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JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 864

In this article i will give an overview of Bursting in BI Publisher (Formerly XML Publisher ) and the Pre requisites to enable Bursting .Prasad CP

Background / Business Requirement for Bursting

In Oracle Purchasing we have PO Print Report which can be used to print new or selected Purchase order. Organizations usually schedule this program on a daily basis to print new purchase orders. If we want to integrate this Oracle Report to XML/BI Publisher to create eye candy layouts and email the PO automatically to the suppliers, the common issue we face is :-

How to split the XML file created by report ? This is because report will create a single XML file consisting of the all the PO selected and if we apply the template on this XML file , it will create a single PDF file consisting of all the PO’s , and we definitely don’t want purchase orders sent to a supplier which is not related to him .If we have to send PO to individual supplier there has to be a way to parse the XML file generated from the PO Print Report.After parsing the XML file we can break the XML into smaller chunks based on the PO Number and then email the PO to respective Suppliers.


Advantages of XMLP bursting

a. No Additional Coding, just need to create XML bursting File. ( Isn't it exciting , otherwise we would have to write java program to split the XML File and then use XMLP delivery manager API to send emails .
b. Process of Creating XML data Definition and Template remains AS – IS .



a. Apply patch 5968876 if not already applied
b. Verify XMLP version is 5.6.3

Steps to Verify if XMLP is indeed 5.6.3

1. adident Header $OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/xdo/common/MetaInfo.class

Below matrix shows the the version you are and the patch to be applied to come to 5.6.3




XML Publisher

Patch Reference
120.6 XDO 5.6.3 Patch 4440000  
... for the Oracle E-Business Suite 11i      
115.28 XDO 5.6.3 Patch 5472959 Note 422508.1
115.27 XDO 5.6.2 (core) Patch 5097966 Note 367394.1
115.26 XDO 5.6.1 Patch 4905678 Note 357308.1
115.24 XDO 5.6.0 Patch 4561451 Note 337999.1
115.22 XDO 5.5.0 Patch 4206181 Note 316447.1
115.21 XDO 5.0.1 (core) Patch 4236958  
115.19 XDO 5.0.0 Patch 3822219 Note 295036.1

c. Set Temporary Directory in the XML Publisher Administrator- > Administration- > General to a directory to which you have write permission .

d. After the Patch is applied we will see a new Bursting control file button in the XML Publisher Data Definition Page

To check this, please go to Responsibility "XML Publisher Administrator", and search for any existing report, and click on Update. While updating an existing data-definition, you should see the button Bursting Control File.

Now since we have finished setting up , now we will see how to implement Bursting . The major component in this is bursting control file

What is a bursting file ?

Its an XML file which tells bursting engine

a) How to split the XML File created ?

b) How to deliver the Documents ?

Lets see a sample bursting file and its components


a) <xapi:request select> tag tells busting engine , bursting should be done at the occurrence of which tag ?
b) <xapi:delivery > tag tells bursting engine , which delivery mechanism to be used and on what condition ?

Sample bursting file

<xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/xapi" type="bursting">
<xapi:email id="123" server="xxxort" port="25" from="This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." reply-to="This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
<xapi:message id="123" to="${CF_VENDOR_EMAIL}" attachment="true" subject=" Purchase Order No: ${POH_PO_NUM}">

Please review the attached PO ${POH_PO_NUM}
<xapi:document output-type="pdf" delivery="123">
<xapi:template type="rtf" location="/u0350/app/apps/UAT/xx/1.0/data/XXHPAPOPRINT.rtf">

Please Note : While doing testing please change the "to address" to your email address , else it will send the documents out to that email address .

Data Definition

Create the Data Definition and Template the normal way, where the Short name of the data definition is same as the short name of concurrent program to which you are integrating XMLP.While creating Data Definition Upload you bursting XML File . If there are any parsing issues in the XML file it will give error , please correct the format of the file and try to upload again .


Template File

Create the Template and Upload your Template file


Concurrent Program Registeration

In the Concurrent Program give the Output format as XML and the Concurrent Program Short name should be same as the data definition name .

After Report Trigger Changes

Now the Final Step , in the After report Trigger of your .RDf add the following code to call bursting program . This will lanuch the bursting program from your report , otherwise you will have to run the Bursting program ( which is a Java Concurrent Program ) manually .


Now you are all set to do the testing , run the report , please keep in mind to change "to email address" in the bursting control file to your email id while doing the testing . you will see the PO pdf coming to the email address given in the bursting control file.


-1 #1 vishwait 2008-04-27 10:36
I am using xml publisher 5.6.3 fororacle apps. 11i and report containts both english and arabic language.
the arabic language starts from right side.
while generating rtf output whenever english word follows arabic ,the line changes its direction of formatting.
ple ase suggest any solution for above case
0 #2 Muhammad Sajid farooq 2008-04-27 11:30
Vishwajit ,
if its a static text please try embeding it as image . please let me know if it works out .

Prasa d
0 #3 Surlina 2008-04-27 17:08

With HRMS, can we use XML publisher to create Manager Self-Service reports & analytics (ie. to replace Discoverer Viewer) and apply the same security profile?

