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Please find a sample BR100 setup document on Self Service HRMS. This document was prepared on 11i, however could be used as a template for R12 SSHR implementations as well. This is a sample document to be used as a template, and therefore is not a training document

The document can be downloaded from the link below


Click here to download this document

Anil Passi


0 #1 Kadhiresan 2010-02-10 04:34
The SSHR document which is very useful.

Thank you very much to Mr. Anil Passi.
0 #2 krishna.roshan 2010-02-18 18:28
Hi Anil:

Thanks very much for all your support. I have one small customization to do

In SSHR ,, when i click on My Employe einfo and then i click on any empoyee and i can see all the info ..

Like Assignment number, location etc..

Now what i have to do is

there is one firld years of service that is populated ..

I don't know on what basis it's populating that value

but i want that number to be displayed baed on a calculation (Effective date - Adjusted service date )

Adjusted services date was actually hideen so i rendedred the value to true and it's now displaying that

Pleae advice how can i go and make that change

Mana v
0 #3 Abdulrahman Ahmed 2010-03-07 06:10
I am currently changing my career from Apps DBA to Payroll and Self Service Support, Kinldy can anyone suggest good Book about HRMS Funtional guidelines, mainly Payroll and Self Services.

Than ks
Abdulrahman Ahmed
0 #4 Abdulrahman Ahmed 2010-03-07 06:13
I am currently changing my career from Apps DBA to Payroll and Self Service Support, Kinldy can anyone suggest good Book about HRMS Funtional guidelines, mainly Payroll and Self Services.

my email is:

Abdulr ahman Ahmed
0 #5 Sathish Paral 2010-03-31 07:15
Dear Anil,
My name is Sathish . I was just browsing for some docs, happened to see "BR100 setup document on Self Service HRMS". surprisingly the in open & Close issue section (Last page) i saw the name FT/Macro-Soft. I am working for macro-Soft (Macro software systems LLC - Oman). Just curious to know more about this document.

Than ks & Regards

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