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I had ADF training earlier and currently into SOA training from apps2fusion. I have a question and advise regarding sharing sessions in ADF application. Below is the scenario.

I have multiple applications (as subsystems) and one master applications. I have ADF security defined in all applications based on LDAP authentication. Now I am trying to merge all subsystem into master applications using reuseable remote task flows, all taskflow works fine but the master page is unable to share sessions to sub system (which are deployed as ADF libraries).

The security and access granted on taskflows within sub systems does not appear, kindly advise how to implement such solution or share a slide or documentation which might help to resolve the issue


1 Master Application - M1
3 sub systems as different workspaces (S1, S1 and S3) with ADF security
M1 will have S1, S2 and S3 taskflows as reuseable

From Master application M1 when S1 linked is clicked, page is redirected to application but taskflows within S1 disappears.


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Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, February 24 2016, 09:35 AM - #Permalink

    As per the problem stated below:

    "The security and access granted on taskflows within sub systems does not appear, kindly advise how to implement such solution or share a slide or documentation which might help to resolve the issue".

    When you use adf library in other project (parent project) then application running will be parent application.
    ADF Security gets implemented at application level not at taskflow or project level.

    You have to again provide the security in the application in which you have added ADFLibrary jars.
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