Thank s,
0 #4 Imran Khan 2008-04-28 07:26
Hi Anil,

Can you plz tell me where I am wrong with a clear example.....
cl ose_po is a function which returns a boolean value.

l_return_statu s Boolean;
l_retu rn_status1 Boolean;
FND_GLOBAL.apps _initialize('11 1','222','333') ; -- ( user_id, Resp_id, Appli_id )
--call the Close API
l_return_statu s := po_actions.clos e_po(1205813,-- p_docid
'PO',-- p_doctyp
'STANDARD',-- p_docsubtyp
null,-- p_lineid
null,-- p_shipid
'CLOSE',-- p_action
'TEST',-- p_reason
'PO',-- p_calling_mode
'N',-- p_conc_flag
l_return_statu s1,-- p_return_code
'Y',-- p_auto_close
SYSDATE,-- p_action_date
null); -- p_origin_doc_id
-- Get any messages returned by the Cancel API
DBMS_OUTPUT.pu t_line('l_retur n_status :'||l_return_st atus);

T his is very urgent, Appreciate ur help,

Thx N Regs,
0 #5 Jai 2008-04-28 09:37
Hi Prasad,

I am using XML publisher in OAF, and it is working fine with the English language data.
But it is not displaying data for other language like Japan, China etc. it displays some junk characters like ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ / ¿¿ in excel/PDF.
Plea se help me in solving this issue.


public String initXmlReportVO (String pAction,String pEmployeeId)
//OADBTransacti on oadbtransaction = (OADBTransactio n)getTransactio n();

OAV iewObjectImpl pervo=getcompVO 1();

if(pEmplo yeeId.equals("" ))
pervo.setW hereClauseParam (0,null);
pervo .executeQuery() ;
return "N";
pervo.se tWhereClausePar am(0,new Number(pEmploye eId));
pervo.ex ecuteQuery();

Row row[] = pervo.getAllRow sInRange();
if( row.length >0)
return "Y";
r eturn "N";
catch(Exceptio n e)
throw new OAException(e.t oString(),OAExc eption.ERROR);


//XML Get data code
public ClobDomain getXMLData()
OAViewObjectImp l voProject=getco mpVO1();

ClobD omain cd = new ClobDomain();
R ow row[] = voProject.getAl lRowsInRange();

if(voProject! =null && row.length >0)

cd. getCharacterOut putStream().wri te("
cd.get CharacterOutput Stream().write( "

XMLEleme nt ele = (XMLElement)voP roject.writeXML (0,XMLInterface .XML_OPT_ALL_RO WS);
ele.print( new java.io.PrintWriter(cd.getCharacterOutputStream()));

catch(Exceptio n e)
e.printSta ckTrace();
re turn cd;
return null;
}// end of getXMLData


//Export Event When user clicks on Export Button
if(actio nInMainEmployee Screen.equals(" export"))

ac tionEmployeeId= pageContext.get Parameter("ssoh ide");

if (actionEmployee Id.equals(""))
Serializable paramSearch[]={ actionInMainEmp loyeeScreen,act ionEmployeeId};
result = (String)am.invo keMethod("initX mlReportVO",par amSearch);
thro w new OAException(" Please Enter any valid value for SSO", OAException.ERR OR);

Number num =new Number(actionEmployeeId);

catch(Exceptio n e)
throw new OAException("SS O must contain only numeric values :- "+e.toString(), OAException.ERR OR);

Serial izable paramSearch[]={ actionInMainEmp loyeeScreen,act ionEmployeeId};
result = (String)am.invo keMethod("initX mlReportVO",par amSearch);
Clob Domain xmlData = (ClobDomain)am. invokeMethod("g etXMLData");
if (xmlData!= null &&result =="Y")
InputS tream l_erXML = new ByteArrayInputS tream(((xmlData .toString()).tr im()).getBytes( ));
DocumentHel per.exportDocum ent(pageContext ,"PER","XML_TES T_EMP","en","US ",l_erXML,"PDF" ,null);
throw new OAException("Pr ovided SSO does not have any active or valid Salary Proposal ", OAException.ERR OR);
} //Export If Ends

+1 #6 A. Swain 2008-04-29 05:29
Hi Prasad,

Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge. I am having some problem i.e. the standard bursting program is erroring out. I am calling this from After report trigger as you mentsioned in this article. Also i have run stand alone. still same problem continues. Can you please have a look at the log messages.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullP ointerException
at java.util.Hasht able.put(Hashta ble.java:396)
a t oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.CPUtil.g etSessionProper ties(CPUtil.jav a:42)
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOB urstingEngine.r unProgram(JCP4X DOBurstingEngin e.java:80)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main(Run.java: 157)

A. Swain
+1 #7 Anil Passi 2008-04-29 06:36
Hi Swain

We believe we have answered to you on www.apps2fusion.com/technical-articles-mainmenu-27/miscellaneous-mainmenu-40/21-miscellaneous-technology/251-xmlp-concurrent-program-revisited-with-bursting

Please do not post same question twice on different threads.

Thank s,
Anil Passi
+1 #8 Anshul singhal 2008-06-02 16:57
Hi Prasad/Anil,

T his is really a very good post. I have a question related to XML publisher. I will be thankful if you could please answer me this question as i have asked this question to many forums and no body has even replied to me till now.

how can we create parameters in XML report in case of new report to be developed? Also if there is any standard report with parameters that we are converting into XML, then how do we proceed to create the parameters in XML? Also how can we replace formula columns (of Oracle report6i) in XML publisher?

I am desperatley looking forward for answer from you guys.


Anshu l Singhal
0 #9 Tatapudi 2008-06-26 06:11
Hi Prasad,

Please ignore if this comment is posted earlier.

Thank s a lot for Knowledge sharing.

Regad ing the location in Bursting Control File
{ location ="xdo://PO.XXHP APOPRINT.en.US/ ?getSource=true " }

Which application short name we need to refer ("PO" or "HPA Custom Application short Name/Code"),
Si nce right from CP Definition to Template Definition every thing is refering to "HPA Custom application"

P lease clarify.

Thank s You,
Ramakrishn a
0 #10 Muhammad Sajid farooq 2008-06-29 14:04
Ramakrishna ,
It would be HPA .

Prasa d CP
0 #11 Gauri 2008-07-14 05:08
Hi Prasad,
Iam looking for the schema file for bursting control file .
Can you send me the details of the XML Schema that the control file is based on.

Prabh akar.S
0 #12 santosh shiva 2008-07-15 03:01
Hi Prasad,

This is santosh, I a brand new bee to XML Publisher. I was asked to generate barcode on one of the xml reports (PDF Output).
I searched the entire world for a sample code. could never find it.
Could u please help me out in this.

