet.execute(XS LStylesheet.jav a:489)
at er.v2.XSLProces sor.processXSL( XSLProcessor.ja va:271)
at er.v2.XSLProces sor.processXSL( XSLProcessor.ja va:155)
at er.v2.XSLProces sor.processXSL( XSLProcessor.ja va:192)
... 15 more
Need advise here. How can I add field/column which not listed in the data definition? For example in Customer Open Balance Report (XML), how can I add the due date of invoice into the template? Second question will be, how to add a column which base on formula? For example I want to add number of days base calculation of Invoice Date and Print Date.
Appreciate your help. Thank you.
From Date:To Date:
the above coding i used for date .
Now i want to know what parameter is used for product or location ?
I am new to BI publisher ...i searched but couldnt find ...can any one help ...
Ra jesh
Tha nks for the valuable input on this topic. I need one help on the same topic ( Xml publisher report).
I have one requirement like need to print the xml publisher report based on the language from one concurrent program. I have 2 seperate template in 2 regional language ( Spanins and Portuguise) and it should print based on the input parameter ( Language parameter). If i pass langauage like spanish then report should print in the spanish and vive versa.
Please help if you have any idea how to handle this issue.
Many many thanks in advance.
Regar ds
I m getting this error while running xml report o/p in excel
cn anybody help..
Erro r
java.sql.SQL Exception: No corresponding LOB data found : SELECT FILE_DATA, DBMS_LOB.GETLEN GTH(FILE_DATA), FILE_NAME FROM XDO_LOBS WHERE LOB_TYPE = :1 AND APPLICATION_SHO RT_NAME = :2 AND LOB_CODE = :3 AND LANGUAGE = :4 AND TERRITORY = :5 at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.schema.serv er.XdoLobsInput Stream.(XdoLobs InputStream.jav a:105) at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.schema.serv tLob(LobHelper. java:873) at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.schema.serv tBlobDomain(Lob ) at oracle.apps.xdo rver.TemplatesA MImpl.processTe mplate(Template 56) at sun.reflect.Nat iveMethodAccess orImpl.invoke0( Native Method) at sun.reflect.Nat iveMethodAccess orImpl.invoke(N ativeMethodAcce 9) at sun.reflect.Del egatingMethodAc cessorImpl.invo ke(DelegatingMe thodAccessorImp at java.lang.refle ct.Method.invok e( 24) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.serv vokeMethod(OAUt at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.serv vokeMethod(OAUt at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.serv er.OAApplicatio nModuleImpl.inv okeMethod(OAApp licationModuleI at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.template.we bui.TemplateGen eralCO.previewT emplate(Templat :735) at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.template.we bui.TemplateGen eralCO.processR equest(Template 158) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanHelp er.processReque st(OAWebBeanHel at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanCont cessRequest(OAW ebBeanContainer ) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAPageLayoutH elper.processRe quest(OAPageLay 1134) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.beans.layout. OAPageLayoutBea n.processReques t(OAPageLayoutB at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanHelp er.processReque stChildren(OAWe bBeanHelper.jav a:937) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanHelp er.processReque stChildren(OAWe bBeanHelper.jav a:904) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanHelp er.processReque st(OAWebBeanHel at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanCont cessRequest(OAW ebBeanContainer ) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.beans.form.OA FormBean.proces sRequest(OAForm at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanHelp er.processReque stChildren(OAWe bBeanHelper.jav a:937) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanHelp er.processReque stChildren(OAWe bBeanHelper.jav a:904) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanHelp er.processReque st(OAWebBeanHel at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.OAWebBeanCont cessRequest(OAW ebBeanContainer ) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu i.beans.OABodyB ean.processRequ est(OABodyBean. java:353) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu ocessRequest(OA 297) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu eparePage(OAPag ) at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu eparePage(OAPag at oracle.apps.fnd .framework.webu eparePage(OAPag at _oa__html._OA._ jspService(_OA. java:88) at oracle.jsp.runt ime.HttpJsp.ser vice(HttpJsp.ja va:119) at JspApplication. dispatchRequest (JspApplication .java:417) at oracle.jsp.JspS ervlet.doDispat ch(JspServlet.j ava:267) at oracle.jsp.JspS ervlet.internal Service(JspServ at oracle.jsp.JspS ervlet.service( :156) at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe at oracle.jsp.prov ider.Jsp20Reque rward(Jsp20Requ estDispatcher.j ava:162) at oracle.jsp.runt ime.OraclePageC ontext.forward( OraclePageConte at _oa__html._RF._ jspService(_RF. java:102) at oracle.jsp.runt ime.HttpJsp.ser vice(HttpJsp.ja va:119) at JspApplication. dispatchRequest (JspApplication .java:417) at oracle.jsp.JspS ervlet.doDispat ch(JspServlet.j ava:267) at oracle.jsp.JspS ervlet.internal Service(JspServ at oracle.jsp.JspS ervlet.service( :156) at javax.servlet.h ttp.HttpServlet .service(HttpSe at org.apache.jser v.JServConnecti on.processReque st(JServConnect at org.apache.jser v.JServConnecti 4) at java.lang.Threa va:534)
We have to build one report which retrieves the invoices which has crossed their past due date. This report has to be in excel. We are planning to put this report in XML Pubnlisher designing template and data definition (.xdo file). We will be using bursting feature to send the report to mail to Distribution List. Now when the report query doesn't pull any records, the user should be thrown a message "Please refine your search criteria, the current search criteria doesn't pull up any records". Can you please let us know how to throw this message in case the data definition query doesn't fetch any records.
Thank s,
M ohammadi
I have a question about the Data Template, I want to know if it is possible to put a if condition at the XML - output structure ( dataStructure ).
I read that i can use XSD, but i'm not so sure about it.
Can you tell me a little bite about it and I will appreciate if you show how to do it.
Thank so much for you help
Can we use pl/sql packages and develop BI publisher reports?
Reason is we have couple of complicated rdf reports(some 17queries in it) which we want to rewrite and publish using BIPublisher.
Wh at is the best way to do?
Appreciate your help!!
I have done One report as Data Template,
Here the problem is when we run the Report in the xml output '' is shown as >
and '&' as & like this.
But In XSL formatting the html tags we require < and > insted of < and >
Can you please suggest me how can we handle the issue.
Can we restrict the decoding of < to < ?
Can we handle the tags like <UL> ,<P> in XSL Formatting?
Ca n you Please help me on this as early as possible. I am working on this report morethan a month.
Greatfull thanks to shared study doc.
you did use sql query with xml code at template file.
I analyse, without XML language isn't possible.
is it mandatory to learn/understan d xml language to every oracle developer?
Tha nks,
Sumit B
Thanks in Advance
When report main query fetches zero records my Bursting control file is erroed out.
For Email adrres and etc Email related fileds I am using another group. Pls help me out.
I am not getting email with report attachment..
T hanks,
KAmalaka r
Vija y
•When I run it on SQL developer, I am getting the actual output.
•But when I run it on BI publisher, I am getting some selected columns value only
•Also, it will take around 18 min to run in SQL developer and around 40-50 mins to run in BI publisher.
•Need help to get the output for each column and also to speed up the time to get the report output.
my issue is that im unable see the page sreenshots
thx ,
getting knowledge daily by reading thes nice articles or reviews.
or else it is difficult to write.
I have a query on XML report. I am using RTF template and wanted to bring in a field which is not available during the >Insert >Field. How do I bring a column which is not there in the list (the window contains the fields). Can any gurus help...which is a real need to my knowlledge
I was getting this error too. When I debugged I found that the applications with which I registered the Data definition and concurrent propgram, were different. The application should be same 'Internal Controls Manager' for the conc prog, data definition and template definition.
will it be fetch data in RTF?
While developing report the data is not showing in output properly but it is showing in XML(diagnostics ). Only a single row is coming as in output.
Why it is happening?? Help me guys.
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