In the SLA articles Part 1 to Part 6, we understood the basic concepts of Subledger Accounting.
In the SLA articles Part 7 to Part 9, we configured SLA for Payables as an example.
In this article, we will test the configuration to see the results of the configuration performed in Part 7 to Part 9 of the SLA articles. We will also explain the results of the test.
Our SLA setup was done for Payables, hence we will create an Invoice in Payables and check the accounting entries to reconcile those against our SLA setup.
If you recollect, we created an AAD named ANIL_PAYBLES which is attached to Oracle Payables module. This AAD will invoke JLD named ANIL_JLD to build the journal lines when an event takes place against the Payables invoice.
In the image below we are creating an Invoice from Payables responsibility and ensuring its invoice line distribution account is 01-110-6100-0000-000.
Next we click on Actions button and validate the invoice and create accounting entries.
Now check the accounting generated by clicking on menu title Reports||View Accounting .
You will notice that the Debit entry of 1000 is charged to 01-110-7450-0000-000 instead of being charged to 01-110-6100-0000-000 in the Invoice Distribution Line of Payables. Please note that the third segments value of 6100 from Invoice Distribution has been replaced by 7450 from ADR named ANIL_EXPENSE_ADR
The complete logic is described after this image.
Now, let us revisit how the credit line in the journal has been built. Typically Code Combination for the credit/liability accounting entry of the invoice line is picked from Payables Options setup of the operating unit. However in this case, in SLA we have hard coded the credit account to be 01.000.2220.0000.000. This was done by defining ANIL_LIABILIY_ADR as shown below. In this case the ADR returns the complete CCID because the Output Type radio button is set to Flexfield.
Hence, the SLA has generated the same Credit entry CCID for the invoice, as shown in image below
Needless to say that the ANIL_LIABILITY_ADR was attached to the Journal Line Type=ANIL_JLT_CREDIT.
Thanks for all the 10 posts. This helped us to understand SLA. Great job.
I have a question
In the example shown, the AP account is stored as it is, however when SLA Acccounting happens it is overridden to the required value. Many a times we want accounting at AP invoice distributions to be overridden ,say for Eg Project related Invoices. Currently we Customize account generator workflow for this purpose.
I wanted to know , what is the SLA equivalent , so that we can override AP account itself even before entries are generated in SLA (so as to do away with Customization of w/f).
J oy
If I understand your question correctly, then you wish to avoid customization of account generator workflow. In that case, you need to customize the ADR in SLA
An il Passi
Your posts on the SLA are really excellent.
We upgraded to R12 (12.1.3) last month. During the testing, we have not paid much attention to the fact that the transactions from subledgers are loading in SUMMARY in GL.
Now, our users realize that the entries are coming in summary to GL and the "GL 180 characters" report is not showing all the details(Because it
runs only from GL). This is happening because of the seeded journal line are defined with Transfer to GL option as SUMMARY.
Also, they complained that the all the journal headers are showing the end of the period date. This is happening because of the "General Ledger Journal Entry Summarization" option set to "Summary by GL Period"
They want all the details to be transferred from subledgers to GL and also the journal headers should show the actual GL date instead of the period end date.
I tested with changing the option "Transfer to GL" at the journal line types to "Detail" and set the option "General Ledger Journal Entry Summarization" to "Summarize by GL Date". This is kind of working fine, but need to identify all the required journal line types that need to be changed to "Detail" which is a big thing.
In the meanwhile, I found that for the option "General Ledger Journal Entry Summarization", there are a value named " Group by GL Date". I could not find much documentation about this option anywhere. When I tried setting this value and tested(keeping the journal line type as SUMMARY only), the journals are coming in Detail to GL and also creating the headers with the GL date.
I would need your opinion on this option before presenting this option to the users.
Shall wait for your reply..
Best Regards
You are executing a great social responsibility.
Thanks a ton for the wonderful notes on SLA.Keep up the good work.
You will be remembered.
By way of sharing, we grow together:)
Reg ards
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