Thanks ,
0 #13 hDost 2008-08-21 15:06
this is in relation to the question Tatapudi posed

my question is what directory should the rtf be in, and what what are some other syntax you can use to refer to the location

addit ionally I believe you can, but are you able to use the rtfs of templates created for regular BI publisher reports
0 #14 krishna.roshan 2008-08-22 11:42
Hi Prasad

This is a realy good post. i am new to XMl publisher. Instead of bursting how can i setup delivery manager to FTP my rtf reports. With bursting we can only email the report.However, with Delivery manager there 're other options available. Please advice on the steps the way you explained bursting .Any response is highly appreciated

+1 #15 Poorna 2008-10-03 14:52

Our requirement is to attach multiple files in Bursting.
Eg :- for each Invoice generated, another static file need to be attached, which consists of Terms & Conditions. Since the requirement is to attach the T & C file(PDF 1; seperately, I can't suffix the T & C to the template.

Please suggest how to achieve it.

Thanks & Regards,
Poorna .
0 #16 Satya Sri 2008-10-20 17:54
I created a Control file

Please Find the Simmons Invoice as attachment.

This i created in Microsoft word and saved it... when i am ready to upload this file i am changing its extension from SIMMBURSTREP.rt f to SIMMBURSTREP.xm l and am trying to upload in data definition its says its bursting and comes up with this error...

The uploaded file is invalid... The File should be XML-BURSTING-FI LE format..

Any help...

0 #17 Satya Sri 2008-10-20 18:11

I figured it out... I keyed the same thing in notepad and change the extension to xml... it worked i think word has so much hidden junk in it...

s ri
0 #18 jad 2008-10-23 04:55
Hi, Parsad
You already answered the question concerning the arabic output of the rtf. I'm facing the same problem but i need to know a solution when it comes for non static text (as Fields).
0 #19 hi 2008-11-04 04:24
in Ebs 12 navigate to PO window, first query a PO for instance PO number 50. then click on inquire menu and then press view document. A Po report will be displayed in pdf format. this is XML based report. i want to edit this report. i tried my level best to find the based file and concurrent program. i have posted on multiple forums as well but nothing.

please tell me in short how can i open based template in Word(bipublishe r) and edit.
0 #20 Sarah 2008-11-06 17:26
Has anyone received this error?

Bursting initiated ...
java.lang.Inco mpatibleClassCh angeError
at oracle.apps.xdo .batch.Document Processor.regis terListener(Doc umentProcessor. java:395)
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.XMLPRepo rtBurstASEL.run Program(XMLPRep ortBurstASEL.ja va:243)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main(Run.java: 148)
0 #21 TRamarao 2008-11-11 03:59
Is there any way to attach multiple attachments to single email address by using XML bursting? Could you please let me know ASAP?
0 #22 SK 2008-12-11 08:34

Whenever I attempt to specify the location in the beloe mentioned manner

I get a blank attachment in the email. There is no data and no template whereas i can see the data in concurrent program window.
Could you tell me is there something wrong in the syntax I ahve mentioned?
0 #23 vasu 2008-12-21 02:49
I want to generate arabic language report by using xml publisher.
can any one try to help me with details.
0 #24 Alan Telford 2009-01-29 10:37
Just burst my first BI Publisher report! Thanks for taking the time to write the article.

I got a bit hung up on the template location as I'm working in the e-business suite.

The solution was to use the following bit of sql

select lt.application_ short_name || '.' || lt.template_cod e || '.' || lt.default_lang uage || '.' || lt.default_terr itory as burst_template_ xdo_location
fr om xdo_templates_b lt
where lt.template_cod e like 'MY_TEMPLATE%'

then code the location as

Also if you are trying to track down your concurrent request id (for the call to XDOBURSTREP) you can find it in PL/SQL using the profile function



0 #25 Alan Telford 2009-01-29 10:41
0 #26 amit1123q 2009-02-26 01:39
;D >:( :( :o 8)
0 #27 Sripriya Srinivasan 2009-02-27 15:31
This is the issue I have. We have 5 number of regions and 10 number of recipient groups with in each region. Therefore I need to publish 50 reports. I am planning to do a row-level filtering based on the
region input within the one single report and also hide or show different sections of data using the one template based on the recipient group user input. Now I don't want to run the concurrent programs 50 times to generate and send 50 reports but rather use the bursting control file in some way. At the same time, I don't want the report to be split up in any way. Hope this makes sense.
0 #28 nilesh 2009-03-19 06:41
I am facing some problem in this issue.
Please help me....

I need to develop mechanism for varying XML Publisher output by instance in other words Instance based Output of XML Report Publisher without customizing particular rdf or package.

for this we need to call particular template or format that template depend upon Instance name.
So we need instance name in XML file but we don't have instance name in that particular XML Data file.

How can I add Instance name in rtf template and XML data file without customizing XML Source package or rdf Report to compare that Instance name with current instance name in RTF Template.

For example:
If Instance name = Production then call watermark of company logo otherwise simple report output.

Note: don’t have Instance name in XML Data file.

Thanks in Advance
0 #29 Srivatsrs 2009-04-11 20:59

I have a scenario wherein we are generating checks using BI Publisher and in that process we have to do the following:

a) Split the total number of checks into two sets (Each check will have check and its stub).
b) Send one set to one printer and other set to a different printer

Please help me as how to approach this. Do I need to write a custom java program or it can be achieved using the bursting xml itself ?

Thanks & Regards,
Srivat s
0 #30 Venkanna Pasam 2009-04-14 11:20
This is an excellent article and which is helped me alot....
I have followed the setps explained in this articles and getting emails when we submit the report, but if we check the email in the outlook "Sent Time" is displaying as None. Also we have implemented XML Bursting Program for another client, there we are getting Sent time in the outlook.
Please advise me what could be the problem.

