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I’ve created an element as earnings ‘Regular Time’ in Payroll as Standard Earnings, so it has the ‘Hours’ and the ‘Rate’ input values but why element’s reporting value is not appearing on the Payroll Time Type list of values so that employee’s can enter time toward it.

Accepted Answer

Tuesday, May 09 2017, 10:33 AM - #Permalink

Kindly follow below steps and confirm if you still facing the issue

Please follow the steps below to create the Time Entry elements and generate the data to be accessed in the the Time Card:

1. Create a Regular Time element with Primary Classification of Regular Earnings. Calculation method will be Hours x Rate (important, otherwise you will not be able to use it in the time card)
Path: Navigator/ Setup and Maintenance / Manage Elements / Create

2. Run the 'Create Timecard Calculation Components' process for your Legislative Data Group and Element already created
Path: Navigator / Payroll Checklists / Submit a Process or Report / Create Timecard Calculation Components

3. Run the 'Generate Data Dictionary Time Attributes' (make sure you include Include Payroll Time Type)
Path: Navigator / Setup and Maintenance / Generate Data Dictionary Time Attributes


4.Check for hidden Primary Assignment Id Layout Component in the layout which has to be replaced with Assignment Number Layout component(Since Assignment number is mandatory for entering time card)

5. The users will be able to search for Payroll Time Types when creating a Time Card Field

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