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E-Business Tax tax rules let you create a tax determination model to reflect the tax regulations of different tax regimes and the tax requirements of your business. You can create a simple tax model that makes use of default values without extensive processing, or a complex tax model that considers each tax requirement related to a transaction before making the final calculation.During execution of the tax determination process, E-Business Tax evaluates, in order of priority, the tax rules that have defined against the tax configuration setup and the details on the transaction. If the first rule is successfully evaluated, the result associated with the rule is used. If not, the next rule is evaluated until either a successful evaluation or default value is found.The E-Business Tax tax determination process is organized into rule types. Each rule type identifies a particular step in the determination and calculation of taxes on transactions.The tax line determination process uses the information of the transaction header and transaction line to determine the tax lines.


This video demonstrates What are the Tax Determining Factors in Oracle E-Business (EBS) Tax:


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