Thank s in Advance...
Venk anna.
0 #31 malla 2009-04-21 12:51
Hi ,

This is a very good article.I was new to xml publisher but i did almost all my worlk with help of this article.

Could you please tell me is there any command or syntax for new line in C /n.

I have requirement that after bursting pdf's,it should be sent to the customer.I have done almost all the work.
The issue is with email body.
I am trying to get as

Dear Customer XXXXXXX,

Pleas e find attached Invoice for the month of January.

Reg ards,

The Receivables Team XXXX Inc.

but where as i am getting like

Dear Customer XXXXXXX. Please find attached Invoice for the month of January Regards, The Receivables Team XXXX Inc.

any idea.

0 #32 Vibhanshu 2009-04-24 09:11
How can i do bursting on different printer depending particular department. i.e. each department on different printer.
0 #33 Ravin 2009-04-29 15:50

I have a PL/SQL procedure with multiple XML output. Only one output will be in the xml file-- which will based on the parameter passed in the procedure. I also have multiple teplate which I want to select based on parameter passed in the procedure.
Can I use Burstin for this, if so, what should be in the
I see I can use the filter to select the rtf file, but how do I use the parameter from procedure in the filter.

Thanks ,

Ravin L. Gogri
0 #34 Devendar 2009-05-04 17:36

Thanks alot for the information you are providing through this web-site.

I have used the above logic and it is working fine in our environment. Now I have got new requirement to change the language of the report based on the country.

When I hard code the path of the template as below, it is working fine.

But when I pass this value from Report builder, it is erroring out.

The error I am getting is :
[050409_041710 370][oracle.app s.xdo.batch.bur sting.FileHandl er][EXCEPTION] java.io.FileNot FoundException: ${LANG_LOCATION } (No such file or directory (errno:2))

Is there any setting, where we need to specify the location of the rtf files?
0 #35 Rama Calipatti 2009-05-12 02:18

Thanks for a Good Article on "Bursting" in XML Pubilisher. I have a different requirement. I don't want to email the pdf file.
Instead I want to create pdf files with PO# like PO_12345.pdf (where 12345 is the PO #) and ftp all pdf files to a particular Windows directory.
Please provide me the sample bursting file for this purpose.

Thank s Much,
0 #36 Krishna Poda 2009-06-04 15:48
Hello Prasad,

In the above example you've mentioned that bursting happens on the specific occurrence of the tag. But is it possible to burst on the value of a specific element?
Ex: G_HEADERS/VENDO R_CLASS= 'ABC' then burst in a different way.

Pls let me know.

0 #37 Kapil Sachdev 2009-08-04 07:36
Thanks. it is indeed very compact and covers everything.
Best Regards.
0 #38 TomW 2009-08-28 16:57
I was having the issue where all of the email output was on the same line. All I did was change the content-type to text and formatted the text properly:

Att ached is the Abandoned Accounts Report

Concurrent Program : Abandoned Accounts

Concurrent Request ID: ${REQUEST_ID}

Request Run By : ${REQUESTOR}
0 #39 Thangs 2009-08-30 03:05
HI Rama,
I have the same requirement as that of you. I no need email the PDFs but to send the files to specific directory. Did u find solution??

Fri ends,
Is it mandatory to speficy the tag??? without that tag, its giving an error while uploading bursting control file..
0 #40 madhumr 2009-10-19 06:59
Hi Prasad,
I have developed one xml publisher report based on RDF..Requiremen t is " when ever it submits from srs window mail needs to be sent to any person..
could you please help me out ..Is this bursting concept is helpful in my case...

Thanks ,
0 #41 rupdipt 2009-12-30 08:49
Getting the following error for XML Publisher Bursting Program,

XML/B I Publisher Version : 5.6.3
--Excepti on
For input string: "Y"
java.lang.N umberFormatExce ption: For input string: "Y"
at java.lang.Numbe rFormatExceptio n.forInputStrin g(NumberFormatE xception.java:4 8)
at java.lang.Integ er.parseInt(Int eger.java:447)
at java.lang.Integ er.parseInt(Int eger.java:497)
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOB urstingEngine.r unProgram(JCP4X DOBurstingEngin e.java:142)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main(Run.java: 157)

Any ideas?

Regards ,
0 #42 Sonal 2010-02-02 03:03

I have a template in .rtf.It contains table. The requirement is to display table on some condition.
How can I hide n show table as I cannot control it through our JDE code. Can you please help me out with this.
0 #43 Pranit Kumar Saha 2010-02-11 22:33
Very helpful document. It has really helped me to do the bursting for the first time.
0 #44 Mike Wyszynski 2010-02-25 13:16
I am having trouble with sending the XML bursted output through sftp. Does someone have experiance setting this up with Oracle EBS 11.5.10? I am not clear from the documentation if I need to setup up a custom delivery method or one alredy exists for SFTP, and how do I activate it.

Thanks for your help
0 #45 Satyajitm 2010-04-07 13:03
Hi Prasad.

Thanks for the sharing a very nice document on XML bursting concepts.
In my case I have done XML bursting with RTF template.

Is it possible to get the bursting done for output type to XLS and template type to XSL-XML?
I tired with the above example but it didnt worked.

Your help will be appreciated.

T hanks
0 #46 Kay 2010-05-04 11:48
Hi Prasad

First of all thanks for the excellent article.

Is it possible to use the XML bursting for AR invoices?
Pleas e let me know.

Thank you

Ka y
0 #47 swathib 2010-05-11 10:54
Configured HTTP server from BIPub UI but , when i click on SEND button, it is not recognizing HTTP server just added.
Please help me with this
0 #48 Aiyaz 2010-05-19 00:00
Hi Anil,

First of all cheers for the good work......Can you please mail me some inerview questions that will help in getting me a job in
Oracle Applications.
Your help will be apprieciated... .

