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In this article we will learn the usage of RBAC [Role Based Access Control] in AME. To illustrate RBAC in AME, we will create a brand new user in eBusiness Suite and will allocate the AME Roles one by one to explain the purpose behind those roles. After going through this article you will learn that RBAC not only controls the menus that are visible in AME Responsibilities, but RBAC also controls the data that is visible to the AME User.

Two responsibilities must be added to the user, in order for them to be able to configure AME approval processes.
    Approvals Management Administrator
    Approvals Management Business Analyst

You will note that, even though the responsibilities have been attached, the user does not have access any menu within AME responsibilities.
Therefore some roles must be allocated to the user, so that they can access the menu items required for AME.
These steps for are illustrated using the video link as shown below
Click here to see this video
After see the above video, you will learn that
    -- AME Menu's and Functions are now available to the user AME_USER [used in this example]
    -- Even though the screens are available, but user AME_USER is unable to view any of the AME data.

As seen in video above, we are using responsibility named "User Management" to allocate the desired roles to the user. However you can also use Functional Administrator to attach the roles.
Another very important thing you will notice from the above video is that, the user AME_USER has access to AME menus after the roles were granted via RBAC, however they still do not see anything "AME Transaction Types". In order for AME Transaction Types to be visible, some additional grant must be created. These steps are detailed in video link below.
Click here to see this video

After following the steps in both these videos you will be able to create an AME User with desired access to AME Functionality.

In the above video you learnt
    --How the data is being secured in AME using RBAC
    --Steps for implementing the RBAC Transaction Type for AME
    --In the above example we have assigned all the transaction types. You may decide to selectively grant specific transaction types to a role.

Anil Passi


0 #1 shanker 2009-05-01 09:46

I followed your steps . but I am not able to retrive my user name using User management Responsibility ?

I created user in HR and assigned to my login

Am I missing any steps ?

0 #2 Anil Passi 2009-05-01 11:10
Hi Ravi

Please check if the deferred agent listener is running.

It runs at pre-defined intervals, therefore it may take a few minutes before you can see the AME Transaction Types.

Thanks ,
Anil Passi
0 #3 beesa 2010-06-02 11:06
Hello anil,

Can i you how to download all the viedo in document which you mention. Please tell processor to my mail id --
0 #4 Shadab 2012-08-26 06:35
Hi Anit,
Thanks for your document for RBAC .
I am facing problem when i am going to user management screen, I am not able to find user name, could you please help me.

0 #5 Gautam 2013-09-16 10:12
Hi anil,

That was a really good job done by you and you team . thisi article was superb..BTW i dont see videos in the link .im using chrome browser.
0 #6 Bhushan 2015-09-03 15:06
Hi Anil,
I want to implement RBAC in my instance.So I want to know basic steps required for it.
Any Help can be appreciated.

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