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JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 881

Hello World Program in Mobile Applications
In this article, we will create a Hello World page which gets the name from the user and prints the same with the string “Hello World”
We have to create 3 Java Class for the same. They are

1. CustomTestFunction.java: This Class is for Application level initialization and this class is registered as the Function in AOL. This extends the base class MenuItemBean

2. CustomTestPage.java: This Class is for Page initialization. It just creates the layout and adds the beans to the page. It extends PageBean Class

3. CustomTestFListener.java: This Class is the event listener class. It listens to the events on each bean on the page and calls appropriate method to handle the event.


1) CustomTestFunction.java


/* Function class - this links the page with FND Function in AOL */

package xxx.custom.server;

import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
import oracle.apps.inv.utilities.server.UtilFns;
import oracle.apps.mwa.beans.MenuItemBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.MWAAppListener;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.MWAEvent;

public class CustomTestFunction extends MenuItemBean implements MWAAppListener


public CustomTestFunction()


//Link the page with the function





public void appEntered(MWAEvent mwaevent)


// Code here to initialize Application Level


// Logging Functions

UtilFns.trace("Application Entered");



public void appExited(MWAEvent mwaevent)


// Code to be executed when the user exits the application


// Logging Functions

UtilFns.trace("Application Exited");



public static final String RCS_ID = "$Header:$";

public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED = VersionInfo.recordClassVersion("$Header:$", "%packageheader%");






2. CustomTestPage.java


/* Page Class - Which has the Page Layout. We create and add beans to it */

package xxx.custom.server;


import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;

import oracle.apps.inv.utilities.server.UtilFns;

import oracle.apps.mwa.beans.ButtonFieldBean;

import oracle.apps.mwa.beans.PageBean;

import oracle.apps.mwa.beans.TextFieldBean;

import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.AbortHandlerException;

import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.DefaultOnlyHandlerException;

import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.InterruptedHandlerException;

import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.MWAEvent;


import xxx.custom.server.CustomTestFListener;



//Page Listener Class



public class CustomTestPage extends PageBean {




* Default constructor which just initialises the layout.


public CustomTestPage() {

//Method to initialize the layout






* Does the initialization of all the fields. Creates new instances

* and calls the method to set the prompts which may have to be later

* moved to the page enter event if we were using AK prompts as we

* require the session for the same.


private void initLayout() {



if (UtilFns.isTraceOn)

UtilFns.trace("CustomPage initLayout");


//Create a Text Filed and Set an ID

mHelloWorld = new TextFieldBean();



// Create a Submit Button and set an ID

mSubmit = new ButtonFieldBean();



//add the fields




//add field listener to all necessary fields

CustomTestFListener fieldListener =

new CustomTestFListener();





//call this method to initializa the prompts






* Method that sets all the prompts up.


private void initPrompts() {


UtilFns.trace(" Custom Page - Init Prompts");


// sets the page title

this.setPrompt("Test Custom Page");


// set the prompts for all the remaining fields

mHelloWorld.setPrompt("Enter Your Name");



//please note that we should not hard code page name and prompts

//as it may cause translation problems

//we have an different procedure to overcome this




// This method is called when the user clicks the submit button


public void print(MWAEvent mwaevent, TextFieldBean mTextBean) throws AbortHandlerException


UtilFns.trace(" Custom Page - print ");


// Get the value from Text bean and append hello world

// and display it to user on the same field

String s = mTextBean.getValue();

mTextBean.setValue(s+" Hello World");



// Method to get handle of TextBean

public TextFieldBean getHelloWorld() {

return mHelloWorld;



//Method called when the page is entered


public void pageEntered(MWAEvent e) throws AbortHandlerException,


DefaultOnlyHandlerException {


UtilFns.trace(" Custom Page - pageEntered ");




//Method called when the page is exited


public void pageExited(MWAEvent e) throws AbortHandlerException,


DefaultOnlyHandlerException {


UtilFns.trace(" Custom Page - pageExited ");




// Create the Bean Variables

TextFieldBean mHelloWorld;

protected ButtonFieldBean mSubmit;





3) CustomTestFListener.java


/* Listener Class - Handles all events */


package xxx.custom.server;

import oracle.apps.inv.utilities.server.UtilFns;
import oracle.apps.mwa.beans.FieldBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa.container.Session;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.AbortHandlerException;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.DefaultOnlyHandlerException;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.InterruptedHandlerException;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.MWAEvent;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.MWAFieldListener;



public class CustomTestFListener implements MWAFieldListener {

public CustomTestFListener() {



public void fieldEntered(MWAEvent mwaevent) throws AbortHandlerException,InterruptedHandlerException, DefaultOnlyHandlerException {

UtilFns.trace("Inside Field Entered");

 ses = mwaevent.getSession();

String s = UtilFns.fieldEnterSource(ses);

// Prints the Current Bean's ID

UtilFns.trace("CustomFListener:fieldEntered:fldName = " + s);



public void fieldExited(MWAEvent mwaevent) throws AbortHandlerException, InterruptedHandlerException, DefaultOnlyHandlerException {

String s = ((FieldBean)mwaevent.getSource()).getName();

// Prints the Current Bean's ID

UtilFns.trace("CustomFListener:fieldExited:fldName = " + s);


// Get handle to session and page
Session ses = mwaevent.getSession();
pg = (CustomTestPage)ses.getCurrentPage();

// when the user clicks the Submit button call the method to print
// Hello world with the text entered in text box


if (s.equals("TEST.SUBMIT")) {





// Varibale declaration
CustomTestPage pg;
Session ses;




Screen shots:


Fig 1: Choose the Responsibility in the Mobile Device



Fig 2: Choose the Function from main menu



Fig 3: The Hello World Page appears



Fig 4: Enter your name



Fig 5: When you click submit button, Your name is appended with Hello world and displayed in the Text Box



For MSCA/OAF consulting kindly contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



0 #1 Amar@genpacts/w 2008-02-10 20:07
Hi Senthil,

Thank s for the detailed description on creating a Test page. Senthil, I have one question, Iam new to MWA so if I want to know about the various classes that we use in creating and customising the pages, for example this statement

impo rt oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.MWA Event;

I want to know the functionality of the methods in this clase, is there any Developer guide or any doc that has detailed informtion like these. Kindly Please help me on this.

Thanks in Anticipation.
A mar
0 #2 Rohini 2008-02-13 19:20
Hi Amar,

As far as I know, there is no developer guide made available to public by Oracle. However you can find some documents related to customizing/ext ending the Mobile Applications using MWA in metalink.

As you have requested, I plan to write some articles regarding the Beans available for MWA/MSCA and some APIs related to it in near future.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #3 brad 2008-03-10 21:54
Hi Senthil,

Great info! I've been looking for just this sort of tutorial for quite some time. I was hoping you could share some environment setup info for the java novice. I'm a pl/sql, forms, and reports programmer with a pretty rudimentary knowledge of java. It would be great if you could walk throught he steps required to create a new package with Jdeveloper that includes all of the referenced classes so we can take your sample .java and compile

Thanks !!!
0 #4 Rohini 2008-03-10 22:05
Hi Brad,

I am in process of writing a Java Doc for MWA. I will also try to include some sort of information along with that which you are looking for.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #5 Krishna Malleswara Rao 2008-04-12 09:56
Hi Senthil,
Thank you for this and other wonderful articles. I have a small question.
Can I use rf gun with this custom mobile form without adding special code or this textfield will get populated when I read data using rf gun.
Regards, Nathan.
0 #6 Rohini 2008-04-12 13:51
Hi Nathan,

Yep .. I tested this page with mobile device and i was able to read the data from the barcode using the RF gun without any special code.

0 #7 Harish 2008-04-17 03:43
Hi senthil,

I am very much new to Oracle apps and ofcourse to MSCA. How can i create a pop up for displaying an error or success message with a sound suitable to them respectively.Is there any standard package for sound.
0 #8 Rohini 2008-04-17 03:52
Hi Harish,

Most of the mobile applications used in big Warehouses will be like a Character based application and you will not see the features of GUI like popups... The only sound you can hear from them is a "beep" sound ... :)

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #9 Harish 2008-04-17 04:38
Hi senthil,

Thank s for your reply. But, the requirement that has been passed on to me is to, create a pop up message with a sound. Cant this be done atall??? :'(
0 #10 Rohini 2008-04-17 04:47
Hi Harish,

To my knowledge, I havent seen any mobile screens with popups. Also MSCA/MWA Framework doesnt have any feature to do the same. The normal process we follow in MSCA is to display the error message at the bottom of the screen with a beep sound.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #11 Harish 2008-04-17 06:36
Hi senthil,

Once again thanks for your information.Can you let me know how to enable the beep sound while displaying a message at the bottom of the screen.
And..Is there only beep sound that can be made..cant we provide a sound which indicates it is an error.

Regards ,
0 #12 Rohini 2008-04-17 11:57
Hi Harish,
For the popup message I can suggest you the following workaround. This is more like a dialog page in OAF (if you are not comfortable with OA Framework ..no worries... just go ahead...) where in which the user will be redirected to a new confirmation or warning page. There you can show your warning messge or ask for confirmation etc... When the user press OK or Cancel or any other button of their choice,user will be returned back to your original Mobile form and do your processing based on user input in dialog page.

You can try that using the following code snippet:

impor t oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.TelnetSes sion;

........ ............... .....

String dialogPageButto ns[] = {

TelnetSession telnetsession1 = (TelnetSession) ses;
int k = telnetsession1. showPromptPage( "Dialog Page Title","Dialog Page Message",dialog PageButtons);
if(k == 0) {
//the user pressed "OK" button ....write you custom logic ...

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l

[img src=c: mp\dialog.gif]
0 #13 Harish 2008-04-18 00:34
Hi senthil,

Thank s a lot ...This is very usefull.
0 #14 Rohini 2008-04-18 04:00
Hi Harish,

You can try out the following code snippet to produce beep sound.

import oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.*;

PresentationMan ager presentationman ager = ((TelnetSession)ses).getPresentationMan ager();
ProtocolHandler protocolhandler = presentationman ager.getProtocolHandler();
protocolhandler .willSendNegati veSound();

... ............... .........

You can play aroung with couple of methods available in ProtocolHandler Class for getting different sounds and select one ..

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #15 Harish 2008-04-18 05:22
Thank you very much senthil...
0 #16 Rohini 2008-04-19 09:50
[img src=c:/dialog.j pg alt = "Dialog Page in MSCA"]
0 #17 Rohini 2008-04-20 06:33
Here is the image which has a the snapshot of Dialog page in MSCA

0 #18 Himanshu Joshi 2008-04-21 02:50

Please Provide patch 4205328 for MWA Setup, Testing, Error Logging and Debugging

Rega rds
Himanshu Joshi
0 #19 nisha 2008-04-21 07:02
Hi Senthil,
In designing a new page,we saw 3 java class files created for the Purpose.Please let us know how to proceed further like precisely where it has to be place and what needs to compiled ?
Apologies if we are asking very fundamental questions!

Rgd s
0 #20 nisha 2008-04-21 07:46
Hi Senthil,

Addin g to my earlier doubts, can you kindly let me know if we need to write additional code to the source code in java and then recompile it to create our own page. If so how can i get this source code.

0 #21 nisha 2008-04-22 02:43
Hi Senthil,
Please respond to our earlier queries as we are struck with the way forward!
0 #22 Ritesh M 2008-04-22 02:48
Hi Senthil,

I really liked your way to display the dialog message..... don't you think that we can achieve the same via creating another custom msca page for confirmation... .rather than opening another telnet session.

any thoughts ?

Rit esh
0 #23 Ritesh M 2008-04-22 07:34
Hi Nisha,

Please follow the steps given below :

1) Copy all 3 Java Files to $CUST_TOP/java using any FTP tool
2) Set environment (if required)
3) Compile the java files using javac file.java
4) Register it ...
0 #24 nisha 2008-04-23 08:21
Hi Senthil,
We have a multirecord in the screen say typically Lot Id's,we scan Lot Id then the cursor should be in next record where a new lot will be captured.moving to next record precisely!How do we acheive this?
0 #25 Ritesh M 2008-04-24 23:39

Is this the standard form or its an custom form ?
0 #26 nisha 2008-04-25 00:28
Its a custom form!
0 #27 Ritesh M 2008-04-25 01:09
i think you can make use of SpecialKeyPress ed event......

SpecialKeyPress ed – this is called when the user presses any special character, such as a Control character. Pressing CTRL-G to generate LPNs or Lots is one example of when this gets called
0 #28 Ritesh M 2008-04-25 01:26
by the way another question came into my mind........... ....how you have created a multirecord screen in MSCA ?....till now i've not seen a MSCA screen having Multiple Records (Generally its there in D2k forms...)...if you know any of the standard form......can u pls provide me the names of the .class/.java files...
0 #29 nisha 2008-04-25 04:14
Hi Senthil,

Is there any way we can have two text fields residing sidy by side in the UI as given below

________ ______________ _______________ __________
| | | |
|____________ _________| |______________ _________ |
0 #30 nisha 2008-04-25 04:16
Sorry the image got distorted.

[d: /img.bmp]
0 #31 Rohini 2008-04-25 18:06
Hello All,

My apologies for the delay .... there was technical problem and I havent got any notifications for your comments ... Will go through all of ur comments and post the reply tomorrow.

Than ks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #32 Rohini 2008-04-25 18:08
A special thanks to Ritesh for answering the questions ... Appreciate it .. keep going...

Cheer s,
0 #33 Rohini 2008-04-25 18:25
Hi Ritesh,

Design ing a new MSCA form for dialog page is also a good idea .... but this is the way, it is followed in Oracle Standard Applications.

Regarding the Multi Records, we normally handle by having the "Next" button in the form.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #34 Rohini 2008-04-26 07:33
Hi Nisha,

Hope Ritesh cleared most of your doubts.

Regard ing the multi record query, can u brief a littel bit more ... i could not get a clear picture of what you are trying to do ...

Regarding the UI layout issue, To my knowledege, i havent came across any such UI. Also It doesnt make much sense to have 2 fields in same row .... as the display unit in the mobile device is too small ...

Feel free to pour in your thoughts.

Than ks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #35 Anil Passi- 2008-04-26 07:45
Hi Senthil & Ritesh

Thanks for your help to everyone here on this specialised subject matter.

Anil Passi
0 #36 Rohini 2008-04-26 08:00
Hi Ritesh,

Regard ing the Multi Record query, you can create a drop down list box using the following class and on selection of each item in the list box, you can try and change the values for other fields in the page. I havent tried this out ... it is just a suggestion .. you can play around with this.

import oracle.apps.mwa .beans.ListFiel dBean;

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #37 Ritesh M 2008-04-26 14:02
Hi Senthil,

thank s for your reply.....

but i think by using ListFieldBean we can't acheive MultiRecord scenario....i agree we can change the values of other fields based on the value selected from ListFieldBean.. ....

and regarding multirecord.... .by using NEXT button ....r we saving the records one by one or putting them into array...? just curious to know about the background ..... can u pls provide me any standard form which behaves the same way...

0 #38 Rohini 2008-04-26 15:28
Hi Ritesh,

Regard ing the "NEXT" button ... HashTables play a major role behind the screens. I have seen some standard screens with "Next" button feature. Not sure of the names .... will update you if I come across those pages agian.

Alterna tively, "oracle.apps.wm s.td.server.Tra nsactionDetails " Java Class play a major role in such kind of scenario.

To summarize, handling the multirecord in Mobile apps can be acheived by the following Java Classes in an effective manner.

java.s ql.ResultSet
ja va.util.Hashtab le
oracle.apps. wms.td.server.T ransactionDetai ls

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #39 nisha 2008-04-28 02:37
Hi Senthil,

Thank s for your updates . We have the following requirement.

We are creating some custom screens (Multi record screen). This screen needs to scan a series of lot ids and some other corresponding values. So our screen needs to have a lot id and another corresponding field side by side. So far I have seen only text field one below another (Single record screen).

Is there any way by which we can have all the related text fields in a single line.

The screen should be similar to grid layout which has 2 columns per row.

0 #40 Rohini 2008-04-28 03:16
Hi Nisha,

If you get the lot id and corresponding values via a single barcode, then you get it in same field as concatenated string and then u can split it using ur Java logic.

Not sure about having 2 fields in a sinlge line. Havent came across any MWA Java Class for Layouts ... If I find something, I will update you.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #41 Harish 2008-04-30 06:12
Hi senthil,

I was able to get negative beep and the popup window but, the problem was..The beep sound is coming only when i select OK button in the Popup window... Can u help me in this..

if(err Flg.equals("E") )

PresentationMan ager presentationman ager = ((TelnetSession)session).getPresentationMan ager();
ProtocolHandler protocolhandler = presentationman ager.getProtocolHandler();
protocolhandler .willSendNegati veSound();
session.setStat usMessage(errMs g);
String dialogPageButto ns[] = {"Ok"};
TelnetSession telnetsession1 = (TelnetSession) session;
int k = telnetsession1. showPromptPage( "Error",errMsg, dialogPageButto ns);
session.setNext FieldName(pg.ge tLotSublot().ge tName());


Har ish
0 #42 Rohini 2008-04-30 07:04
Hi Harish,

Cant you split the code to produce the beep sound first and then to show the dialog box?

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #43 Harish 2008-04-30 08:34
Hi senthil,
Splitt ing up the code will be difficult..cos am returning values from procedure. Based on which am passin the error messages....

I got an vauge idea..to do this..dono if it is correct....
can we check if calling beep is success and Then call the popup window??

regar ds,
0 #44 Rohini 2008-04-30 08:42
Hi Harish,

You can try that as well ...

Can you try something like this:

if(errFl g.equals("E"))
PresentationMa nager presentationman ager = ((TelnetSession )session).getPr esentationManag er();
ProtocolHandle r protocolhandler = presentationman ager.getProtocolHandler();
protocolhandle r.willSendNegat iveSound();
session.setSta tusMessage(errM sg);
if(errFlg.equa ls("E"))
String dialogPageButto ns[] = {"Ok"};
TelnetSession telnetsession1 = (TelnetSession) session;
int k = telnetsession1. showPromptPage( "Error",errMsg, dialogPageButto ns);
session.setNex tFieldName(pg.g etLotSublot().g etName());


Not sure whather it fits your requirement :)

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #45 Harish 2008-04-30 08:54
Hi senthil,

If i spilt the code in this way..I can hear only the beep...And...

If i use it as nested IF..{} Then the result is same as popup first and Beep next on OK button... :'(

0 #46 Harish 2008-05-02 02:46
Hi senthil,

Is the beep misfiring bcos of the popup..which is opening a new session???

Re gards,
0 #47 Rohini 2008-05-03 02:36
Hi Harish,

Can you give me a clear picture of where this piece of code is placed...?

Bri ef me a bit about the code flow from fieldEntered() method in your Listener Java Class

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #48 Harish 2008-05-05 04:41
Hi senthil,

This code is wriiten in the listener for the field Truck....

pub lic int validateTrip(MW AEvent mwaevent)
throws AbortHandlerExc eption
Session session = mwaevent.getSes sion();
Session session1 = mwaevent.getSes sion();
pg = (Page1)session. getCurrentPage( );

Connection connection = session.getConn ection();
CallableStateme nt callablestateme nt;

String orgid = (String)session .getValue("ORGI D");
callablestateme nt = connection.prep areCall("{call MSCA.VERIFY_TRI P(?,?,?,?,?)}") ;
callablestateme nt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
callablestateme nt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
callablestateme nt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER);
callablestateme nt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.VARCHAR);
callablestateme nt.setString(5, truck);

callablestateme nt.execute();

String errMsg = callablestateme nt.getString(1);
String errFlg = callablestateme nt.getString(2);
int outVal = callablestateme nt.getInt(3);
String trip = callablestateme nt.getString(4);

if ( outVal == 1 )
pg.getTrip().se tValue(trip);

if(errFlg.equal s("E"))
PresentationMan ager presentationman ager = ((TelnetSession)session).getPresentationMan ager();
ProtocolHandler protocolhandler = presentationman ager.getProtocolHandler();
protocolhandler .willSendNegati veSound();
String dialogPageButto ns[] = {"Ok"};
TelnetSession telnetsession1 = (TelnetSession) session1;
int k = telnetsession1. showPromptPage( "Error",errMsg, dialogPageButto ns);
session.setStat usMessage(errMs g);
session.setNext FieldName(pg.ge tTrip().getName ());

return outVal;

0 #49 Harish 2008-05-05 04:43
Hi senthil,

The user scans/Enters the truck name...Validati on for the truck is done using the called procedure...Bas ed on the return value from the procedure the message is displayed..Hope this is clear..

Regar ds,
0 #50 Rohini 2008-05-05 14:18
Hi Harish,

I just added a simple logic using a boolean variable ... not sure whether you tried this approach ...if not give a try ....

If this is not working, please update me with your findings for the failure ....

please go through my comments inline for clear understanding ..

public int validateTrip(MW AEvent mwaevent)
throws AbortHandlerExc eption
Session session = mwaevent.getSes sion();
Session session1 = mwaevent.getSes sion();
pg = (Page1)session. getCurrentPage( );

//A new boolean variable which is set to flase
boolean flag = false;

Connect ion connection = session.getConn ection();
CallableStatem ent callablestateme nt;

String orgid = (String)session .getValue("ORGI D");
callablestatem ent = connection.prep areCall("{call MSCA.VERIFY_TRI P(?,?,?,?,?)}") ;
callablestatem ent.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
callablestatem ent.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
callablestatem ent.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER);
callablestatem ent.registerOutParameter(4, Types.VARCHAR);
callablestatem ent.setString(5, truck);

callablestatem ent.execute();

String errMsg = callablestateme nt.getString(1) ;
String errFlg = callablestateme nt.getString(2) ;
int outVal = callablestateme nt.getInt(3);
String trip = callablestateme nt.getString(4) ;

if ( outVal == 1 )
pg.getTrip().s etValue(trip);

if(errFlg.equ als("E"))
PresentationMa nager presentationman ager = ((TelnetSession )session).getPr esentationManag er();
ProtocolHandle r protocolhandler = presentationman ager.getProtocolHandler();
protocolhandle r.willSendNegat iveSound();
//set the flag to true on error condition
flag = true;

//Call dialog page when the flag is ON
S tring dialogPageButto ns[] = {"Ok"};
TelnetSession telnetsession1 = (TelnetSession) session1;
int k = telnetsession1. showPromptPage( "Error",errMsg, dialogPageButto ns);
// Move the following 2 lines to the above condition,if it doesnt make any sense over here ..as it is a different session altogether ....
session.se tStatusMessage( errMsg);
session.setNex tFieldName(pg.g etTrip().getNam e());
//reset flag;
flag = false;

return outVal;

0 #51 Harish 2008-05-06 03:01
Hi senthil,

I tired with this boolean variable earlier and it didnt work the way we wished.... :'(
If i dont have the Popup message and jus the status message, the beep is coming at the right time..
Cant really find why its firing when i click explicitly on OK button.

Is opening a new session has priority more than the negative beep??

Regard s,
0 #52 Rohini 2008-05-06 03:09
Hi Harish,

Not sure of this behaviour ....

As a work around you can try the following:

1)T ry to move the code for calling the dialog page outside validateTrip() ... may be fieldExit(); OR
2)Design a new custom page which is similiar to dialog page and call that on "Error"

Hope this helps.

0 #53 Harish 2008-05-06 05:08
Hi senthil,

Guess found the solution for this..Instead of using protocolhandler .willSendNegati veSound(); .....
I used..protocolh andler.sendNega tiveSound(); ..

Now this is working fine..first the beep triggers and then the Popup...
Thanks a lot for spending your time in this..
Really your inforamtions helped me out...

Regards ,
0 #54 Himanshu Joshi 2008-05-06 09:16

I am very new to MSCA framework.

I am getting an error while populating LOV.On the first hit, I am getting the error below:

(Thread -13) MWA_LOV_ROW_CON S_FAIL: Unsuccessful row construction
ja va.lang.NullPoi nterException
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.LOVR untimePageHandl er.pageEntered( LOVRuntimePageH andler.java:89)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.callLi steners(StateMa chine.java:1666 )
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.handle Event(StateMach ine.java:1067)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.Presentat ionManager.hand le(Presentation Manager.java:70 2)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.run(Prot ocolHandler.jav a:820)

But when I go to next LOV and traverse back to first one, It gives me the LOV.

Please help me in resolving the issue.
0 #55 nisha 2008-05-06 09:46
Hi Senthil,

Is there any way by which we can add a vertical scroll bar to the custom page? For example, if my page contains more than 15
textfields one below the another, we need a scroll bar to go to either the first field or the last. But I have come across the
scroll bars only in case of LOV displays and menu page.

Thanks & Regards,
0 #56 Rohini 2008-05-06 10:38
Hi Nisha,

The Scroll bar in LOV is provided by the Framework.

Nor mally, we will have only 10 fields in a single page in any mobile screen. when u have more than 10 fields, after entering the value in 10th fieild, u will be automaticlly taken to other page with rest of the fields.

Also, if you want to have all 15 fields in the same page, you can adjust the hardware setting in the mobile device to do the same.(You need to check for the user manual for hardware or seek assistance from DBAs)

Also, From my view point, having scroll bar in a mobile device doesnt make much sense ... as it is going to be a source of input in a warehouse.

If you want to jump to last field after the first field, you can set the focus to next field (will check out for the API name) or u can just hide the other feilds which are not necessary.

Hop e this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #57 Ritesh M 2008-05-08 05:09
Hi Himanshu,

From the error its seems that you LOV is having some of the input parameters and the very first time when you navigated to the LOV ....value of one of the input parameter was not initialized and second time it got initialized.... .

Suggest you to check the values for input parameters..

R egards,
0 #58 Harish 2008-05-13 03:01
Hi senthil,

How do i get the trace file for the MSCA application...N eed to some performamce tuning to be done...
I have used..FileLogge r.getSystemLogg er().trace("');

But dono the path for getting the complete trace file..

Can you please help me out...

Regards ,
0 #59 Rohini 2008-05-13 03:52
hi Harish,

FileLo gger basically uses "java.io.PrintW riter" to write the content into log files. The log file name will be usually be port_no.system. log

The Log directory can be identified from the "mwa.logdir" settings in mwa.cfg file.

The mwa.cfg file is located on $INST_TOP/admin /install (in case of R12). For more details, please refer to my artilce on "MWA Setup, Testing, Error Logging and Debugging"

Hop e this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #60 Harish 2008-06-03 02:02
Hi senthil,

Is ther any way adjusting the size of the popup message windows..i.e the new telnet session window.??
Or Can i make the cursor to starting position of the error message beeing displayed....