0 #49 Nitin_M 2010-06-18 09:37
Hi All,

I am gettinf the following error while runing Brusting program, I am passing the proper value to the standard Oracle Brusting program

"XML/B I Publisher Version : 5.6.3
--Excepti on
For input string: "Y"
java.lang.N umberFormatExce ption: For input string: "Y"
at java.lang.Numbe rFormatExceptio n.forInputStrin g(NumberFormatE xception.java:4 8)
at java.lang.Integ er.parseInt(Int eger.java:447)
at java.lang.Integ er.parseInt(Int eger.java:497)
at oracle.apps.xdo .oa.cp.JCP4XDOB urstingEngine.r unProgram(JCP4X DOBurstingEngin e.java:142)
at oracle.apps.fnd .cp.request.Run .main(Run.java: 157)"

Can any one suggest me where i am making mistake?

Thank s
0 #50 Bob Harrison 2010-07-09 10:46
my templates are in landscape
using burst to CUPS server (ipp:...) output pdf
fax sends portrait (half the landscape)

nee d to force a Rotate 90, but cannot find a way to do this

Any suggestions ?
0 #51 Ashihs Raj 2010-08-15 13:34
Try orientation-req uested attribute. test with the value 1, 2, 3, I am not sure which is the correct value.

0 #52 Ashihs Raj 2010-08-15 13:36
xapi:print id="PRINT_DELIV ERY" printer=" ipp://myhost:63 1/printers/P216 5" copy-no="2" paper-size="let ter" orientation-req uested="3"
0 #53 Mustafa Darling 2010-11-04 10:30
The file gets generated in the Temp Directory and gets deleted and Concurrent request goes into error saying
This request finished with an error and produced the following completion message: /u02/esdevdcomn /temp/110410_01 5702204/IR_WCF_ Receipt_LEG5981 .pdf (No such file or directory)
0 #54 Prem Raj Dasari 2010-11-29 23:40
Hi Prasad,

Is it possible, Instead of Email address I want all the files in one location?.....
0 #55 Javed Kapoor 2011-01-25 04:26
Hi I've followed all the steps as given in the document but I'm getting the following error while running the bursting program.

"XML/ BI Publisher Version : 5.6.3
For input string: ""
java.lang.Numb erFormatExcepti on: For input string: ""
0 #56 unknown 2011-02-15 17:31

I have a issue with bursting the Excel formatted output of BI publisher report. If the size is less than everything works fine. If the output file size is 33 MB, i am not able to view the output in the request form and also bursting is not working. Can you please let me know if there is any restriction in the size of excel output for bursting.

Than ks in Advance
0 #57 mmyswamy 2011-03-05 16:42
Hi Anil
The problem is that when the report runs I get the following error message
Unable to Run Report to the Paper Design
REP-1272 : Column 'field' may not be used as a Break Column.
I have no clue to whats wrong. I added another filed and deleted the old one and still get the same problem.

Where should I look at for this problem? Can I not read a clob?

InAdvanc e Thanks,
0 #58 MS PRASAD 2011-03-08 09:38
Hi Prasad,
my problem is i am giving three mail ids out of which there is one wrong mail id then output is not delevired to rest of two mail id
can please help me to fix this issuse
0 #59 JD 2011-03-09 10:56
Hi, Prasad,

This is a very helpful article. I am able to generate email with separated PDf files.

But the PDF attachment come with password protected when I try to open it. I don't see anywhere I have set up the password. Do you know where this could be? The original (unburst) pdf file is fine.

0 #60 Ashish Harbhajanka 2011-03-13 12:15
Hi Prasad/Senthil/ Kishore/Anil/.. ..,

I would like to know whether BI Publisher Template Builder is supported with MS Office 2007.

I tried installing the MS Office 2007 but the BI Publisher Special Menu did not appeared. The same is there with MS 2003.

Can you guys help. Who Knows, this could be your next article Title -' Installing BI Publisher Template Builder for MS 2007'

If not atleast please send me a note /tips/tricks on .

I am very comfortable with Office 2007 but was compelled to downgrade to Office 2003 for the same .

0 #61 Vinu Menon 2011-03-14 18:48
Please check Add-in tab when you open your template. You should find the Template builder tool menu there.

0 #62 Hrishikesh Singh 2011-06-09 04:45
I tried creating the burst file on test environment and it works perfect.Now in production i need to move this file trough patch so can anyone please tell me what would be the DBDRV commands for the burst file so that ARU created and patch can be applied.
0 #63 Lakshmi narayana 2011-07-23 13:50
Dear Techies,

In payable module when payments made to suppliers I need to send an email notification to that particular supplier. I have achieved this by using xml bursting. Every thing is fine but

I have got an another change request from my client which is depends upon Payment method (Check, Wire or Cash ) they want one image to be in email body. (Image contains some text in different colors and different fonts)

I am wondering how can i do this ?

below is my control file code. Please let me know how can i mention image path , so that it will take from there and sends an email.

Pl ease find attached payment details report. ${CHECK_NUMBER} _${VENDOR_NAME}

Thanks in advance guys
0 #64 Prasant Bhaskar 2011-12-11 07:45
Thanks Prasad, for sharing this knowledge....

Prasan t
0 #65 Gopinath - M 2011-12-14 08:39
Hi Prasad
Thanks for all the support in providing resolutions to all ... Appreciate if you can let us know how to handle the special characters in Bursting engine.
The Bursting Engine request errors ... log file has "ZIP file must have one entry"

thanks in advance
Gopinat h
0 #66 fillmore 2012-02-08 05:08
Has anyone been able to create a custom PO print using BI publisher where by we can email the PO attachments also ?

