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Please find the list of APEX articles that cover from the very basics to Advaced topics on APEX. Some of these articles contain video tutorials to help you get started.

Kishore Ryali


Introduction to Oracle Application Express

Basic Concepts of Oracle Application Express

Oracle APEX - Person Details Audio Video Tutorial 01 (Search Page)

Oracle APEX - Person Details Tutorial 02 (Delete functionality)

Oracle APEX - Person Details Tutorial 03 (Create and Update Person)

Firebug - Essential tool for APEX/Web Developers

How to access Oracle Apps (EBS) tables/views in APEX

Application Items in APEX

How to display company logo for APEX application?  

How to get elapsed time for APEX region? 


APEX Security:

How to login to APEX with EBS login credentials (Authentication Scheme)

Security using Authorization in APEX

Prevent URL tampering using APEX Session State Protection

Save State before branching - New Security feature in APEX 3.2

Maintaining authentication between APEX applications


Kishore Ryali


0 #1 Nirmal 2009-08-14 07:44
Hi Kishore,

I am soon gonna get a new requirement to create Dashboard using APEX.
Do I need to have a Java resource with me to handle it ?
If so, then how they can be helpful to me? I am not aware of Dashboards much.
Kindly suggest.

thank s,
0 #2 Nirmal 2009-08-21 07:08

I created a flash chart in APEX of type "2D Column". When I run the page, it displays "waiting for data" with a processing sign.
Its not displaying any chart at all. The page processes (waiting for data) indefinetely. What could be the fault?
Kindly suggest.

Than ks,
0 #3 Abhishek Krishnan 2009-10-02 14:50
Hi Kishore...Excel lent site for beginners.....A nyways could you possibly send me sample MD50/70 for any Oracle APEX hands on project that you have.
Thanks in advance
0 #4 tommy 2009-10-22 02:46
Hi Kishore,
Thanks for hardwork. It's a good article

Could you possibly send me sample MD50/70 for any Oracle APEX?
My E-mail:

0 #5 Fred 2009-10-26 03:30
Hi Kishore,

I am a beginner in APEX, but experience in Oracle Designer and Forms.
I was wondering if it's possible to create a master detail page with multiple tabs(details)? like with Oracle Designer?

Much appreciated!

F red
0 #6 Seenu007 2009-11-10 10:27
Thanks Kishore for your wonderful tutorial.

In APEX, how can we create screen mockup (prototypes). I read somewhere that we can definetly do that but couldnt get any good information. I am currently using some free tool (Axure RP) to develop the screen prototypes.

Please direct me if we can do that using APEX drag&drop feature.

Thank s,
0 #7 S Uma 2009-11-22 23:36
We have licence for Oracle 10g database, but don't have licence for Oracle 10g application server (AS).

Please let us know whether licence is required for using Oracle Application Express or it is a freeware for us
0 #8 Nirmal 2009-12-07 07:49
Hi Kishore,
I need to change the back-ground colour of my APEX region. Currently its in grey.
Kindly suggest how to do it.

Ni rmal
0 #9 Kishore Ryali 2009-12-08 09:41

1. If it is one-time time for a single page, then identify the css class for the region. For example: t3instructionte xt for theme 3. In page Header Text attribute, add the below script

|style type="text/css"|
.t3instructionte xt {background-col or:#00ff00 }

This overrides the display attributes for that region.

2. If you want to change background color for region in all the pages where it is used. Then you need to create a custom region template in shared components. First create a custom css with class attributes of your preference, and upload css as static file in shared components. Make a copy of region template and give a custom name. Then you can attach custom css and change region class attribute to custom class attribute in your css.

You can link your custom css using
|link rel="stylesheet " href="#WORKSPAC E_IMAGES#SAMPLE 2A.css" type="text/css" |

Please note I'm using pipe sign for bracket for html tags because my html tags are getting stripped in comments section

Kishor e
0 #10 Kishore Ryali 2009-12-08 09:46
Abhishek & Tommy,

I used same MD50/Md70 as in AIM documentation.

0 #11 Punam 2009-12-15 08:22

I have one tabular form. I want to add browse button column in that form. I cannot add that field directly as tabular form is not supporting blob data. Is there any solution to add browse button column to tabular form and upload files?

I have added one NULL column for upload document. and used html expression

a nd written process to upload cv as:


INSERT INTO document(doc_ID , doc_TYPE, LANGUAGE, doc_DATE, FILE_REF, MIME_TYPE, person_ID )


but still it is not uploading file in the database.

can anyone help me "What is the Problem with above code?"