In the mobile device, the scanner, the popup error messages run for a second and the display goes to the right bottom end of the screen.These popups work well in the computer and there is no problem like this.

0 #61 Rohini 2008-06-03 03:22
Hi Harish,

I guess there is some issue with your mobile hardware device. One of the readers of apps2fusion faced similiar issue and he sorted out to be a issue by installing the new tiny jvm CrEme v.4.2.

You can try investigating on your hardware device.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #62 Harish 2008-06-03 07:28
Hi senthil,

Can't we adjust the size of the new telnet session using TelnetSession.i nitializeSessio n().
And what is this CrEme v.4.2..should this be installed on the scanner?

Regar ds,
0 #63 Rohini 2008-06-03 07:34
Hi Harish,

I never tried using TelnetSession.i nitializeSessio n(). please test it and update us with your findings ... we are eager to know the results ....
Regarding the scanner issue, I would suggest you to go through the device manual or get in touch with DBAs.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #64 Harish 2008-06-03 09:49
Hi senthil,

I tried the initializeSessi on method and it was erroring out for me. Might bcos i don't know how to call that or the values to passed to the method are wrong.

For a popup message we use a new telnet session to display the message. Can we set the window size for this popup and can we bring the cursor to the starting position of the window.

Is ther anyway to add a textfield to the same popup window.

Regar ding.. jvm CrEme v.4.2..I didn't understand about this.

Regards ,
0 #65 Rohini 2008-06-03 10:05
Hi Harish,

You can play around with various APIs available in oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.TelnetSes sion Java Class and figure out whether it meets ur requirement.

T hanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #66 Abdul Rasheed 2008-11-11 05:19
Hi All,

I am new this forum and basically i m distribution consultant as of now i was assigned MSCA project.

I have gone through user guide which is provided by oracle, then i was looked out this website. It really gives spoon feeding to begineer.

Can you tell me what is the basic hardware needs for implementing MSCA.

Thanks in advance

M.Abdu l
0 #67 Rohini 2008-11-11 05:39
Hi Abdul,

You need to have a hand held mobile device for the warehouse. Metalink Note 269260.1 gives the complete list of mobile devices compatible with Oracle WMS / MSCA

Hope this helps.

Please feel free to post your issues in our forum(http://apps2fusion.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=145)

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #68 Tron 2008-11-19 18:48
Was anybody able to get the example to compile? I am a little confused since CustomTestPage needs CustomTestFList ener to compile and CustomTestFList ener needs CustomTestPage to compile. Anyone else have this problem?
0 #69 Rohini 2008-11-20 02:51

Can you please explain your problem.

If you have both files under same directory, there will not be any problem in compilation.

T hanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #70 Tron 2008-11-20 08:40
You are correct. I had mistyped the package name in one of the import statements :)

Agreed with the others. This is an extremely useful document. Thank you for putting it together. If only Oracle was this useful ;)
0 #71 Rohini 2008-11-20 08:43
My Pleasure.

Than ks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #72 Tron 2008-11-20 10:03

Sorry, one more question. I registered the CustomTestFunct ion and I can see it in my menu, however I can't get it to do anything when I click on it. Any suggestions where I should start troubleshooting ? I attached the JAR with my classes to jserv.propertie s on the server and restarted apache. Do I need to restart the listener as well?
0 #73 Rohini 2008-11-20 10:12

You can go through my article on Debugging and Trouble shooting:


You can use our forum "http://apps2fu sion.com/forums /viewforum.php? f=143" to upload files.

Please feel free to post your issues.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #74 Tron 2008-11-20 10:23
This did the trick! I had deployed my class files to the wrong location. Thanks again. I reviewed some of the training that you all offer. Are the classes based in the US or Europe? Is there a contact email I can use for more details?
0 #75 Rohini 2008-11-20 10:30

It is online training. You can find more information from "http://apps2fu sion.com".

Tha nks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #76 Kaukab 2009-01-12 14:47
How to find which java code is being called in a particular screen.

please let me know its urgent
0 #77 Rohini 2009-01-13 01:10

You can userControl-X to invoke an 'About' page that lists details of the current connection that could be useful in debugging problems.

From here you can find the page class name.

Press F3 to exit from the "About" page.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #78 Kaukab 2009-01-13 19:49
Thanks Senthil that was of great help.
I want to add 2 more feilds in a particular page can u suggest the procedure for that. the documentation I have are not very clear.
0 #79 Rohini 2009-01-13 20:33

If you want to modify a standard oracle page, please follow the steps in my article


Kindly let me know if you face any issues.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #80 Kaukab 2009-01-14 01:18
Where should the modified java file be kept. And where should its class file be generated. Also please give some details about registration.
D o we need to change in fnd function screen the web_html name or it needs to be registered some where else.
0 #81 Rohini 2009-01-14 05:49

It is the normal procedure for any other source code which we develpp for Oracle Apps Impl. My article on "Entending a std page" explains the detail steps involved in this.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #82 Anju 2009-02-10 03:55
Hi Senthil,

Can we use showPromptPage( ) for prompting a input number field other than dialog box?

A nju
0 #83 Rohini 2009-02-10 13:00
Hi Anju,

I am not sure whether you can have input field rather than a Dialog box ... My gud feeling says "No". Give a try and let us know the outcome.

Cheer s,
0 #84 Anju 2009-02-11 01:08
Thanks Senthil.

We have a requirement to print the label on press of F2.
If the user selects Yes, then he would be prompted for the number of prints. The message would be
No of Prints:

We have done the code changes in the following way

TelnetSess ion telnetsession1 = (TelnetSession) session;
int print1 = telnetsession1. showPromptPage( "Print",iknSeri alMaterialPage. IKN_CU850_LABEL _PRINT,dialogPa geButtons);
if(print1 == 0)
session.setNext PageName("oracl e.apps.wip.wma. page.newpage");

But the new page is not being called.

Please guide us on how to call the new page.
0 #85 Rohini 2009-02-11 12:58

Is your page flow something like this

User press F2 -> Dialog Page -> User selects "Yes" -> New page which will ask for no:of Prints.

Correc t me if I am wrong.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #86 /dev/null 2009-04-15 04:07
I have been writing pages in MWA however am stuck on a small problem. I am able to successfully use appEntered() within my function however the appExited() method never seems to fire. The requirement I have is to do some tidying up either when a user logs off or when their session is ended completely.

Th anks,
0 #87 satish_p 2009-06-22 01:03
Dear Senthil

Thanks very much for the support on Mobile Supply Chain Application Framework .Tried Hello World Example.
Follow ed the steps like below

1.Copied the JAVA files CustomTestFunct ion.java,Custom TestFListener.j ava,CustomTestP age.java into $CUSTOM_TOP/jav a/xxx/custom/se rver
2.Changed the Classpath to append the $CUSTOM_TOP/jav a
3.Compiled sucessfully the custom java files
4.Created Form Function to point to xxx.custom.serv er.
5.Attached to Menu WMS_MOB_NAVIGAT E
6.Checked with MSCA GUI Client
7.Logged to application with GUI client with option of Trace and choosed the Function XX MSCA Mobile APP test
8.Getting the exception immediately like "Connection Closed"
9.When i check the trace file,getting the Information like below at end of the file
(BG 1; Setting cursor to [2,1]
(BG) Done MWAClient
(BG) 1245636514500:B G released lock, GivenLocks = 0
(GUI) 1245636514500:G UI got writelock, GivenLocks = -1
(GUI) in drawScreen() ....
(GUI) In drawScreen... But doing nothing !!! ++++++++ !!! +++++++++
(GUI) Start moveCursor to 0
(GUI) OW:in moveCursor() ... 0
(GUI) OraTable: Selecting row 1
(GUI) End moveCursor to 0
(GUI) Setting Message Bar:
(GUI) 1245636514500:G UI released lock, GivenLocks = 0
(BG) [? : -1]
(BG) Available Chars=0
(BG) 1245636514515:B G got writelock, GivenLocks = -1
(GUI) OW:Setting body & table bounds to (0,36,292,330)
(AWT-EventQueue -0) WL: windowDeactivat ed...

Tried so many ways but still getting the same exception.Final ly comming to you.

Environme nt Details
------- --------------- -
Oracle Application Release 11i(11.5.2)

Can you pls tell me is there any step which is missed by me.
Is it required to bounce the MSCA server.

Pls let me know.

Once again thanks for the help

Be st Regards
0 #88 Rohini 2009-06-22 04:45
Hi Satish,

Do you face the same problem when you use telnet instead of GUI client to connect to Mobile Application?

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #89 Satish_p 2009-06-22 08:32
Dear Senthil

Tested with Telnet and observed the same behaviour.

Get ting the Error like "Connection to host is lost"

Even seen same behaviour after bouning the MSCA telnet port services

Can you pls advice if anything missed out by me

Best Regards
Satish P
0 #90 Rohini 2009-06-22 08:34
Hi Sathish,

Looks like there is some problem with Telnet configuration. May I ask you to contact your Oracle Apps DBA and explain the problem?

Thank s and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #91 Satish_p 2009-06-22 08:50
Dear Senthil

Thanks for the Support.Working with DBA.

Some more points i thought brining to your notice

Existin g couple of extensions done before for receipt and Subinventory Transfer working fine through telnet and Client GUI.

I am new to MSCA and required to work on requirement like capturing the additional Information while performing the WIP Issue Transaction.Bef ore trying out the extension,i just started with "Hello World Application"

L et me check with DBA and get back to you

Bes t Regards
Satish P
0 #92 Rohini 2009-06-22 08:54
cool ... keep posting you updates .. I will help you with whatever I can.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #93 Satish_p 2009-06-26 05:43
Dear Senthil

Hellow world application worked fine in vision Instance,but it was failed with the message like "Connection Closed" in Project Instance

When we see the log file,it shows like below

[Fri Jun 26 04:55:58 EDT 2009] (Thread-12) MWA_PH_GENERAL_ ERROR: General error occurred, disconnecting client and marking its session dropped.
java.l ang.Unsupported ClassVersionErr or: oracle/apps/gep swip/wma/page/C ustomTestFuncti on (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
at java.lang.Class Loader.defineCl ass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class Loader.defineCl ass(ClassLoader .java:539)
at java.security.S ecureClassLoade r.defineClass(S ecureClassLoade r.java:123)
at java.net.URLCla ssLoader.define Class(URLClassL oader.java:251)
at java.net.URLCla ssLoader.access $100(URLClassLo ader.java:55)
a t java.net.URLCla ssLoader$1.run( URLClassLoader. java:194)
at java.security.A ccessController .doPrivileged(N ative Method)
at java.net.URLCla ssLoader.findCl ass(URLClassLoa der.java:187)
a t java.lang.Class Loader.loadClas s(ClassLoader.j ava:289)
at sun.misc.Launch er$AppClassLoad er.loadClass(La uncher.java:274 )
at java.lang.Class Loader.loadClas s(ClassLoader.j ava:235)
at java.lang.Class Loader.loadClas sInternal(Class Loader.java:302 )
at java.lang.Class .forName0(Nativ e Method)
at java.lang.Class .forName(Class. java:141)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Appl icationsObjectL ibrary.loadClas s(ApplicationsO bjectLibrary.ja va:1354)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Appl icationsObjectL ibrary.getFirst ApplicationName (ApplicationsOb jectLibrary.jav a:727)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Menu PageBeanHandler .pageExited(Men uPageBeanHandle r.java:218)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.callLi steners(StateMa chine.java:1612 )
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.handle Event(StateMach ine.java:812)
a t oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.Presentat ionManager.hand le(Presentation Manager.java:69 0)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.run(Prot ocolHandler.jav a:820)

Do you have any Info on this

Sa tish.p
0 #94 Rohini 2009-06-26 06:13

The log says "Unsupported Class version".

Do you face the same problem when you connect thru TELNET and GUI client versions?

Plea se upload your source and log files in our forum so that I can have a look.

Link: http://apps2fusion.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=145

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #95 Satish_p 2009-06-30 09:51
Dear Senthil

Issue with mismatch of Java Versions

Compi led code with javac 1.5.0_07 in server.but Jre is setup with java version "1.4.2_04".
Iss ue was resolved by compiling the code with java version "1.4.2_04"

Tha nks for the Support

Best Regards
P.Satee sh Kumar
0 #96 srini p 2009-10-01 12:24
Hi Senthil,

I am building HelloWorld Custom page. When user clicks on Submit page I want to call Oracle procedure

(Checked procedure outside and working fine).
But I am getting unexpected error occurred, Please check the log.

Please help me out. I am struck with Custom LOV and want to try this one.

--------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----
Java Custom Page code (Removed some functions, in order to post here (Comments too long))
-------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----
/* Page Class - Which has the Page Layout. We create and add beans to it */

package oracle.apps.mwa .demo;

import java.sql.Connec tion;
import java.sql.Prepar edStatement;
im port java.sql.Result Set;
import java.sql.Callab leStatement;
im port java.sql.Types;
import java.sql.SQLExc eption;

import oracle.apps.fnd .common.Version Info;
import oracle.apps.inv .utilities.serv er.UtilFns;
imp ort oracle.apps.mwa .beans.ButtonFi eldBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa .beans.PageBean ;
import oracle.apps.mwa .beans.TextFiel dBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Abo rtHandlerExcept ion;
import oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Def aultOnlyHandler Exception;
impo rt oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Int erruptedHandler Exception;
impo rt oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.MWA Event;
import oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tFListener;
imp ort oracle.jdbc.dri ver.*;
import oracle.apps.mwa .container.Sess ion;

//Page Listener Class

public class CustomTestPage extends PageBean {

* Default constructor which just initialises the layout.
publ ic CustomTestPage( ) {
//Method to initialize the layout

// This method is called when the user clicks the submit button

public void print(MWAEvent mwaevent, TextFieldBean mTextBean) throws SQLException,Ab ortHandlerExcep tion

String s = mTextBean.getVa lue();
String s2 = "PROD-SEARCH";
//Pack slip code call procedure here
String s1 = null;
CallableStateme nt cstmt = null;
Session ses = new Session();
Connection con = ses.getConnecti on();


cstmt = con.prepareCall ("{call APPS.XXPHC_REPO RTS_UTIL.GET_XX URL(?, ?)}");
cstmt.setString ("P_URLTYPE", s2);
cstmt.registerO utParameter("P_ OUT_VAL", Types.VARCHAR);
cstmt.execute() ;
s1 = cstmt.getString ("P_OUT_VAL");
if( cstmt!= null)
// return s1;
mTextBean.setVa lue(s2);
//mTextBean.set Value(s+" World");

// Method to get handle of TextBean
public TextFieldBean getHelloWorld() {
return mHelloWorld;

// Create the Bean Variables
TextF ieldBean mHelloWorld;
pr otected ButtonFieldBean mSubmit;

------------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -
System Log
----------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --
[Thu Oct 01 11:49:23 EDT 2009] (Thread-15) MWA_PM_UNEXPECT ED_ERROR_MESG: Unexpected error occurred, Please

check the log.
java.lang. NullPointerExce ption
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Appl icationsObjectL ibrary.getConne ction

(Applica tionsObjectLibr ary.java:1020)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Base Session.getConn ection(BaseSess ion.java:205)
a t oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.print(Cus tomTestPage.jav a:114)
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tFListener.fiel dExited(CustomT estFListener.ja va:43)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.callLi steners(StateMa chine.java:1720 )
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.handle Event(StateMach ine.java:543)
a t oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.Presentat ionManager.hand le(Presentation Manager.java:70 2)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.run(Prot ocolHandler.jav a:820)
[Thu Oct 01 11:49:23 EDT 2009] (Thread-15) MWA_PM_UNEXPECT ED_ERROR_MESG: Unexpected error occurred, Please

check the log.

java.lan g.NullPointerEx ception
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Appl icationsObjectL ibrary.getConne ction

(Applica tionsObjectLibr ary.java:1020)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Base Session.getConn ection(BaseSess ion.java:205)
a t oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.print(Cus tomTestPage.jav a:114)
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tFListener.fiel dExited(CustomT estFListener.ja va:43)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.callLi steners(StateMa chine.java:1720 )
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.handle Event(StateMach ine.java:543)
a t oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.Presentat ionManager.hand le(Presentation Manager.java:70 2)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.run(Prot ocolHandler.jav a:820)
-------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------
0 #97 Rohini 2009-10-02 07:03

From the above log I understand that Session variable is not initialized.

C an you try the following code snippet?

Session ses = getSession();
Connection mConn;

Let me know how it goes.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #98 srini p 2009-10-02 11:11
Hi Senthil,
Sessio n ses = getSession();

This code worked. Thanks for your help. As you suggested I was uploaded LOV code to your forum. Could you please look at my code let me know what I am doing wrong.

Thanks a ton for your help.

0 #99 srini p 2009-10-12 10:02
Hi Senthil,

I was struck with Custom Lov and so thought of achiving same functinality with Custom List Box.
When I try to build List box from Database. I am getting errors and exceptions.
--- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------
Syst em Log
----------- ---------
[Fri Oct 09 08:54:14 EDT 2009] *************** * MWA Version *************** **
[Fri Oct 09 08:54:14 EDT 2009] *************** ** Start New Logging *************** ***
[Fri Oct 09 08:54:49 EDT 2009] (Thread-12) SM_EXCEPTION: Exception occurred with user SPADMALA
java.l ang.reflect.Inv ocationTargetEx ception
at sun.reflect.Nat iveConstructorA ccessorImpl.new Instance0(Nativ e Method)
at sun.reflect.Nat iveConstructorA ccessorImpl.new Instance(Native ConstructorAcce ssorImpl.java:3 9)
at sun.reflect.Del egatingConstruc torAccessorImpl .newInstance(De legatingConstru ctorAccessorImp l.java:27)
at java.lang.refle ct.Constructor. newInstance(Con structor.java:2 74)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.loadPa ge(StateMachine .java:1409)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.loadMe nuItem(StateMac hine.java:1617)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.handle Event(StateMach ine.java:1002)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.Presentat ionManager.hand le(Presentation Manager.java:70 2)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.run(Prot ocolHandler.jav a:820)
Caused by: java.lang.NullP ointerException
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.getPrinte rNames(CustomTe stPage.java:192 )
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.initLayou t(CustomTestPag e.java:105)
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.(CustomTe stPage.java:43)
... 9 more
[Fri Oct 09 08:54:49 EDT 2009] (Thread-12) SM_EXCEPTION: Exception occurred with user SPADMALA
java.lang.NullP ointerException
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.getPrinte rNames(CustomTe stPage.java:192 )
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.initLayou t(CustomTestPag e.java:105)
at oracle.apps.mwa .demo.CustomTes tPage.(CustomTe stPage.java:43)
at sun.reflect.Nat iveConstructorA ccessorImpl.new Instance0(Nativ e Method)
at sun.reflect.Nat iveConstructorA ccessorImpl.new Instance(Native ConstructorAcce ssorImpl.java:3 9)
at sun.reflect.Del egatingConstruc torAccessorImpl .newInstance(De legatingConstru ctorAccessorImp l.java:27)
at java.lang.refle ct.Constructor. newInstance(Con structor.java:2 74)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.loadPa ge(StateMachine .java:1409)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.loadMe nuItem(StateMac hine.java:1617)
at oracle.apps.mwa .container.Stat eMachine.handle Event(StateMach ine.java:1002)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.Presentat ionManager.hand le(Presentation Manager.java:70 2)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.run(Prot ocolHandler.jav a:820)
[Fri Oct 09 09:07:48 EDT 2009] (Thread-12) PH: User got disconnected...
[Fri Oct 09 09:07:48 EDT 2009] (Thread-12) PH: caught IOException
java.net.Socke tException: Connection reset
at java.net.Socket InputStream.rea d(SocketInputSt ream.java:168)
at java.net.Socket InputStream.rea d(SocketInputSt ream.java:182)
at java.io.FilterI nputStream.read (FilterInputStr eam.java:66)
at java.io.Pushbac kInputStream.re ad(PushbackInpu tStream.java:12 0)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.readChar (ProtocolHandle r.java:1338)
at oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.enterDat a(ProtocolHandl er.java:1599)
a t oracle.apps.mwa .presentation.t elnet.ProtocolH andler.run(Prot ocolHandler.jav a:808)
-------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----

0 #100 Rohini 2009-10-12 10:07
Hi Srini,

Can you please brief about the errors occured when u try to implement LOV and List box?

Please upload your source and log files in our forum for wider audience

Link: http://apps2fusion.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=145

Thanks and Regards,
0 #101 srini p 2009-10-12 12:12
Hi Senthil,
In case LOV I am getting (Unsuccessful row construction) and uploaded LOV related source code, Oracle Procedure and Log files to Forum.
-------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------
In case of List Box (Menu doesn't appear). and Uploading List Box related source code, Oracle Procedure and Log files to Forum.

Thanks for your help.
0 #102 aligeldi 2010-04-21 09:20
i make your customtestpage but pageEntered method is not called when the page is entered. can you help me please?
0 #103 Senthilkumar Shanmugam1 2010-04-21 09:27

Can you please paste the error message or log file information?

T hanks,
0 #104 aligeldi 2010-04-21 09:43
there is no any erro message i made a custom_table and i use it for debugging. in pageEntered method from nwaevent i get the session then i create a statment. after this i am inserting the value fro debugging. insert proceses is not occured. i use this debugging class other sides of page. esspecillay in the fieldlistener it works there. my code is here.

//Page Listener Class
package xxxt.oracle.app s.inv.mo.server ;
import oracle.apps.mwa .beans.*;
impor t oracle.apps.mwa .container.*;
i mport oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.*;
import xxxt.oracle.app s.inv.mo.server.XxxtDebug;
import oracle.apps.inv .utilities.serv er.*;
import xxxt.oracle.app s.inv.lov.serve r.*;
import oracle.apps.inv .mo.server.*;
i mport java.sql.SQLExc eption;

public class XxxtTeslimatNoG irisPage extends PageBean {
* Default constructor which just initialises the layout.
// Create the Bean Variables
LOVFieldBean mDelivLOV;
//LOVFieldBean mDelivLOV;
TextFieldBean mHelloWorld;
protected ButtonFieldBean mIleri;
protected ButtonFieldBean mGeri;
protected ButtonFieldBean mIlkKayit;
protected ButtonFieldBean mSonKayit;
protected ButtonFieldBean mSevkEt;
TextFieldBean mSeriNo;
TextFieldBean mKalemKod;
TextFieldBean mAcikalama;
TextFieldBean mTeslimatNo;
TextFieldBean mId;
XxxtDebug debug;
public XxxtTeslimatNoG irisPage()
//Method to initialize the layout
* Does the initialization of all the fields. Creates new instances
* and calls the method to set the prompts which may have to be later
* moved to the page enter event if we were using AK prompts as we
* require the session for the same.
private void initLayout()
//Create a Text Filed and Set an ID
//mDelivLOV = new XxxtDeliveryLOV ("MO");
mDelivLOV = new LOVFieldBean();
mDelivLOV.setNa me("DelivNumber ");
mDelivLOV.setRe quired(true);
mDelivLOV.setVa lidateFromLOV(f alse);
mSeriNo = new TextFieldBean() ;
mSeriNo.setName ("SERINO");
mSeriNo.setRequ ired(true);
mKalemKod = new TextFieldBean() ;
mKalemKod.setNa me("KALEMKOD");
mKalemKod.setRe quired(true);
//mKalemKod.set Editable(false) ;
mAcikalama = new TextFieldBean() ;
mAcikalama.setN ame("ACIKLAMA") ;
//mAcikalama.se tEditable(false );
mAcikalama.setR equired(true);
mId = new TextFieldBean() ;
mId.setName("ID ");
mIleri = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mIleri.setName( "ILERI");
mGeri = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mGeri.setName(" GERI");
mIlkKayit = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mIlkKayit.setNa me("ILKKAYIT");
mSonKayit = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mSonKayit.setNa me("SONKAYIT");
mSevkEt = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mSevkEt.setName ("SEVKET");
//add the fields
addFieldBean(mD elivLOV);
addFieldBean(mS eriNo);
addFieldBean(mK alemKod);
addFieldBean(mA cikalama);
addFieldBean(mI d);
//addFieldBean( mHelloWorld);
addFieldBean(mI lkKayit);
addFieldBean(mG eri);
addFieldBean(mI leri);
addFieldBean(mS onKayit);
addFieldBean(mS evkEt);
//add field listener to all necessary fields
XxxtTeslimatNoG irisFListener fieldListener = new XxxtTeslimatNoG irisFListener();

mDelivLOV.addLi stener(fieldLis tener);
//mHelloWorld.a ddListener(fiel dListener);
mGeri.addListen er(fieldListene r);
mIleri.addListe ner(fieldListen er);
mIlkKayit.addLi stener(fieldLis tener);
mSonKayit.addLi stener(fieldLis tener);
mSevkEt.addList ener(fieldListe ner);
mSeriNo.addList ener(fieldListe ner);
//call this method to initialize the prompts
this.setHiddenV alues();
this.initPrompt s();
* Method that sets all the prompts up.
private void initPrompts()
// sets the page title
this.setPrompt( "Teslimat No Giris Sayfasi");
// set the prompts for all the remaining fields
//mHelloWorld.s etPrompt("Enter Your Name");
mSeriNo.setProm pt("Seri No");
mKalemKod.setPr ompt("Kalem Kod");
mAcikalama.setP rompt("Açiklama ");
mId.setPrompt(" Id");
mIleri.setPromp t("Ileri");
mGeri.setPrompt ("Geri");
mIlkKayit.setPr ompt("Basa Git");
mSonKayit.setPr ompt("Sona Git");
mSevkEt.setProm pt("Sevk Et");
mDelivLOV.setPr ompt("Teslimat No");
//Method called when the page is entered
public void pageEntered(MWA Event e)
Session ses = e.getSession();
String type = "page entered!";
String hata = "hata";
debug = new XxxtDebug();
debug.insertDeb ugStrings(type, hata ,ses);
}catch(Exceptio n ex){;}
//Method called when the page is exited
public void pageExited(MWAE vent e)
0 #105 Rohini 2010-04-21 09:47

Can you please enable the logging and have a look at the trace files?

See http://www.apps2fusion.com/at/ss/225-mwa-setup-testing-error-logging-and-debugging for logging.

Thank s and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #106 aligeldi 2010-04-21 09:54
ok. i am enabling.
0 #107 aligeldi 2010-04-21 10:34
this is the log file. i made your custom lov example so the "User LOV Entered" is writin in log file.