0 #67 vinay sawant 2012-02-21 05:08
i want to create password protected pdf report using bursting in oracle
for each new pdf i want new password..but password should be dyanamic for each pdf..pls help me using oracle
0 #68 sam2228 2012-03-08 13:29

I wanted to know if there's a way we can delete the files that were burst. My requirement is i load the burst files in db..which means i will have the burst file in the file system and database..which is redundant so i want to delete the file from file system as soon as the file is loaded in db.

0 #69 Satish656 2012-04-11 08:56
Hi Prasad,

Very nice article.

I have Customized Pack Slip Acknowledgment for one of my client. My Client is expecting to have All the tracking numbers corresponding to a Delivery on to the Email Body.

Please let me know if this can be achieved.

Than k You.
0 #70 SealKunal 2012-08-27 23:52
Its a really good article.

The argument passed in the Submit Request of 'XDOBURSTREP' is not correct, I think. One parameter 'Dummy for Data Security' is missing which will be the argument1 and ':P_CONC_REQUES T_ID' will be the Argument2.

The Submit Request should be like


Than k You
0 #71 SealKunal 2012-08-27 23:55
On my last comment ': P' has been replaced by Smiley :P

0 #72 agautam 2012-09-21 11:00

How can I burst AP checks (format payment instructions) in R12?

0 #73 oraclelearner 2012-09-21 14:46
Thanks for posting , keep up the good work.
+1 #74 BI Publisher 2012-10-18 05:40
I have a shellscript file which is registered as host in the concurrent program.
It calls the rdf file.
and change the output into pdf and mail as an attachment to the email id provided in the parameter in SRS window.
Now my requirement is to convert the report into BI Publisher report.
There are some changes to the rdf.
How to do,
shall I need to create a new shellscript file?
Anybody please advice me the alternate ways.
+1 #75 bhshk.dubey 2012-11-25 05:58
Hi Anil/Prasad,
I want to incorporate a table with 2 rows and 4 columns in the message body of the email, itself. I had tried many workarounds.

C ould you please help urgently!!!

Abhis hek
+1 #76 PuzzledbyXMLBursting 2012-11-26 10:38
Hi Prasad,
Nice article.
We used bursting for sending out AR statements. We want to email the statements and ftp the same to another server for backup copies. When I have my delivery as just email, everything works as expected. When I add 'ftp' delivery in addition to 'email', I see strange behaviour. If an element in XML is null, and this element is referenced in the email body/subject line, this element shows values from another element that has a value. For example, we have an element 'comment' which is referenced in subject of the email. This 'comment' can be null, and when it is null, the value shows 'party_name'. Any ideas on why XML Bursting program would show values from other elements when the referenced element value is null?
Any help is appreciated.
+1 #77 PuzzledbyXMLBursting 2012-11-26 10:38
Hi Prasad,
Nice article.
We used bursting for sending out AR statements. We want to email the statements and ftp the same to another server for backup copies. When I have my delivery as just email, everything works as expected. When I add 'ftp' delivery in addition to 'email', I see strange behaviour. If an element in XML is null, and this element is referenced in the email body/subject line, this element shows values from another element that has a value. For example, we have an element 'comment' which is referenced in subject of the email. This 'comment' can be null, and when it is null, the value shows 'party_name'. Any ideas on why XML Bursting program would show values from other elements when the referenced element value is null?
Any help is appreciated.
0 #78 Adnan 2013-04-30 02:07
Hi, i want to create password protected pdf report using bursting in oracle
for each new pdf i want new password..but password should be dyanamic for each pdf..pls help me using oracle

0 #79 samir kumar 2013-08-14 01:28
Hi ,

I have developed a report to submit the bursting program and yes, the program is being submitted but it completes with error status where as the log file doesn't contain any error message.

Could you please suggest, below is the log output.

+---- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------+
XM L Publisher: Version : 12.0.0

Copyrig ht (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

XDOB URSTREP module: XML Publisher Report Bursting Program
+------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------+

Cur rent system time is 13-AUG-2013 15:47:37

+---- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------+

X ML/BI Publisher Version : 5.6.3
Request ID: 13182850
All Parameters: Dummy for Data Security=Y:Repo rtRequestID=131 82849:DebugFlag =Y
Report Req ID: 13182849
Debug Flag: Y
Updating request description
Upd ated description
Ret rieving XML request information
Nod e Name:MACORACLE0 2
Preparing parameters
null output =/u01/MAHRUAT/m ahrmsapp/inst/a pps/MAHRUAT_mac oracle02/logs/a ppl/conc/out/o1 3182850.out
inp utfilename =/u01/MAHRUAT/m ahrmsapp/inst/a pps/MAHRUAT_mac oracle02/logs/a ppl/conc/out/o1 3182849.out
Dat a XML File:/u01/MAHRU AT/mahrmsapp/in st/apps/MAHRUAT _macoracle02/lo gs/appl/conc/ou t/o13182849.out
Set Bursting parameters..
Te mp. Directory:/u01/ MAHRUAT/mahrmsa pp/apps/apps_st /appl/xxmac/12. 0.0/reports/US
[081313_0347438 62][][STATEMENT ] Oracle XML Parser version ::: Oracle XML Developers Kit - Production
[081 313_034743868][ ][STATEMENT] setOAProperties called..
Bursting propertes.....
{user-variable: cp:territory=US , user-variable:c p:ReportRequest ID=13182849, user-variable:c p:language=en, user-variable:c p:responsibilit y=52942, user-variable.O A_MEDIA=http:// macoracle02.maa den.com:8072/OA _MEDIA, burstng-source= EBS, user-variable:c p:DebugFlag=Y, user-variable:c p:parent_reques t_id=13182849, user-variable:c p:locale=en-US, user-variable:c p:user=REDDYRA, user-variable:c p:application_s hort_name=XDO, user-variable:c p:request_id=13 182850, user-variable:c p:org_id=110, user-variable:c p:reportdescrip tion=MAC IRC Candidate Medical Fitness Letter, user-variable:c p:Dummy for Data Security=Y}
Sta rt bursting process..
Burst ing process complete..
Gene rating Bursting Status Report..
+----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------+
Sta rt of log messages from FND_FILE
+----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------+
+-- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------+
End of log messages from FND_FILE
+----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------+

+ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- +
Executing request completion options...