When we are creating file browse button then it creats

a class="eLink" tabindex="999" href="/old/[removed] popupURL('f?p=4 000:371:3494102 961234719::::P3 71_ID,FB_FLOW_I D,FB_FLOW_PAGE_ ID:118951257731 1801,101,40');" title="Edit">

and one hidden field whose value equals to 118951257731180 1 (it changes per item)

As I have created Null column for browse button it is not creating as well as not creating hidden item.

That's why I am not getting file uploaded .... So is there any solution for this problem?.....Pl ease help me on this .....
0 #12 Nirmal 2009-12-17 01:03
Thanks Kishore.. I got one more favour.
Inside my apex page, I need to have multiple tabs similar to Sales Order form in OM and Enter and Maintain form in HRMS.
How can I achieve this in APEX?

0 #13 Kishore Ryali 2009-12-17 11:38

Person ally I've tried tabbed region in a page. I saw couple of examples of extjs library. These links might help.


0 #14 Seenu 2009-12-23 11:30
Hi Kishore -

Thanks for the knowledge pool you have put together for APEX.

I am kind of new to APEX and working my way out :) ....

I have a question w.r.t conditional display of values in dropdown.
There are dropdown combo lists in a region (on a single page). And these 3 dropdowns are dynamic LOVs coming from different database table.
i.e. Dropdown1 --> Table1
Dropdown2 --> Table2
Dropdown3 --> Table3

My goal is to show only first dropdown when a user comes to that page first time. And depending upon the selection made from the first dropdown, I want to show the second dropdown (only for few values in 1st dropdown this second dropdown should be shown) and subsequently based on the value selected from second dropdown, the third dropdown should show a refined list which is a subset of all the rows in table 3.

If someone else have confronted with similar kind of issue , please let me how you worked on it or direct me.

-S eenu
0 #15 Kishore Ryali 2009-12-23 12:18
Hi Seenu,

Check the section "Adding a Dependent Select List" in below URL

I would do it this way for filtering employee list based on department list. I put a page together on apex.oracle.com
1. Create a department select list base it on dynamic lov
2. Create an application item in Shared components. Name it F_DEPT_NO
3. Create employee LOV using bind variable. Something like this.
select empno r, ename d from emp where deptno = :f_dept_no
4. Now that employee select list is based on f_dept_no application item. We have to set value to it on change of department select list
5. So in onChange event of department select list, call an application process to set selected value to f_dept_no

Hope this helps

0 #16 Seenu 2009-12-23 14:06
Thanks Kishore for your response.

In step (5) , how do I create an application process and use it to set the application item. I have gone thru the URL you mentioned but there its creating an on-demand process using AJAX and referencing that in the page header.

-Seen u
0 #17 Seenu 2009-12-28 14:21
Hi Kishore -

Just wanted to followup with my last posting dated Dec 23. If someone else on this forum faced this issue please let me know how you resolved it.

-S eenu
0 #18 Kishore Ryali 2009-12-28 15:50
Hi Seenu,

I create sample page on apex.oracle.com . This site is running like a snail for last few days. Anyways you can access by logging into http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=a2f_main with a2f_admin/a2f_u ser. Chose Random Examples in navigator and click on Dependent LOV.

Here are the step by step instructions.

1. Created application item for department in shared components. Named in APP_DEPT_NO
2. Employee LOV in shared component uses above application item as bind variable. Query used is

select ename d, empno r
from emp
where deptno = :app_dept_no
or der by 1

3. Create On demand application process setAppDeptNo using below pl/sql

l_deptno number;
l_deptno := apex_applicatio n.g_x01;
htp.prn('l_dept no=' || l_deptno);

:APP_DEPT_NO := l_deptno;

htp.prn('E rror in setDeptNo' || sqlerrm);

4. Javascript in page html header text. This is for calling on demand application process. It is apex implementation of ajax request. Please note I replace '' with ')' in below javascript. This comment section doesnt allow me to use html tags.

(script type="text/java script)
functio n f_setDeptNo()
var get = new htmldb_Get(null ,$v('pFlowId'), 'APPLICATION_PR OCESS=setAppDep tNo',0);
get.addParam('x 01',$v('P13_DEP T_HIDDENVALUE') );
gReturn = get.get();
(/ script)

4. Call this javascript from onChange event of department lov. Use onChange="f_set DeptNo();" in html form element attributes.

E xample given in http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/hol08/apexweb20/ajax_otn.htm#t1 uses select list. Im using Popup Lov. For employee like lov, it is better to use popup lov as dont have to fetch all thousands of employees (in real-time) on page load.

I'll put together an article if possible.