[Wed Apr 21 17:21:24 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Exit entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:21:24 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: pageExited
[Wed Apr 21 17:21:24 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Old OrgId is 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:21:24 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Current OrgId is 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:21:24 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) MFG_ORGANIZATIO N_ID's value set ? true
[Wed Apr 21 17:21:24 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) User LOV Entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:21:24 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Error in calling LOV
[Wed Apr 21 17:21:35 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) User LOV Exited
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) setOrgParameter s: Org id = 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) setOrgContext: Org id = 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :{call INV_PROJECT.SET _SESSION_PARAME TERS(?,?,?,?)}
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :execution complete
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :value pair retrieval complete
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Closing Statement
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) after closing
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) OrgFunction: AppEntered - MFG_ORGANIZATIO N_ID's value set ? true
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) OrgFunction Date12718562580 00
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) OrgFunction Orgid363
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) long tempDate12718562580 00
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Timestamp tm2010-04-21 16:24:18.0
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :{call INV_INV_LOVS.td atechk(?,?,?)}
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :execution complete
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :value pair retrieval complete
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Closing Statement
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) after closing
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) VALID PERIOD CHECK SUCCESS
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) User LOV Entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Error in calling LOV
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:29 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) User LOV Exited
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:18 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Error in calling LOV
[Wed Apr 21 17:24:29 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) User LOV Exited
[Wed Apr 21 17:26:15 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Employee ID :null
[Wed Apr 21 17:26:15 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Organization ID :363
[Wed Apr 21 17:26:15 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Executing the J Patch Set Code
[Wed Apr 21 17:26:15 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Error java.lang.Numbe rFormatExceptio n: null
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:23 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Employee ID :null
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:23 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Organization ID :null
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:41 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Enter entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:41 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Enter entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Exit entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: pageExited
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Old OrgId is
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Current OrgId is 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Resetting the Organization parameters
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) setOrgParameter s: Org id = 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) setOrgContext: Org id = 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :{call INV_PROJECT.SET _SESSION_PARAME TERS(?,?,?,?)}
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :execution complete
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) UtilFns:process :value pair retrieval complete
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Closing Statement
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) after closing
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) MFG_ORGANIZATIO N_ID's value set ? true
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Exit entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: pageExited
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Old OrgId is 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Current OrgId is 363
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) MFG_ORGANIZATIO N_ID's value set ? true
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) User LOV Entered
[Wed Apr 21 17:27:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Error in calling LOV
[Wed Apr 21 17:28:43 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) User LOV Exited
0 #108 Rohini 2010-04-21 11:00
From your error stack I understand that your LOV is causing some error. Look at your code snippet where you have printed the log message "Error in calling LOV " and analyse more or can you paste the piece of code please?

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #109 aligeldi 2010-04-26 04:20
i solve the lov erro but pageEntered is not called. hero is the tarce file. i write trace code in constructor so i can see it in log file. do you have any idea about this.

[Tue Apr 13 15:25:40 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Enter entered
[Tue Apr 13 15:25:40 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Enter entered
[Tue Apr 13 15:25:42 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Exit entered
[Tue Apr 13 15:25:42 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: pageExited
[Tue Apr 13 15:25:42 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Old OrgId i
[Tue Apr 13 15:25:42 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Current Org
Id is 363
[Tue Apr 13 15:25:42 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) Resetting the Organization parameter
[Tu e Apr 13 15:25:42 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) setOrgParameter s: Org id = 363
[Tue Apr 13 15:25:42 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) setOrgContext: Org id = 363
"10202.IN V.log" 1021 lines, 68377 characters
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:31 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) MFG_ORGANIZATIO N_ID's value set ? tr
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:31 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) ValidateOrgPage : Page Exit entered
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:31 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: pageExited
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:31 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Old OrgId i
s 363
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:31 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) InvOrganization PageBean: Current Org
Id is 363
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:31 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) MFG_ORGANIZATIO N_ID's value set ? tr
[Mon Apr 26 11:11:31 EEST 2010] (Thread-13) XxxtTeslimatNoG irisPage: constructor
0 #110 aligeldi 2010-04-26 05:19
i solve the problem. you have to write this addListener(thi s); into the constructor. if not pageEntered and pageExited is not handled.

Thanks a lot.
0 #111 Stelios 2010-05-04 00:36
I cannot compile the pages "CustomTestPage .java" and "CustomTestFLis tener.java". Both of them are using funcionality from the other page.
I have no problem of compiling the "CustomTestFunc tion.java". What I am missing here ?
0 #112 Senthilkumar Shanmugam1 2010-05-04 04:22

What is the error you are getting while compilation?

- Senthil
0 #113 Stelios 2010-05-04 10:17
I have added in the CLASSPATH the top directory (all the path for the java files except the "xxx/custom/ser ver".
0 #114 Mik 2010-05-10 18:00

When I performing the Misc Receipt Transaction and trying to enter Serial Number, I am getting the below error message:

Error :java.lang.Null PointerExceptio n

Please help

Mi ke
0 #115 Rohini 2010-05-10 18:19
Hi Mike,

Can you please upload the complete error stack?

Please refer to the following article http://apps2fusion.com/at/ss/225-mwa-setup-testing-error-logging-and-debugging for tracing log messages.

Than ks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #116 GirishNarne 2010-09-22 17:34
Hi Senthil,

I have developed a custom mobile page and need to initialize variables. I have added the initialization logic in the pageEntered method in the java class extending the PageBean. But the pageEntered is not being invoked by the page. Could you please help me in resolving this issue.

0 #117 Rohini 2010-09-22 17:42
Hi Girish,

Can you please paste your code snippets .. Functionclass , Page Class.

Also Please paste your log message as well

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #118 GirishNarne 2010-09-23 11:41
Hi Senthil,

I am unable to paste the code as I get a message saying comment is too long. Is there any mail Id where I can send my code.

0 #119 Rohini 2010-09-23 12:01
Hi Girish,

You can use our forum to upload our files.


Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #120 shailendra_singh 2010-11-02 08:38
hello Senthil ,

i want to change the logo og oracle gui mobile client .
can u please telll me how to change log..
0 #121 Miklos 2010-11-15 10:49
Hi Senthil,

Could You please help me.
I tried to deploy the Hello World Mobile Supply Chain Application Framework, but attempting to lunch it I receive the following error:
Couldn't load given class : oracle.apps.fnd .hu.xxsys.mwaex tension.MWAExte ndedClass
java. lang.ClassNotFo undException: oracle.apps.fnd .hu.xxsys.mwaex tension.MWAExte ndedClass

I developed and compiled it locally, and deployed as a jar (mwaextention.j ar)
- MWAExtendedClas s
- MWAExtendedPage
- MWAExtendedFiel dListener
The package was added with full path to $CLASSPATH and the MWA server was bounced.

The package structure
oracl e.apps.fnd.hu.x xsys.mwaextensi on – contains the 3 class files

/u01/applmgr/ yyyytestcomn/ja va/hu/xxsys/mwa extension/mwaex tension.jar

M any thanks in advance,
0 #122 Rohini 2010-11-15 14:14

Looks like there is a classpath issue.

did u deploy the files under $JAVA_TOP or anyother CUSTOM_TOP?

Kindly clarify.

Thank s and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #123 Miklos 2010-11-16 01:53
Dear Senthil,

Thank You for Your reply.
Yes, the $JAVA_TOP is /u01/applmgr/yy yytestcomn/java
The directory where the jar file is placed is /u01/applmgr/yy yycomn/java/hu/ xxsys/mwaextens ion

Furthermor e the package itself was added to $CLASSPATH.

Wh at is strange to me, the class files are in hu.xxsys.mwaext ension package, but as the log file showed the class loader tried to load them from oracle.apps.fnd.hu.xxsys.mwaext ension.
Why does the class loader “prefix” the class as defined at the function in the system with oracle.apps.fnd?
hu.xxsys.mwaext ension.MWAExtendedClass -> oracle.apps.fnd.hu.xxsys.mwaext ension.MWAExtendedClass

Thank You for Your help.

0 #124 Rohini 2010-11-16 07:04

I beleive you would have created a AOL function for the mobile page and given the path the page starting with 'oracle/apps/fn d' ... Can you please check that one?

Also, it is a standard practice to create Oracle packages like 'oracle.apps... server.

So, I would say please stick to that.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #125 Miklos 2010-11-16 10:04
Dear Senthil,

I bag Your pardon I know that it is more then ironic, but…

No, the HTML function name started with hu, and not with 'oracle/apps/fn d'
In the meantime I refactored the app to the original naming You used:
Package: xxx.custom.serv er
Files: CustomTestFunct ion,class CustomTestPage. class, CustomTestFList ener.class

Dep loyment:
- create directory under $JAVA_TOP/xxx/c ustom/server
- checked that $JAVA_TOP is added to the $CLASSPATH
- copy the 3 class file into the $JAVA_TOP/xxx/c ustom/server directory
- change file and directory permission (for testing) to 777

The form function is registered XXRA_MWA_TEST -> xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFu nction

Trying to run from the menu the log file shows:
Couldn't load given class : oracle.apps.fnd .xxx.custom.ser ver.CustomTestF unction
java.la ng.ClassNotFoun dException: oracle.apps.fnd .xxx.custom.ser ver.CustomTestF unction

Refact or the package to oracle.apps.fnd .xxx.custom.ser ver and subdirectories reflecting this new structure are created, and files placed in this directory.
Erro r message in log file is the same.

Certainl y I do not give up, could You please give me any further hint?

Many thanks in advance and regards,
0 #126 Rohini 2010-11-16 10:34

Dont worry .. you will get there be patient .. we are always here to help.

Few things which you can do:

1) pls send the output of the query:

select function_name,w eb_html_call from fnd_form_functi ons
where function_name like 'XXRA_MWA_TEST% '

2) Can you please try the same after bouncing the MWA ports?

Kindly update your findings.

Than ks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #127 Miklos 2010-11-17 02:27
Hi Senthil,

The result is in both cases:

- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----
XXRA_MWA_ TEST xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFu nction

Thank You,
0 #128 Rohini 2010-11-17 05:06

This looks wierd ... can you please uplaod your source files and log files into our forum and point me to the link?

Link to forum: http://apps2fusion.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=145

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #129 Miklos 2010-11-18 09:27
Hi Senthil

My good, the error message in log is completely misleading. We compiled the files on the server and WORKS!
As far as I remember one claimed yet for similar problem, so it seems to be wise not to copy the locally compiled class files on the server, even if it is easier for one like me, who has only limited access to the server.
Otherwi se in the meantime I extended Your sample app. with a couple of new functionality, I hope You do not mind :-):-)

Thank You for Your valuable time spent on my issue, and have a nice day!

0 #130 jaja 2011-09-02 11:46
Hi ,
I have following situation:

I have added two buttons in this order
(Done first, Cancel second at the bottom of the page):
public oracle.apps.mwa .beans.ButtonFi eldBean mDone;
public oracle.apps.mwa .beans.ButtonFi eldBean mCancel;

and the same listeners for both
mDone.addL istener(mListen er)
mCancel.add Listener(mListe ner)

The problem is when the focus is on the some field and I want to click Cancel button.
In that case mListener.field Entered and mListener.field Exited is executed
for both mDone and mCancel, and I want to be executed only
for mCancel

Genera lly - when I jump from one field to another,
mListener.field Entered and mListener.field Exited methods are executed
for all fields between those two. Problem is that focus doesn’t jump
directly from one field to another but goes through all fields between
those two.

0 #131 Rohini 2011-09-03 05:04

I have never seen a behaviour like this. Can you enable logging and upload the source file and log files please?

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #132 jaja 2011-09-05 02:37
Hi Senthil
Thank you for your quick answer.
I’ve made some short example to show you my problem. Down is source code (XXPage and XXListener) and system.log for the case when the cursor is on field1 and then is clicked on field3 ( field2 is between). As I mentioned before problem is that XXListner.field Entered and XXListener.file dExited are executed for field2 (see log).

XXPage short code:
public class XXPage extends PageBean
public TextFieldBean text1;
public TextFieldBean text2;
public TextFieldBean text3;
public oracle.apps.mwa .beans.ButtonFi eldBean mDone;
public oracle.apps.mwa .beans.ButtonFi eldBean mCancel;

public XXPage() {

public void initLayout(){
XXListener xxListener = new XXListener();

UtilFns.trace ("CustomPage before text1 field");
text1 = new TextFieldBean() ;
text1.setName ("INV.TEXT1");
text1.setPrompt ("text 1");

UtilFns.trace ("CustomPage before text2 field");
text2 = new TextFieldBean() ;
text2.setName ("INV.TEXT2");
text2.setPrompt ("text 2");

UtilFns.trace ("CustomPage before text3 field");
text3 = new TextFieldBean() ;
text3.setName ("INV.TEXT3");
text3.setPrompt ("text 3");
text3.addL istener(xxListe ner);

mDone = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mDone.setNa me("INV.XX_DONE ");
mDone.setPr ompt("Done");
m Done.addListene r(xxListener);

mCancel = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mCancel.set Name("INV.XX_CA NCEL");
mCancel .setPrompt("Can cel");
mCancel. addListener(xxL istener);

this .addFieldBean(t ext1);
this.add FieldBean(text2 );
this.addFiel dBean(text3);
t his.addFieldBea n(mDone);
this. addFieldBean(mC ancel);

XX Listener code:
public class XXListener implements MWAFieldListene r {

XXPage mCurrPg;
Sessio n ses;
public XXListener() {

public void fieldEntered(MW AEvent mwaevent) throws AbortHandlerExc eption,
Interru ptedHandlerExce ption, DefaultOnlyHand lerException {
if (ses == null)ses = mwaevent.getSes sion();
if (mCurrPg == null) mCurrPg = (XXPage)ses.get CurrentPage();
String field = UtilFns.fieldEn terSource(ses);
UtilFns.trace( "XX entered filed = " + field);
ses.set RefreshScreen(t rue);

publi c void fieldExited(MWA Event mwaevent) throws AbortHandlerExc eption,
Interru ptedHandlerExce ption, DefaultOnlyHand lerException {
if (ses == null)ses = mwaevent.getSes sion();
if (mCurrPg == null) mCurrPg = (XXPage)ses.get CurrentPage();
String field = UtilFns.fieldEn terSource(ses);
UtilFns.trace(" XX field = " + field);
ses.set RefreshScreen(t rue);

jaj a
0 #133 jaja 2011-09-05 02:45
Here is system log for above source code when you go directly from field text1 to text3
system.lo g:
(Thread-17) PH.run - before PM handle
(Thread- 17) PM - handle enter
(Thread-1 7) PM - reset session variables
(Thre ad-17) PM - verify inputs
(Thread- 17) Entered Input:
(Thread-17) Pre-preocessing the inv scan
(Thread-17 ) Trying to load custom class oracle.apps.inv .lov.server.Inv ScanManager
(Th read-17) Found and invoking custom class
(Thread-1 7) Alias processing
(Thr ead-17) Alias: Return:
(Thread-17) PM - call to InputableFieldB ean
(Thread-17) PM - return InputableFieldB ean
(Thread-17) PM - check for data stream character
(Thread-17) PM - swith to actionCode 13
(Thread-17) PM - Action MWA_TAB
(Thread-17) () callListeners: executing 1 listeners, action = 1
(Thread-17) () callListeners: FieldBean
(Thre ad-17) () callListeners: fieldExited() for INV.TEXT1, Listener=oracle .apps.xxin.invt xn.server.XXLis tener
(Thread-1 7) () handleEvent: going to next field
(Thread-1 7) setCurrentField Index: i = 1 = INV.TEXT2
(Thre ad-17) () callListeners: executing 1 listeners, action = 0
(Thread-17) () callListeners: FieldBean
(Thre ad-17) () callListeners: fieldEntered() for INV.TEXT2, Listener=oracle .apps.xxin.invt xn.server.XXLis tener
(Thread-1 7) () handleEvent: done (pageIx = 3, fieldIx = 1, memory used = 60088480)
(Thre ad-17) PM - After switch action
(Thread-17) PM - curtSession not null
(Thread-17) in initializePage. ..
(Thread-17) Start getCustomPage, page=oracle.app s.xxin.invtxn.s erver.XXPage at Mon Sep 05 08:24:39 CEST 2011
(Thread-17 ) PM - existingPage
(Thread-17) PM - initializeArray s
(Thread-17) PM - check for PageBean
(Thread-17) PM - after InitializePage
(Thread-17) PM - handle exit
(Thread-17 ) PH.run - after PM handle
(Thread- 17) PH.run - while true
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_drawScreen
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_upArrow
(T hread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_isNormalTe xt
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_highlighte dList
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_highlightT ext
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.personalizat ion check
(Thread-17) PH.run - before PM handle
(Thread- 17) PM - handle enter
(Thread-1 7) PM - reset session variables
(Thre ad-17) PM - verify inputs
(Thread- 17) Entered Input:
(Thread-17) Pre-preocessing the inv scan
(Thread-17 ) Trying to load custom class oracle.apps.inv .lov.server.Inv ScanManager
(Th read-17) Found and invoking custom class
(Thread-1 7) Alias processing
(Thr ead-17) Alias: Return:
(Thread-17) PM - call to InputableFieldB ean
(Thread-17) PM - return InputableFieldB ean
(Thread-17) PM - check for data stream character
(Thread-17) PM - swith to actionCode 13
(Thread-17) PM - Action MWA_TAB
(Thread-17) () callListeners: executing 1 listeners, action = 1
(Thread-17) () callListeners: FieldBean
(Thre ad-17) () callListeners: fieldExited() for INV.TEXT2, Listener=oracle .apps.xxin.invt xn.server.XXLis tener
(Thread-1 7) () handleEvent: going to next field
(Thread-1 7) setCurrentField Index: i = 2 = INV.TEXT3
(Thre ad-17) () callListeners: executing 1 listeners, action = 0
(Thread-17) () callListeners: FieldBean
(Thre ad-17) () callListeners: fieldEntered() for INV.TEXT3, Listener=oracle .apps.xxin.invt xn.server.XXLis tener
(Thread-1 7) () handleEvent: done (pageIx = 3, fieldIx = 2, memory used = 60123952)
(Thre ad-17) PM - After switch action
(Thread-17) PM - curtSession not null
(Thread-17) in initializePage. ..
(Thread-17) Start getCustomPage, page=oracle.app s.xxin.invtxn.s erver.XXPage at Mon Sep 05 08:24:39 CEST 2011
(Thread-17 ) PM - existingPage
(Thread-17) PM - initializeArray s
(Thread-17) PM - check for PageBean
(Thread-17) PM - after InitializePage
(Thread-17) PM - handle exit
(Thread-17 ) PH.run - after PM handle
(Thread- 17) PH.run - while true
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_drawScreen
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_upArrow
(T hread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_isNormalTe xt
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_highlighte dList
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.m_highlightT ext
(Thread-17) PH.run - while true PM.personalizat ion check

0 #134 Rohini 2011-09-06 08:18
Hi jaja,

I see a code

UtilFns.t race("XX entered filed = " + field);

But I could not find the same in log message.

This is same with

UtilFns.t race("XX field = " + field);

Am i missing something? Kindly Clarify.

Thank s and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #135 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-07 03:54
I'm very new to java class and MSCA. I create the three java files and and compile them.

CustomTestFun ction.java : compiled successfully

CustomTestPage. java: I have three errors
cannot find symbol
symbol : class CustomTestFList ener
location: package xxx.custom.serv er
import xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener;

symbo l : class CustomTestFList ener
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestPa ge
new CustomTestFList ener();

symbol : class CustomTestFList ener
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestPa ge
CustomTestFL istener fieldListener =

CustomTestF Listener.java: has 2 errors
symbol : class CustomTestPage
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener
CustomT estPage pg;

symbol : class CustomTestPage
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener
pg = (CustomTestPage )ses.getCurrent Page();

It seems like the last two files are related. Please help.

Thank in advance.
0 #136 Rohini 2011-09-07 06:35
Hi PhuTri.

The page and listener class are interdependant on each other and will not compile if an one of them fails.

Please send the source code and exact error message so that we can have a look.

Thanks and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #137 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-07 19:47
Hi Senthil,
I compiled them seperately in EBS environment. I created three java programs exactly as they show in the top of the page. Here are the commands that I use to compile them
javac -verbose /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ appl/xxc/12.0.0 /java/CustomTes tPage.java
java c -verbose /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ appl/xxc/12.0.0 /java/CustomTes tFListener.java

How can I send the sourcode and error message to you?

Thank you for helping.
0 #138 Rohini 2011-09-08 06:07

Can you please paste the source code and error message on this section?

Thank s and Regards,
Senthi l
0 #139 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-08 21:39
CustomTestPage. java
/* Page Class - Which has the Page Layout. We create and add beans to it */

package xxx.custom.serv er;

import oracle.apps.fnd .common.Version Info;
import oracle.apps.inv .utilities.serv er.UtilFns;
imp ort oracle.apps.mwa .beans.ButtonFi eldBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa .beans.PageBean ;
import oracle.apps.mwa .beans.TextFiel dBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Abo rtHandlerExcept ion;
import oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Def aultOnlyHandler Exception;
impo rt oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Int erruptedHandler Exception;
impo rt oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.MWA Event;

import xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener;

//Pag e Listener Class
public class CustomTestPage extends PageBean {

* Default constructor which just initialises the layout.
publ ic CustomTestPage( ) {

//Method to initialize the layout

* Does the initialization of all the fields. Creates new instances
* and calls the method to set the prompts which may have to be later
* moved to the page enter event if we were using AK prompts as we
* require the session for the same.

priva te void initLayout() {

if (UtilFns.isTrac eOn)
UtilFns.tr ace("CustomPage initLayout");

//Create a Text Filed and Set an ID
mHelloWorld = new TextFieldBean() ;
mHelloWorld.s etName("TEST.HE LLO");

// Create a Submit Button and set an ID
mSubmit = new ButtonFieldBean ();
mSubmit.set Name("TEST.SUBM IT");

//add the fields
addField Bean(mHelloWorl d);
addFieldBea n(mSubmit);

// add field listener to all necessary fields
CustomTe stFListener fieldListener =
new CustomTestFList ener();

mHello World.addListen er(fieldListene r);
mSubmit.add Listener(fieldL istener);

//ca ll this method to initializa the prompts
this.in itPrompts();

* Method that sets all the prompts up.
private void initPrompts() {
UtilFns.trace (" Custom Page - Init Prompts");

// sets the page title
this.setP rompt("Test Custom Page");

// set the prompts for all the remaining fields
mHelloWo rld.setPrompt(" Enter Your Name");
mSubmit .setPrompt("Sub mit");

//pleas e note that we should not hard code page name and prompts
//as it may cause translation problems
//we have an different procedure to overcome this

// This method is called when the user clicks the submit button
public void print(MWAEvent mwaevent, TextFieldBean mTextBean) throws AbortHandlerExc eption
UtilFns.trace( " Custom Page - print ");

// Get the value from Text bean and append hello world
// and display it to user on the same field
String s = mTextBean.getVa lue();
mTextBea n.setValue(s+" Hello World");

// Method to get handle of TextBean
public TextFieldBean getHelloWorld() {
return mHelloWorld;

//Method called when the page is entered
public void pageEntered(MWA Event e) throws AbortHandlerExc eption,
InterruptedHan dlerException,
DefaultOnlyHan dlerException {
UtilFns.trace (" Custom Page - pageEntered ");

//Method called when the page is exited
public void pageExited(MWAE vent e) throws AbortHandlerExc eption,
InterruptedHan dlerException,
DefaultOnlyHan dlerException {
UtilFns.trace (" Custom Page - pageExited ");

// Create the Bean Variables
TextF ieldBean mHelloWorld;
pr otected ButtonFieldBean mSubmit;
0 #140 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-08 21:43
CustomTestFList ener.java
/* Listener Class - Handles all events */
package xxx.custom.serv er;

import oracle.apps.inv .utilities.serv er.UtilFns;
imp ort oracle.apps.mwa .beans.FieldBea n;
import oracle.apps.mwa .container.Sess ion;
import oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Abo rtHandlerExcept ion;
import oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Def aultOnlyHandler Exception;
impo rt oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.Int erruptedHandler Exception;
impo rt oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.MWA Event;
import oracle.apps.mwa .eventmodel.MWA FieldListener;

public class CustomTestFList ener implements MWAFieldListene r {
public CustomTestFList ener() {

public void fieldEntered(MW AEvent mwaevent) throws AbortHandlerExc eption,Interrup tedHandlerExcep tion, DefaultOnlyHand lerException {
UtilFns.trace ("Inside Field Entered");
ses = mwaevent.getSes sion();
String s = UtilFns.fieldEn terSource(ses);

// Prints the Current Bean's ID
UtilFns.trac e("CustomFListe ner:fieldEntere d:fldName = " + s);

public void fieldExited(MWA Event mwaevent) throws AbortHandlerExc eption, InterruptedHand lerException, DefaultOnlyHand lerException {
String s = ((FieldBean)mwa event.getSource ()).getName();
// Prints the Current Bean's ID
UtilFns.trac e("CustomFListe ner:fieldExited :fldName = " + s);

// Get handle to session and page
Session ses = mwaevent.getSes sion();
pg = (CustomTestPage )ses.getCurrent Page();

// when the user clicks the Submit button call the method to print
// Hello world with the text entered in text box
if (s.equals("TEST .SUBMIT")) {
pg.print(mwaeve nt,pg.getHelloW orld());
return ;