Out put file size:

Finishe d executing request completion options.

+---- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------+
Co ncurrent request completed
Curre nt system time is 13-AUG-2013 15:47:50

+---- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -----------+

0 #80 Bhaskar Naidu 2013-08-16 06:16

I face the same issue as 'Samir Kumar' said above. Is there any way to get the clear log or what is causing issue here. Your help would be much appreciated.

T hanks,
0 #81 Ahmed Ahmedov 2013-12-26 05:57
Thanks for the great post!
Currently we have ePO which sends out approved POs to their respective supplier. The requirement is to CC the same PO pdf output as an attachment to the PR creator so that the PR creator knows their PR is approved and sent to the supplier. We tried PO: Secondary Email profile option for that but it is not flexible enough and only sends CC emails to the PO submitter (i.e. Buyer).
PO pdf files are created and submitted to the supplier by "PO: Communications for Output" concurrent program. Is it possible to apply XML bursting in this case to achieve what we need?
0 #82 fhariddin 2014-02-11 07:40
how to send a xml bursting data in customer wise, but my customer dont have the group name.
with out group how to split the bursting file, is there any logic for spliting the bursting file in field wise?

Please give me the answer
0 #83 PO Attachments 2015-01-14 23:20
My client's requirement is to print Purchase Order and it's file attachments in a single package...is it possible to print Attachments using BI Publisher. If so, how can we do it. If not, how can we achieve this using Bursting feature.
Please let me know.
0 #84 Sureshece 2015-02-26 12:27
How to added if else condtion in xml bursting contral file
0 #85 Worth ful 2015-03-11 08:30
Hi Prasad, This post is worth the effort, I was able to do the xml bursting. Initially I had errors, but I was able to fix all of them one by one. Best of luck.
0 #86 Das 2015-04-07 09:33
I am calling the 'XML Publisher Report Bursting Program' in one of the custom RDF report. But I want read the view out put of the burst program which is in standard xml formate.

How can I read the view output.

Das P
0 #87 Praveena L 2015-04-16 10:34
I am new to bip bursting concept and your article helped me a lot. I am now stuck with a problem where I am not able to figure out why my bursting report file is not getting saved in the location provided in the query?
Are we supposed to do it manually or how are we supposed to do it .. can you please throw some light on this would appreciate your early response.

Thank you :)
0 #88 sankar 2015-05-20 08:02

I have a requirement where i need to change the to email address in the bursting control file based on the instace.

I have a parameter for email,If instance is production i have to take the email which is given in the parameter,in non production environments i have to change the email based on the lookup specified for each instance .

Please let us know how can i achieve this.
0 #89 Scott 2015-09-11 21:27
We currently generate an email to AR customers along with the invoice attachment for one business group.

Another business group is looking to add this functionality to email invoices. The two groups share the same invoice template .rtf and data definition and hence, the same bursting control file. The only thing that will be different is the Subject and Body of the email.

We have customized AR Invoice Print programs to allow bursting with the initial business group. We will add another parameter to the program with value set for each of the two business groups to allow for separate email content.

Sorry for the long comment but my question is: What is the most efficient way to code for two separate email contents within the same bursting control file? One approach might be to pass variables to the control file for email Subject and Body rather than hard coding.

Any feedback would be appreciated!
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SimpleTV își ridică numele, deoarece este, după toate probabilitățile ,
cel mai ușor de utilizat Windows IPTV player de pe piață.
Dar, în primul cat, şi precizăm ce este un player IPTV.
Dacă folosiți o altă aplicație gen Smart IPTV, NET IPTV, HOME IPTV, IPTV EXTPREME, etc, în funcție de detaliile specificate și volumul comenziilor efectuate în ziua respectivă,
echipa noastră vă va activa tisturie în cel mai restrâns vreme.
Mulți, având în intenţie că este o aplicație gratuită.
Această aplicație vă permite să transmiteți în flux canale TV ori radiodifuziune pe internet, precum și
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Add favorite content and access it easily!

Set in Kaštela, 650 metres from Ostrog Beach and 700
metres from Šumica Beach, NEW VILLA DAVID, WI-FI, IPTV, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms offers a seasonal outdoor swimming pool and
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DAVID, WI-FI, IPTV, while Putalj Winery is 6 km away.
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0 #170 canale tv 2022-06-30 12:21
Tehnologia IPTV este definită cu standardul DVB-IPTV.
IPTV ROMANIA va ofera cu profesionism programe tv iptv romanesti si straine, grupate in abonamente ce satisfac cerintele tuturor
clientilor cu o calitate a imaginii in format SD,HD & FHD.

