The idea behind this API is that you do not need to program for:-
1. Inserts to GL Interface ( GL_INTERFACE )
2. The validations required for Oracle GL Import
3. Submission of GL Import
Features of this Oracle GL Interface API are:-
1. It will ensure that the credit equals debit
2. It will submit GL Import when parameter p_submit_gl_interface is Y
For the source code for these API's click on the links below:-
GL Import API Package Header
GL Import API Package Body
Usage of this API
(p_sob_id => --Set of Books Id
,p_batch_header_id => --header id of your feed
,p_trx_header_id => --sub header id of your feed
--or leave this to be the same as above
,p_trx_line_id => --line id of your feed
,p_date => --effective date of the journal
,p_currency_code => --currency code of the journal
,p_amount => --journal line amount
,p_dr_account => --GL CCID of account to be credited
,p_cr_account => --GL CCID of account to be debited
,p_journal_name => --Journal Name to be created
,p_header_description => --Journal Description to be created
,p_line_description => --Journal Line descriptionn
,p_success_flag => b_success_flag--boolean returned to show if errored
,p_first_record_in_batch => v_first_record_in_batch --pass Y for First Record in batch
,p_submit_gl_interface => v_is_last_trx_line --Pass Y submit for last line of batch
--when Y it will submit the GL Import
,p_gl_user_je_source_name => --user_je_source_name
,p_gl_user_je_category_name => --user_je_category_name
,p_trx_number => --trx_number
Please accept my hearty congratulations for developing a very very good and useful site. Not a single day has passed since I cam to know abt ur site without visiting it. I have one question.What are the validations that must be done during journal Import?.
Reg ards
Thanks for creating such a wonderful platform to share the knowledge. Anil can use post some documents about Trnasfer the data from the subledgers to GL and What all are the things to be taken care while doing this.?
Regar ds
Jothees Kumar Nair
First of thanks alot for such a wonderful pool of knowledge and help.
Anil I have the requirement from the client for the Drill Down report for all the Control Accounts, similar to the Account Inquiry Form where in you can drill down to the last source, are there any reports available in Oracle GL Module, I dont know as I am a Supply Chain Consultant, but would appreciate if you can help me out with this.
There is also a requirement for showing the Vendorwise Balances for all the vendors for a given period, which will be drill down of the Total GL Balance of that Accounts.
So there are two different requirements, Kindly update me how can I achieve this.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Girish Bajaj.
U done a good job for developing a gl interface API. But iam not getting how i have to use this one.
Please explain me briefly. what are the parameters i have to pass to this api.
Thanks in Advance
Raja Ramesh
You have to get hold of the package header and packagebody in scripts4oracle website [link provided above]
Next, you need to use parameters similar to as shown for xx_import_xfer_ ansfer_to_gl
I n the process, feel free to modify the code as you wish. Also feel free to add new parameters to the given code, as per your business requirement.
T hanks,
Anil Passi
Yor work is really appreciable.
Do u you have any Technical design documnet for Migraton of legacy assets data into
oracle fixed assets
I am afraid I dont have the piece of code that you are looking for.
A nil
Can you please write some more articles in Oracle Projects and integration with other modules. I am excited to publish some of the papers on Oracle HRMS, please let me know the process.
Thank s,
My satish is satish kumar and i have recently completed Oracle Financials.kind ly send me some Pratice documents on GL, AP, AR and Purchasing.
Re gards
S.Satish Kumar
Praveen Here. Very Very Nice Artical. Good Job.
In the Package Body I have Seen the below Declaration.
x x_import_xfer_g l_iface_api is the Package Name. Can you Please let me know what is xx_gl_feed.plsq l.
g_debug_he ader_context CONSTANT VARCHAR2(80) := 'xx_gl_feed.pls ql.xx_import_xf er_gl_iface_api .';
And Why Do we need Batch Prefix.
Pravee n
And also I have Some Other Questions in the pakage Header "GL Import API Package Header". Can you Please clarify my Doubts.
Are the above once are profile Options. If So How to check if there are any Profile Options in our company. I mean to say What SQL Query do I need to Use
to find these profile Options.
5) What is xx_gl_feed.plsq l in header Context?
Thank s Anil,
In answer to your questions
1. Instead of xx_gl_feed% you can use any naming convention for debug prefix.
All you have to make sure, if you wish to debug this GL Interface program using FND Logging, then set the profile
"FND: Debug Log Module" to xx% or xx_gl_feed%
2. These profile options are used to overcome the hardcoding in the program.
Althou gh some variables are hard-coded, but I override the hardcoded value if profile option XX_OVERRIDE_GL_ JE_SOURCE_NAME is defined and assigned a value at respective level.
For example, for below code, if the profile XX_OVERRIDE_GL_ JE_SOURCE_NAME does not exist, then Manual will be assigned to the respective g_gl_user_je_so urce_name variable.
g_gl_user_je_so urce_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := nvl(fnd_profile.VALUE('XX_OVERRIDE_GL_ JE_SOURCE_NAME')
Anil passi
One More Question.
We are using Employee Number Only to Populate in Reference1. If we Dont want that, can we remove it or is that any type of validation.
Th anks
You are free to enter whatever you wish to enter into that field.
In this example, I am using this reference column to store id/descriptions of source transactions/id s and also the Emp Number of the person that initiated this transaciton in source system.
Thanks ,
Anil Passi
I got Your Point on GL API. Thanks a Lot. This Document helped me a lot. Get back to you If I have anything else. Thanks Again.
Client wants to Implement Revalueation. Can you Please Publish Revalueation Document (if you Have any) which clearly Describes
Step By Step Process Of Revaluation.
T hanks
We are Using fnd_flex_keyval .validate_segs to create Combination. Its Working Fine some Times and some Times it is not able to create a Combination.
Th e Same Combination If I manually Create It is Allowing us so, there are no Cross Validation Rule for that combination.
S o, Now I want exactly at what point the error Occurs. But I dont know How to Debug Procedure. Can you Please Give me the sample Code which uses the
Standard API and Debugging Procedures.
Th anks & Regards,
Pravee n
Can you Please Let me know How to debug Oracle Supplied Standard API from coding. I want to Debug fnd_flex_keyval .validate_segs.
Please let me know. Your are the only hope for me.
Prav een
I had to debug exactly the same API some years ago.
those days we did not have fnd logging.
So i created a custom autonomous transaction procedure with commit.
In this api that you mentioned, there aren't many debug statements.
rea son is for efficiency Oracle has kept debug stmts to minimal.
hence you can edit that API[only on development instance please] and add your
debug messages.
Than ks,
Anil Passi
Do you Have any Idea of How to Add custom Validations to the Web ADI. If Yes Can you Please send us the Information.
A Specific Segment Value Should not be entered in Web ADI or If entered Upload Should fail and give a message for so and so reason this segment should not Enter.
Regards ,
I have done GL Conversion in R12 .
User ran GL Trial balance report for testing but we found the amounts are twice the actual figures.
The report that we ran is "Trial Balance - Additional Segment Detail".
IS this the right report for testing?
And what is the diff between Ap trial balance and GL trial Balance?
Which trial balance report should we run for testing?
Is this a bug in Oracle R12..Any idea???
can u help me on that topic
i want record in GL
'''''' undefined accounting periods in the current accounting calendar '''''''''''
he lp me
can i know steps to implement file upload api using forms in purchaisng
Do we have any Oracle standard report which fetches all the details which is fetched during GL drilldown in
Tha nks
For me it happens when you run the package from SQL Developer, showing just happens that "anonymous block completed" but does not show me the flag whether created the journal.
Help me, please.
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