// Varibale declaration
Cus tomTestPage pg;
Session ses;
0 #141 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-08 21:47
[parsing completed 16ms]
[search path for source files: /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.3/appsutil /jdk/lib/dt.jar ,/d01/oracle/DE V1/apps/tech_st /10.1.3/appsuti l/jdk/lib/tools .jar,/d01/oracl e/DEV1/apps/tec h_st/10.1.3/app sutil/jdk/jre/l ib/rt.jar,/d01/ oracle/DEV1/app s/apps_st/comn/ java/lib/appsbo rg.zip,/d01/ora cle/DEV1/apps/t ech_st/10.1.2/f orms/java,/d01/ oracle/DEV1/app s/tech_st/10.1. 2/forms/java/fr mall.jar,/d01/o racle/DEV1/apps /tech_st/10.1.2 /jlib/ewt3.jar, /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.2/j2ee/OC4 J_BI_Forms/appl ications/formsa pp/formsweb/WEB -INF/lib/frmsrv .jar,/d01/oracl e/DEV1/apps/app s_st/comn/java/ classes]
[searc h path for class files: /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.3/appsutil /jdk/jre/lib/re sources.jar,/d0 1/oracle/DEV1/a pps/tech_st/10. 1.3/appsutil/jd k/jre/lib/rt.ja r,/d01/oracle/D EV1/apps/tech_s t/10.1.3/appsut il/jdk/jre/lib/ sunrsasign.jar, /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.3/appsutil /jdk/jre/lib/js se.jar,/d01/ora cle/DEV1/apps/t ech_st/10.1.3/a ppsutil/jdk/jre /lib/jce.jar,/d 01/oracle/DEV1/ apps/tech_st/10 .1.3/appsutil/j dk/jre/lib/char sets.jar,/d01/o racle/DEV1/apps /tech_st/10.1.3 /appsutil/jdk/j re/classes,/d01 /oracle/DEV1/ap ps/tech_st/10.1 .3/appsutil/jdk /jre/lib/ext/su njce_provider.j ar,/d01/oracle/ DEV1/apps/tech_ st/10.1.3/appsu til/jdk/jre/lib /ext/localedata .jar,/d01/oracl e/DEV1/apps/tec h_st/10.1.3/app sutil/jdk/jre/l ib/ext/dnsns.ja r,/d01/oracle/D EV1/apps/tech_s t/10.1.3/appsut il/jdk/jre/lib/ ext/sunpkcs11.j ar,/d01/oracle/ DEV1/apps/tech_ st/10.1.3/appsu til/jdk/lib/dt. jar,/d01/oracle /DEV1/apps/tech _st/10.1.3/apps util/jdk/lib/to ols.jar,/d01/or acle/DEV1/apps/ tech_st/10.1.3/ appsutil/jdk/jr e/lib/rt.jar,/d 01/oracle/DEV1/ apps/apps_st/co mn/java/lib/app sborg.zip,/d01/ oracle/DEV1/app s/tech_st/10.1. 2/forms/java,/d 01/oracle/DEV1/ apps/tech_st/10 .1.2/forms/java /frmall.jar,/d0 1/oracle/DEV1/a pps/tech_st/10. 1.2/jlib/ewt3.j ar,/d01/oracle/ DEV1/apps/tech_ st/10.1.2/j2ee/ OC4J_BI_Forms/a pplications/for msapp/formsweb/ WEB-INF/lib/frm srv.jar,/d01/or acle/DEV1/apps/ apps_st/comn/ja va/classes]
[lo ading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ fnd/common/Vers ionInfo.class]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ inv/utilities/s erver/UtilFns.c lass]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/Butto nFieldBean.clas s]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/PageB ean.class]
[loa ding /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/TextF ieldBean.class]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ AbortHandlerExc eption.class]
[ loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ DefaultOnlyHand lerException.cl ass]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ InterruptedHand lerException.cl ass]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ MWAEvent.class]
/d01/oracle/DE V1/apps/apps_st /appl/xxc/12.0. 0/java/CustomTe stPage.java:27: cannot find symbol
symbol : class CustomTestFList ener
location: package xxx.custom.serv er
import xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener;
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/MWABe an.class]
[load ing java/io/Seriali zable.class(jav a/io:Serializab le.class)]
[loa ding java/lang/Objec t.class(java/la ng:Object.class )]
[checking xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestPa ge]
[loading java/lang/Strin g.class(java/la ng:String.class )]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/Input ableFieldBean.c lass]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/Field Bean.class]
/d0 1/oracle/DEV1/a pps/apps_st/app l/xxc/12.0.0/ja va/CustomTestPa ge.java:113: cannot find symbol
symbol : class CustomTestFList ener
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestPa ge
CustomTestFL istener fieldListener =
/d01/oracle /DEV1/apps/apps _st/appl/xxc/12 .0.0/java/Custo mTestPage.java: 115: cannot find symbol
symbol : class CustomTestFList ener
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestPa ge
new CustomTestFList ener();
[loading java/lang/Excep tion.class(java /lang:Exception .class)]
[loadi ng java/lang/Throw able.class(java /lang:Throwable .class)]
[total 222ms]
3 errors
0 #142 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-08 21:52
[parsing completed 15ms]
[search path for source files: /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.3/appsutil /jdk/lib/dt.jar ,/d01/oracle/DE V1/apps/tech_st /10.1.3/appsuti l/jdk/lib/tools .jar,/d01/oracl e/DEV1/apps/tec h_st/10.1.3/app sutil/jdk/jre/l ib/rt.jar,/d01/ oracle/DEV1/app s/apps_st/comn/ java/lib/appsbo rg.zip,/d01/ora cle/DEV1/apps/t ech_st/10.1.2/f orms/java,/d01/ oracle/DEV1/app s/tech_st/10.1. 2/forms/java/fr mall.jar,/d01/o racle/DEV1/apps /tech_st/10.1.2 /jlib/ewt3.jar, /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.2/j2ee/OC4 J_BI_Forms/appl ications/formsa pp/formsweb/WEB -INF/lib/frmsrv .jar,/d01/oracl e/DEV1/apps/app s_st/comn/java/ classes]
[searc h path for class files: /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.3/appsutil /jdk/jre/lib/re sources.jar,/d0 1/oracle/DEV1/a pps/tech_st/10. 1.3/appsutil/jd k/jre/lib/rt.ja r,/d01/oracle/D EV1/apps/tech_s t/10.1.3/appsut il/jdk/jre/lib/ sunrsasign.jar, /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/tech_st/ 10.1.3/appsutil /jdk/jre/lib/js se.jar,/d01/ora cle/DEV1/apps/t ech_st/10.1.3/a ppsutil/jdk/jre /lib/jce.jar,/d 01/oracle/DEV1/ apps/tech_st/10 .1.3/appsutil/j dk/jre/lib/char sets.jar,/d01/o racle/DEV1/apps /tech_st/10.1.3 /appsutil/jdk/j re/classes,/d01 /oracle/DEV1/ap ps/tech_st/10.1 .3/appsutil/jdk /jre/lib/ext/su njce_provider.j ar,/d01/oracle/ DEV1/apps/tech_ st/10.1.3/appsu til/jdk/jre/lib /ext/localedata .jar,/d01/oracl e/DEV1/apps/tec h_st/10.1.3/app sutil/jdk/jre/l ib/ext/dnsns.ja r,/d01/oracle/D EV1/apps/tech_s t/10.1.3/appsut il/jdk/jre/lib/ ext/sunpkcs11.j ar,/d01/oracle/ DEV1/apps/tech_ st/10.1.3/appsu til/jdk/lib/dt. jar,/d01/oracle /DEV1/apps/tech _st/10.1.3/apps util/jdk/lib/to ols.jar,/d01/or acle/DEV1/apps/ tech_st/10.1.3/ appsutil/jdk/jr e/lib/rt.jar,/d 01/oracle/DEV1/ apps/apps_st/co mn/java/lib/app sborg.zip,/d01/ oracle/DEV1/app s/tech_st/10.1. 2/forms/java,/d 01/oracle/DEV1/ apps/tech_st/10 .1.2/forms/java /frmall.jar,/d0 1/oracle/DEV1/a pps/tech_st/10. 1.2/jlib/ewt3.j ar,/d01/oracle/ DEV1/apps/tech_ st/10.1.2/j2ee/ OC4J_BI_Forms/a pplications/for msapp/formsweb/ WEB-INF/lib/frm srv.jar,/d01/or acle/DEV1/apps/ apps_st/comn/ja va/classes]
[lo ading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ inv/utilities/s erver/UtilFns.c lass]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/Field Bean.class]
[lo ading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/container/S ession.class]
[ loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ AbortHandlerExc eption.class]
[ loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ DefaultOnlyHand lerException.cl ass]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ InterruptedHand lerException.cl ass]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ MWAEvent.class]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ MWAFieldListene r.class]
[loadi ng /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/eventmodel/ MWAListener.cla ss]
[loading java/util/Event Listener.class( java/util:Event Listener.class) ]
[loading java/lang/Objec t.class(java/la ng:Object.class )]
/d01/oracle/ DEV1/apps/apps_ st/appl/xxc/12. 0.0/java/Custom TestFListener.j ava:75: cannot find symbol
symbol : class CustomTestPage
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener
CustomT estPage pg;
[checking xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener]
[loadi ng java/lang/Error .class(java/lan g:Error.class)]
[loading java/lang/Excep tion.class(java /lang:Exception .class)]
[loadi ng java/lang/Throw able.class(java /lang:Throwable .class)]
[loadi ng java/lang/Runti meException.cla ss(java/lang:Ru ntimeException. class)]
[loadin g java/lang/Strin g.class(java/la ng:String.class )]
[loading java/util/Event Object.class(ja va/util:EventOb ject.class)]
[l oading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/MWABe an.class]
/d01/ oracle/DEV1/app s/apps_st/appl/ xxc/12.0.0/java /CustomTestFLis tener.java:56: cannot find symbol
symbol : class CustomTestPage
location: class xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFL istener
pg = (CustomTestPage )ses.getCurrent Page();
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/container/B aseSession.clas s]
[loading /d01/oracle/DEV 1/apps/apps_st/ comn/java/class es/oracle/apps/ mwa/beans/PageB ean.class]
[tot al 224ms]
2 errors
0 #143 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-08 21:55
I basically compiled the files within the EBS. Thank you for helping.
+1 #144 Phu Tri Nguyen 2011-09-09 02:57
I follow your steps and able to have it work. Here are the steps

1) Copy all 3 Java Files to $JAVA_TOP/xxx/c ustom/server (/d01/oracle/DE V1/apps/apps_st /comn/java/clas ses/xxx/custom/ server)
2) Set environment (the .env file)
3) Compile the java files from the uploaded directory (javac -classpath $JAVA_TOP *.java)
4) Register it in EBS as function (HTML Call: xxx.custom.serv er.CustomTestFu nction)
5) Register it in Mobile responsibility

And that's it. Thank you very much for the articals and your posts.
0 #145 pnagashankar 2012-05-02 07:16

Please let me know the Code snippet for getting the Background color in Red, Green and Yellow for the Out message in MWA form.

S hankar
0 #146 Vishy 2013-12-13 05:46
Is there any method in MSCA that can make a button clicked automatically without manual key/mouse event.
0 #147 WayneSpoof 2021-06-14 02:07
0 #148 PerrySaf 2021-06-26 02:49
Доставка алкоголя якутск
0 #149 BrianSearm 2021-07-04 17:36
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0 #224 cardingfree.us 2022-08-21 02:50
1607 00117 All Your Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding On-line Carding Boards

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So, despite the actual fact that it doesn’t
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Although it requires no separate registration and therefore when you have your accounts on A-Z World
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The Unverified advertisements thread is where any consumer can post ads about his/her
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These are sometimes the forms of trades you must use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was announced that six extra suspects had been arrested on charges
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discover appeared on extra carding boards. Trustworthy
carding forums with good cards, and lively members are a rarity,
and it’s fairly hard deciding on that are the trusted and finest ones out of the hundreds obtainable.

Russia arrested six people right now, allegedly part of a hacking
group concerned within the theft and promoting of
stolen bank cards. CardVilla is a carding discussion board with ninety two,137 registered members and 19,230 individual messages posted until date.

Latest and greatest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, and so
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VIP. Carding boards are web sites used to change info and
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” thread which lists numerous advertisements from distributors
who’ve proved their reputation on the market.
Bottomline, I’ve gone through its posts corresponding to Carding basics, security suggestions for starters and so on. and it seems the people there do know what they’re speaking about,
atleast most of them, so yeah take your time over there.
Starting with the user-interface, a lot of the top-half display
is bombarded with advertisements and featured listings, which clearly the
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To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content and counting
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These can be utilized to sign up to websites and bypass identity/verifi cation checks.
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issuer in opposition to the details you might have offered, so
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site homeowners that you do not really wish to purchase from.
Credit card generated from this website do not work
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they don't have an precise actual world worth.
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Our card details are randomly generated utilizing the Luhn algorithm.

All actual credit cards observe this algorithm,
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They can be validated using a checksum known as the Luhn Algorithm.

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We always comply with the rule of the Luhn Algorithm while generating bank card particulars.
Our bank card generator tools work in an identical type, like how credit card issuers make their bank
cards. The bank card generator is used to generate the bank card
numbers for a number of functions in the enterprise trade.
They are software program programs that use guidelines
for creating numerical valid bank card numbers from various
bank card firms. Its main use is in e-commerce testing websites to ensure the proper processing of the numbers.

The bank card quantity are legitimate which means they are
made like the actual credit card number however the particulars similar to names, address, CCV and and so on are totally pretend and random.

Fake card quantity is simply unlawful if it is used to supply
and then use it for fraudulent purposes. A visa card quantity
usually begins on a "4." The first six digits for each
credit card number are the bank ID quantity,
the same number for each card issued by that credit card. They don't have any monetary
value and cannot be used to purchase something. They will move any credit card validation/veri fication which makes them perfect for data testing.

This happened less than a month after “Joker’s Stash”, one other well-liked dark net fee card marketplace, introduced its retirement.
The announcement was distributed through a publish, that was printed on well-liked underground fraud forums by a risk actor dubbed “SPR” who is known as the official speaker
for the “ValidCC” marketplace. There are dozens
of on-line retailers that sell so-called “card not present” fee card information stolen from e-commerce stores, but
most supply the info from different criminals.
Examining the identification options of a MasterCard card ought
to only take a well-trained individual a couple of seconds, which is about how
lengthy it takes to receive the authorization response.

There is no higher way to make use of this time and you need to make it a routine a part
of the card acceptance process. The capacity to bodily inspect the cardboard introduced for payment
and to gauge the conduct of the client is what sets face-to-face transactions aside from
non-face-to-fac e ones.
It contains Visa, JCB, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

The first digits of credit cards can be utilized to
determine the credit score card’s major industry.
The simplest and commonest method of credit
card verification usually involves merely checking photograph I.D.

Some stores would require this for all clients, while others
will only do it randomly. Virtual bank card numbers are solely as secure as the corporate
that issues them.
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----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US AMEX CARD = $4,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5
per 1).
- US DISCOVER CARD = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price
$12 per 1).
- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30 per 1).

***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with
price $3 per 1).
- UK MASTER CARD = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK VISA CARD = $2,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK AMEX CARD = $4,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per 1).


- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per 1).
- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22
per 1).
- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
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being a 5-star area likewise.

Beautiful football industry San Siro Stadium, this soccer stadium.
Situated in town of Milan, Italy, is the home floor
in the club AC Milan along with the Inter Milan club which has a
ability of 80,018 people today, that's the soccer stadium.
There's two names, San Siro Stadium and Giuseppe
Meazza, with AC Milan supporters contacting it the San Siro Stadium and Inter Milan followers
contacting it Giuseppe Meazza. Selected as the venue for the opening ceremony in the 2026 Winter season Olympics

Gorgeous football area, Soccer Metropolis Stadium, a football stadium from South Africa.
Also known as FNB Stadium, this stadium is situated in the
city. Johannesburg south africa By using a potential of 94,736, the stadium was probably
the most famous in the course of the 2010 Globe Cup mainly because it hosted the 2010 Planet Cup finals.

Lovely football discipline Anfield Stadium I believe that
this soccer stadium is It is without a doubt a field
which is acquainted to Thai soccer fans. Since it is really a football field.

The renowned football club Liverpool via the stadium is situated in town of Liverpool, England, using a
capability of 53,394 seats by the eu Soccer Affiliation. has supplied this football stadium It's really a 4-star stadium that was used as the venue for the ultimate from the 1996 European Football Championships.

Azteca Stadium is definitely the eighth major soccer stadium
on the earth, situated in Mexico, property into the Mexican national team and Club The united states, with a ability of 87,523.

The stadium was the location for the whole world Cup finals in 1970 and 1986.

Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, an 80,four hundred-seat football stadium located
in Madrid, Spain, is the home of Genuine Madrid and is without doubt one of
the earth's most well known stadiums. Mainly because it was the stadium useful for the
1982 Entire world Cup Remaining, the 1964 Euro Last, the European Club Championship three instances
as well as the South American Club Football Ultimate in 2018.
In combination with It is the ultimate field for main football matches, which area can be a stadium with underground trains.
own in addition

Camp Nou Stadium is a football stadium situated in Barcelona, ​​Spain. It's the house of FC Barcelona and is particularly the most important soccer stadium in Europe.
Having a capacity of 99,354 seats, the eu Soccer Association has supplied the
stadium a 5-star rating. The stadium was the venue for the
ecu Club Championships in 1989 and 1999.

Aged Trafford Stadium is the house floor of Manchester United Soccer Club.
Located in Manchester, England, this stadium is the 2nd largest field in England.
As well as the 8th biggest in Europe, using a capacity of seventy four,one hundred forty
seats, While using the attractiveness and grandeur of this stadium, it has been nicknamed
the Theater of Goals. The stadium was the venue
for the final of the ecu Club Championships in 2003.

Allianz Arena Stadium, nicknamed the "rubber boat" due to the appearance
from the stadium, comparable to that of the rubber boat.

This stadium is situated in Munich. Germany It is the property
floor for that club Bayern Munich, 1860 Munich plus the German nationwide group.

You will find there's potential of seventy five,
024 seats, and that is the distinctiveness of this football
stadium. It truly is about switching the colour in the football pitch.
If Bayern Munich is playing, it turns purple. If 1860 Munich is enjoying, it turns blue.
As for if the German national staff is playing, this discipline will be white.

Wembley Stadium, the biggest football stadium in England And is the home of your
England national crew, such as the Spurs club, that has a capability of 90,000 people
0 #236 RobertNal 2022-08-21 09:29
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0 #237 Jamescab 2022-08-21 11:09
0 #238 what is e used for 2022-08-21 12:16
These can be used to sign up to websites and bypass identity/verifi cation checks.

Some web sites have further checks in place and can check with the issuer against the major points you've provided,
so it may not at all times work. We imagine
acquiring such delicate finanacial particulars wont
be needed. Giving up such particulars is like giving up your
privateness to website owners that you do not actually want to purchase from.

Credit card generated from this web site don't work like an actual credit card these playing cards are simply for knowledge testing and or verification purposes they don't have an actual actual
world worth. All the credit cards generated using credit card generator are legitimate but they don't possess any actual
value as you can't use them for making any monetary transactions.

Our card particulars are randomly generated using the Luhn algorithm.
All real credit cards comply with this algorithm, they've fastened prefixes and may be easily recognized (i.e
VISA playing cards always start with a '4'). If you need
to study more about how the Luhn checksum method works then try an indepth breakdown. To try our device,
simply choose your card kind from above and click on the 'Generate' button. The other reason we made this are programmers testing ecommerce web sites, applications or other software program.

They may be validated utilizing a checksum referred
to as the Luhn Algorithm. Our Credit Card Number Validator checks the inputted number in opposition to the Luhn checksum and
informs you if it is legitimate or not. Free bank card validation device - merely paste in a credit card number and our device will check the validity and card kind.
IIN quantity identifies the card issuing establishment that issued
the cardboard to the cardholder.
For better understanding of MII please hover to the detailed table below.
The bank card or debit card numbers generated in this page are the legitimate card numbers but utterly random or in another word, it is merely
faux. A legitimate credit card number (also generally identified as Primary
Account Number - PAN) has a quantity of fields and every of them
has a that means. For the technically inclined, this quantity complies to the ISO/IEC 7812 numbering commonplace.
An incorporates a six-digit issuer identification number , a person account identification number, and a single digit checksum.

MasterCard bank card numbers generator is
used to generate a legitimate bank card numbers with full safety particulars.

Now let’s see what you should do should you
come throughout such a card. Each card quantity, whether or not belonging to MasterCard or to some other payments company,
begins with an issuer identification quantity , which is always
six-digit long. As its name implies, the IIN is used to identify the card issuer who's issuing its
cards through a card network (e.g. MasterCard or Visa).

You also can examine bank card data by using our validator characteristic, probably probably the greatest bank card
validator online that easily validates credit card numbers.
All you need to do is enter your bank card number on the text area and verify on the validate big green button. It will show a examine icon if the cardboard numbers is legitimate and and red
cross icon for an invalid card number.
Do you supply any credit card numbers which have cash on them?
No, we do not supply any credit cards which have money on them.
There are a selection of online banks similar to Revolut & Starling Bank which
provide digital credit & debit cards. Our card numbers are for programming and verification purposes solely.

To generate credit card details for the USA
, you should choose the BRAND first after which choose your COUNTRY
as United States from the drop-down menu.
With one click on, you can generate card number up to 09 real credit card numbers.
A valid credit card quantity can be simply generated using
bank card generator by assigning completely different number prefixes
for all bank card firms. For Example quantity four for Visa credit cards, 5 for MasterCard, 6 for Discover Card, 34 and 37 for
American Express and 35 for JCB Cards.
WEBSITE : >>>>>>Validcc✶ Site

----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,7 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5
per 1).
- US AMEX CARD = $4,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US DISCOVER CARD = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $12 per 1).

- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30 per 1).

***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- UK MASTER CARD = $2,8 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK VISA CARD = $2,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5
per 1).
- UK AMEX CARD = $4,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price
$4 per 1).

- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22 per 1).

- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price
$35 per 1).
***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per
- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per
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1607 00117 All Of Your Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding Online Carding Forums

The section additionally contains information from
around the world associated to hacking so even when you’re not a
hacker and aren’t here to purchase playing cards, it still
can be utilized for instructional functions.
The info board obviously incorporates information and bulletins from the staff, though additionally contains an “Introduction” part the place
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discussion board. Do not use anything even remotely much like your actual name/address or some other information when signing
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cracking tutorials and different methods which you understand,
share with Dr.Dark Forum customers. Sign up for our publication and learn how to
defend your pc from threats.
The discussion board statistics haven’t been talked about and hence it’s not clear how many
members, posts, threads or messages the Forum consists of.
You can publish or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked other accounts, facebook accounts,
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Get the latest carding tutorials and learn how to card
So, although it doesn’t have hundreds of registrations
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ads are animated close to the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.
The discussion board also has a support-staff which could be reached by
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The forum doesn’t appear to supply an Escrow
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most secure. The Unverified ads thread is the place any user can submit advertisements about his/her merchandise and
the discussion board doesn’t assure safety
or legitimacy or these trades/vendors. These are typically the forms of trades you can use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was announced that six extra suspects
had been arrested on expenses linked to selling stolen credit card info, and the same
seizure discover appeared on more carding boards.

Trustworthy carding boards with good cards, and energetic members are a rarity, and it’s pretty
exhausting deciding on that are the trusted and best ones out of the tons of out there.
Russia arrested six people right now, allegedly part
of a hacking group concerned within the theft and promoting of stolen credit cards.
CardVilla is a carding forum with ninety two,137
registered members and 19,230 particular person messages posted till date.

Latest and greatest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days,
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Find all the tools and tools similar to backdoors, RATs, trojans and rootkits here.
You have to be equipped to gain entry to techniques using malware.

To unlock this section with over 70,000+ content material and counting daily please upgrade to
VIP. Carding forums are web sites used to exchange data and
technical savvy in regards to the illicit trade of stolen credit or debit card account information. Now I on no account could declare these to be the last word greatest,
ultimate underground bank card discussion board , but they certain prime the charts when it comes to a
ranking system.
Carding Team is one other discussion board which even though
doesn’t boast hundreds of thousands of customers as some
of the other choices on this listing do, still manages to
cater to what most users search for on such a web site.
” thread which lists a selection of advertisements from vendors who’ve proved
their popularity on the market. Bottomline,
I’ve gone via its posts similar to Carding fundamentals,
safety tips for starters and so forth. and it seems
the folks there do know what they’re talking about, atleast most of them,
so yeah take your time over there. Starting with the user-interface, many of the top-half screen is bombarded
with ads and featured listings, which obviously the
advertisers should pay the forum for. In reality, the very backside of the discussion board is what’s extra helpful than the highest of it.

Show off your profitable carded websites with screenshots here.To unlock this part with over 5,000+ content material and counting day
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To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content and counting every day please upgrade to VIP.
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0 #257 Is hellowisp Legit 2022-08-22 11:32
These can be used to enroll to sites and bypass identity/verifi cation checks.
Some websites have further checks in place and will check with the issuer in opposition to the small print you've supplied, so it may not always work.
We consider acquiring such sensitive finanacial
details wont be needed. Giving up such particulars is like giving up
your privacy to web site owners that you do
not truly need to buy from. Credit card generated from this web site don't work
like an precise bank card these cards are simply for information testing and
or verification functions they do not have an actual actual world worth.
All the bank cards generated utilizing bank card generator are legitimate but
they don't possess any actual value as you cannot use them
for making any financial transactions.
The table beneath lists the IIN ranges for MasterCard and Maestro,
which is a debit card service owned by MasterCard and big in Europe.
The final digit is the checksum which we explained the method to calculate utilizing the MOD 10 algorithm.
It is used to validate the first account number to protect against accidental errors.
Afterwards comes the account quantity, digit 7 to last minus one.
The Luhn algorithm used to confirm that the card quantity is reliable.

A legitimate bank card nubmer may be simply generated by simply assigning quantity prefixes like the quantity four for Visa bank cards,
5 for MasterCard, 6 for Discover Card, 34 and 37 for American Express, and 35
for JCB Cards. All credit card numbers generated from this web site are fully random and
doesn't maintain any real-world worth. To be fully clear and spell this out, these fake credit card numbers should not be used to attempt to purchase stuff.
They merely respect pointers of a sound credit card number.

For better understanding of MII please hover to the
detailed table below. The bank card or debit card numbers generated on this
page are the valid card numbers but completely random or in one
other word, it is merely fake. A valid credit card number (also known as Primary Account
Number - PAN) has a number of fields and each of them has a which means.

For the technically inclined, this number complies to the ISO/IEC 7812 numbering commonplace.
An contains a six-digit issuer identification number , a person account identification number, and a single digit checksum.

MasterCard credit card numbers generator is used
to generate a valid credit card numbers with full security
Fake card quantity is just unlawful whether
it is used to produce and then use it for fraudulent purposes.
A visa card quantity sometimes begins on a "four." The first six
digits for each credit card quantity are the bank ID number,
the identical quantity for every card issued by that credit card.
They do not have any monetary value and cannot be used to buy something.
They will cross any credit card validation/veri fication which makes them ideal for knowledge
This occurred less than a month after “Joker’s Stash”, another
popular dark web payment card marketplace, introduced its retirement.
The announcement was distributed by way of a submit, that
was printed on popular underground fraud forums by a menace actor dubbed “SPR” who is called
the official speaker for the “ValidCC” market. There are dozens of online retailers that sell so-called “card not present” fee
card information stolen from e-commerce shops, however most
source the data from other criminals.
Examining the identification features of a MasterCard card
ought to solely take a well-trained individual a few seconds, which is about how
lengthy it takes to receive the authorization response.
There isn't any higher method to make use of this time and you should
make it a routine a half of the cardboard acceptance process.
The ability to bodily examine the cardboard offered for fee and to evaluate the
behavior of the client is what units face-to-face transactions aside from non-face-to-fac e ones.