Kish ore
0 #19 Rajinikanth 2010-03-05 01:17

I would like like to show alternate colors for my subtotals or groupwise. also for grand total.

Kindly suggest for making it.

i can show same color - yellow for subtotal and grandtotal under

Report Attributes -> Break Formatting -> #COLUMN_VALUE#

0 #20 Joe 2010-03-23 16:27
How do i enable the show values check box for Stacked 2D column flash chart, in Apex

Thanks in Advance...
0 #21 swapnil 2010-04-08 01:51
How the the Markert is responding to Oracle apex i.e are the Companies prefering the APex for web development
0 #22 Emmanuel 2010-04-14 09:57

what is the roles and responsibilitie s of DBA and Development team in APEX??

Thanks in advance
0 #23 Michael Lum 2010-05-14 19:44
Hi Kishore,

Just wanted to let you know about a new resource for APEX developers, consultants, and customers.


It's a community that is free to join, and allows you to both UPLOAD APEX applications that promote your company or service, and DOWNLOAD applications, both free and proprietary, which may be useful for you.

If you're interested, feel free to check it out.

Thanks, and have a great day!
0 #24 HASEEB kHAN 2010-06-15 05:20
plz. help me , facing problem in
migrating oracle forms converted to xml file
using 11g & apex 3.2. 10g Forms

In application migration project only Access Type
selection is coming . but uploading xml file i need Form Type . How to solve it
0 #25 KRIS 2010-07-12 23:29
Hi Kishore,

I have a column used in the tabular which has to be substituted with a bind variable such as :P101_USERNAME only when updated. I cannot use APP_USER/ Please advise....

Tha nks
0 #26 Kishore Ryali 2010-07-13 06:42

You can use APEX_CUSTOM_AUT H.GET_USERNAME function to get logged in user name.

0 #27 Sushil T 2010-07-14 04:02
Hi ,

I designed one form in 10g compiled and generated xml without any button pallets to this form and tried converting into apex 3.2 - successful converted.

scenario 2 - I tried converting a form which already has button pallets and go buttons etc. in forms = while converting it is treating all buttons as columns and even after converting them as non database columns - still i am not able to achive the same look and feel and couldn't succeed successfully.

2. How to build Menu Application with drop down menu for the users to click and access those forms.

thanks in advance if you can put some light on this and assist me with the same.
0 #28 savio 2010-07-29 05:36
can u pls show me an example of dashboard creation using apex as i am new to apex. i need to do a business dashboard, could you pls send me the steps to create dashboard in apex or any examples which i can refer.
many thanks
0 #29 savio 2010-08-22 10:22
hi kishore
i just installes oraclexe universal and then installed apex3.2. when i tried to connect to sqlplus , an error is shown as " sqlplus is not an internal or external command......" could you pls tell me what is the problem.
0 #30 mhamilton 2010-08-26 09:03
Do you know of a way in Apex 3.2 to show the tables/views that are used by each page?

0 #31 mhamilton 2010-08-26 09:09
Hi Kishore,

I would like to see all the tables and views that a page uses.
Do you know how I can see this information in Apex 3.2?
Ma ggie
0 #32 mhamilton 2010-08-26 09:16
Hi Kishore,

First , I am not having very much luck knowing if my comment is getting through to you. I keep getting error messages at the top of the comment section. This area 'Write Comment' is not user friendly. Nothing against you though, just the comment section is difficult and caused me stress. As an Oracle Apex developer, I do not need anymore stress. LOL

I would like to see all the tables and views that a page uses.
Do you know how I can see this information in Apex 3.2?

M aggie
0 #33 Kishore Ryali 2010-08-27 14:09
Hi mhamilton

I apologize the comment section being not friendly. To answer your question, I dont know a straight forward way to do it. You can check 'Application Expression Views' under 'Utilities' to write a query using appropriate views. Refer this link http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=2606726�

0 #34 Kishore Ryali 2010-08-27 14:12

Please check 'path' variable in windows. It should contain the folder where sqlplus executable is.

0 #35 JosePablol 2010-08-29 20:52
I would like to know how can I generate a chart of different series with the same colour.
For instance UCL and LCL of a PBC chart (Two series in red
0 #36 Steve Teale 2010-09-29 23:30
Thanks Kishore for taking the time to add to Apps2Fusion - it's a great resource for the developers out there.

After just going through your labs I feel I'm starting to get to grips with what APEX can do. It's developed into a very nice tool.

