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For quite some time I was thinking about publishing an article about forms personalization in Oracle HRMS.

The Metalink note on Forms Personalization is helpful, but what it lacks is a pictorial approach to implementing
Forms Personalizations. I am a visual animal, so I like to explain in that manner too.

My first article in the series of Forms Personalization is in response to a question raised in Oracle Forum under Oracle Human Resources (HRMS ). As per the Oracle forum request, If the Person Type is Employee, their clients wants Person Title field to become Mandatory ( lets assume it is the title field for now).  When the Person Type field changes to a value that is anything but Employee, the person title field should then toggle back to become optional.

Please note that when Person type Employee is selected, value in field
PERSON.D_PTU_USER_PERSON_TYPE  is assigned a value of “Employee”

Now the requirement is that for “Employee” field PERSON.D_TITLE must be made mandatory.

There are two possible ways the Person Type can change.
Either by picking a dropdown list of Action (e.g. Create Employee) or by directly picking up a value from LOV on field “Person Type for Action”. Whenever the person type changes, WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE is fired for one for the below fields(depending upon how its changed).  Hence forms personalization must check conditions for below three fields

The demo below contains conditional check on “WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE” of PERSON.PTU_ACTION_TYPE

When implementing this, you will have to replicate the steps in the demo for WNII on both PERWSHRG.PERSON.D_PTU_USER_PERSON_TYPE & PERWSHRG.PERSON.SHOW_NUMBER

I have tested the steps below myself, and they appear to work.

OK, here we go.....

Create Personalization as below( to make Title field mandatory)
Sequence: 50
Description: Make Person Title Mandatory when Person Type is Employee.
Condition: ${item.person.d_ptu_user_person_type.value} = 'Employee


Check if Person Type is Employee in When New Item Instance

Action Sequence: 10
Action Type: Property
Action Object Type: Item
Action Target Object: PERSON.D_TITLE
Action Property Name: REQUIRED
Action Value: TRUE

Make Title mandatory when Person Type is Employee

Create another Personalization as below ( to make Title field Optional)
Sequence: 51
Description: Make Person Title Mandatory when Person Type is Employee.
Condition: NVL(${item.person.d_ptu_user_person_type.value},'xxyyzz') != 'Employee'

Check if Person Type is anything other than Employee in When New Item Instance


Action Sequence: 10
Action Type: Property
Action Object Type: Item
Action Target Object: PERSON.D_TITLE
Action Property Name: REQUIRED
Action Value: FALSE

Make Title option when Person Type is not Employee


Anil Passi


0 #1 gayathri 2006-12-06 00:00
Anil, iam getting a ora 00911 error for the conditions.Any checks on the syntax?
0 #2 Anil Passi 2006-12-06 00:00
Hi Gayathri,

In valid Character can be caused due to various reasons. Please email me the screenshot.

You can also trace the Forms session, and see the last executed SQL when eorror occured.

How ever, this error may not always occur from SQL, this can also be raised if you assign character value to a Numeric form field.

Thank s,
Anil Passi
0 #3 gayathri 2006-12-06 00:00
Anil, iam getting a ora 00911 error for the conditions.Any checks on the syntax?
0 #4 Anil Passi 2006-12-06 00:00
Hi Gayathri,

In valid Character can be caused due to various reasons. Please email me the screenshot.

You can also trace the Forms session, and see the last executed SQL when eorror occured.

How ever, this error may not always occur from SQL, this can also be raised if you assign character value to a Numeric form field.

Thank s,
Anil Passi
0 #5 sreedevi u 2007-02-01 00:00
Superb. Anil Thanks a lot for your documentation. You are a genious.
0 #6 Anil Passi 2007-02-12 00:00
Hi Anil,

You can have this segment in context sensitive for this responsibility by following guidelines in this link below.

for the responsibility specific context, you can attach a table type value set which reads the values of that column itself from the same table. Hence, although user will be able to edit the Flexfield BUT value set will enforce the selection of current value within the field itself. You valueset will look like select attribute1 from tablenameofDFF where rowid=:block.ro w_id

ani l passi
0 #7 Archana 2007-02-23 00:00
What version of Oracle Apps support the Form Personalization ?
0 #8 Anil Passi 2007-02-24 00:00
Hi Archana,

I started seeing this from 11.5.10

So, 11.5.10 it is !

An il
0 #9 Anil Passi 2007-06-20 00:00
Hi Rob

CUSTOM.p ll and FP can both be disabled for a session by turning Custom Code off, from Help Menu.

