Frequently asked questions for Apps2Fusion trainings


General FAQs for Apps2Fusion Trainings


How is the training conducted? via web or in office?

Our weekend and weekday trainings are conducted Online via interactive Web Conferencing software. Hence no need to travel and can attend the training from home. Trainer can take remote control of trainee’s computer to help them with lab exercises

Do you provide on-premise trainings?

Yes for  corporate trainings are onsite at client premise if required. We have trainers in US, Europe, Australia & India.

How about Audio?

The session is made interactive through the audio feature of the software using which you can clear your doubts at time of training session.

What are training requirements?

A good quality headphone & microphone to listen & speak to the trainer is must. You dail in to the session using the number phone provided at the time of training.

What is the duration of each training session?

Weekday Training

The duration of each session will be 2 to 2.5 hours per day (depending upon topic)

Weekend Training

The duration of each session will be 6 hours (depending upon topic). There will be additional breaks during the training taking the total duration to 7hours.

Will we have access to the instance?

Yes, you will be given access to instance during the training & post training as well for an agreed duration.

Do you provide any course material?

Yes, we do provide course material prepared by experts.

When do we receive webconference details & course material?

Ahead of the start date the course material will be shared. Web Conference details are shared a day before the commencement of training.



Training Administrator