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Fusion Fundamental:

Oracle Fusion Application:

Oracle Fusion Application connects and automates the entire flow of business processes across both front and back office operations. It addresses the needs of a global enterprise. It Supports by design to ensure your enterprise can be modeled to meet legal, management, and security objectives. Individual Oracle Applications are integrated to work together. It also supports sharing common setup data across applications to streamline the setup process. Components of Fusion (on premise) and Cloud are the same. The middleware components are not going to change, only the deployment models are different.

Oracle Fusion Application Structure:

Every enterprise has three fundamental structures that are used to describe its operations and provide a basis for reporting.

  1. Legal

  2. Managerial

  3. Functional

In Oracle Fusion Applications these structures are implemented using chart of accounts and organizations. Although we can implement and use alternative hierarchies for reporting we are likely to have one primary structure that organizes our business into divisions, business units, and departments aligned by our strategic objectives.


Oracle Fusion Application User interaction Basics:

  1. Homepage

  2. User Interface features

  3. Dashboard and worklist

  4. Work areas and Navigation

Security administrators commonly interact with the Setup and Maintenance work area to search for and perform security administration tasks.

  1. Homepage:

Signing into Oracle Fusion Applications opens the Home page. The Home page is a collection of dashboards for activities such as:

  • Personalizing dashboard layout and content, such as on the Welcome dashboard.

  • Using the Watch list to view predefined and personalized saved searches.

  • Drilling directly into an item in the Watch list to go to that work area.

  • Using the Work list to view pending notifications and approvals.


   2.  Dashboard and Work list:

        Oracle Fusion Dashboard provides Information summaries and Information Monitoring.

The work list is a list of all the currently opened tasks for given users across all Oracle Fusion worklist servers. The tasks are system-generated human tasks managed by a combination of Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) and Human Tasks workflows based on the Oracle Fusion Applications business process management model (BPM).


  3.  Work areas and Navigation:

A work area is a grouping of similar tasks.

For example, users who use Setup and maintenance are to access the implementation and security administration task. You reach Setup and maintenance are by following   method:

From the Administration menu select>> Setup and Maintenance.

From the Navigator menu select>> the more... link>> Tools>> Setup and Maintenance.

Within the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the implementation task you want to perform by using one of the following methods:

  1. Enter the task name in the Name field in the Search: Tasks pane.

  2. Search for the task on the Assigned Implementation Tasks tab.

  3. Search for the task on the All Tasks tab.

  4. The Setup and Maintenance work area is part of the integrated Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager (FSM).

  5. The Recent Items menu enables users to return to flows that have been recently accessed, usually within, but not limited to, a single session.






Oracle Fusion Applications:



Varun Kapila

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Varun Kapila

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