Just a quick question - when a field is a required field you do not get a graphical indicator in the same way you do with say OAF pages (the little blue circle) - is there any way you know where you can enforce such a thing - other than creating a new item for it and programatically populating it (I'm guessing you can programatically query the attributes of a field like you can in say - Oracle Forms).
0 #37 Abisai 2010-10-15 08:17
Hi there

I am new to Apex

I have two tables (Master and Child) for simplicity sake lets say Orders and Order Details

Howeve r I need to split the fields of the Order Details between two tab pages
So I now have 3 tabs(A,B,C)

Ta b A is Orders (PK order#)

Tab B is(Order Details )--Need to capture and display the Product Name on Tab B for the same Order#

Tab C is(Order Details )--Need to capture and display the Product Price on Tab C for the same Order#

My question is how do I carry the primary key on Tab A through to Tab A and B so that when I save/navigate to TAB B and C
only values pertaining to Order# currently in Tab A are shown?

TAB A (Orders) TAB B (Order Details) TAB C (Same Order Details table)
Order #1 Pk Order #1 fk Order #1 fk
Product Name Product Price

Please help, I am not winning with the multiple page branches especially when one table info is spread over two tabs.

How can I carry through the order # Pk through to the other two pages?

I have a deadline and this is stressing me out.
0 #38 Abisai 2010-10-15 08:19
I am new to Apex

I have two tables (Master and Child) for simplicity sake lets say Orders and Order Details

Howeve r I need to split the fields of the Order Details between two tab pages
So I now have 3 tabs(A,B,C)

Ta b A is Orders (PK order#)

Tab B is(Order Details )--Need to capture and display the Product Name on Tab B for the same Order#

Tab C is(Order Details )--Need to capture and display the Product Price on Tab C for the same Order#

My question is how do I carry the primary key on Tab A through to Tab A and B so that when I save/navigate to TAB B and C
only values pertaining to Order# currently in Tab A are shown?

TAB A (Orders) TAB B (Order Details) TAB C (Same Order Details table)
Order #1 Pk Order #1 fk Order #1 fk
Product Name Product Price

Please help, I am not winning with the multiple page branches especially when one table info is spread over two tabs.

How can I carry through the order # Pk through to the other two pages?

I have a deadline and this is stressing me out.
0 #39 Venkat Kancherla 2010-10-25 11:17
Hi Kishore,
Thanks for this wonderful knowledge on APEX.
A quick question, I am trying to store a hyperlink(url) value in a field so that, users can just click on it and go the webpage stored in that field.

For example...I have a field called "Webpage" and I am planning to store a url like http://www.apps2fusion.com for each record. So, the user should be able to click on this link from this "Webpage" field, so that, they will open a website in a new window.

Could you please let me know.

I appreciate all of your help.
Thank you in advance,
0 #40 Kishore Ryali 2010-10-25 13:02

If it is static url, you can store it in Shared Components > Shortcuts. Add a column link for a report and give it in the URL.

0 #41 Venkat Kancherla 2010-10-25 14:13
I have few more questions, can you please email me so that, we can take it offline, if you don't mind, please? My email Id is

Thank you,
0 #42 Venkat Kancherla 2010-10-25 14:46
Hello Kishore, Thank you for your quick response.
When I create a Shortcut, what should be the source? And, where do I need to define actaul website address?
Also, how do I Add a column link for a report and give it in the URL?
Can you please give me little more details.
Thank you in advance,
Venkat .
0 #43 mohsinkhan 2010-12-23 01:03

I am trying to store the data other than wwv_flow_files how can i do it.

Please share your knowledge and help me out !!!

0 #44 Rony 2011-01-22 17:48
hi all ,

i have created report using sql in one table and i need to sort the table because the sort element does not work for that table. could anyone help me
0 #45 Digisha 2011-05-10 01:38

I am new to APEX.
I have manually created DHTML list using lists in APEX. I want to create it dynamically using tables.
I tried but not worked for me.
i choose DHTML list because i want it in (+) sign when click on it all sub list entries should be displayed
and also wanted to create something like when user click on one particular sub entry it should be saved in database
with other fields of table.

Was just wondering if any one came across this sort of query or design.

Thanks in Advance

Regard s,
0 #46 sarah 2011-08-26 05:38
hi all ,

i am trying to put some sql plus commands together,like the following,
set feedback off
set echo off
set linesize 10000
set heading off
set pagesize 0
set trimspool on
set space 0
set truncate on
spool myout.lst
select 1 from dual
to be invoked by a buttom on the apex webpage.But it doesn't work.
could anyone help me ?
Can they be embedded to the javascript?

Th anks.

0 #47 kahuna1939 2011-08-31 04:05
Hi ,
How would I do the following in APEX.
Have an application , theres nothing special about the application. I want a button that will allow me to change the colour of the blackground and text colour when I click it. I want to change the background to Black and the text colour to yellow leaving everything else the same.
If you have any pointers that'd be great. ...