It consists of Visa, JCB, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
The first digits of credit cards can be used to determine the credit card’s main industry.
The simplest and most typical methodology of credit
card verification usually involves merely checking picture
I.D. Some stores would require this for all prospects, whereas others will only do
it randomly. Virtual credit card numbers are solely as secure as the company that points them.

WEBSITE : >>>>>>Validcc✶ Site

----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US AMEX CARD = $4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).
- US DISCOVER CARD = $3,9 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price
$12 per 1).
- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30 per 1).

***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- UK MASTER CARD = $2,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price
$2.5 per 1).
- UK VISA CARD = $3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK AMEX CARD = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per 1).


- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per
- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22
per 1).
- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).
- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
0 #258 DarrylUnith 2022-08-22 11:42
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Этто хрия что похожа моему сердечку… Большое спасибо!
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0 #260 DarrylUnith 2022-08-22 13:41
0 #261 DarrylUnith 2022-08-22 15:33
0 #262 Validcc-Site 2022-08-22 19:56
If you could have a suspicion that a net site looks fake
or illegal - by no means provide actual bank card particulars –
this could save you from main financial and individual harm.
In abstract, if you’re apprehensive about offering your card details
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card number. Prepostseo indian fake card generator works
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Our card particulars are randomly generated utilizing the Luhn algorithm.
All actual credit cards comply with this algorithm, they have mounted prefixes and can be easily identified (i.e VISA playing cards at all times begin with a '4').
If you want to learn extra about how the Luhn checksum formulation works then try an indepth breakdown. To
attempt our software, simply select your card sort from above and
click the 'Generate' button. The other purpose we made this are programmers testing ecommerce websites,
purposes or other software program.
They may be validated using a checksum known as the Luhn Algorithm.
Our Credit Card Number Validator checks the inputted number against the Luhn checksum and informs you if it is legitimate or not.
Free credit card validation device - simply paste in a bank card quantity and our device will check the validity and card type.
IIN quantity identifies the cardboard issuing establishment that issued the card to the cardholder.

For better understanding of MII please hover to the
detailed table below. The credit card or debit card numbers generated in this web page are the valid
card numbers but fully random or in another word, it's merely
pretend. A valid credit card quantity (also known as
Primary Account Number - PAN) has a quantity
of fields and each of them has a meaning. For the technically inclined, this quantity complies to the ISO/IEC 7812
numbering commonplace. An contains a six-digit issuer identification quantity , an individual account identification quantity,
and a single digit checksum. MasterCard bank card numbers generator is used
to generate a legitimate credit card numbers with full security details.

Criminals use the numbers generated by the actual credit card generator to make fake
bank cards and faux cc after which find a place to buy bank cards but not to validate the numbers
instantly, such as a enterprise present. If you are hesitant
to make use of you real credit card details on a
transaction that you do not want to show your financial
particulars. You can freely use our platform to generate a
random working credit card that acts identical to an actual
bank card utilizing a fake detials and a CVV. Or you may wish
to generate a bank card for verification functions be
at liberty to get one right here. Make certain you read the disclaimer beneath upon using the generaed bank card particulars.
Our software generates actual lively credit card numbers with cash to purchase stuff
with billing handle and zip code.
This occurred less than a month after “Joker’s Stash”, one other in style darkish net payment card marketplace, introduced its retirement.
The announcement was distributed through a submit, that was revealed on well-liked underground fraud boards by a risk actor dubbed “SPR” who is called the
official speaker for the “ValidCC” market. There are dozens
of online outlets that sell so-called “card not present” cost card knowledge stolen from e-commerce shops, but most supply the information from other
Examining the identification features of a MasterCard card
ought to only take a well-trained person a few seconds, which is about
how long it takes to receive the authorization response.
There isn't any higher method to use this time and
you should make it a routine part of the card acceptance course of.

The capability to physically inspect the card presented for cost and to judge the conduct of the shopper is what units face-to-face
transactions apart from non-face-to-fac e ones.

Feature Credit Cards Debit Cards Bill each month Generated every month No invoice generated.
Linked to The issuing financial institution or
monetary organisation The cardholder’s bank account.
Credit limit/spending restrict Credit restrict assigned on a month-to-month basis.
A bank card differs from a charge card in that the
stability needs to be paid off in full each month or at the finish
of every statement cycle.
WEBSITE : >>>>>>Validcc✦ Site

----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,7 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,8 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5
per 1).
- US AMEX CARD = $5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US DISCOVER CARD = $2,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5
per 1).
- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $12 per 1).

- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30
per 1).
***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- UK MASTER CARD = $3,3 per 1 (buy >5 with
price $2.5 per 1).
- UK VISA CARD = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK AMEX CARD = $2,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per 1).


- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14
per 1).
- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per 1).
- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22 per 1).

- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).
- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).
- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).
- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
0 #263 carding master 2022-08-22 21:28
1607 00117 All Your Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding On-line Carding Boards

The section also incorporates news from around the globe associated to hacking so
even when you’re not a hacker and aren’t here to purchase cards, it still can be used
for educational purposes. The information board obviously contains information and bulletins from
the team, though additionally includes an “Introduction” section the place users can introduce themselves
to other members of the forum. Do not use something even remotely similar to your actual name/address or another information when signing
up at these boards. Discuss alternative ways to monetize your websites
and different ways to generate income online.

Post your cracking tutorials and different strategies which
you know, share with Dr.Dark Forum customers. Sign up for our e-newsletter
and discover ways to protect your laptop from threats.
The discussion board statistics haven’t been mentioned and therefore it’s not clear what quantity of members,
posts, threads or messages the Forum consists of. You
can submit or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked other accounts, facebook accounts, credit card, bank account,
internet hosting account and far more all free of change.

Share your cardable websites and it's strategies on tips on how to card them here.To unlock this part with
over 10,000+ content and counting day by day please upgrade to VIP.
Get the newest carding tutorials and learn to card successfully!

So, although it doesn’t have 1000's of registrations its member depend stands at about 7000.

It also has a singular, spam-free advert interface, you aren’t bombarded
with advertisements like other forums, quite small tabs containing the ads
are animated close to the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.

The discussion board additionally has a support-staff which can be reached
by way of Jabber. And as for registration, it’s absolutely free and you can also use your Google+ account to
login. Although it requires no separate registration and therefore
in case you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market, the same
credentials can be used to login to the forum as properly.
The discussion board doesn’t seem to supply an Escrow thread, though the marketplace does for
trades carried out by way of the marketplace.

Thread which consists of sellers who have been verified by the
forum administration. Hence, shopping for from these group of vendors on the
forum is safest. The Unverified advertisements thread is where any consumer
can post adverts about his/her products and the
discussion board doesn’t assure security or legitimacy or these trades/vendors.
These are typically the types of trades you must use the Escrow
A few days later, it was announced that six extra suspects
had been arrested on costs linked to selling stolen bank card information,
and the identical seizure discover appeared on extra carding forums.
Trustworthy carding forums with good playing cards, and lively members are
a rarity, and it’s pretty exhausting deciding on that are
the trusted and best ones out of the hundreds obtainable.
Russia arrested six folks right now, allegedly a part of a hacking group involved
within the theft and selling of stolen credit cards.
CardVilla is a carding discussion board with 92,
137 registered members and 19,230 particular person messages posted till date.

Latest and greatest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, etc.
discovered and shared by different hackers here. Find
all the instruments and equipment corresponding to backdoors, RATs, trojans and rootkits here.
You need to be outfitted to gain access to
methods using malware.
To unlock this part with over 70,000+ content material and counting day
by day please improve to VIP. Carding boards are web sites used to change data
and technical savvy about the illicit trade of stolen credit or debit card account info.
Now I certainly not may declare these to be the last word finest, ultimate
underground credit card discussion board , however they
certain prime the charts when it comes to a rating system.
Carding Team is another discussion board which despite the
precise fact that doesn’t boast millions of users as a few of the different choices on this list do, still
manages to cater to what most users search for on such a
site. ” thread which lists a selection of ads from vendors who’ve proved their reputation on the marketplace.
Bottomline, I’ve gone via its posts similar to Carding fundamentals, safety suggestions for starters and so forth.
and it seems the people there do know what they’re
speaking about, atleast most of them, so yeah take your time over there.

Starting with the user-interface, many of the top-half screen is
bombarded with advertisements and featured listings, which clearly the advertisers need
to pay the forum for. In truth, the very backside of the discussion board is what’s more helpful than the highest of it.

Show off your successful carded websites with screenshots
right here.To unlock this part with over 5,000+ content and
counting day by day please upgrade to VIP. Grab the latest
instruments and packages that can help you card successfully!
To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content and counting every day
please upgrade to VIP. Discuss something related to
carding the web, news, help, common discussions.To
unlock this part with over one hundred twenty,000+ content and counting
every day please upgrade to VIP.
0 #264 ¿qué es ética 2022-08-22 23:14
These can be utilized to sign up to sites and bypass identity/verifi cation checks.

Some web sites have additional checks in place and can verify with the
issuer towards the small print you might
have supplied, so it may not at all times work. We believe acquiring
such sensitive finanacial details wont be wanted. Giving up such particulars is like giving up your privacy to website homeowners that you do
not truly need to purchase from. Credit card generated from this website
don't work like an precise bank card these playing cards are simply for
information testing and or verification functions they don't
have an actual actual world worth. All the credit cards generated using bank card generator are valid but they do not possess any actual worth as you can not use them
for making any monetary transactions.
Merely typing a sound bank card quantity right into a kind
just isn't enough to buy anything and you shouldn't try and.
Without a sound proprietor name, an expiration date and a sound CVV code, they
cannot be used for actual transactions. You should use these numbers solely
to test your validation strategies and for bogus
information. Note that the algorithm used right here is
freely obtainable throughout the online even Wikipedia.org.

These numbers have been generated randomly.You can refresh the page to get new numbers.

The first digit of any bank card quantity known as the Major Industry Identifier .
And the initial six or eight digits of a credit card number are often identified as the
Issuer Identification Number . ValidCC’s demise
comes shut on the heels of the shuttering
of Joker’s Stash, by some accounts the most important underground store for selling stolen bank
card and identity information. On Dec. sixteen, 2020, a number of of Joker’s long-held domains began displaying notices
that the websites had been seized by the united states
The credit card numbers generated through VCCGenerator are not
real. Our bank card generators makes use of the Luhn algorithm
that is utilized by each legitimate credit card firm
which generates credit card particulars. This helps you to shield
yourself from any scams or frauds and cheated
by any fake websites. All number of bank card free generated from this website are fully random
& have no actual value.
Now let’s see what you should do if you come across such a card.

Each card quantity, whether belonging to MasterCard or to some
other funds company, begins with an issuer identification number , which
is all the time six-digit lengthy. As its name implies, the IIN is used to determine the cardboard issuer who's
issuing its cards via a card network (e.g. MasterCard or Visa).

This occurred lower than a month after “Joker’s Stash”,
another well-liked darkish net payment card marketplace,
announced its retirement. The announcement was distributed by
way of a post, that was published on in style underground fraud boards by a threat actor dubbed
“SPR” who is identified as the official speaker for the “ValidCC” market.
There are dozens of on-line shops that sell so-called “card not present” fee card information stolen from e-commerce stores, but most source the data from other criminals.

What do we imply by valid - is that they are created with the same
number formulation which is the mod-10 or modulus 10 algorithm
to create a valid bank card quantity. No, bank card
particulars generated from VCCGenerator are just for testing purposes.

Do not use these fake credit card numbers to make any buy.

Any buy would not be accomplished either as the numbers do not include a valid expiration date, card holder's name,
and CVV numbers. Note that what we're providing are random credit card
It contains Visa, JCB, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
The first digits of bank cards can be utilized to establish the credit score card’s main industry.
The easiest and most typical methodology of credit card verification generally includes simply checking photo
I.D. Some shops would require this for all
customers, while others will solely do it randomly. Virtual bank card
numbers are only as secure as the corporate that points them.

WEBSITE : >>>>>>Validcc☸ Site

----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US AMEX CARD = $3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US DISCOVER CARD = $2,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $12 per 1).

- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30 per 1).

***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $3,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price
$3 per 1).
- UK MASTER CARD = $2,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per
- UK VISA CARD = $3,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price
$2.5 per 1).
- UK AMEX CARD = $3,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per 1).

- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per
- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22 per 1).

- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with
price $8 per 1).
- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5
per 1).
- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
0 #265 Cedricgal 2022-08-22 23:22
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0 #269 www.validcc.site 2022-08-23 19:09
These can be used to sign up to sites and bypass identity/verifi cation checks.
Some websites have extra checks in place and can verify with the issuer towards the primary points you've offered, so
it could not at all times work. We consider buying such
sensitive finanacial particulars wont be needed. Giving
up such particulars is like giving up your privateness to website
house owners that you don't actually wish to buy from.

Credit card generated from this web site do not work
like an precise bank card these playing cards are merely for data testing and or verification purposes they do not have
an actual real world value. All the bank cards generated
using credit card generator are valid however they don't
possess any actual value as you cannot use them for making any financial transactions.

Merely typing a legitimate credit card number into a type just isn't enough to
buy anything and you shouldn't try and. Without a sound proprietor name, an expiration date and
a legitimate CVV code, they can not be used for
actual transactions. You ought to use these numbers solely to test your
validation strategies and for bogus information. Note that the algorithm used right here is freely obtainable across the net
even Wikipedia.org. These numbers have been generated randomly.You can refresh the page to get new numbers.

They can be validated utilizing a checksum called the Luhn Algorithm.
Our Credit Card Number Validator checks the inputted quantity towards the Luhn checksum and
informs you if it is legitimate or not. Free credit card validation tool -
simply paste in a credit card quantity and our
tool will verify the validity and card kind. IIN number identifies the card issuing institution that
issued the card to the cardholder.
We always follow the rule of the Luhn Algorithm whereas generating credit card particulars.
Our credit card generator instruments work in an analogous type, like how credit
card issuers make their credit cards. The bank card generator is used to generate the bank card
numbers for multiple purposes within the enterprise trade.

They are software program packages that use guidelines for
creating numerical valid credit card numbers from varied credit card
companies. Its main use is in e-commerce testing websites to make sure the proper processing of the numbers.
The bank card quantity are valid that means they're made like the real bank card
number however the details corresponding to names, tackle, CCV and and so on are totally fake and random.

Fake card quantity is only unlawful if it is used to produce and then use it for
fraudulent functions. A visa card number typically begins
on a "four." The first six digits for every bank card quantity are the
financial institution ID number, the same quantity
for each card issued by that bank card. They wouldn't have any monetary worth and
can't be used to purchase anything. They will cross any credit card validation/veri fication which
makes them perfect for information testing.
This happened less than a month after “Joker’s Stash”, one other well-liked darkish internet cost card market, announced its retirement.
The announcement was distributed via a submit, that was printed on in style underground fraud forums by a risk actor dubbed “SPR” who is called the official speaker for the “ValidCC” marketplace.

There are dozens of online shops that promote so-called “card not present” fee card
data stolen from e-commerce stores, however most source the data
from different criminals.
What do we imply by legitimate - is that they are created with the identical quantity formulation which is the mod-10 or modulus 10 algorithm to create a legitimate bank card number.
No, bank card particulars generated from VCCGenerator are only for
testing purposes. Do not use these pretend bank card numbers to make
any purchase. Any buy wouldn't be completed either because the numbers do
not include a legitimate expiration date, card holder's name, and
CVV numbers. Note that what we are offering
are random bank card details.
With one click, you presumably can generate card number
as much as 09 actual credit card numbers. A legitimate credit
card quantity could be easily generated utilizing bank card generator by assigning completely different number prefixes for all bank card firms.

For Example number four for Visa credit cards, 5 for MasterCard, 6 for Discover Card, 34 and 37 for American Express and 35 for JCB Cards.

WEBSITE : >>>>>>Validcc⁎ Site

----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US AMEX CARD = $3,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US DISCOVER CARD = $3,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $12 per 1).

- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30 per 1).

***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $2,9 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- UK MASTER CARD = $2,9 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK VISA CARD = $3,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price
$2.5 per 1).
- UK AMEX CARD = $3,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per 1).


- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22 per 1).

- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).
- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
0 #270 ccbuy.site 2022-08-23 19:40
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WEBSITE : >>>>>>CCBuy⁎ Site

----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,7 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5
per 1).
- US AMEX CARD = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US DISCOVER CARD = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $12 per 1).

- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price
$30 per 1).
***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $3,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- UK MASTER CARD = $2,7 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK VISA CARD = $3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK AMEX CARD = $4,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per 1).

- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with
price $22 per 1).
- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5
per 1).
- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8
per 1).
- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8
per 1).
***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).
- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
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0 #278 www.validcc.site 2022-08-24 04:06
These can be utilized to enroll to websites and
bypass identity/verifi cation checks. Some web sites have further checks in place and will examine
with the issuer against the details you could have supplied, so it
could not always work. We believe acquiring such delicate finanacial particulars wont be needed.
Giving up such particulars is like giving up your privacy to website owners
that you do not really want to purchase from. Credit card generated
from this website don't work like an actual credit card these playing cards are merely for data testing and or verification purposes they do
not have an actual actual world value. All the bank cards generated using credit card generator are valid
however they don't possess any real worth as you cannot use them for making any financial transactions.

Our card details are randomly generated utilizing the Luhn algorithm.
All actual credit cards follow this algorithm, they have fastened prefixes and
can be easily identified (i.e VISA playing cards all the time
begin with a '4'). If you want to be taught more about how the Luhn checksum formulation works then check out an indepth breakdown. To try our software, merely choose your card type
from above and click the 'Generate' button. The different purpose we made this are programmers testing ecommerce
websites, purposes or other software.
They could be validated using a checksum called the Luhn Algorithm.
Our Credit Card Number Validator checks the inputted quantity
against the Luhn checksum and informs you if it is
legitimate or not. Free credit card validation software - simply paste in a bank
card number and our tool will verify the validity and card kind.

IIN quantity identifies the cardboard issuing establishment
that issued the cardboard to the cardholder.
We at all times observe the rule of the Luhn Algorithm whereas
generating bank card details. Our credit card generator
tools work in a similar kind, like how bank card issuers make
their credit cards. The bank card generator is used to generate the credit card numbers for a quantity of functions within the enterprise trade.
They are software applications that use rules for creating numerical valid bank card numbers from varied bank card firms.
Its primary use is in e-commerce testing websites to ensure the correct processing
of the numbers. The bank card quantity are legitimate that means they are made like the true credit card quantity however the details similar to names, tackle, CCV and etc are totally
faux and random.
Criminals use the numbers generated by the real credit card generator
to make fake bank cards and fake cc after which find a place to buy credit cards however
not to validate the numbers instantly, corresponding to a business present.
If you're hesitant to use you actual credit card details on a transaction that you don't want
to reveal your financial particulars. You
can freely use our platform to generate a random working credit card that acts just like a real bank card
utilizing a pretend detials and a CVV. Or you may need to generate
a credit card for verification functions feel free to get one right here.
Make certain you read the disclaimer beneath upon utilizing the generaed
credit card particulars. Our device generates actual
energetic credit card numbers with money to purchase stuff with
billing handle and zip code.
You also can check credit card data by utilizing our validator
feature, most likely top-of-the-line credit card validator on-line that simply validates bank card numbers.
All you have to do is enter your bank card quantity on the text field
and verify on the validate huge green button. It will present a examine icon if the card
numbers is valid and and pink cross icon for an invalid card quantity.

Do you supply any credit card numbers that have money on them?
No, we don't provide any bank cards that have money on them.
There are a variety of online banks such as
Revolut & Starling Bank which offer virtual credit & debit playing cards.
Our card numbers are for programming and verification purposes
solely. To generate credit card details for the USA , you should choose the BRAND
first and then choose your COUNTRY as United States from the
drop-down menu.
It contains Visa, JCB, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
The first digits of bank cards can be utilized to determine the credit score card’s major industry.

The simplest and commonest method of bank card verification usually involves simply checking picture I.D.
Some shops would require this for all prospects, whereas
others will only do it randomly. Virtual bank card numbers are solely as safe as the corporate that
issues them.
WEBSITE : >>>>>>Validcc✶ Site

----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

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Is this your business. At this point, we ve seen how quickly you will feel the effect after taking CBD products and the factors that determine how long the results will remain. We re determined to help people discover the healthiest version of themselves through the power of plants, whether that s with award-winning CBD products or our nootropic mushrooms. raw cbd oil uk
0 #333 CardingFree.Us 2022-08-26 21:56
1607 00117 All Your Playing Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding Online Carding Forums

The part also incorporates information from all
over the world related to hacking so even when you’re not a hacker and aren’t here to purchase cards, it nonetheless can be utilized
for instructional purposes. The data board obviously contains info and bulletins from the group,
although also contains an “Introduction” part where users can introduce themselves
to other members of the discussion board.
Do not use anything even remotely much like your real name/address or any other information when signing up at these boards.

Discuss alternative ways to monetize your
websites and different methods to generate income online.
Post your cracking tutorials and different strategies which you
understand, share with Dr.Dark Forum users. Sign up for our newsletter
and discover ways to defend your pc from threats.
The forum statistics haven’t been talked about and hence it’s not clear
what number of members, posts, threads or messages the
Forum consists of. You can post or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked different accounts, facebook accounts, bank card, bank account, hosting account and far more all freed from change.

Share your cardable web sites and it's methods on the means to
card them right here.To unlock this section with over 10,000+
content and counting daily please upgrade to
VIP. Get the newest carding tutorials and learn to card successfully!

So, despite the fact that it doesn’t have 1000's of registrations its member count
stands at about 7000. It also has a singular, spam-free ad
interface, you aren’t bombarded with adverts like different forums, rather small
tabs containing the ads are animated close to the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.

The discussion board additionally has a support-staff which could be reached via
Jabber. And as for registration, it’s completely free and you may also use your
Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and therefore in case you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market, the identical credentials can be used
to login to the forum as well. The discussion board doesn’t seem to supply an Escrow thread,
although the marketplace does for trades accomplished via
the market.
Thread which consists of sellers who have been verified by
the forum administration. Hence, buying from these group of vendors on the
forum is most secure. The Unverified adverts thread is where any user
can publish advertisements about his/her products and the
discussion board doesn’t guarantee safety or legitimacy or those trades/vendors.
These are typically the types of trades you should use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was introduced that six more suspects had been arrested on costs linked
to selling stolen bank card info, and the same
seizure notice appeared on extra carding boards. Trustworthy carding forums
with good cards, and lively members are a rarity, and it’s pretty hard deciding on that are the
trusted and greatest ones out of the tons of obtainable.

Russia arrested six individuals at present, allegedly part of a hacking group
concerned within the theft and selling of stolen credit cards.

CardVilla is a carding discussion board with ninety two,137 registered members and 19,230 individual messages posted until date.

Latest and greatest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, etc.
discovered and shared by different hackers right here. Find all
of the instruments and equipment corresponding to backdoors,
RATs, trojans and rootkits here. You must be outfitted to achieve access
to methods utilizing malware.
To unlock this section with over 70,000+ content material and counting day
by day please upgrade to VIP. Carding forums
are websites used to exchange data and technical savvy
about the illicit commerce of stolen credit or debit card account
information. Now I by no means could claim these to
be the final word finest, ultimate underground credit card discussion board , however they sure top
the charts in relation to a rating system.
Carding Team is another discussion board which even though doesn’t boast hundreds of thousands of customers as
some of the different choices on this listing do, still manages to
cater to what most customers search for on such a site.
” thread which lists a selection of advertisements from
vendors who’ve proved their popularity on the marketplace.
Bottomline, I’ve gone via its posts similar to Carding basics, security ideas for starters etc.

and it seems the folks there do know what they’re talking about,
atleast most of them, so yeah take your time over there.
Starting with the user-interface, most of the top-half
screen is bombarded with advertisements and featured
listings, which obviously the advertisers should pay the discussion board for.

In reality, the very backside of the forum
is what’s extra useful than the top of it.
Show off your successful carded websites with screenshots right
here.To unlock this part with over 5,000+ content and counting every day please improve to VIP.
Grab the newest instruments and programs to assist you card successfully!
To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content material and counting daily please improve
to VIP. Discuss anything related to carding the net,
news, assist, basic discussions.To unlock this section with over a hundred and twenty,000+ content material and counting
daily please improve to VIP.
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0 #341 Cardingfree.us 2022-08-27 05:56
1607 00117 All Of Your Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding On-line Carding Forums

The part also contains news from around the world associated
to hacking so even if you’re not a hacker and aren’t here to buy cards, it
nonetheless can be utilized for educational purposes. The info board obviously contains data and bulletins from the group, though also contains an “Introduction” section where users can introduce themselves to different members of the discussion board.
Do not use something even remotely much like your
real name/address or some other knowledge when signing up
at these boards. Discuss other ways to monetize your
websites and other methods to generate income online.
Post your cracking tutorials and other strategies which you realize, share with Dr.Dark Forum customers.

Sign up for our newsletter and learn how to shield your laptop from threats.

The forum statistics haven’t been mentioned and hence it’s
not clear how many members, posts, threads or messages the Forum consists of.

You can submit or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked different accounts, facebook accounts, credit card, bank account, internet hosting account
and much more all freed from change. Share your cardable websites and it
is strategies on tips on how to card them here.To unlock this
part with over 10,000+ content material and counting every day please upgrade to VIP.
Get the newest carding tutorials and discover methods to card successfully!

So, despite the very fact that it doesn’t
have hundreds of registrations its member count
stands at about 7000. It additionally has a unique, spam-free advert interface, you aren’t bombarded with ads like other boards,
somewhat small tabs containing the ads are animated close to the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.
The forum additionally has a support-staff
which may be reached by way of Jabber. And as for registration, it’s
absolutely free and you can also use your
Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and
hence in case you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market,
the same credentials can be used to login to the discussion board as well.
The forum doesn’t appear to supply an Escrow thread, though the
marketplace does for trades accomplished by way of the marketplace.

