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I have received a lot of requests from my peers where they would like to know how does the “Update Accrual Plan Enrolment” process works.

So, here is an attempt from my side to explain the same.

For this example, we would try to create a Accrual Plan say Accrual Plan A which will have the following basic details:

  1. Legislation – US
  2. Plan Type – Accrual
  3. Accrual Method – Incremental
  4. Accrual Frequency – Monthly
  5. Carryover – No Carryover
  6. Participation – As of Event
  7. Plan Start Date – 01/01/1951


Now, when we devise such a plan it is expected that the moment a new-hire is created he/she will automatically get enrolled to the plan. 

Q. But how about the already existing records?

Well they can be enrolled by running “Update Accrual Plan Enrolment” schedule process.

Q. But then from what date does one gets enrolled into the plan?

The date which is passed while running the “Update Accrual Plan Enrolment”

Q. How to ensure that for all pre-existing record the enrolment start date should be hire date.

A. One can use a custom Absence Plan Enrolment Start Date Fast formula and attach to the plan


So, in a nutshell, in-order to ensure that:

  1. All existing hires get enrolled into the new plan from their hire date


  1. All new hires get auto-enrolled as and when hiring event takes place

We would have to do a three step process:

Step 1: Assign a Custom Absence Plan Enrolment Fast Formula to the newly created Absence Plan and run the scheduled process “Update Accrual Plan Enrolment” with effective date as System Date

Step 2: Once step 1 is completed remove the Fast Formula and change the setup to “As of Event”. Try Hire an Employee and you should see that the new employee gets enrolled from the hire date.

We would perform the same steps and verify if the above statements are correct.

Configuring Absence Plan

We will configure a Absence Plan (Accrual Plan A) and it has the following setup:

A screenshot of a social media post

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A screenshot of a cell phone

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A screenshot of a cell phone

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A screenshot of a social media post

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Once this setup is done we will create a custom report which will be based on below SQL.


SELECT papf.person_id, 


                aapft.NAME absence_plan_name,

DECODE(asg.assignment_type,'E','Employee','C','Contingent Worker','N','Non Worker','P','Pending Worker', 'NA') assignment_type,

ppos.date_start hire_date,

pastv.user_status assignment_status,

appe.enrt_st_dt plan_enrollment_date   

  FROM per_all_people_f papf,

              per_assignment_status_types_vl pastv,

       anc_per_plan_enrollment appe,

       per_all_assignments_f asg,

       per_periods_of_service ppos,

       per_person_types_tl per_typ,

       per_legal_employers ple,

       anc_absence_plans_f_tl aapft,

       anc_absence_plans_f aapf

 WHERE asg.person_id = papf.person_id

   AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = pastv.assignment_status_type_id

   AND papf.person_id = appe.person_id

   AND ppos.period_of_service_id = appe.prd_of_svc_id

   AND appe.plan_id = aapft.absence_plan_id

   AND ppos.person_id = papf.person_id

   AND asg.period_of_service_id = ppos.period_of_service_id

   AND asg.person_type_id = per_typ.person_type_id

   AND asg.legal_entity_id = ple.organization_id

   AND aapft.absence_plan_id = aapf.absence_plan_id

   AND trunc(sysdate) between appe.enrt_st_dt and appe.enrt_end_dt

   AND appe.enrt_st_dt =

 (SELECT MAX(appe1.enrt_st_dt)

  FROM   anc_per_plan_enrollment 

WHERE  appe1.person_id = appe.person_id

AND    appe1.prd_of_svc_id = appe.prd_of_svc_id

AND    appe1.plan_id = appe.plan_id)

   AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'

   AND asg.assignment_type IN ('E', 'C', 'N', 'P')

   AND asg.assignment_status_type = 'ACTIVE'

   AND pastv.user_status = 'Active - Payroll Eligible'

   AND ple.status = 'A'


   AND aapf.plan_status = 'A'

   AND aapft.LANGUAGE = 'US'

   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date

   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date

   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ple.effective_start_date AND ple.effective_end_date

   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN aapf.effective_start_date AND aapf.effective_end_date

   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN aapft.effective_start_date AND aapft.effective_end_date

   AND aapft.name = nvl(:absence_plan_name,aapft.name)

   AND papf.person_number = nvl(:person_number,papf.person_number)

   order by papf.person_number,aapft.name

Once we run the report based on this we will get following output

A screenshot of a cell phone

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We can see that with the current setup only 1 record has got enrolled.

Next, we will create a custom Fast Formula 

Fast Formula Text



FORMULA TYPE: Global Absence Plan Enrollment Start

DESCRIPTION: This sample formula returns the Enrollment Start Date of absence plan when enrolling a person to a plan which does based on person hire date.

Change History:

Name                 Date        Comments


Ashish Harbhajanka 30-Jun-2020   Initial Version 



/*=========== DATABASE ITEM DEFAULTS BEGIN =====================*/

DEFAULT for PER_ASG_REL_ORIGINAL_DATE_OF_HIRE is '4712/12/31 00:00:00' (date)

/*=========== DATABASE ITEM DEFAULTS ENDS======================*/


enrollmentStartDate  = l_hire_date

RETURN enrollmentStartDate


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In the next step we will change the Absence setup (Participation -> Enrollment Start Date) to Formula

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Now we will run “Update Accrual Plan Enrollments” ESS job.

Navigation: Tools -> Scheduled Processes -> Update Accrual Plan Enrollments

A screenshot of a cell phone

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If we see the output file we can see that there are 3732 records processed

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And a quick re-run of report shows following data

A screenshot of a cell phone

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We can verify the same from UI

Navigation: My Client Groups -> Data Exchange -> Person Management -> Search for Person Number 10 -> Actions -> Absences -> Absence Records

A screenshot of a social media post

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So, this is how we can create a new plan and follow the process to ensure all employees (all existing in application already as well as new employees to be hired in future) gets enrolled in a absence plan.

Also, we tried to explain how the delivered “Update Accrual Plan Enrollments” works.

And with this we have come to the end of the article, hope this was a good read and you guys learned something.

Thank You all for your time, have a nice day ahead.

Good Bye, take care and stay safe.


Downloadable Files:





Ashish Harbhajanka


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0 #3 isaqauavuca 2021-06-01 21:29
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0 #4 ujjerawaffeu 2021-06-01 21:42
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0 #5 epoguqosuvmid 2021-06-01 21:55
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0 #6 LghVZ 2022-02-20 12:34
0 #7 HvoGF 2022-02-21 22:41

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About the Author

Ashish Harbhajanka


Oracle Fusion HCM Techno Functional Consultant with overall 10 years of Experience in software industry with 5 years in EBS HRMS and rest 5 in Fusion HCM.

My areas of intesrest in Fusion HCM include :

a) Inbound Outbound Integration using FBL/HDL or BIP/HCM Extracts.

b) Fast Formula

c) BIP Reports

d) OTBI Reports

e) RESTFUL API / Web Service Call

f) Functional Setup

g) End to End Testing

h) Regression Testing

i) Preparing COnfiguration Workbooks

j) Creating Speed Solutions

k) Preparing User Guides

l) UPK


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