0 #48 ompratap singh 2011-11-09 11:04
Will u plz help me in sending mail using oracle apex.
0 #49 Rajesh V 2011-12-04 23:43
I have a small issue in Apex. My issue is

I have created a Display item say Voucher Date and also created another Drop Down item containing some Values. Eg Between, Less than, Equal to etc.

Now i want the following.

Whe n the user selects the value Between, two text box should appear and accept the dates

When the user selects the Value Less than, then only one text box should appear and accept the value

Is it possible in Apex? If so, kindly advice and provide me a solution.

Than ks

Rajesh V
0 #50 Kiranmaye 2011-12-27 05:17
We are using Oracle 11.2.0. What is the process of sending an email using apex.?
0 #51 gurujothi 2012-03-30 02:26
Hi Kishore,
Am entirely new to Oracle apex,I need to develop one application for that I need to create the login page , when the user
enters there username and password it should be redirected to next page which is a form to enter their details,
Can you please kindly tel me where to start and how to proceed.Am new to this please guide me.

Thank you,

With regards,
Gurujo thi.D
0 #52 Nish@ 2013-07-26 08:40
hi kishore,
I am making a mobile application,
th e problem is that as i use the POPUP LOV instead of select list so the label is above and the select list textbox is below.
But other label and textbox are in same line.
what do i do to align them properly, So that the textbox will align below the label??????? :(

response quickly please.

Thank you.
With regards,
0 #53 tesco vouchers 2014-04-19 22:03
I’m not that much of a online reader to be honest but
your sites really nice, keep it up! I'll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back in the future.
All the best
0 #54 Shasikkumar 2014-09-19 11:31
From EBS to APEX application page

Hi All,

I am trying to call my APEX page in my APEX application from within Oracle eBusiness suite - Just to try out some customisation options,

I have followed the whitepaper about EBS and APEX integrations - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/learnmore/apex-ebs-extension-white-paper-345780.pdf

1. I have set the profile option FND: APEX URL at site level, so it points to my APEX url -> http://:8080/ap ex (I have replaced on the EBS_Hostname to my instance and that works correctly)

2. I have all the required application items on my APEX application so that I could pass the User ID, Responsibility ID and security group ID with exactly same name as used in the below call out

3. I have created a function security in E-Business so that it points to the HTML (To my APEX application page) -> GWY.jsp?targetA ppType=APEX&p=1 03:2:::::EBS_RE SP_ID,EBS_APP_I D,EBS_SEC_GROUP :[RESPONSIBILIT Y_ID],[RESP_APP L_ID],[SECURITY _GROUP_ID]
Note: 103 is my APEX application ID, 2 is the Page to which it needs to redirect

4. I have cleared the cache from Functional administrator responsibility and now I can see the new menu entry (Pointing to my function security created) n my E-Business relevant but when I click on it - it does not bring up the APEX page nor it brings the login page

Re-direct URL when I click on the EBS function security is

Would be great if anybody has already done something similar

I have also bounced the apache / middle tier

0 #55 Rchen 2015-05-14 17:21
Quoting Shasikkumar:
From EBS to APEX application page

Hi All,

I am trying to call my APEX page in my APEX application from within Oracle eBusiness suite - Just to try out some customisation options,

I have followed the whitepaper about EBS and APEX integrations - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/learnmore/apex-ebs-extension-white-paper-345780.pdf

1. I have set the profile option FND: APEX URL at site level, so it points to my APEX url -> http://:8080/apex (I have replaced on the EBS_Hostname to my instance and that works correctly)

2. I have all the required application items on my APEX application so that I could pass the User ID, Responsibility ID and security group ID with exactly same name as used in the below call out

3. I have created a function security in E-Business so that it points to the HTML (To my APEX application page) -> GWY.jsp?targetAppType=APEX&p=103:2:::::EBS_RESP_ID,EBS_APP_ID,EBS_SEC_GROUP:[RESPONSIBILITY_ID],[RESP_APPL_ID],[SECURITY_GROUP_ID]
Note: 103 is my APEX application ID, 2 is the Page to which it needs to redirect

4. I have cleared the cache from Functional administrator responsibility and now I can see the new menu entry (Pointing to my function security created) n my E-Business relevant but when I click on it - it does not bring up the APEX page nor it brings the login page

Re-direct URL when I click on the EBS function security is

Would be great if anybody has already done something similar

I have also bounced the apache / middle tier


Hi Shasi,

I am also having difficulties for calling from EBS to APEX application page. I see ur comment above, did you have any success?


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