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JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 872

This document explains the OAFramework (ver 5.7 H for Apps 11.5.9 and 5.10 for Apps 11.5.10) Anonymous User page (like registration page) development and deployment in an instance and pack for the other instances. This document assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of OA Frmework page creation and deployment.

This document should be used for creating Guest User pages and all type of registration pages. When this document fails to cover a topic, recommendations from OA Framework Development Team should be followed. If you have a Guest user page to display that does not require a user to log in.

New page with anonymous user setup.
To create a page with anonymous setup we should have a standard OAFramework page with all the components required for the page.

We have to create the function for this page.
Let us consider a Registration page NewEmpRegistrationPG.xml and the registered function for this page is NEW_EMP_REGN. We have to change the following properties for the MainRN for the page.
Rendered: ${oa.FunctionSecurity. NEW_EMP_REGN}
Security Mode: selfSecured

Use the following command to upload the page to the instance,
java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter <PageName> -username <APPS Username> -password <APPS Password> -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<DB_HOSTNAME>)(PORT=<DB_PORT>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<DB_SID>)))" -rootdir ./ -rootPackage <fullpacakage>

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter NewEmpRegistrationPG.xml -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=I3SN021E.idc.oracle.com)(PORT=1610))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=scmtrng)))" -rootdir ./ -rootPackage /xxt/oracle/apps/pon/registration/webui

Create a function for the new page
Use functional administrator (Self Service) or using system administrator (Forms) responsibility and create a function for the uploaded page.

After the function creation we have to add this function to a menu and the menu has to be granted to GUEST user.

Add the function to a new menu
Use fuctional administrator responsibility to create a new Menu. Add the created function with this new menu.

Now we are ready with the menu that is having a function, which points to a page which we want to access without the user log in.
If you want to give access to more than one page you can add, as many functions to the menu, like below.

Create Grant for the created menu.
To create Grant for the menu we have created now, use Security Tab in the functional administrator responsibility. Follow the below mentioned steps.

Step I: Log on to Application with Functional Administrator Responsibility and click on functional administrator responsibility. Click on “Create Grant” button (To create a Global Grant)
Step II: Enter the Grant Name and select Grantee Type as “All Users” and click “Next”
Step III: Enter the User Menu Name of the newly created Menu and click “Next”
Step IV : Click “Finish” button
Step V: Again click on “Create Grant” (To create Guest Grant)
Step VI : Enter the Grant Name and select Grantee Type as “Specific User”. The page refreshes to display a new field called “Grantee” (If the page fails to refresh click “Next” button to go to the next screen and click “Back” button on the next screen to come back to this screen)
Enter “GUEST” in the “Grantee” field and click
Step VII: Enter the User Menu Name of the newly created Menu and click “Next”
Step VIII : Click “Finish” button
Step IX: Grant creations successfully completed.

Download and Upload the Grant
Following command used to download the created Grant.


To upload this grant into a new instance upload the page and the menu as usual and upload the Grant for the menu using the following command.
Following command used to upload the downloaded Grant.

FNDLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/afsload.lct XXTGUESTGRT_US.ldt

No we can access the newly created page without login into the applications using the following URL.
http://<Host Name>: <Port>/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=NEW_EMP_REGN


0 #1 ramkumar 2008-07-11 08:34
How to move OAF Pages from one instance to other instance.ALL java files,xml files,Bc4j components,cont roller all these how to move from developer instance to Production instance.
0 #2 Anil Passi 2008-07-11 08:43
For the moving Page definitions, use XMLImporter
For moving personalization s or substitutions, use Functional Administrator Import/Export functionality.
Personalization s can also be moved using XMLImporter.
Ad ditionally, Substitutions can also be moved using jpxImporter.

F or rest everything else, simply deploy the contents of $JAVA_TOP/xx folder to your production.
0 #3 Rakesh S 2008-07-25 14:56
I created the Page,Menu,Funct ions and Grants as specified in the above document but i get prompted for login. Please let me know .
0 #4 jegnathan@gmail.com 2009-04-29 04:56

After developing a page we are moving the page to the server. Then why r we using import to move the pages and regions. Why we r not using import for controller.

Th anks in Advance,
0 #5 kc 2009-06-24 13:45
Where can I find the javadocs for oracle.jrad.too ls.xml.importer .XMLImporter ?
0 #6 Avinandan_apps 2009-09-09 16:11
We have a page that has been built on very simialr lines as the example above. The page works absolutely fine from a client system.

The problem happens when a user logs in to Oracle Applications (the general way) in one browser session and in another hits the url for the custom page.

The custom page is supposed to redirect to another page built on the same lines but instead it just loads a blank page .

This problem however does not happen in IE6 but happens in IE7 and IE8...

Could this be a problem with the browser cache? Kindly help..

A vinandan.
0 #7 tom.cao 2010-04-27 11:35
I want to carry a parameter.Becau se the page need to show different conents according to the parameter.Thank s.
0 #8 Saharya 2011-09-23 12:06
I have a custom inventory report where I have a header region with the From Date and To Date column. The user enters these two dates and the data is displayed in the Table region between these two dates. Then in the item column I have a URL link which takes us to the Detail page. I need to pass the item number and the From Date and To Date in that link so the where clause can be set for the detail query. The attribute value for the item passes fine but I do not know how to pass the value for the dates. My URL looks like as below. I have tried different ways as mentioned in metalink or google search but no luck. Tried to capture the value also and it shows as the value as ‘$FromDate’.

O A.jsp?page=/xxb n/oracle/apps/x xbn/consignment /webui/ConsSale DetailPG&ItemNu mber={@ItemNumb er}&FromDate=$F romDate&ToDate= $ToDate&retainA M=Y&addBreadCru mb=Y

Any help would be very much appreciated
0 #9 Elaine Fortin 2012-03-02 10:31

My Guest access OAF page in 11i works fine and migrates between 11i instances, but when migrated to R12, it wants the user to login. How does this migration to R12 differ so that Guest access is allowed?

Thank s,
0 #10 sailaja n 2013-04-01 07:00
Our clients requirement is that we should be able to access a set of custom OAF pages on the internet without having to create a user in the Ebussiness suite.

Will we be able to access the pages developed as above on the internet? If not is there any way to do that?Could you also give the steps to achieve that?
0 #11 Shobha Sharma 2013-04-24 14:13

I have to create a login page which should be similar to Oracle Apps login page in look and feel and have to call it by hitting a URL.
Can you please suggest how can i achieve it in OAF. urgent help required.
Pleas e let me know if anyone has implemented the same.
my email .

Thanks in advance,
0 #12 Self secure page 2015-03-10 11:51

We need a self secure page which doesn't prompt for oracle username and password in OAF
We devloped such page in OAF but every time it is displaying Login User Name As Guest.

By using below site i did developed self secure page

I want to find out my OSUSER Name from OAF .my requiremnet is based on login user i need to restrisct or display data on page.

If i execute below query from database is giving my OSUSER name but same is giving Server name if i execute same sql through OAF.

SELECT sys_context('US ERENV', 'OS_USER') BUN FROM dual;

SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','OS_USER') IN OAF ------------ oracusd(Server name)

Please guide me on this .Its very urgent requiremnet.

Panduranga reddy
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