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Organization has a adjustment plan created where there is no periodic accrual but balances are added on adhoc basis. Now the requirement is to ensure that the Absence (Absence Type) is only visible on the Global Absence Recording User Interface when a employee has a positive balance. If the balance is 0 then the absence type should not be visible.

Just to clarify that “Adjustment Plan” is not a new type of Absence Plan delivered by Oracle. It is basically a plan where balance is allocated via some adjustment entries. A typical example would be a “Comp-Off”. In some organizations employee may have to work on some weekends / holidays due to some critical work and they might be entitled to comp-offs. In such cases, we can make use of an accrual plan where balance would be loaded by the Admin personnel on adhoc basis and the same can be utilized by the employee.


Creating a Absence Accrual Plan which has plan term of Calendar year and and zero accruals. The plan has “Balances and Adjustment” checkbox enabled and “Compensatory” adjustment reason is enabled.

Next we need to associate “Adjustment Leave” with the above Adjustment Accrual Plan.

Also, we need to create a eligibility profile which is based upon a Fast Formula which checks for the Balance Value as on system date and if the value is positive (greater than zero) then returns eligible as ‘Yes’ else ‘No’

Configuration Snapshots

First we will configure the “Adjustment Accrual Plan

Navigation: Login to Application-> My Client Groups -> Absences -> Absence Plans -> Create

Enter Basic Details as below:

Plan: Adjustment Accrual Plan

Plan Term: Calendar Year


Enter Participation Details as Below:

Enrollment Start Rule: As of event


Enter Accruals details as Below:

Accrual Method: Front Loaded

Balance Frequency Source: Repeating period

Repeating Period: Yearly Accrual Processing Period

Expression (Accrual Matrix): 1 = 1

Accrual Rate: 0


Graphical user interface, application, table

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Enter Entries and Balances details as Below:

Enable Adjustments: Checked

Adjustment Reasons: Compensatory



Next we need to create a Table Type Value Set. This table type value set will fetch the absence plan balance value for a employee for a plan as on SYSDATE


Description automatically generated


Attribute Name

Attribute Value

Value Set Code



Table Type Value Set to fetch Adjustment Plan Balance on System Date


Global Human Resources

Validation Data Type


Value Data Type


FROM Clause

(select level-1 counter from dual connect by   level <= 1000000)

Value Column Name


Value Column Type


Value Column Length


ID Column Name


ID Column Type


ID Column Type


WHERE Clause

counter =


select sum(A.value)



select papf.person_number,aapft.name absence_plan_name, apaed.type,apaed.value, apaed.adjustment_reason,apaed.procd_date

from   per_all_people_f papf,anc_absence_plans_f_tl aapft,anc_per_acrl_entry_dtls apaed

where  papf.person_id = apaed.person_id 

and    apaed.pl_id = aapft.absence_plan_id 

and    aapft.name = 'Adjustment Accrual Plan'

and    aapft.language = 'US'

and    trunc(sysdate) between aapft.effective_start_date and aapft.effective_end_date 

and    trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date 

and    papf.person_number = :{PARAMETER.PERSON_NUMBER}) A

where A.procd_date <= SYSDATE



Next, we would need to create a “Participant and Rate Eligibility” Type Fast Formula. This Fast Formula will call the Table Type Value Set created above and based on the balance value returned will decide whether a employee is eligible for a “Absence Type” or NOT. If the balance value is +ve (>0) then the employee is eligible else NOT.



   Formula Type: Participation and Rate Eligibility

   Description : Custom Global Participation and Rate Eligibility Attached to Adjustment Leave Absence Type


   Change History:


   Version Date Created By

   1.0 10-Oct-2020 Ashish Harbhajanka




lc_person_number = PER_ASG_PERSON_NUMBER    

lc_eligible = 'N'

lc_value_set_val = 'X'

ln_value_set_val = -999


lc_value_set_val= GET_VALUE_SET('GET_ADJUSTMENT_PLAN_BAL_VS','|=PERSON_NUMBER='||lc_person_number)

ln_value_set_val = TO_NUMBER(lc_value_set_val)

L_LOG = ESS_LOG_WRITE('Value of ln_value_set_val: ' || to_char(ln_value_set_val))

IF (ln_value_set_val > 0)


(lc_eligible = 'Y')

ELIGIBLE = lc_eligible



Graphical user interface, text, application

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Next, we will create Absence Type “Adjustment Leave

Navigation: Login to Application-> My Client Groups -> Absences -> Absence Types -> Create

Enter Below Details in Type Attributes:


Graphical user interface, text, email

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Enter Below Details in Plans and Reasons Attributes:

Plan: Adjustment Accrual Plan


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Enter Below Details in Display Features:

Insufficient Balance Enforcement: Enabled


A picture containing graphical user interface

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Enter Below Details in Action Items Attributes:

Calendar Breakdown  Reporting: Enabled


Text, application

Description automatically generated


And with this configuration work is complete.


We would first try to check whether the Absence Type is visible for a employee who is not enrolled in the Adjustment Plan. As there is no plan enrolled there will be no balance and hence the “Adjustment Leave” should not be visible on the drop-down list (on Absence Recording Page)

Navigation: Login to Application -> My Client Groups-> Person Management-> Search for a Person# -> Click on the Person Record and click on the drop-down button against the same -> Absences -> Manage Absence Records


Next, we will try to record a absence.

Navigation: Login to Application -> My Client Groups-> Person Management-> Search for a Person# -> Click on the Person Record and click on the drop-down button against the same -> Absences -> Manage Absence Records-> Existing Absences-> Add

Graphical user interface, website

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Now, we will verify whether the absence type is visible for an employee who is enrolled in the plan but has zero balance.


Graphical user interface

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Now we will add a Balance of 1 Day on 10/10/2020 and then check if the Absence type starts appearing in the drop-down list.

Graphical user interface

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So, this is how we can control the visibility of Absence Type based on the balance available with the associated absence plan.

If the employee is not enrolled in plan then there is no balance on SYSTEM Date hence Absence Type is NOT VISIBLE

If the employee is enrolled in plan but has 0 balance on SYSTEM Date then Absence Type is NOT VISIBLE

If the employee is enrolled in plan but has -ve balance on SYSTEM Date then Absence Type is NOT VISIBLE

If the employee is enrolled in plan but has +ve balance on SYSTEM Date then Absence Type is VISIBLE

Ashish Harbhajanka

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About the Author

Ashish Harbhajanka


Oracle Fusion HCM Techno Functional Consultant with overall 10 years of Experience in software industry with 5 years in EBS HRMS and rest 5 in Fusion HCM.

My areas of intesrest in Fusion HCM include :

a) Inbound Outbound Integration using FBL/HDL or BIP/HCM Extracts.

b) Fast Formula

c) BIP Reports

d) OTBI Reports

e) RESTFUL API / Web Service Call

f) Functional Setup

g) End to End Testing

h) Regression Testing

i) Preparing COnfiguration Workbooks

j) Creating Speed Solutions

k) Preparing User Guides

l) UPK


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