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Is it possible to setup a deduction every 4 months using the frequency rule in Element setup ?

The help section says the following -

It is possible to set frequency rules to process once- or twice-yearly deductions on monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual payrolls. These rules' periods then refer to periods within a year (months, quarters or half years) instead or periods within a month. However, for infrequent deductions, you may prefer to define them as nonrecurring and use BEE to make entries when required.

If I want to setup a deduction every 3 or 4 or 6 months, how can we do it through Frequency Rule ?
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, April 29 2016, 11:54 AM - #Permalink

    Lets talk about your first question, yes, we can deduct on every 4th month using the frequency rule, lets take an example if yours is monthly payroll and you want to deduct on every 4th month, then in the deduction element frequency rules check "4" then it deduct it on every 4th month frequently in the given year.

    Now talk about your second question, yes we can deduct based on a standard frequency like as you said 3 or 4 or 6, if i take the above monthly payroll example, you can pick any number (till 6) in the frequency rules tab.

    If you consider weekly payroll and if you want to deduct twice in a month (for every 2nd period) then select 2 and 4 for the particular element frequency rules tab.

    In your case i don't know the payroll you using,for setting up frequency rule we must know the payroll pay period you using, that's the reason i taken couple of examples to explain, hope your doubt got cleared.

    • Debojyoty Sadhukhan
      more than a month ago
      In the Frequency Rule Window, I am not able to check the echeck box for 2,3,4,5 or 6 for a monthly payroll.

      Hence I was wondering how to setup a frequency rule of every 2 months or 4 months using the frequency rule for a monthly payroll.
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