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If your job requires you to develop custom applications that run in Lightning Experience and Salesforce1 which support multiple devices and screen sizes from a single codebase, then this course is designed especially for you. In this five-day course, you’ll learn from an expert instructor how to program Lightning Components with markup, JavaScript, CSS, Apex, and the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS), and make them available to Salesforce end users use this.


By the end of this training, you will learn to:

Create custom, reusable LightningComponents and Applications.

Surface Lightning Components and Applications in Salesforce.

Build a responsive application that runs in Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience.

Define input forms with client-side data validation.

Build Lightning applications that enable a user to search, read, and update data from a Salesforce org.

Make Lightning Components available to other developers through unmanaged packages.

Theme your application by customizing the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS)

Course Contents

Day 1

 Introducing Lightning Components and Applications

Using HTML5 and Lightning Components to Develop Apps

Defining a Lightning Application

Defining a Simple Component

Handling User Events

Using Helpers for Complex Client-Side Event Handling

Documenting a Component

Using OOTB Lightning Input Components

Working with Apex

Debugging and Troubleshooting Your App

Day 2

Surfacing a Component

Surfacing Lightning Components

Surfacing Components in Salesforce1 and Lightning


Building Lightning Pages with Components and App Builder

Using Lightning Components in Visualforce Pages with


Installing and Managing Components from AppExchange

Packaging a Component for Distribution

Day 3

Implementing Navigation and Layouts

Working with SLDSX Components

Using the SLDSX Tab Panel

Implementing Buttons and Button Groups with SLDS

Implementing a “Deck of Cards” Layout

Using the SLDS/SLDSX Grid System

Implementing Menus with SLDS

Day 4

Building Advanced Components

Accessing the Component Body

Dynamically Instantiating and Destroying Component


Localizing Content

Defining and Handling Nested Sub-tags

Raising Events and Defining Public Methods

Raising Salesforce1 Events

Using Renderers

Writing Device-Specific Code

Using Inheritance

Day 5

Working with Data

Implementing Forms

Validating Input Data

Implementing a Query-by-Example System

Viewing and Editing Salesforce Records

Waiting for Server Requests to Complete


Theming your Apps

Applying Colors and Typography

Introducing Sass and SLDS Design Tokens

Using Compass to Improve Browser Compatibility and





Training Hours

5-6 Hrs starting from 12 noon GMT


Independent software vendors (ISVs) 

Web application developers

• Create custom, reusable Lightning Components and
• Surface Lightning Components and Applications in
• Build a responsive application that runs in Salesforce1 and
Lightning Experience.
• Define input forms with client-side data validation.
• Build Lightning applications that enable a user to search, read,
and update data from a Salesforce org.
• Make Lightning Components available to other developers
through unmanaged packages.
• Theme your application by customizing the Salesforce
Lightning Design System (SLDS).


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