Thread which consists of sellers who have been verified by
the forum administration. Hence, buying from these group of distributors on the
forum is most secure. The Unverified advertisements thread is where any user can submit advertisements about his/her merchandise and the forum doesn’t assure safety or legitimacy or those trades/vendors.
These are sometimes the types of trades you need to use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was introduced that six more suspects had been arrested on expenses linked to promoting stolen credit card information, and the identical
seizure discover appeared on more carding boards. Trustworthy
carding boards with good playing cards, and energetic
members are a rarity, and it’s pretty exhausting deciding
on which are the trusted and finest ones out of
the hundreds out there. Russia arrested six folks today, allegedly part of a hacking group concerned within the theft and promoting of stolen credit cards.
CardVilla is a carding forum with ninety two,137 registered members and 19,230 individual messages posted until date.

Latest and greatest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, etc.
discovered and shared by other hackers right here.
Find all the instruments and gear such as backdoors, RATs, trojans and rootkits here.

You must be geared up to gain access to techniques utilizing malware.

To unlock this section with over 70,000+
content and counting day by day please improve to VIP. Carding boards
are web sites used to change info and technical savvy concerning the illicit
trade of stolen credit score or debit card account info.
Now I on no account may declare these to be the ultimate best,
final underground credit card forum , but they sure top the charts
when it comes to a ranking system.
Carding Team is one other forum which although doesn’t boast
millions of customers as some of the different options on this listing do, nonetheless manages to cater to what most customers seek for on such a web site.
” thread which lists numerous ads from vendors who’ve proved their status on the marketplace.

Bottomline, I’ve gone through its posts corresponding to Carding basics, safety suggestions for starters and so forth.
and it seems the people there do know what they’re speaking about, atleast most
of them, so yeah take your time over there. Starting with the
user-interface, most of the top-half display screen is bombarded with advertisements and featured
listings, which clearly the advertisers need to pay the forum for.

In truth, the very bottom of the forum is what’s more helpful than the top
of it.
Show off your successful carded websites with screenshots right here.To unlock this part with over
5,000+ content material and counting every day please improve to VIP.
Grab the latest instruments and programs to assist you card successfully!
To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content and counting day
by day please improve to VIP. Discuss something related to carding the online,
information, assist, basic discussions.To unlock this part with over
one hundred twenty,000+ content material and counting every day please upgrade to VIP.
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0 #365 top cc dump Sites 2022-08-28 01:58
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The part additionally accommodates information from around the world associated to hacking so
even when you’re not a hacker and aren’t right here to buy playing cards, it nonetheless can be used for
academic purposes. The information board clearly incorporates
information and announcements from the staff, although also
includes an “Introduction” part the place users can introduce themselves to different members of the forum.
Do not use something even remotely much like your actual name/address or
some other information when signing up at these forums.
Discuss other ways to monetize your web sites and different ways to earn cash on-line.
Post your cracking tutorials and other methods which you understand, share with Dr.Dark Forum customers.
Sign up for our e-newsletter and learn to protect your laptop from threats.

The forum statistics haven’t been mentioned and hence it’s not
clear what quantity of members, posts, threads or messages the Forum
consists of. You can publish or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked other accounts,
facebook accounts, credit card, bank account, internet
hosting account and far more all freed from change. Share your cardable websites and it's strategies on how to card them here.To unlock this
part with over 10,000+ content and counting daily please upgrade
to VIP. Get the newest carding tutorials and
learn how to card successfully!
So, even though it doesn’t have 1000's of registrations
its member rely stands at about 7000. It also has a novel, spam-free
ad interface, you aren’t bombarded with adverts like other forums, somewhat small
tabs containing the advertisements are animated near the thread names
which isn’t that intrusive. The discussion board also has a support-staff which can be
reached via Jabber. And as for registration, it’s completely free and you can also
use your Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and therefore if you
have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market, the same credentials can be utilized to
login to the discussion board as well. The discussion board doesn’t
seem to offer an Escrow thread, although the marketplace does for
trades done through the market.
Thread which consists of sellers who have been verified by the forum
administration. Hence, shopping for from these group of vendors on the discussion board is safest.
The Unverified adverts thread is where any
user can submit ads about his/her products and the discussion board doesn’t
guarantee safety or legitimacy or those trades/vendors.
These are sometimes the forms of trades you can use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was introduced that six more
suspects had been arrested on expenses linked to promoting stolen bank card information, and the same
seizure notice appeared on more carding forums. Trustworthy carding boards with good playing cards, and lively members are a rarity, and it’s pretty onerous deciding on which are the trusted and greatest ones out of the
tons of available. Russia arrested six people right now,
allegedly part of a hacking group concerned in the theft and selling
of stolen bank cards. CardVilla is a carding forum with ninety two,137 registered members and 19,230 individual messages posted until date.

Latest and best exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, and so on. discovered and shared
by other hackers right here. Find all of the tools and tools
similar to backdoors, RATs, trojans and rootkits right
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0 #367 JosephKak 2022-08-28 04:15
Выбор модели ККТ. В зависимости от ваших потребностей и индивидуальных особенностей открывающегося магазина вы выбираете контрольно-касс овую технику (ККТ). При выборе обратите внимание на главный аспект – занесена ли интересующая вас модель ККТ в государственный реестр. Данный реестр охватывает исключительно ту технику, которая соответствуют требованиям 54-ФЗ. Поэтому выбираем исключительно модели из данного реестра. Что еще следует учитывать на этом этапе: мобильность и пропускную способность ККТ, подключения к Сети, стоимость кассы, способы подключения дополнительного оборудования при необходимости, работа с отдельными видами товаров (алкоголь и проч.), возможность работы с крупными партиями товаров. И только проанализировав все указанные аспекты, можно переходить к покупке ККТ.
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So, even though it doesn’t have hundreds
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The discussion board additionally has a support-staff which could be reached via Jabber.
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lively members are a rarity, and it’s pretty hard deciding on that are the trusted and
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allegedly a half of a hacking group involved within the theft and promoting of stolen bank
cards. CardVilla is a carding discussion board with
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account info. Now I on no account might claim these to be the ultimate best,
ultimate underground credit card forum , however they certain prime the charts in relation to a rating system.

Carding Team is another discussion board which even though doesn’t boast tens of millions of customers as a few
of the other choices on this record do, nonetheless manages to cater to what most users seek for on such a web site.
” thread which lists numerous advertisements from vendors who’ve proved their reputation on the market.
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security suggestions for starters and so on. and it appears the people there do know what they’re talking
about, atleast most of them, so yeah take your time over there.
Starting with the user-interface, a lot of
the top-half screen is bombarded with adverts and featured
listings, which obviously the advertisers have to pay the discussion board for.

In reality, the very backside of the forum is what’s extra helpful
than the top of it.
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0 #382 JosephKak 2022-08-28 16:10
На что следует обратить внимание: Первое и основное – это наличие Оператора в реестре ФНС. В противном случае не заключайте договор с организацией, какие бы привлекательные условия она не предлагала. Второе. Спектр предоставляемых услуг (возможность подключение электронного документооборот а, получение электронной подписи и проч.) и стоимость обслуживания. Третье. Техническая поддержка – ее возможности. Некоторые Операторы предлагают поддержку 24/7 в мобильном приложении. Безусловно, это является дополнительным плюсом. Также следует оценить удобство работы данного приложения и личного кабинета. Наличие ЛК позволяет быстро и качественно контролировать работу кассы.
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And then there was Ted Turner's Cable News Network,
CNN, which flicked on its broadcasters in 1980.
Suddenly, news producers wanted to fill not only one half-hour time slot, but forty eight of these time
slots, day-after-day. Together with Property Key(PK),
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most basic degree, online scheduling is an interface through which a number of events could make appointments or schedule tasks over an Internet connection. The same information junkies who used
to show to 24-hour cable news to get by-the-minute updates have now defected to
the Internet for second-by-secon d information. Interestingly, this culture of
opinionated journalism that now provides the spine of
a cable news station's rankings can also prove to be their downfall.

Friday time slot. The show initially aired on Wednesdays at
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third-party games like "Scribblenauts Unlimited" and "ZombiU,"
and ports of older video games that first appeared on the Xbox 360 and
PS3. Writers also criticized the convoluted switch strategy of unique Wii content material
to the Wii U and the system's backwards compatibility, which launches into "Wii Mode" to play
previous Wii games. As newer and extra memory-intensiv e software program comes
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After it was axed, Cartoon Network revived the grownup cartoon and
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aired the episodes out of order. Fox canceled "Firefly" after
14 episodes have been filmed, however solely eleven were ever aired.
Though high school is often painful, having your present canceled doesn't should be.
The present was canceled regardless of the overwhelming talent within. And the
show was typically so dark. Seems, the little sci-fi show struggling to survive is
definitely struggling no extra. The community wanted more
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married to the pilot, and will never afford to hook up
with the captain. But critics did love "Freaks and Geeks"
at the same time as viewers averted it. But the network
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000. Like on other consoles, those apps might be logged into with an current account and be
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Most London marathoners reap the rewards of their race within the form of a foil blanket,
race medal and finisher's bag, complete with sports
activities drink and a Pink Lady apple. Once
the race is run, marathoners can examine results over a pint at
any of the 81 pubs positioned alongside the course. They check their race outcomes online, fascinated to know how they positioned of
their age categories, but most compete for the enjoyable of it or to lift cash for
charity. Next, let's try an app that is bringing greater than three many
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I have three in use running three separate working methods,
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opponents have made against other products. The very
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The U.S. has resisted the change, making American shoppers and their
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It was about dollars; animation was far cheaper to produce than live
action. Actually buying a motherboard and a case ­along with all of the supporting elements and
assembling the whole thing yourself? And there's one most
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Gordon, Whitson. "What Hardware Upgrade Will Best Speed Up My Pc (If I Can Only Afford One)?" Lifehacker.
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Just as with the arduous drive, you can use any available connector
from the facility provide. If the batteries do run fully out of
juice or in case you remove them, most gadgets have
an inner backup battery that gives quick-time period power (sometimes 30 minutes or less) until you set up a
substitute. More than the rest, the London Marathon is a cracking good time, with many contributors decked out in costume.
Classes can value more than $1,800 and private tutoring may be as much as $6,000.

Like on different consoles, these apps could be logged into with an existing account and
be used to stream movies from these companies.
Videos are additionally saved if the g-sensor senses affect, as with all dash cams.

While the top prizes are substantial, they are not actually progressive jackpots as the name recommend that they is likely to be, but we won’t dwell
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For example, a automobile dealership might enable clients to schedule a service middle
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chip. Not only do many members pledge to boost appreciable funds for a variety of charities, a portion of every runner's entry payment goes to the marathon's own London Marathon Charitable Trust, which has awarded over 33 million pounds ($5.Three million) in grants to
develop British sports and recreational amenities.
These things concentrate the sun's vitality like a complicated magnifying glass
hovering over a poor, defenseless ant on the sidewalk.
Microsoft, Apple and Google have been in some high-profile squabbles through the years.
There have been a few cases where victims had been left on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars and
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Deadlines are a great way that can assist you get stuff performed and crossed
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Aurora slot vehicles could possibly be obtained from on-line websites reminiscent of
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The rationale for this is straightforward : Large carriers, particularly those that promote smartphones or
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After you've got used a hair dryer for a while, you may find a considerable amount of
lint building up on the outside of the display.
Just think about what it could be prefer to haul out poorly labeled packing containers of haphazardly packed holiday supplies in a last-minute try to find what you need.

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The Ceiva body uses an embedded working system referred to as PSOS.

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Men 18-forty should submit a time that's below 3 hours, while girls 18-forty nine must prove that they'll full the race in below three hours, forty five minutes.
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0 #596 Jorgechick 2022-09-01 20:51
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0 #602 Jorgechick 2022-09-01 21:41
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0 #603 Jorgechick 2022-09-01 21:54
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0 #605 TyroneAxord 2022-09-01 22:01
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0 #612 Jorgechick 2022-09-01 22:53
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0 #613 Jorgechick 2022-09-01 23:08
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0 #614 Jorgechick 2022-09-01 23:28
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0 #616 Jorgechick 2022-09-01 23:52
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0 #618 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 00:17
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0 #620 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 00:36
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0 #621 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 00:59
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0 #622 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 01:06
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0 #623 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 01:13
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0 #624 TyroneAxord 2022-09-02 01:46
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0 #628 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 02:32
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0 #629 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 02:36
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0 #630 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 02:46
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0 #631 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 02:49
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In 2006, advertisers spent $280 million on social networks.
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0 #637 Jorgechick 2022-09-02 03:30
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The district, which takes in a heavily Black stretch of North Carolina's rural north in addition to some Raleigh
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● Former Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, who in 2000 grew to
become the primary woman elected to serve as governor of Delaware, has died on the
age of 86. Minner was a legislative staffer when she
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And then there was Ted Turner's Cable News Network,
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At its most primary degree, online scheduling is an interface by which multiple events can make appointments or schedule duties
over an Internet connection. The identical news junkies who used to turn to 24-hour cable news to get by-the-minute updates
have now defected to the Internet for second-by-secon d news.

Interestingly, this tradition of opinionated journalism that now gives the backbone of a cable information station's ratings may also
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NBC moved it to Friday evenings, a virtual death sentence for many Tv

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All of them have dropped Carlson. So, almost 1-in-three ad minutes
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Back at the top of March, "Of the 81 minutes and 15 seconds of Tucker Carlson Tonight advert time from March 25-31, My Pillow made up about 20% of those, Fox News Channel promos had over 5% and Fox Nation had nearly 4%," TVRev reported.
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ATM skimming is like identity theft for debit playing cards: Thieves use hidden electronics to
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State-of-the-art approaches deal with it as a sequence labeling problem and
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bounds edge weights, we may revoke beforehand committed edges.
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Homeland Security officials, all of whom
use the craft of their work. United States Department of Homeland Security.
Several national organizations monitor and regulate private watercraft in the United States.
United States Department of Agriculture. U.S.
Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. The National Association of State Boating Law
Administrators has a complete state-by-state listing of personal-waterc raft
legal guidelines. National Association of State Boating Law
Administrators. Coast Guard. "Boating Statistics - 2003." Pub.

Pub. 7002. Washington DC. Forest Service. "Recreation Statistics Update. Report No. 1. August 2004." Washington DC.
Leeworthy, Dr. Vernon R. National Survey on Recreation and the Environment.
In accidents involving personal watercraft, the most typical trigger of demise is
impression trauma. Not solely can they manage your personal info,
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at this time's gadgets can also connect with the Internet, act as world
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jet can nonetheless trigger harm.
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Apple has deployed out-of-date terminology as a result of the "3.0" bus ought to now be known as "3.2 Gen 1" (up
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PDAs use an LCD (liquid-crystal show) screen. But these dollars don't just go to the moving pictures on display.
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It was stinky, and filthy, and despatched of noxious black clouds
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Fast-forward to July 2010 when Tv critic Alessandra Stanley published a
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One app will get visual that can assist you choose just the proper place to dine.
London is also a superb proving ground for wheelchair athletes, with a $15,
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The Xbox 360 is the primary machine to make use of the sort of
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That works out to greater than eight million Americans in a single year -- and people are just the
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with friends who're also utilizing the app. You can vote whether or not or
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Not only do it's important to deal with the break-in itself,
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forty five minutes.
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set up a alternative. Greater than anything, the London Marathon is a cracking
good time, with many individuals decked out in costume.

Classes can cost greater than $1,800 and private tutoring could
be as a lot as $6,000. Like on different consoles, those apps might
be logged into with an current account and be used to stream videos from those providers.

Videos are also saved if the g-sensor senses impact, as with all dash cams.

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In pay-per-click (PPC) mode (Edelman et al., 2007; Varian, 2007), the platform allocates slots and
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and DVR services. However, during the '60s, most different kids's programming died when animated collection appeared.

For instance, when "30 Rock" received an Emmy for outstanding comedy sequence
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They only did not necessarily see them on the scheduled date.
See extra pictures of automotive devices. Memory is inexpensive nowadays, and more RAM is sort of all the time better.
Rather, they've slower processors, less RAM and storage capability that befits funds-priced machines.
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Fit. Iceland is a superb option if you're part of a vulnerable group, as it's at the moment prioritising deliver
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In fact, many people begin off promoting undesirable stuff
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Cleopatra did like the finest of every thing, and even the lettered and numbered symbols are adorned with jewels, while the scattered image is none aside from the Sphinx itself.
Customer support contracting firms like OutPLEX and
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Though high school is commonly painful, having your present canceled would not must be.
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The district, which takes in a heavily Black stretch of North Carolina's rural north as well as some Raleigh exurbs, would have voted 51-forty
eight for Joe Biden, in comparison with Biden's 54-forty five margin in Butterfield's present district, the 1st.

But the trendlines here have been very unfavorable for Democrats, and Butterfield could very nicely lose in a tricky midterm setting.
Note that the map has been solely renumbered, so we've put together our best
evaluation of the place each present incumbent
may search re-election at this hyperlink, whereas statistics for past elections
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● Former Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, who in 2000 grew to become the primary girl elected
to function governor of Delaware, has died on the age of 86.

Minner was a legislative staffer when she first received a seat within the state House in 1974
as a neighborhood model of that yr's "Watergate babies"-reform- minded Democrats elected within the
wake of Richard Nixon's resignation. GOP lawmakers sought to pack as many Democrats as potential into simply three extremely-Democ ratic districts based
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если являясь молодым, есть еще время для того, чтобы пройти обучение в ВУЗе, то потом, оказывается все на порядок сложнее. во-первых, необходимо свою семью постоянно содержать, а это разумеется стоит недешево, в результате нужно много работать. Времени просто на университет нет. при этом возможно будет быть спецом в своей собственной теме, вот только перейти на хорошую должность без корочки, не выйдет. конечно вам остается 2 варианта: пройти ВУЗ заочно, просто занося деньги или же диплом заказать.
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мы перечислили сегодня только главные проблемы, в случае если требуется диплом, но их на порядок больше.
некоторые думают, что на текущий момент если купить диплом в сети интернет, то в результате получат бумагу, заместо полноценного документа. вполне возможно, если примите решение этот документ заказать на базаре или в метро, вот такое качество, ужасное и будет в итоге. и поэтому надо не торопиться и подобрать надежный онлайн магазин, где можно будет купить диплом.
что же мы можем предоставить собственному клиенту? если решите заказ сделать у нас, то с данным документом сможете пойти в принципе куда угодно, ведь дизайн неотличим окажется от оригинала. в случае если не спеша вы изучите данную сферу, заметите, что на сегодняшний день на всех тематических интернет-форума х имеется веб ссылка на наш онлайн-магазин.
сперва предлагали лишь аттестаты, потому что они куда легче и проще при изготовлении. но с годами старались улучшить качество и смотрели на защищенные модели документов, как например сертификаты и конечно дипломы разнообразных ВУЗов. в общем-то сразу после открытия, приняли решение, что надо большего добиться и предлагать дипломы. вложив огромные средства в оборудование и конечно же профессионалов, добиться сумели потрясающего качества.
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After that, the term "spoiler" began to take root in in style tradition. Due in no small part to cable information, the gap between right and left in American tradition has grown. Alfred
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listening to CDs in your car in the event
you solely have a cassette participant. So listed
below are, in no specific order, the highest 5 choices for playing a CD in your car for
those who only have a cassette-tape participant. Whether you are talking about Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat,
social media is a pattern that is right here to stay. Davila, Damina.
"Baby Boomers Get Connected with Social Media." idaconcpts.
Some kits come complete with a mounting bracket
that lets you fasten your portable CD player securely within your car.
­Perhaps the simplest methodology for listening to a CD participant
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of an FM modulator.
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as a result of it jogs my memory of all the stuff I want to do with it, but cannot.

Since these companies solely depend on having a reliable
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It has not one but two cameras. The G-Slate has two rear-facing
5-megapixel cameras that may work in tandem to seize 3-D, 720-pixel video.
While I've my points with the X1000’s worth and proprietary wiring, it’s unattainable to fault its
front video. There’s no arguing the standard of the
X1000’s entrance video captures-they’r e pretty much as good as anything we’ve seen at 1440p.
It’s additionally versatile with both GPS and
radar choices and the touch display makes it exceptionally nice and
straightforward to make use of. But the night time video is
the real eye-popper. Rear evening captures aren’t pretty much as good as those from the forward digicam either,
though they’re still usable. The Wii U helps video chatting (helpful when your controller has a built-in digital camera and display!), and Nintendo goals to take Miiverse beyond its own video recreation console.
That cab be remedied by extra careful placement of the rear camera.
The refreshed S17’s design now sees the case raise up 12 mm behind the keyboard if you open the lid, still affording additional
air to the two Arc Flow fans, whereas the keyboard itself - now
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The Vizio tablet runs Android apps, which are available
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Simple actions like making lists, setting deadlines and choosing the proper storage containers may
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Newer hair dryers have integrated some expertise from the clothes dryer: a removable lint display screen that's simpler
to clean. The tablets are also compatible with a full wireless keyboard, which is
infinitely simpler to use than a contact screen for composing documents and lengthy e-mails.
Acer acknowledges this development by positioning its Iconia tablets as best for multitasking and pairing with equipment
designed for gaming, working or viewing content. While it is
still early in the game, the Acer Iconia pill, though
not yet a family identify, appears to be like to be off to a good begin. Portnoy, Sean. "Acer Iconia Tab W500 tablet Pc operating Windows 7 accessible beginning at $549.99." ZDNet.
Hiner, Jason. "The 10 hottest tablets coming in 2011." ZDNet.

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The stolen automobile help system uses OnStar's present
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In science and medical, the OmniPod insulin delivery system took the gold.
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notification, fingers-free calling, remote diagnostics
and different companies. If someone swipes your car,
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Don't screw them in too tightly -- they only should be snug.

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GE constructed an evaporator and compressor into the electric water
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No state has seen extra litigation over redistricting prior to now decade than North Carolina,
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the legislative maps. Two lawsuits have already been filed on this subject.
The congressional plan preserves the state's current delegation-whic h sends six Republicans and one Democrat to Congress-by leaving in place just a single Black
district, the seventh. Alabama may, however, simply create a second district the place Black voters would be capable to
elect their most popular candidates, given that African Americans make up almost two-sevenths of
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Phil Murphy. But essentially the most salient consider Sweeney's defeat
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Just a few hundred dollars spent on digital tuning may give the same
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For years, researchers have been attempting to figure out how one can develop
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It appears to be merely a circle on a brief base.
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Note that the Aivo View is one more dash cam that can’t
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Что такое гибкие кабели?
Самый простой кабель - это одножильный провод с пластиковой оболочкой.
Он может гнуться и сохраняет этот изгиб - если вы не делаете это слишком часто, потому что иначе провод ломается.
Такие простые кабели используются в домашних установках.
После установки кабель остается нетронутым в течение десятилетий.
Такие твердые провода не подходят для многих других применений, где кабели должны быть гибкими и эластичными.
Здесь проводники в жилах состоят из нитей - пучков тонких проволок, которые можно сгибать миллионы раз, в зависимости от конструкции, не ломая и не теряя свойств тока или передачи данных.
Одно из самых неприятных мест для кабеля - тяговая цепь. Здесь кабели питания, сервопривода и передачи данных расположены близко друг к другу и перемещаются вперед-назад по мере работы машины.
Иногда со скоростью более пяти метров в секунду с ускорением, превышающим ускорение силы тяжести более чем в пять раз.
Кабели проложены в тяговой цепи таким образом, что они изгибаются только в одном направлении.
КГ 2х1,5-1
0 #1486 Brianscumb 2022-09-23 08:36
0 #1487 heathScach 2022-09-23 09:31
На сайте https://www.rwd.kz/ вы сможете заказать установку пластиковых окон, витражей, дверей, а также панорамное остекление, двери гармошки и многое другое. Важным нюансом является то, что компания сама производит конструкции, а потому контролирует процесс на каждом этапе. Это и позволяет получить необходимый результат. При этом установлены приемлемые цены на окна, монтаж. На все работы действуют гарантии, а продукция является сертифицированн ой. При производстве изделий используются дорогостоящие материалы.
0 #1488 RobertNig 2022-09-23 11:10
0 #1489 sell cc dumps 2022-09-23 11:25
1607 00117 All Your Playing Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding Online Carding Boards

The part additionally contains news from around the globe associated to hacking so even if you’re not a hacker and aren’t here to purchase cards, it nonetheless can be utilized for educational purposes.
The data board clearly incorporates info and bulletins from the group,
though additionally includes an “Introduction”
part where users can introduce themselves to other members of the forum.

Do not use something even remotely much like your real name/address or
another information when signing up at these boards.

Discuss different ways to monetize your web sites and different ways to make
money online. Post your cracking tutorials and other strategies which you understand, share with Dr.Dark Forum customers.

Sign up for our e-newsletter and learn to defend
your pc from threats.
The discussion board statistics haven’t been mentioned
and hence it’s not clear how many members, posts, threads or messages the Forum consists
of. You can post or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked different accounts,
facebook accounts, credit card, checking account, internet
hosting account and far more all free of change.
Share your cardable web sites and it's strategies on tips on how to card them right here.To unlock this
part with over 10,000+ content and counting day by day please improve to VIP.
Get the most recent carding tutorials and learn how to card successfully!

So, even though it doesn’t have 1000's of registrations its member depend stands
at about 7000. It also has a singular, spam-free ad interface,
you aren’t bombarded with advertisements like different
boards, somewhat small tabs containing the adverts are
animated close to the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.

The discussion board additionally has a support-staff which
could be reached through Jabber. And as for registration, it’s completely free and you may also use your Google+ account to
login. Although it requires no separate registration and
therefore when you have your accounts on A-Z World
Darknet Market, the same credentials can be utilized
to login to the discussion board as properly. The discussion board doesn’t seem to supply an Escrow
thread, although the marketplace does for
trades carried out by way of the market.
Thread which consists of sellers who've been verified by the forum administration. Hence, shopping for
from these group of vendors on the forum is most secure.
The Unverified ads thread is where any user can submit advertisements about his/her products and the forum doesn’t guarantee
security or legitimacy or those trades/vendors. These are usually the forms of
trades you can use the Escrow with.
A few days later, it was introduced that six extra suspects had been arrested on costs linked to selling stolen credit card
info, and the identical seizure discover appeared on more carding forums.
Trustworthy carding boards with good cards, and energetic members are a rarity,
and it’s pretty hard deciding on that are the trusted and finest ones out of the lots of out there.

Russia arrested six folks today, allegedly part of a
hacking group concerned in the theft and selling of stolen credit cards.
CardVilla is a carding discussion board with 92,137 registered members and 19,230 individual messages posted till date.

Latest and best exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, and so forth.

discovered and shared by different hackers here.
Find all the tools and equipment such as backdoors, RATs, trojans and
rootkits right here. You have to be equipped to achieve entry to methods using malware.

