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Today we will see how to manage session for our OIM self-sevice console and admin console. Here we have two way to achieve this . I will explain both one by one.

1) We can manage session for OIM self service page and admin console using weblogic admin page.

Following are the steps for Self service console using weblogic console:

1)Login to the WebLogic Administration Console.
2)Go to Domain Structure > iam_domain > Deployments (where iam_domain is the name of the domain which hosts OIM).
3)Click on the self service ear: oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear
At the bottom of the Overview tab, click Application Name.
4)Click the Configuration tab.
Under General, change the value in the Session Timeout box from the default 3600 seconds to the desired value.
5)Click Save. The deployment plan is automatically generated.
6)Click the Activate Changes button in the Change Center (top left portion of the Weblogic Administration Console.


Following are the steps for admin console using weblogic console:

1)Login to the WebLogic Administration Console.
2)Go to Domain Structure > iam_domain > Deployments (where iam_domain is the name of the domain which hosts OIM).
3)Click on the self service ear: oracle.iam.console.identity.sysadmin.ear
At the bottom of the Overview tab, click Application Name.
4)Click the Configuration tab.
Under General, change the value in the Session Timeout box from the default 3600 seconds to the desired value. 
5)Click Save. The deployment plan is automatically generated.
6)Click the Activate Changes button in the Change Center (top left portion of the Weblogic Administration Console.


Other possible way is as follow:

change the session timeout by directly editing the web.xml file in both the self-service application archive (oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear) and the sys admin application archive (oracle.iam.console.identity.sysadmin.ear) and then redeploying the applications.

But this steps are not recommended by oracle.

You can find web.xml filee at following location "oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear\oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.war\WEB-INF\web.xml".

The session timeout configuration is as below. The value "15" refers to the number of minutes. The default value in sysadmin.ear is 35 minutes.





Animesh Anand

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About the Author

Animesh Anand

Animesh is an Oracle Identity Management expert. He has worked on several Oracle Identity Management projects implementing various use cases for Identity & Access Management governance & automated provisioning.

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