Ofera acces gratuit la aproape 50 de canale TV, multe dintre ele
fiind romanesti. Iata cum poti observa gratuit pe telefon multe posturi tv romanesti, este vorba
despre o aplicatie pentru Android. Există mai multe platforme de acest sămânţă
- iTV și All 4 sunt doar două dintre ele. Canal 2 Canal 2 este, în acest moment, un canal de om generalist care
include jurnale de știri, show-uri de divertisment, filme și seriale, transmisiuni sportive, programe pentru copii.
Dacă trăiești în UK e important să știi ce
programe de teve poți viziona gratuit și pentru care servicii e nevoie să plătești licența TV.
Indiferent dacă te uiți la "Live TV" de pe telefon ori de pe pilulă, în drum înspre locul de muncă din UK, va a se impune şi plătești această tarif… Vei fi
auzit pesemne de termenul "Live TV". Practic, orice este transmis în durată adevăr de către o teve
este considerat "Live TV".
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0 #174 canale iptv romania 2022-07-03 13:47
IPTV este televiziunea viitorului - in curand consumatorul tv se
va orienta catre platforma IP. În mod însuşire, televiziunea
nu este transmisă cu internet. Datorită interfeței sale, pare minimalist,
dar îndeplinește toate funcțiile într-un mod perfect.
Este una dintre aplicațiile care de-a lungul timpului s-a îmbunătățit într-un mod
remarcabil pentru a include o listă importantă, toate ordonate
de diferite țări. Adăugați canale TDT în unele țări, deși cea mai bună este lista
completă a celor plătite, toate fără a fi nevoie să încărcați nicio listă.
Puteti sa revedeti emisiunea preferata la ora cand va convine dumneavoastra cel mai bine.
Fiecare canal poate fi derulat in a se perinda pana la 48
de ore pentru a viziona emisiunea preferata ori pe cea pierduta.
Astfel, un utilizator de servicii IPTV poate
a îmbrăca pauză la un meci în direct, poate înregistra
emisiunea TV favorită din mijlocul zilei, pentru a o a examina ulterior seara să poate părtini copiii
de programele care nu sunt potrivite pentru vârsta lor. BBC iPlayer), astfel încât va a se cere să configurați
o aplicație IPTV pe dispozitivele dvs. pentru a obține alte servicii.
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Este un soft gratuit foarte pasionat care vă permite şi vizionați filme,
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Functioneaza ireprosabil, nu are reclame si nici nu
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ce poate fi accesată cu orice telefon cu Android pe care este instalată aplicaţia SopCast.

Iată ce informații poți afla în articolul
de față: (dacă apeși pe oricare dintre subtitlurile de mai jos vei fi
redirecționat la capitolul corespunzător).
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0 #196 canale iptv romania 2022-07-14 11:29
SimpleTV își ridică numele, deoarece este, după
toate probabilitățile , cel mai ușor de utilizat Windows IPTV player de pe piață.
Dar, în primul etaj, să precizăm ce este un player IPTV.
Dacă folosiți o altă aplicație gen Smart IPTV, NET IPTV,
HOME IPTV, IPTV EXTPREME, etc, în funcție de detaliile specificate și volumul comenziilor efectuate în ziua respectivă, echipa noastră vă va activa tisturie în cel mai subit timp.
Mulți, având în viziune că este o aplicație gratuită.
Această aplicație vă permite de transmiteți în flux canale TV sau radiodifuziune pe internet, precum
și şi redați filme și orice alt faţă de conținut.
Prin satelit se pot a recepta fără abonament mii de canale de televiziune conj radio.

Această platformă deschisă poate folosi playerul nostru preferat pentru a viziona canale TV.
Abonamentul tau 24 IPTV Romania iti ofera access la o gama larga de canale TV premium romanesti si
internationale. Add favorite content and access it
easily! Set in Kaštela, 650 metres from Ostrog Beach and 700 metres from Šumica Beach, NEW VILLA
DAVID, WI-FI, IPTV, 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms offers a seasonal outdoor
swimming pool and air conditioning. Palace Beach is less than 1
km from NEW VILLA DAVID, WI-FI, IPTV, while Putalj Winery is 6 km away.
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0 #198 iptv romania 2022-07-17 03:44
Tehnologia IPTV este definită prin standardul DVB-IPTV.
IPTV ROMANIA va ofera cu profesionalitat e programe tv iptv romanesti si straine, grupate
in abonamente ce satisfac cerintele tuturor clientilor cu o calitate a imaginii in format SD,HD
& FHD. Ofera acces gratuit la aproape 50 de canale TV, multe
dintre ele fiind romanesti. Iata cum poti constata gratuit pe
telefon multe posturi tv romanesti, este vorba despre o aplicatie pentru Android.
Există mai multe platforme de acest model - iTV și All 4 sunt doar două dintre ele.
Canal 2 Canal 2 este, în acest moment, un canal de faţă generalist care include jurnale de știri,
show-uri de divertisment, filme și seriale, transmisiuni sportive, programe pentru copii.
Dacă trăiești în UK e important să știi ce programe de televizor poți viziona gratuit și pentru care servicii e nevoie şi plătești licența TV.
Indiferent dacă te uiți la "Live TV" de pe telefon ori de pe pilulă, în drum
înspre locul de muncă din UK, va a se cădea şi
plătești această tarif… Vei fi auzit pesemne de
termenul "Live TV". Practic, orice este transmis în vârstă real de către o teve
este considerat "Live TV".
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IPTV este un model prin care serviciile de televiziune sunt transmise, folosind protocoalele de internet.
Serviciile noastre pot fi accesate de pe orice dispozitiv.
Avem fluxuri IPTV stabile care sunt cele mai bune.Avem o grila de canale tv iptv variata, atent selectionata,
cu programe TV stabile si o calitate premium, ce functioneaza pe 1 sau
5 dispositive, simultan sau despărţit.Pache tele noastre de canale tv
iptv, sunt atent concepute pentru necesitatile clientilor,
sunt compatibile cu majoritatea dispozitivelor de pe piata
precum si cu aplicatiile de pe televizoarele
smart. Pachetele noastre de canale tv iptv, sunt atent concepute pentru necesitatile clientilor, sunt compatibile cu
majoritatea dispozitivelor de pe piata precum si
cu aplicatiile de pe televizoarele smart. Pentru o vizualizare
corecta a posturile tv online prezente pe site va rugam
sa folositi Internet Explorer deoarece majoritatea plugin-urilor
nu sunt compatibile cu Opera sau Firefox.
NU ai nevoie de antena parabolica ori alte echipamente.doa r de internet.
Pentru a a se cuveni avea acces la huzmet aveti nevoie de un TV Smart ori Smart Phone sau tableta pe care sa aveti instalata o aplicatie destinata serviciului de IPTV.
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