To unlock this section with over 70,000+ content material and counting daily please improve to VIP.
Carding boards are web sites used to exchange information and technical savvy in regards to the illicit commerce of stolen credit score or debit card account data.
Now I certainly not may declare these to be the ultimate finest, ultimate
underground credit card forum , but they positive prime the charts in relation to a rating system.

Carding Team is another forum which even though doesn’t boast hundreds of thousands of users as a number of
the other choices on this list do, nonetheless manages to cater
to what most customers seek for on such a web site. ” thread which lists a quantity of
adverts from vendors who’ve proved their reputation on the marketplace.
Bottomline, I’ve gone through its posts such as Carding
basics, security ideas for starters etc. and it appears the people there do know what they’re speaking about, atleast most of
them, so yeah take your time over there. Starting with the user-interface, a lot of the
top-half screen is bombarded with advertisements and featured
listings, which obviously the advertisers should pay the discussion board for.

In truth, the very bottom of the forum is what’s more useful than the highest of it.

Show off your successful carded web sites with screenshots here.To unlock
this part with over 5,000+ content and counting day by day please upgrade to VIP.
Grab the latest tools and programs to assist you card successfully!
To unlock this part with over 50,000+ content material and counting every day please improve to
VIP. Discuss anything associated to carding the net, information, help, basic discussions.To unlock this section with over
a hundred and twenty,000+ content material and
counting day by day please upgrade to VIP.
0 #1490 Brianscumb 2022-09-23 11:52
0 #1491 RobertNig 2022-09-23 12:00
0 #1492 Arthurpywob 2022-09-23 13:48
0 #1493 ad.Gedamarket.com 2022-09-23 13:53
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0 #1495 Arthurpywob 2022-09-23 14:45
0 #1496 RonaldMah 2022-09-23 15:17
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0 #1497 best cvv sites 2022-09-23 16:12
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----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,7 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per
- US VISA CARD = $3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US AMEX CARD = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US DISCOVER CARD = $3,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $12 per 1).

- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30 per 1).

***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3
per 1).
- UK MASTER CARD = $3,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK VISA CARD = $3,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK AMEX CARD = $4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per

- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22 per 1).

- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).
- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
0 #1498 เว็บบทความ 2022-09-23 18:04
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0 #1499 lidorpeAms 2022-09-23 18:26
Илья Юрьев предлагает сыграть в интересную и увлекательную игру под названием «Мафия для взрослых». На сайте https://mafia-spb.ru/mafiya-dlya-vzroslyx/ ознакомьтесь с расценками и закажите праздник, о котором вы давно мечтали. Его по достоинству оценят как взрослые, так и дети, которые жаждут новых приключений, ярких эмоций и драйва. Импозантный, харизматичный и энергичный ведущий проведет мероприятие виртуозно и с особым шиком. При этом на празднике может присутствовать и фотограф, который запечатлеет самые интересные моменты.
0 #1500 Cardinfree-us 2022-09-23 19:15
1607 00117 All Your Playing Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding On-line Carding Boards

The section additionally incorporates information from around the globe
associated to hacking so even if you’re not a hacker and
aren’t here to buy cards, it nonetheless can be used for instructional
functions. The data board clearly contains data and bulletins from the staff, though additionally
contains an “Introduction” part the place customers
can introduce themselves to different members of the
discussion board. Do not use something even remotely just like your actual name/address or another knowledge when signing up at these boards.
Discuss alternative ways to monetize your web sites and different methods to
earn cash online. Post your cracking tutorials and other methods
which you understand, share with Dr.Dark Forum users.
Sign up for our newsletter and learn to defend your computer from threats.

The discussion board statistics haven’t been talked about and therefore it’s not clear what number of members, posts, threads or messages the Forum
consists of. You can publish or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked other accounts, facebook accounts, credit card, checking account, internet hosting account
and far more all freed from change. Share your cardable web sites and it is strategies on how to card
them here.To unlock this part with over 10,000+ content and counting daily please improve to VIP.
Get the latest carding tutorials and learn how to card successfully!

So, despite the fact that it doesn’t have thousands of registrations
its member rely stands at about 7000. It also has a unique, spam-free advert interface,
you aren’t bombarded with adverts like other
forums, quite small tabs containing the advertisements are animated near the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.
The forum additionally has a support-staff which could be reached through Jabber.

And as for registration, it’s absolutely free and you can also use your Google+ account to
login. Although it requires no separate registration and hence if
you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market, the identical credentials can be used to login to
the discussion board as nicely. The discussion board doesn’t appear to offer an Escrow
thread, though the market does for trades accomplished by way of the marketplace.

Thread which consists of sellers who have been verified by the discussion board administration. Hence, shopping for from these group of vendors on the forum is most secure.
The Unverified ads thread is the place any person can post adverts about his/her merchandise and the forum
doesn’t assure safety or legitimacy or these trades/vendors.
These are typically the kinds of trades you can use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was announced that six extra suspects
had been arrested on costs linked to promoting stolen credit card information, and the
same seizure notice appeared on extra carding forums. Trustworthy carding forums with
good playing cards, and lively members are a rarity, and it’s fairly hard deciding on which are the trusted and best ones out of the tons of
out there. Russia arrested six individuals at present, allegedly a part of
a hacking group concerned within the theft and selling of stolen credit cards.
CardVilla is a carding discussion board with 92,137 registered members and 19,230 particular person messages posted
until date.
Latest and best exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, etc.
discovered and shared by other hackers right here.
Find all the tools and gear similar to backdoors, RATs, trojans and rootkits right here.
You have to be geared up to achieve entry to techniques utilizing malware.

To unlock this section with over 70,000+ content
and counting day by day please improve to VIP. Carding boards are websites used to
change information and technical savvy in regards
to the illicit commerce of stolen credit score or debit card account info.
Now I by no means could declare these to be the final word best, ultimate underground credit card forum ,
but they positive prime the charts in relation to a ranking system.

Carding Team is one other discussion board which although doesn’t boast hundreds of
thousands of customers as a number of the different options on this
record do, still manages to cater to what most customers look
for on such a site. ” thread which lists numerous advertisements from vendors
who’ve proved their reputation on the marketplace. Bottomline, I’ve gone by way of its posts similar
to Carding basics, security tips for starters and so on. and it appears
the people there do know what they’re speaking about, atleast
most of them, so yeah take your time over there. Starting with the user-interface, most of
the top-half display is bombarded with ads and featured listings, which clearly
the advertisers have to pay the forum for.
In fact, the very bottom of the forum is what’s more useful than the highest of
Show off your successful carded web sites with screenshots right here.To unlock this
section with over 5,000+ content material and counting daily please improve
to VIP. Grab the latest instruments and programs
that can help you card successfully! To unlock this part with over
50,000+ content and counting every day please upgrade to VIP.
Discuss anything related to carding the web, news, assist, basic discussions.To unlock this section with
over one hundred twenty,000+ content and counting every day please improve to VIP.
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0 #1503 Burton 2022-09-23 21:20
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----- HERE COMES THE PRICE LIST -----------
***** CCV US:
- US MASTER CARD = $2,3 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- US VISA CARD = $2,1 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US AMEX CARD = $2,1 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- US DISCOVER CARD = $2,5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3.5 per 1).

- US CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $12 per 1).

- US FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $30 per 1).

***** CCV UK:
- UK CARD NORMAL = $2,8 per 1 (buy >5 with price $3 per 1).

- UK MASTER CARD = $2,4 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5
per 1).
- UK VISA CARD = $2,6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $2.5 per 1).

- UK AMEX CARD = $2,2 per 1 (buy >5 with price $4 per

- UK CARD WITH DOB = $15 per 1 (buy >5 with price $14 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN = $10 per 1 (buy >5 with price $9 per 1).

- UK WITH BIN WITH DOB = $25 per 1 (buy >20 with price $22 per 1).

- UK FULLZ INFO = $40 per 1 (buy >10 with price $35 per 1).

***** CCV AU:
- AU MASTER CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU VISA CARD = $5.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- AU AMEX CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

- AU DISCOVER CARD = $8.5 per 1 (buy >5 with price $8 per 1).

***** CCV CA:
- CA MASTER CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA CARD = $6 per 1 (buy >5 with price $5 per 1).

- CA VISA BUSINESS = $14 per 1 (buy >5 with price $13 per 1).
0 #1505 wu transfer Forum 2022-09-23 22:15
1607 00117 All Of Your Playing Cards Are Belong To Us:
Understanding On-line Carding Forums

The section also contains news from around the world related to hacking so even if you’re not
a hacker and aren’t here to purchase playing
cards, it still can be used for instructional purposes.
The info board clearly contains data and announcements from the team, though additionally contains an “Introduction” part where users can introduce themselves
to other members of the forum. Do not use something even remotely similar to your actual name/address or another data when signing up at these
boards. Discuss other ways to monetize your websites and different ways to earn cash online.
Post your cracking tutorials and different strategies which you understand,
share with Dr.Dark Forum users. Sign up for our publication and learn to
shield your laptop from threats.
The discussion board statistics haven’t been talked about and
therefore it’s not clear what number of members, posts, threads or
messages the Forum consists of. You can post or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked different accounts, facebook accounts, credit card, bank account, internet
hosting account and far more all freed from change.

Share your cardable websites and it's strategies on tips on how to card them right here.To
unlock this section with over 10,000+ content material and counting day by day please improve
to VIP. Get the newest carding tutorials and learn to
card successfully!
So, even though it doesn’t have hundreds of registrations its member depend stands at about 7000.
It additionally has a singular, spam-free ad interface, you aren’t bombarded with
adverts like different forums, rather small tabs containing the adverts are animated close to
the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.
The forum also has a support-staff which can be reached via Jabber.
And as for registration, it’s completely free and you can even use
your Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and therefore
if you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market, the same credentials can be utilized to login to the forum as well.
The discussion board doesn’t appear to offer an Escrow thread, although
the marketplace does for trades accomplished via the market.

Thread which consists of sellers who have been verified by the discussion board administration. Hence,
shopping for from these group of distributors on the discussion board is safest.
The Unverified advertisements thread is the place any person can submit advertisements about his/her merchandise
and the discussion board doesn’t guarantee safety or legitimacy or those trades/vendors.
These are sometimes the forms of trades you ought to use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was introduced that six extra suspects had been arrested on charges linked to selling stolen bank card data, and the same seizure discover appeared on more carding forums.

Trustworthy carding boards with good cards, and
energetic members are a rarity, and it’s fairly hard
deciding on which are the trusted and finest ones out of the
lots of obtainable. Russia arrested six individuals at present, allegedly a part of a hacking
group concerned in the theft and promoting of stolen credit cards.
CardVilla is a carding discussion board with 92,137
registered members and 19,230 particular person messages posted till date.

Latest and finest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, and so forth.
discovered and shared by different hackers right here.

Find all the instruments and equipment such as backdoors, RATs, trojans and rootkits here.

You must be outfitted to realize entry to methods using malware.

To unlock this section with over 70,000+ content
material and counting daily please upgrade to VIP. Carding boards
are web sites used to trade information and technical savvy about the illicit trade of stolen credit score or debit card account information.
Now I by no means could declare these to be the last word finest, final underground bank card forum , but
they certain top the charts in phrases of a
rating system.
Carding Team is another discussion board which although doesn’t boast
millions of customers as a variety of the other choices on this record do, nonetheless manages to cater to what most users search for on such a site.
” thread which lists numerous advertisements
from vendors who’ve proved their reputation on the marketplace.
Bottomline, I’ve gone by way of its posts such as Carding basics,
security tips for starters and so on. and it appears the individuals there do know what
they’re speaking about, atleast most of them,
so yeah take your time over there. Starting with the user-interface, most of
the top-half screen is bombarded with adverts and featured listings, which clearly the advertisers
should pay the forum for. In reality, the very bottom of the discussion board
is what’s more helpful than the top of it.
Show off your successful carded web sites with screenshots here.To unlock this
section with over 5,000+ content and counting
every day please improve to VIP. Grab the newest tools and programs to assist you card successfully!
To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content and counting daily please upgrade to VIP.
Discuss something associated to carding the net, news, support, general discussions.To
unlock this section with over 120,000+ content material and counting day by day please improve to VIP.
0 #1506 RonaldMah 2022-09-23 23:48
две матери сухомлинский
0 #1507 Articles 2022-09-24 03:04
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0 #1508 Claire 2022-09-24 04:02
There used to be a LHE game in the alcove
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0 #1509 House Of Cards Dumps 2022-09-24 04:25
1607 00117 All Your Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding Online Carding Boards

The section additionally incorporates information from around the
world related to hacking so even when you’re not a hacker and aren’t right here to
buy playing cards, it still can be used for academic functions.

The information board obviously contains information and bulletins from the group, although additionally contains
an “Introduction” part the place users can introduce
themselves to other members of the discussion board.
Do not use something even remotely just like your real name/address or
some other knowledge when signing up at these
forums. Discuss different ways to monetize your websites
and different methods to earn cash online.
Post your cracking tutorials and other methods which you
understand, share with Dr.Dark Forum users. Sign up for our
publication and learn to protect your computer from threats.

The discussion board statistics haven’t been talked about and therefore it’s not clear how many members, posts, threads or messages the Forum consists of.
You can post or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked different
accounts, facebook accounts, bank card, bank account,
internet hosting account and rather more all freed from change.
Share your cardable websites and it is methods on how
to card them right here.To unlock this part with over 10,000+ content material and counting daily please upgrade to VIP.

Get the most recent carding tutorials and learn to card successfully!

So, despite the precise fact that it doesn’t have thousands of registrations its member depend
stands at about 7000. It additionally has a unique, spam-free advert interface, you
aren’t bombarded with advertisements like different forums,
quite small tabs containing the adverts are animated near the thread names which
isn’t that intrusive. The forum additionally has a support-staff
which may be reached through Jabber. And as for registration,
it’s completely free and you can also use your Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and hence
when you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market, the same credentials can be used to login to the forum as well.
The discussion board doesn’t seem to supply an Escrow thread,
though the market does for trades done via the marketplace.

Thread which consists of sellers who've been verified by the forum administration. Hence, buying from these group of distributors on the discussion board is most secure.
The Unverified advertisements thread is the place any consumer can submit advertisements about his/her products and the forum doesn’t guarantee safety
or legitimacy or these trades/vendors. These are usually the forms of trades
you can use the Escrow with.
A few days later, it was announced that six more suspects had been arrested on charges linked to promoting stolen credit
card information, and the same seizure discover appeared on extra carding
boards. Trustworthy carding forums with good playing cards, and lively members are a
rarity, and it’s fairly exhausting deciding on which are the trusted and
finest ones out of the tons of available. Russia arrested six folks right now, allegedly
part of a hacking group concerned within the theft and selling
of stolen credit cards. CardVilla is a carding discussion board with 92,137
registered members and 19,230 particular person messages posted till
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In relation to recycled-object crafting, compact discs have lots going for them.
As a shopper, you still have to choose wisely and spend fastidiously, however the top results of Android's recognition is a brand new vary of merchandise and much more
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In fact, many WIi U games, together with Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros U,
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and ports of older games that first appeared on the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Writers additionally criticized the convoluted transfer strategy of original Wii
content material to the Wii U and the system's backwards compatibility, which launches into "Wii Mode" to play old Wii video games.
As newer and more reminiscence-in tensive software program comes out,
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For example, better out-of-order-ex ecution, which makes pc processors more
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Apple has deployed out-of-date terminology as a result of
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Developer Max Clark has now formally announced Flock of Dogs, a 1 - 8 participant online /
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The specific software program you select comes down to personal preference and the operating system in your DVR laptop.

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не считая комфорта для заказчика, необходимо также назначать выгодные расценки, так как зачастую это основной параметр. Хотя заметим, в том случае, если говорить о рынке высокозащищенны х документов, важнее конечно качество, а стоимость не столь важна. хотелось бы сказать что-то по этому поводу, похвастаться, однако к сожалению просто нечем, поскольку на сегодняшний момент, деятельность наша направлена на лишь на производство высококачествен ного диплома, ну а это огромные траты. прежде всего, требуется дорогая профессиональна я техника, разнообразные материалы, которые занимают, кстати говоря, большую часть цены диплома. можно будет еще сказать про спецов, которым надо платить хорошо. возможно будет разумеется нанять на работу студентов, но качество окажется плохим. такие сотрудники в большинстве своем устраиваются в фирмы, которые делают мед справки, ведь там особых знаний не потребуется. нужно будет только жать на кнопки принтера и обрабатывать заказы. но если детально изучите данную сферу, увидите, на текущий день только мы предлагаем отличное качество по адекватной цене.
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можно будет долго рассуждать, благодаря чему какие-либо интернет-магази ны , либо площадки сумели добиться хорошей популярности, ну а другие просто закрылись. тем не менее в случае если говорить вкратце, то многое значит правильное обслуживание, цены, качество и разумеется каталог!
Мы прекрасно знаем, что рынок дипломов и других документов, вызывает много вопросов у клиентов, которые желают купить диплом. так бывает, что люди сами не понимают, какой диплом требуется для них. и поэтому мы решились разработать профессиональну ю тех-поддержку, куда покупатель сможет обратиться.
не стоит недооценивать скорость в работе, так как диплом вполне может понадобиться срочно. естественно, в том случае, если требуется мед справка, ее возможно будет сделать за пол минуты. производство качественного диплома время займет. вот только все-равно, в случае если возможно, нужно использовать услугу срочности. в том случае, если говорить о нашем интернет магазине, где можно будет прямо сейчас купить диплом, то мастера готовы сделать заказ за 1 день. необходимо заметить, что подобная услуга выручила уже многих покупателей, когда они оказались в сложной ситуации. порою возникает хорошая вакансия и успеть надо отправить свою собственную заявку. Сделать же это без диплома невозможно. может его вы потеряли или же попросту испортили. как выход? перейти в наш магазин и запросить срочное производство, в чем естественно готовы вам помочь.
пытаясь стать лучшими в собственной теме, нужно обратить на еще один момент внимание - доставку! можем предложить своим покупателям, желающим купить диплом бесплатную доставку по России. Главное будет определить вариант доставки, потому что имеются платные варианты. про это узнаете вы на веб сайте онлайн магазина или отправив запрос оператору. рекомендуем выбрать доставку курьером. кроме этого готовы предложить почтовую доставку. сможем выслушать и ваши варианты, просто напишите менеджеру, в том случае, если есть какие-то вопросы.
не считая комфорта для покупателя, надо также выставлять выгодные расценки, так как зачастую это основной параметр. Хотя поясним, в том случае, если говорить про рынок высокозащищенны х документов, важнее всего естественно качество, ну а стоимость на втором месте. хотелось бы сказать что-то по такому поводу, похвалиться, однако к сожалению нечем, поскольку на текущий момент, наша работа направлена на лишь на создание высококачествен ного диплома, а это высокие траты. прежде всего, нужна дорогая профессиональна я техника, самые разные расходные материалы, занимающие, кстати говоря, большую часть стоимости диплома. возможно сказать про специалистов, которым надо платить много. можно будет конечно пригласить студентов, однако качество будет ужасным. такие работники зачастую устраиваются в компании, что делают справки, потому как там особых знаний не требуется. необходимо будет лишь нажимать на кнопки принтера и заказы обрабатывать. но в случае если подробным образом изучите подобную сферу, узнаете, на текущий момент лишь мы предлагаем отличное качество по адекватной цене.
0 #1581 Francisnough 2022-09-27 08:50
для чего приобретать в наше время аттестат или диплом?
в наше время многие вместо университета идут сразу работать напрямую по необходимому направлению, так как они знают, что можно работать, нарабатывая опыт, после же попросту купить диплом. Давайте рассмотрим этот момент немного детальнее, и адекватное ли это решение на сегодняшний день.
так например, вы приняли решение отправиться учится, подобрали необходимый вам университет, с успехом поступили, далее 5 лет потеряли на учебу, в конце концов вы заслужили корочку. придя на собеседование, вам сообщают то, что могут вас принять только как помощником специалиста, естественно вы будете удивлены, а кроме того будет вполне логичный вопрос - "Почему?". принимающие вам объяснят то, что нет опыта и навыков, лишь теория. заметим, что услышите такое везде абсолютно, в любой сфере, но в том случае, если бы вы сразу пошли работать по профилю, тогда за потерянные годы на учебу, умений и опыта было достаточно. и поэтому надо подобрать заранее надежный онлайн магазин, в котором вы будете способны купить диплом. Согласитесь, это в разы проще и лучше, вы ведь сможете понять все тонкости и нюансы в подобранной вами сфере.
В данном обзоре познакомим вас с качественным производителем корочек. Мы сможем посоветовать хороший онлайн-магазин с широким выбором разнообразных диплом об окончании. нужен документ советского союза или же современного формата? представленная компания сумела получить примеры за прошлые года. на интернет-сайте размещен прайс лист, вы можете посмотреть цены корочек изготовленных на ГОЗНАКе и на типографских бланках. конечно расценки очень сильно будут отличаться. потому как один экземпляр бланка ГОЗНАК будет стоить около двух тысяч рублей, это не смотря на цену работы мастеров, а так же очень дорогостоящий спец краски, которая потребуется конечно же.
При старте эта компания инвестировала более 2-х миллионов руб в приобретение спец станков. за счет этого на сегодняшний момент они могут работать с типографскими и ГОЗНАК бланками.
сейчас немало фирм, что не сумеют предложить высокое качество корочек, либо вовсе являются аферистами, которые просто напросто просят полную предоплату, ну а по итогу исчезают. более того, заметим, мошенники предлагают доставку почтой РФ, потому как вы не сможете посмотреть на качество диплома и аттестата, не оплатив сперва всю его стоимость. Чтобы защититься от таких мошенников в случае если планируете купить диплом, порекомендуем вам почитать спец-форумы, где возможно увидеть разные компании, а кроме этого отзывы и комментарии про них. вы главное помните, выбирайте всегда курьерскую доставку, это даст вам возможность перед оплатой проверить качество заказанного документа. советуем с собой взять также УФ фонарь. представленный нами интернет-магази н для комфорта вашего предоставляет разные варианты по доставке:
- Почтой РФ. В любую абсолютно точку РФ способны доставить документ.
- Курьером. этот вариант возможен в крупных городах страны нашей, оплата при получении.
- Поездом. применяют реже других, вот только он быстрее доставит, чем почта России.
порекомендуем прочитать отзывы и комментарии на спец форуме или же написать оператору на сайте, он готов дать ответы на появившиеся вопросы.
0 #1582 สั่ง พวงหรีด 2022-09-27 09:11
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0 #1583 MorrisGob 2022-09-27 11:31