I do not think that applies to you though.

Plea se close the form and re-open after clicking on APPLY.

I have tried this on Lookup screen, and data is indeed getting saved from WVR trigger

Than ks
0 #10 Sashi Sabnavis 2007-08-17 16:28
Hi Anil,
You are doing an awesome job.

Didnt know where exactly to post my question, hence posting it in this section as it seems to be more relevant.

I need to display a message whenever a record is fetched on the People Form in HR. For this purpose, I have configured the "Maintain Pop Up Messages" form (in UK Super HRMS Menu) as below:

Function: Authenticate the person
Block : Person Region
Event : When Record fetched
Message : A user defined message, which was configured in the application dev responsibility.
Formula : I have not used any Formula. The message should display without any further criteria

After configuring the form this way, I expect the Message to throw up when I navigate to the People Form. But it wouldnt happen. Could you please let me know the reason for the same? Are there any profile options which need to be enabled for this purpose?

Pleas e advise.

Thank you,
0 #11 Animesh Anand 2007-08-31 08:31
Dear Anil Sir,
I am working in oracle HRMS as technical person, I want to Know about the Forms Personalization in Oracle HRMS, Sir Can you send me any documents in Forms Personalization in Oracle HRMS. I am very much thankful to you.
0 #12 AK 2007-11-16 00:31
hi Anil,

i am currently customizing the HR Employee Self service module(leave of absence screen).
apps version

the user puts in a leave application(EG Annual leave). once it gets approved by supervisor
the user can view the details through Navigation Path: HR employee self service -> Leave of Absence->
view ->current and planned absence.
there is a delete button available in the screen. i need to customise it in a way that whenever user
deletes an approved leave the supervisor should be notified via an email. how to achieve
this. Any pointers will be highly appreciated
Tha nks Anil

k umar
0 #13 Anita 2007-12-11 11:08
Can you provide me information regarding Integration of Punch card timming details and absentees details,leave details with Oracle HRMS module. What modules are requuired inorder to integrate. what are the field which can be Integrated like Name, Timmings,etc
Wh at are the features in Oracle Apps HRMS module. Does any other module other than core HRMS required inorder to integrate.is OTL module required for this. Can i have any doc or ppt on this maodule regarding the features init. If any ppt describing the features which benifit or represent the module details.

Thank s
0 #14 Runa Shrivastava 2007-12-13 06:01
Hi Anil,
I tried out the example that you have written above.
The only issue I faced was that I too was getting ORA-00911 error for the conditions.
I changed the condition to :person.d_ptu_p erson_type = 'Employee' instead of the $item and it worked. Just an FYI.

Secondly I have a WIP form which does not save but instead has a 'Continue' button to perform job completion. I want to validate the value of a job and prevent user from Continuing. Now since I dont have Save I cannot use WVR. I will have to rely on WNI on the subsequent items, but that would be unreliable if the user navigates through mouse.
Can I use WVI or some other trigger?
0 #15 shobana 2007-12-18 11:25
Hi Anil,

I have read your few materials, they are really very useful and easy too.

I would like to build a new form, I have not developed any forms before, It would be great if you could send me some documents or materials or interactive assignment which explains the steps in creating the form

0 #16 pandu 2007-12-24 18:01
Can we use forms personalization to make the revision field mandatory is all the PO types:

Blanket Purchase Agreements
Blan ket Releases (should default from the BPA)
Standard PO


0 #17 Roshan 2008-02-26 06:29
Hi Anil,

I am trying to hide text fields in from PERWSHRG through from personalization , but getting these errors.
Frm-410 34-A call to SET_ITEM_PROPER TY attempted to set the Navigable attribute of a non-displayed item.

Frm-4101 7-Application design error. A SET_ITEM packaged procedure tried to turn on the Update Allowed property of a non-enterable item.

Frm-4131 6-Cannot set DISPLAYED attribute of the current item".

Can u guide me why these errors are coming, one more thing, one of the text items, I want to hide is the first item in the tab page.

Thanks and Regards,
0 #18 indu 2008-03-16 08:00
Hi Anil, u'r site is excellent.i need help. requirement is i need to call the custom form suppose TESTING_CUSTOM_ CALL_FORM.fmb from sales order screen(OXOEORD. fmb) with parameter as order_number passed from order screen. I used form personalisation to set up the Special -> TESTING under TOOLS menu of Sales order, that will call my custom form when user clicks under the TOOLS->TESTING_ CUSTOM_CALL_FOR M but don't know how to pass parameter between the standard and custom form in forms personalisation . Can you please explain.

