The Form Personalization feature allows you to fundamentally alter the behavior of the product that Oracle ships and access any and all data. Since this feature allows you to change and alter Forms-based screens, including changing properties, executing built-ins, displaying messages, and adding menu entries, this feature should only be made available to trusted users. After completing this course you should be able to work with GLOBAL variables, understand Oracle Forms Query-by-Example(QBE) mode, create special menu entries, and ‘ZOOM’ to other functions.
By the end of this training you will learn to:
Perform Form Personalizations
Work with Custom Programs and Help systems
Work with Data Loader applications
Course Contents
Day 1
Overview of Form Personalizations
Form Personalization Features
Profile Option to Access Diagnostics Menu
Invoking the Form Personalization Screen
Trigger Event
Building Rules that Fire Conditionally
Day 2
Overview of Using Custom Programs
Using Custom Programs in Oracle Applications
Assumptions for Incorporating a New Program
Adding a Custom Program to Oracle Applications
Identifying the Executable
Creating the Concurrent Program
Associating a Program with a Request Group
Submitting the Concurrent Program
Day 3
Overview of Using Custom Help Files
Customizing Help
Oracle Applications Help System Utility
Identify Help Files for Customization
Linking Help Files
Uploading Your New or Changed Help Files
Creating Reports
Help Builder
Opening a Tree for Editing