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In this article, we will create a new user and a new role.

This article is similar to creating a SYSADMIN user in R12, but we will do this in Fusion Applications.


Login to Oracle Identity Manager that comes installed with Fusion Applications. After logging in, click on link Administration as shown below.


Click Create Role button to create a new role


Create a role named XX_FA_ADMIN. Note that, when we create this role, an equivalent group will be created in OID. When users are assigned to this role in Identity Management, behind the scenes the memebers will get added to its corresponding OID group. 


Now, in ODSM, which is a web based browser for OID entries, I can see that this role has been created as a group automatically.


Next, for this role XX FA Admin Role, click on Hierarchy in Oracle Identity Manager and make it inherit some seeded roles that come out of the box in Fusion Applications install.


Add Application Administrator. In further screenshots, we will add further seeded admin related roles to this new role that we have created.

Add IT Security Manager role to this role as well. Also add the roles highlighted below, as these are all Admin activities related seeded role. Basically we are creating a super admin role that has access to all the existing admin roles that come with the Fusion Applications install. 

Add this role to the Xellerate Users Organisation.

Select Xellerate org for setting up security related users and click Administrative Roles.


And select the role that we have created.

Click on Confirm.

Run the role synchronisation prcess

Click Go Task  and submit synch process
Synch role process is submitted now

Given that we have completed creating the role, next we need to create a user. After creating the user, we need to assign the newly created role to this newly created user. This is synonym to allocating a responsibility to the user. Having said that R12 too has Role based access control feature, but not many use it as it is optional for setting up new users. However, in Fusion Applications there is no concept of responsibilities.


Next, go to Identity Managerand create a new User

Give a password to this user.


You can see the corresponding user has been created in OID. This is evident from the ODSM which is a web based browser sitting on top of OID database.

Browser for OID

Whilst role got regictered as a group, the user from OIM gets registered as user in OID

Now, back to Oracle Identity Manager, assign the newly created role to this user that user that we have created. Therefore, this new user will inherit all the admin related roles.

Click on Roles tab and click Assign to attach the XX_FA_ADMIN role to this user.

Add the role to this user.

Now, we can login as the new user, using the password that we captured during user creation.


During the first login, you will be prompted to change the password.

You will be asked to change your password and enter some memorable Question/Answers.

Enter Question and Answers.

We can now login as the new user which has Admin privileges


Anil Passi


+1 #1 Kalimuthu V 2013-05-14 09:07
Hi Anil,
Very nice and detail document about new user(sysadmin type) and new role.
It is very difficult to understand the roles and users in Fusion compare to ebiz, but this document gives a good idea about the user/role.

Tha nks again.
0 #2 Ahmed Ali 2013-12-22 11:51
Thanks , It's Very Good document
0 #3 Rakesh 2014-04-08 06:56
Thanks for fusion introduction
0 #4 Avinash 2014-05-13 13:52
Thanks for this nice article.

For me it is like a window shoping because I dont have any fusion instance to practice and try.

Is there any Vision instance like Ebiz for Fusion?

0 #5 AAxsulp 2021-06-25 09:57
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