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Fusion PayRoll
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This tutorial deals with Fusion Payroll, and how it functions. In this part, we will discuss the topic of Payroll Batch Loader.

Payroll Batch Loader

(continued from Part 1)

The Payroll Batch Loader (PBL) is used for bulk loading specific objects through spreadsheets. In Payroll, the Payroll Batch Loader is used for loading the payroll data in bulk using spreadsheets.

This is done by the use of a Batch Loader Spreadsheet, which can be downloaded from the Administration Workarea. This spreadsheet is then used to create and save batches to load data. After loading the bulk data into spreadsheets, the user can then run a process to ultimately transfer the data onto Human Capital Management (HCM) tables.


As discussed before, the desktop integration tool has to first be downloaded as follows: Navigator menu -> Tools -> Download Desktop Integration Installer.

Once it has been downloaded, follow the steps detailed below:

  1. Go to the Administration Workarea from the Navigator menu.

  2. Click on the Batch Loader link from the list on the left-hand side of the workarea, under Batch Processing.

  3. The Batch Loader tab will open. Click on the Download button to download the Batch Loader Spreadsheet.

  4. Once the download is complete, open the Batch Loader Spreadsheet.

  5. Upon opening the spreadsheet, click on the Yes button to connect to the application.

  6. You will then be asked to log in. Enter the login details of your user (with which you downloaded the desktop integration tool) to arrive at the Payroll Batch Loader’s Batch Header Sheet.

Fig. 1 - The link to the Administration Workarea on the Navigator menu


The Batch Header Sheet

In the downloaded Excel file, there will be present different worksheets. The first of them is the Batch Header Sheet. Here, you can select the Batch Name and choose the relevant Legislative Data Group from the dropdown. Then, click on the Save button to save the batch.


The Batch Content Sheet

The second worksheet in the downloaded Batch Loader Spreadsheet file is the Batch Content Sheet. Here, the data that is to be loaded onto the saved batch (from the previous Batch Header Sheet) has to be selected.

Click on the Add button. In the screen that pops up, select the task (e.g. element, element entries, etc.) and the task action (e.g. create element, create element entry,etc.). Then click on the Apply button to load the task data.

The appropriate items will then appear in the Batch Content Line Details section, according to the selected task and action (element input values, entry values, etc.). The Batch Content Sheet will change according to the tasks and task actions selected by the user (note the “......” column in the table on the screenshot below, which creates more columns according to the data selected).

Submitting the ‘Create Batch for an Object’ Process

  1. In the Administration Workarea, go to the Submit a Process or Report task under Payroll Flows from the task list on the left-hand side of the screen.

  2. Choose your Legislative Data Group from the dropdown and select the Create Batch for an Object flow pattern from the list. Click on the Next button on the top right-hand corner.

  3. Enter the details on each page and finally click on the Submit button to submit the process.

Transferring Batch Data Using the ‘Transfer Batch’ Process

  1. In the Administration Workarea, go to the Submit a Process or Report task under Payroll Flows from the task list on the left-hand side of the screen.

  2. Choose your Legislative Data Group from the dropdown and select the Transfer Batch flow pattern from the list. Click on the Next button on the top right-hand corner.

  3. Enter a name for the Transfer Batch process. Use the magnifying glass icon to search and select the required batch that is to be transferred.

  4. Enter the required schedule for the process and click on the Submit button after reviewing the process information to submit the process.



Krishnaa Lakshmanan

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Krishnaa Lakshmanan

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