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0 #1588 sarqusnale 2022-09-27 16:41
Компания «Heavens Home» предлагает приобрести комфортабельные , просторные квартиры в Турции «под ключ» и у моря. На сайте https://heavenshome.ru/ представлены все доступные варианты, которые могут вас заинтересовать, и по небольшой стоимости. Можно сделать приобретение в рассрочку до 18 месяцев. При желании каждый клиент получает возможность записаться на онлайн-тур. Компания находится на рынке недвижимости, начиная с 2013 года, а потому точно знает, что предложить самому взыскательному клиенту.
0 #1589 RobertSam 2022-09-27 16:45
ООО «Кит ломбард» ОГРН 1225900012216 от 29 июня 2022 г.ИНН 5906173530 КПП 590601001 Юридический адрес 614014, Пермский край, г Пермь, ул Восстания, д. 8, офис 1
Генеральный директор Погожев Сергей Владимирович
Раньше был нормальный ломбард, но сейчас лучше не связываться если не хотите потерять свои деньги и вещи, есть сайт http://kit-lombard.ru/ сейчас ведут деятельность через VK https://vk.com/lombard.kit.perm и Авито.
Они реально цену занижают - стараются выкупить изделие как имеющее более низкую пробу, чем на нем указано на изделии.
Утром позвонила, сказали стоимость скупки 2500 за грамм, приехала туда, оценила в 1100 руб, думает мадам, что с умственно отсталой разговаривает, говорит ценник упал. Пипец разводилы.
По вещам такая же пытаются обмануть.
Очень занижают стоимость изделия - новую шубу из магазина оценили в несколько процентов от реальной стоимости, плюс ещё хотел удержать страховку 21%. Просто по грабительски оценивают. Причем предварительная оценка по фото была в два раза выше. Я бы не поехала в этот ломбард, если бы знала, что реально дадут 3 копейки за новую дорогую вещь. Так что не доверяйте предварительной оценке – это все обман и разводилово! Дадут вам 30% от стоимости и не факт что вернут. Только время зря потеряла.
Никогда не берите у них деньги. Они потом три шкуры сдерут. Еще страховку возьмут, которая клиенту вообще не нужна. Конченное место.
Будьте осторожны.
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0 #1591 Francisnough 2022-09-27 17:04
зачем заказывать сейчас аттестат или диплом?
в наше время многие вместо учебы направляются сразу работать напрямую по необходимому профилю, поскольку они знают, что возможно приступить к работе, получая опыт, ну а после просто напросто купить диплом. Итак, рассмотрим такой момент более подробно, и правильное это решение на сегодняшний день.
так к примеру, вы решили пойти учится, выбрали необходимый вам универ, с успехом поступили, далее пять лет потеряли на обучение, в итоге вы заслужили диплом ВУЗа. придя на собеседование, вам объясняют то, что готовы вас взять только младшим помощником специалиста, конечно же будете возмущены, а кроме того появится вопрос - "Почему так?". отдел кадров объяснят вам, что нет у вас навыков и опыта, только лишь теория. поясним то, что так будет везде абсолютно, в любой области, вот только в случае если бы вы сразу же отправились работать по выбранному профилю, тогда за впустую потраченные годы на обучение, умений и опыта достаточно было. поэтому нужно заранее найти честный онлайн магазин, где вы сможете купить диплом. Согласитесь, это куда лучше и проще, ведь вы сможете узнать все нюансы и тонкости в подобранной вами области.
В данном обзоре вас познакомим с честным изготовителем дипломов. Мы можем посоветовать хороший онлайн магазин с огромным выбором разных диплом об образовании. нужен документ времен союза или новый? данная фирма смогла достать эскизы за все года. у них на веб-сайте есть прайс лист, вы сумеете просмотреть стоимость корочек произведенных на типографских и на ГОЗНАК бланках. естественно расценки будут очень отличаться. один только экземпляр бланка ГОЗНАК будет стоить в районе 2000 руб, это не считая стоимости работы спецов, а так же дорогостоящий краски, которая понадобится естественно.
в свое время данная фирма вложила свыше 2 миллионов рублей в закупку специальных станков. тем самым на текущий день они могут работать с типографскими, а кроме того ГОЗНАК бланками.
в наше время много компаний, которые не смогут предложить должное качество документов или же вообще окажутся аферистами, что просто требуют полную предоплату, ну а в результате исчезают. Кроме этого отметим, аферисты предлагают доставку почтой России, ведь вы не можете посмотреть на качество аттестата и диплома, не заплатив сначала всю цену. для того, чтобы защититься от этих аферистов в случае если планируете купить диплом, рекомендуем вам прочитать профильные форумы, в которых можно будет увидеть разнообразные компании, а кроме того отзывы касательно них. самое главное помните, выбирайте всегда доставку курьером, поскольку это позволит вам перед оплатой оценить качество купленного документа об образовании. советуем взять вам также ультрафиолетовы й фонарик. данный онлайн-магазин для удобства вашего предлагает разнообразные виды по доставке:
- Почтой. В любую точку России способны доставить документ.
- При помощи курьера. этот вариант возможен в крупных городах страны нашей, оплата при получении.
- Проводником поезда. его используют намного реже остальных, вот только он побыстрее доставит, чем почта РФ.
рекомендуем прочитать отзывы на форуме или написать менеджеру на сайте, он готов вам дать ответы на появившиеся вопросы.
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Known merely because the "daisy advert," the minute-long slot was created by the
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It begins with a little bit lady counting petals on a daisy,
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The U.S. has resisted the swap, making American consumers and
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cards is as a result of they require a 4-digit PIN for authorization. But enchancment might be modest if you are not a energy-consumer or you already had a decent amount of
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The Zephyrus S17 has a big 4 cell, 90WHr battery. Four
tweeters are situated underneath the keyboard while the
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above in terms of graphics efficiency, with the excessive frame charges equating to a
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Because the Xbox 360 cores can every handle two threads at a time, the 360 CPU is the equal of having six typical processors
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and then render it in actual time, is extraordinary.
Southern California artist Cosmo Wenman has
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based upon plans normal from a whole lot of pictures that
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заметим, что регулярно наши покупатели делают повторный заказ и опять платят деньги. причем прекрасно они осознают, что сами ошиблись, мы итак назначали цену близкую к себестоимости, поэтому скидку сделать не сможем. если рассчитываете избежать переплаты - не спешите, так как и минимальная ошибка потребует создание нового документа, соответственно и доп трат. поясним, что в том случае, если вы покупаете дешевый диплом, то в общем-то ничего страшного, стоимость будет минимальной. тем не менее в случае если обращаетесь к специалистам, которые делают печать на типографии или ГОЗНАКе, затраты будут намного больше.
большинство клиентов нашего магазина выкладывают положительные отзывы в сети интернет, где зачастую отмечают профессионализм тех поддержки. в том случае, если при оформлении данных появятся какие-то вопросы, менеджер проконсультируе т вас , а так же подскажет, что именно следует указать. требуется доставка определенным способом? отпишитесь оператору! помимо этого на сайте нашего интернет-магази на имеется всегда FAQ, там все подробно разъясняется. рекомендуем изучить все, в том случае, если хотите купить диплом в нашей компании.
Некоторые заказчики переживают, что может быть ответственность если купить диплом в сети интернет. Не волнуйтесь, в РФ накажут только лишь в том случае, если применять подобный документ для крупного мошенничества. А вот ответственность грозит производителю, и при этом штрафом тут точно не обойтись. именно поэтому конфиденциально сть у нас значит многое. на веб сайте не обнаружите реальный адрес, куда возможно будет заехать. тем не менее не переживайте, используем мы самые разные виды доставки, именно поэтому маловероятно, что появятся сложности. отметим, соблюдаем всегда конфиденциально сть и конечно же защищаем данные клиентов. после полной оплаты, вся информация мгновенно удаляются с базы. поэтому тут опять-таки бояться не нужно, мы сформировали в действительност и качественную систему защиты своих заказчиков.
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A key improvement of the brand new rating mechanism is to replicate a
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You do not even want a computer to run your presentation -- you'll be able to simply transfer recordsdata instantly out of your iPod,
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a extremely outdated (2010) operating system that
is used to run something like a flip telephone. The system divides 2 GB of
gDDR3 RAM, operating at 800 MHz, between games and the Wii U's operating system.
They allow for multi-band operation in any two bands, including 700
and 800 MHz, as well as VHF and UHF R1. Motorola's new APX multi-band radios
are literally two radios in one. Without an APX radio, some first responders must carry more than one radio,
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Working with cable firms, providing apps for video companies like MLB and
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internet browser, companies have seemed increasingly at hiring residence-based mostly staff.
Even worse, since individual video games can have good friend codes, preserving track of
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Some kits come complete with a mounting bracket that lets you fasten your portable CD participant
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and the opposite finish into your vehicle's cigarette lighter and you've got a energy supply.

Taking it one step additional, set an inexpensive decorating timeframe -- say seven days, for example.

Tablets are exceedingly standard nowadays, and a few command premium costs.
The superstar of thought USA's tablets is the CT920, which has a
9.7-inch (1024 by 768) display. For the same value,
you may seize the T1003, which boasts a 10-inch resistive show with a
decision of 1024 by 600. It comes with 4GB of flash reminiscence, which may be expanded to 16GB through the microSD slot and 512MB
RAM. For properly beneath $200, you may have a model like this one with a 10-inch show.
Also value noting -- this one has a USB host adapter, so you can join a full-measuremen t keyboard or
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Just as with the arduous drive, you should utilize
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less) until you install a alternative. Greater than anything, the London Marathon is a cracking good time, with many individuals decked out in costume.

Classes can price greater than $1,800 and personal
tutoring will be as much as $6,000. Like on other consoles, these apps can be logged into with an current account and be used to stream videos from these providers.
Videos are also saved if the g-sensor senses impact, as with all sprint cams.
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See more pictures of money scams. See extra pictures of extreme sports activities.
In some cities, more than one car-sharing company operates, so make
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Local governments are among the many organizations, universities and
businesses jumping on the automotive-shar ing bandwagon. Consider mobile companies
like a meals truck, as well as professionals who make house
calls, like a masseuse or a canine-walker -- even the teenage babysitter or lawn mower.
Also, automobile sharing as a potential mode of transportation works
greatest for individuals who already drive sporadically and don't want a automobile to get to work each day.

Car sharing takes more cars off the road. Individuals who incessantly use car sharing are inclined
to promote their very own automobiles finally and begin using alternate modes of transportation, like biking and walking.
For more information about automobile sharing and other methods you will help the surroundings, go to the
hyperlinks on the next web page.
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Although Pc gross sales are slumping, pill computer systems might be just getting began. But hackintoshes are notoriously tough to construct,
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I shall lookup and say, 'Who am I, then? The adapters look identical to a cassette tape with a plug that fits
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The Vizio pill runs Android apps, which are available for buy or free from
Android Market. One area the place the Acer Iconia pill (like different Android tablets) still falls quick is the availability of apps.
Simple actions like making lists, setting deadlines and selecting
the best storage containers might help ensure you have got
the most effective time doable. Newer hair dryers have
incorporated some expertise from the clothes dryer: a removable lint screen that's
easier to wash. The tablets are also appropriate with a full wireless keyboard,
which is infinitely easier to make use of than a contact screen for composing
paperwork and lengthy e-mails. Acer acknowledges this development by positioning
its Iconia tablets as ideally suited for multitasking and pairing
with equipment designed for gaming, working or viewing content.
While it's still early in the game, the Acer Iconia tablet, though not but a household name,
seems to be off to a decent start. Portnoy, Sean.
"Acer Iconia Tab W500 pill Pc running Windows 7 accessible starting at $549.99."
ZDNet. Hiner, Jason. "The 10 hottest tablets coming in 2011." ZDNet.

However, a customer support representative with the company
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Car sharing is often accessible solely in metropolitan areas because it is just not that
effective in rural settings. 3-D-printed auto parts have been round for a
while, however inventor Jim Kor and a group of fellow engineers has gone
a step further and printed a whole car. To that
finish, the XO laptop has no shifting parts -- no hard drive with
spinning platters, no cooling fans, no optical drive.

A number of hundred dollars spent on electronic tuning
can provide the same power that 1000's of dollars in engine
elements may purchase. A lot of the parts you will be dealing with if
you assemble your pc are extremely delicate to static shocks.
Medical researchers are making strides with bioprinting,
wherein they harvest human cells from biopsies or stem cells, multiply them in a petri dish, and use that to create a type of biological ink that printers can spray.
For years, researchers have been making an attempt to determine learn how to develop duplicates of human organs in laboratories in order that they can transplant them into people who want
them. This means two issues: First, the Lytro does
not have to focus earlier than it takes a photograph. The vehicle
took about 2,500 hours to fabricate, which implies it is unlikely to be displaying up in your native car dealer's showroom for a while.

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ATM skimming is like identification theft for debit playing cards: Thieves
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Although Pc gross sales are slumping, tablet computer
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can be unreliable machines and you can’t anticipate to get any technical support from Apple.
Deadlines are a great way that will help you get stuff finished and crossed off your record.

On this paper, we are the first to make use of multi-task sequence labeling mannequin to
deal with slot filling in a novel Chinese E-commerce dialog system.
Aurora slot automobiles could be obtained from online sites resembling eBay.
Earlier, we talked about using websites like eBay to sell stuff that you don't want.
The reason for this is simple: Large carriers, notably those
who promote smartphones or different merchandise, encounter conflicts of interest
in the event that they unleash Android in all its universal
glory. After you have used a hair dryer for some time,
you'll find a large amount of lint constructing up on the skin of the display.
Just imagine what it would be prefer to haul out poorly
labeled containers of haphazardly packed vacation provides in a last-minute try to seek out
what you need. If you may, make it a priority to mail things out as shortly as doable -- that
can provide help to keep away from muddle and to-do piles around
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Many players favor to download software to their very own system, for ease of
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But there seems to have been no thought put into how easily the cards could possibly be
counterfeited (or what a foul concept it
is to pass around paper objects in the middle of a pandemic).
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0 #1666 nbaofPsynC 2022-09-29 22:46
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0 #1667 Cardinfree-us 2022-09-29 23:35
1607 00117 All Your Playing Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding On-line Carding Forums

The part also contains information from around the globe related to hacking so
even if you’re not a hacker and aren’t right here
to purchase playing cards, it still can be used
for instructional purposes. The data board obviously contains information and bulletins from the group, although also
consists of an “Introduction” part where customers can introduce
themselves to other members of the forum. Do not use anything even remotely much like your
real name/address or any other knowledge when signing up at these forums.

Discuss different ways to monetize your web sites and different methods to earn cash on-line.

Post your cracking tutorials and other methods which you understand, share with Dr.Dark Forum users.
Sign up for our publication and learn to defend your computer from threats.

The discussion board statistics haven’t been talked about and therefore it’s not clear how many members, posts, threads or messages the Forum consists of.

You can publish or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked different accounts, fb
accounts, bank card, bank account, hosting account and much more all free of change.

Share your cardable websites and it's strategies on tips on how to card them here.To unlock this part with over 10,000+ content and counting daily please upgrade to VIP.
Get the most recent carding tutorials and learn how to card
So, even though it doesn’t have 1000's of registrations its member rely stands at about 7000.

It additionally has a novel, spam-free advert interface, you aren’t bombarded with ads like other forums, rather small
tabs containing the adverts are animated near
the thread names which isn’t that intrusive. The discussion board also has a support-staff which could be reached by way of Jabber.
And as for registration, it’s completely free and you may also use
your Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and
hence in case you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market,
the same credentials can be used to login to the discussion board as nicely.

The forum doesn’t seem to supply an Escrow thread, though
the market does for trades carried out through
the marketplace.
Thread which consists of sellers who have been verified
by the forum administration. Hence, shopping for from these group of vendors on the discussion board is safest.
The Unverified advertisements thread is where any user can post ads about his/her products and the
forum doesn’t assure security or legitimacy or
these trades/vendors. These are usually the kinds of trades you can use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was introduced that six more
suspects had been arrested on costs linked to promoting stolen credit card data, and the same seizure notice appeared on extra carding forums.
Trustworthy carding boards with good cards, and active members are a rarity, and it’s pretty hard deciding on that are the trusted and best ones out of the hundreds available.
Russia arrested six individuals at present, allegedly a half of a hacking group concerned within the theft and promoting of stolen bank cards.

CardVilla is a carding discussion board with ninety two,137 registered members and
19,230 particular person messages posted until date.
Latest and finest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, and so on. found and shared by different hackers right here.
Find all of the tools and gear similar to backdoors, RATs,
trojans and rootkits right here. You must be equipped to gain entry
to systems using malware.
To unlock this section with over 70,000+ content and counting
daily please improve to VIP. Carding forums are web sites used to trade data and technical savvy in regards to
the illicit commerce of stolen credit score or debit card account info.

Now I on no account could declare these to be the ultimate greatest,
ultimate underground bank card forum , however they sure prime the charts when it
comes to a rating system.
Carding Team is one other forum which even though doesn’t boast tens of millions of
users as a few of the different options on this list do,
nonetheless manages to cater to what most users look for
on such a website. ” thread which lists a selection of advertisements from distributors who’ve proved their reputation on the marketplace.
Bottomline, I’ve gone by way of its posts corresponding to Carding basics, security suggestions for starters and so forth.
and it appears the individuals there do know what they’re speaking about, atleast most of them, so yeah take your time over there.
Starting with the user-interface, many of the top-half screen is bombarded with advertisements and featured listings, which clearly the
advertisers need to pay the forum for. In fact, the very backside of
the discussion board is what’s extra helpful than the highest of
Show off your successful carded websites with
screenshots here.To unlock this section with over 5,000+ content and counting daily
please improve to VIP. Grab the newest tools and
packages that can assist you card successfully!

To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content and counting daily please upgrade to VIP.
Discuss something related to carding the online, news, assist, common discussions.To unlock this section with over 120,000+
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0 #1668 sandssuics 2022-09-30 00:50
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чтобы создать качественную копию, нужно грамотно соблюсти дизайн документа. здесь есть проблема, так как так например есть формат, что применяли с 2003 года, вам же потребовался диплом об окончание универа за 1995-ый год. если будете применить дизайн другого года, то сразу же станет ясно, что решили попросту обмануть своего собственного начальника. так что интернет-магази ны, реализующие качественные дипломы, осуществляют производство по годами отдельно. если вы приняли решение купить диплом например за 3 тысячи, ясно, что магазин не станет заморачиваться сильно и отправит диплом наугад в принципе. Мы установили разумеется довольно дорогие цены, тем не менее зато в случае если есть оригинал, найти отличия от нашей копии не сможете!
поясним, что часто наши покупатели делают повторный заказ и снова платят. причем хорошо они знают, что ошиблись сами, ну а мы итак установили стоимость чуть-чуть выше себестоимости, поэтому сделать скидку не можем. если желаете избежать переплат - не торопитесь, поскольку и минимальная ошибка потребует после изготовление нового документа, а значит и доп расходов. отметим, что если вы приобретаете бюджетный диплом, то значит в общем-то страшного ничего, цена будет минимальной. однако в случае если обратитесь к профессионалам, делающих печать на типографии или же ГОЗНАКе, затраты будут намного выше.
многие заказчики нашего магазина публикуют положительные отзывы в интернете, в которых часто отмечают профессионализм технической поддержки. в том случае, если при заполнении личных данных есть какие-либо вопросы, сотрудник вас проконсультируе т , а так же пояснит, что именно следует указать. нужна доставка определенным вариантом? отправьте заявку менеджеру! не считая этого всего на сайте нашего интернет-магази на есть всегда FAQ, где подробным образом все разъясняется. посоветуем изучить все, в том случае, если рассчитываете купить диплом в нашей фирме.
Некоторые заказчики переживают, что вероятна ответственность в том случае, если купить диплом в интернете. Не волнуйтесь, в РФ накажут лишь в том случае, если применять подобный документ для мошенничества. ответственность грозит производителю, причем штрафом тут не обойтись. поэтому анонимность у нас означает многое. на веб-сайте не обнаружите реальный адрес, куда можно будет подъехать. тем не менее не переживайте, применяем мы разнообразные виды доставки, именно поэтому наврядли появятся проблемы. поясним, соблюдаем всегда анонимность и конечно защищаем данные заказчиков. после оплаты, данные сразу стираются с серверов. так что тут также беспокоиться не нужно, мы сформировали действительно профессиональну ю систему по защите своих покупателей.
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0 #1685 dumps websites 2022-09-30 07:28
1607 00117 All Your Playing Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding Online Carding Forums

The section additionally contains information from all over the world associated to hacking so even if
you’re not a hacker and aren’t here to purchase playing cards, it still can be used for academic purposes.
The information board obviously contains information and announcements from the team, though additionally contains an “Introduction” part where users can introduce
themselves to different members of the forum.
Do not use something even remotely just like your actual name/address or any other data
when signing up at these forums. Discuss other ways to monetize your websites
and different methods to generate income online. Post your cracking tutorials
and different strategies which you realize, share with
Dr.Dark Forum customers. Sign up for our newsletter and discover ways to defend your
laptop from threats.
The forum statistics haven’t been mentioned and hence it’s not clear how many members, posts, threads or messages the Forum consists
of. You can post or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked other accounts, fb
accounts, credit card, checking account, internet hosting account and much more all free of change.
Share your cardable websites and it is methods on the way to card them here.To unlock this section with over 10,000+ content
and counting every day please upgrade to VIP.
Get the most recent carding tutorials and discover
ways to card successfully!
So, although it doesn’t have 1000's of registrations its member count stands
at about 7000. It additionally has a novel,
spam-free ad interface, you aren’t bombarded with adverts like
different boards, rather small tabs containing the adverts are animated close to the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.
The discussion board additionally has a support-staff which could be reached
through Jabber. And as for registration, it’s absolutely free and you
could also use your Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and
hence if you have your accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market,
the same credentials can be utilized to login to the discussion board as properly.

The discussion board doesn’t appear to supply
an Escrow thread, though the marketplace does for
trades carried out through the marketplace.
Thread which consists of sellers who've been verified by the discussion board administration.
Hence, shopping for from these group of distributors on the discussion board
is most secure. The Unverified ads thread is where any person can post adverts about
his/her merchandise and the discussion board doesn’t assure
security or legitimacy or those trades/vendors. These are usually the kinds of trades you can use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was announced that six more suspects had been arrested on charges linked to
promoting stolen credit card data, and the same
seizure discover appeared on more carding forums.

Trustworthy carding boards with good cards, and lively members are
a rarity, and it’s pretty exhausting deciding on that are the
trusted and best ones out of the tons of available.
Russia arrested six individuals right now, allegedly a half of a hacking group involved within the theft and selling
of stolen credit cards. CardVilla is a carding forum with 92,137
registered members and 19,230 particular person messages posted
until date.
Latest and greatest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, etc.
discovered and shared by other hackers here.
Find all of the tools and gear such as backdoors, RATs, trojans and rootkits right
here. You need to be geared up to gain entry to systems utilizing malware.

To unlock this part with over 70,000+ content material and counting daily please
improve to VIP. Carding forums are web sites used to change info and technical savvy about the illicit trade
of stolen credit score or debit card account information. Now I on no account could claim
these to be the last word greatest, ultimate
underground bank card discussion board , but they certain high the charts in terms of a ranking system.

Carding Team is another forum which even though doesn’t boast hundreds of thousands of users as a number
of the other options on this list do, still manages to cater to what
most customers seek for on such a site. ” thread which lists numerous ads from distributors who’ve proved their status on the marketplace.
Bottomline, I’ve gone by way of its posts such as Carding basics, safety ideas for starters etc.

and it seems the individuals there do know what they’re talking about, atleast
most of them, so yeah take your time over there.
Starting with the user-interface, most of the top-half screen is bombarded with ads and
featured listings, which obviously the advertisers need to
pay the discussion board for. In fact, the very bottom of the forum
is what’s extra useful than the top of it.
Show off your successful carded web sites with screenshots here.To unlock this part
with over 5,000+ content material and counting day by day
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To unlock this section with over 50,000+ content material and counting every day please
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0 #1686 Tysonprerb 2022-09-30 08:21
Любому новичку чрезвычайно важно регулярно заниматься на гитаре. Для этих целей существуют специальные онлайн-ресурсы с разборами песен, например, сайт pervo. Тут есть подборы для массы знакомых вам композиций, которые отлично подойдут для изучения новичкам.
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0 #1688 dumps seller site 2022-09-30 10:39
1607 00117 All Your Playing Cards Are Belong To Us:
Understanding Online Carding Boards

The part also accommodates news from around the globe associated to hacking so even if you’re not a hacker and
aren’t right here to buy playing cards, it still can be utilized for academic functions.
The info board clearly contains info and announcements from the group, although also
consists of an “Introduction” section where users can introduce themselves to other members of the forum.
Do not use something even remotely just like your real name/address
or any other data when signing up at these forums. Discuss different ways
to monetize your websites and different methods to earn cash on-line.
Post your cracking tutorials and other strategies which you understand, share
with Dr.Dark Forum users. Sign up for our newsletter and discover ways to protect
your pc from threats.
The discussion board statistics haven’t been mentioned and therefore
it’s not clear what number of members, posts, threads or messages the Forum consists of.
You can post or get ccv, hacked paypal accounts, hacked other accounts, fb accounts, credit card, bank
account, internet hosting account and far more all freed from change.
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over 10,000+ content material and counting day by day please improve to VIP.
Get the most recent carding tutorials and discover methods to card successfully!

So, despite the fact that it doesn’t have 1000's of
registrations its member depend stands at
about 7000. It additionally has a unique, spam-free ad interface, you aren’t bombarded with advertisements
like other boards, somewhat small tabs containing the ads are animated close to the thread names which isn’t that intrusive.

The discussion board additionally has a support-staff which could be reached through Jabber.
And as for registration, it’s absolutely free and you might also use your
Google+ account to login. Although it requires no separate registration and therefore in case you have your
accounts on A-Z World Darknet Market, the identical credentials can be used to login to the discussion board as nicely.
The discussion board doesn’t appear to offer
an Escrow thread, although the market does for trades done via the market.

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The Unverified adverts thread is where any person can publish adverts about his/her
products and the discussion board doesn’t assure security or
legitimacy or these trades/vendors. These are usually the kinds of trades you have to use the Escrow with.

A few days later, it was announced that six extra suspects
had been arrested on charges linked to selling stolen bank card data,
and the same seizure notice appeared on extra carding boards.
Trustworthy carding boards with good playing cards, and lively members are a rarity, and it’s fairly hard deciding
on that are the trusted and greatest ones out of the lots of available.
Russia arrested six folks right now, allegedly a half of a
hacking group concerned within the theft
and promoting of stolen bank cards. CardVilla is a carding discussion board with 92,137 registered members and 19,230 individual messages
posted until date.
Latest and greatest exploits, vulnerabilities , 0days, etc.
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You have to be geared up to realize entry to methods
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To unlock this section with over 70,000+ content material and counting day by
day please upgrade to VIP. Carding boards are websites used to change
data and technical savvy concerning the illicit trade of stolen credit score or debit card account information. Now I by
no means could declare these to be the ultimate finest, final underground bank
card forum , however they certain prime the charts when it comes to a rating system.

Carding Team is one other forum which although doesn’t boast tens of millions
of customers as some of the other choices on this record do, still manages to cater to what most customers seek for on such
a website. ” thread which lists a number of adverts from distributors
who’ve proved their status on the marketplace. Bottomline,
I’ve gone through its posts corresponding to Carding basics, security suggestions for
starters etc. and it seems the individuals there do know what they’re speaking about,
atleast most of them, so yeah take your time over there.
Starting with the user-interface, many of
the top-half screen is bombarded with ads and featured
listings, which obviously the advertisers should pay the
discussion board for. In truth, the very backside of the discussion board is what’s extra helpful than the top of it.

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0 #1689 Tysonprerb 2022-09-30 11:04
Любому новичку чрезвычайно важно постоянно практиковаться на гитаре. Для этих целей существуют специальные онлайн-ресурсы с подборами аккордов, например, сайт bnkomi. Здесь вы найдёте подборы для кучи популярных композиций, которые подойдут для обучения начинающим гитаристам.
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Регистрация В Первом Казино Клиентам открывается беспрепятственн ый доступ ко всем привилегиям и поощрениям клуба, возможность получить щедрые вознаграждения и оформить вывод средств на личный счет. Благодаря этому клиент получает неограниченный доступ к лучшим игровым автоматам, бонусным программам и платежным системам. Игроки получают уникальную возможность без привязки к месту и времени делать ставки и выводить деньги. Клуб находится под контролем компании Fabisony Limited, имеющей регистрацию на Кипре и имеет лицензию, выданную правительством Коста-Рики – Novolux Services. Если создавать профиль внимательно — получение вознаграждения от ????????? UA в срок — гарантировано. Еще одним приятным моментом стало то, что владельцы заведения подумали о трудностях, которые могут испытывать некоторые игроки при входе на сайт Елслотс. Дело в том, что некоторые провайдеры блокируют доступ и не позволяют развлекаться в свое удовольствие. Эта проблема с легкостью решается посредством использования рабочих зеркал (точных копий) ресурса. В нашем обзоре вы найдете подробную информацию о возможностях казино, что позволит принять решение при выборе подходящего азартного ресурса. Организаторы онлайн-проекта eldorado Ukraine хорошо позаботились о безопасности пользования ресурсом. Защита информации обеспечивается программами с использованием протокола шифрования данных SSL. Причем это касается не только украинского виртуального пространства, но и большинства азартных проектов всего Рунета. Кроме того, портал отличается оригинальным привлекательным интерфейсом, выполненным в лучших традициях индустрии гэмблинга. Дизайнерское оформление сайта выполнено в формате, соответствующем названию клуба.
0 #1694 Tysonprerb 2022-09-30 11:58
Всякому новичку очень важно постоянно упражняться на гитаре. Для этого существуют специальные сайты с подборами аккордов, например, сайт kayrosblog. Здесь вы найдёте правильные подборы аккордов для гитары для множества знаменитых композиций, которые подойдут для обучения новичкам.
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0 #1706 Tysonprerb 2022-09-30 16:41
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0 #1708 Tysonprerb 2022-09-30 18:25
Любому новичку важно систематически упражняться на гитаре. Для этого есть специализирован ные онлайн-ресурсы с разборами песен, например, сайт sunsay. Здесь есть подборы для кучи популярных песен, которые подойдут для обучения начинающим гитаристам.
0 #1709 Raymondves 2022-09-30 19:18
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0 #1710 WalterClona 2022-09-30 19:26
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