Thanks a lot.
0 #19 Amir 2008-05-25 23:21
Hi Anil,

Need your help.

We have a requirement of limiting the date track functionality (say sysdate-30) days for few responsibilitie s, and with the super user responsibility, the user can date track to ANY previous date. We have SSHR(Self Service HR), and I was not sure as to how tp proceed on this one(If it is from CORE HRMS, we could do it throught custom/pll, but I was not sure of changing anything on OAF).

Any help please.

Thanks In Advance,
0 #20 sonu 2008-06-24 02:50
Hi Anil..
I have done personalization in payroll field and made payroll field mandatory.till now it is working fine ,now there are two problems :

1:after applying personalization ,when ever i m opening assignment form one msg pops up and says that : [FRM-40202:Fiel d must be entered].i dont want this msg to come .how to do that.
2: In some responsibility above mentioned problem is nt coming but I am able to close assignment form without entering payroll field,as payroll field is mandatory here .
please suggust me the solutions.
Rgar ds
0 #21 Anil Passi 2008-06-24 04:46
Most likely, your record status is changing from NEW to INSERT.
This happens because you might be changing the value of a database based field.

You will need to change the logic via FP, such that DB based fields are changed only under certain conditions.

Th ese conditions can be entered in Condition field of Condition Tab

Ani l
0 #22 Venkata P 2008-09-09 14:28
Can we restrict data using forms personalization from the AR Receipts screen on certain payment methods from certain responsibilitie s
0 #23 Haliyah 2008-10-22 10:59
Hi Guys , I need a quick advice on this issue. I hope it's a really small issue. I have a field on a form which I'm trying to set a default value for. This field is a simple free text box.... I have identified the Traget object and setting a default by using property name 'INITIAL_VALUE' , which I assign a value for the default.

When it comes to creating a new record the default value is displayed but as soon as tab into the field , the default value disapears immediatly, which shouldnt be the case. I want the default value to show, but be updatable if required. Could someone please please please share some light on this.!!!
0 #24 Swetha1 2009-01-05 13:20
Hi Anil

I have to conceal certains fields on Sales order form. But this data should be visible to couple of users. I have a value set for these users. I'm not sure if I can use where user not exists in this value set using forms personlization. Can you please help me. Thanks a lot in advance.

- Swetha
0 #25 Reader 2009-02-20 01:32
Hi Anil,
I have done one personalization in Receipt form but when iam clicking the FIND button its saying that FRM-40202: Field must be entered.There are fields are mandatory.I understand that if iam changing those field programatically so its giving error.So,how to change condition in COndition tab.Because i have already having some condition.
pls suggest me.

T ony
0 #26 srini12334 2009-05-06 12:31
Hi Anil,

I would like to know how to limit LOV when I create a new job title.
our HR people want to create new job title intead of asking us to create each time.
I enabled HR to create new title.

But I would like to restrict to only one LOV XX_JOB_TITLE when system administratoor> application> values
check box value set and search for XX_JOB_TITLE and find.... Now they can create new title.
When the search for XX_JOB_TITLE, the should be only see this one in LOV instead of all others.

Please advise how to do this.

0 #27 Ratikanta 2009-09-01 07:23
Superb. You have done a great job. You are a genious.
+1 #28 DD 2010-02-12 05:08
Hi Anil,

I have a requirement.

1) First part is to mask the first 5 digits of the SSN field on the people screen. Example : If SSN retrieved is 123-45-6789 then the SSN displayed should be ***-**-6789.

2) Second part of the same requirement is : If a change is required to the SSN value then it should be allowed and the user should now enter the SSN twice like the way it is done on the password field on the User creation screen. Example : User enters the SSN and he sees only ***-**-1234 on entry and then on exiting from the field he is prompted to enter it again and again he sees only ***-**-1234. If the 2 entries match then the entry is considered valid and the record is saved.

Any idea how to get this done on the People screen using Personalization or any other method ?

0 #29 Moe 2010-04-12 04:59
Hi Dear,

i am trying to use the Effective start date in the personalization
for example

i want to change window title as follow statement and worked

= (
select tt.h_date||' ' from kfu_hijra tt
where to_date(g_date, 'dd/mm/rrrr') = to_date(sysdate ,'dd/mm/rrrr')

my question is how to change SYSDATE to use session date.

thanks in advanced
0 #30 Moe 2010-05-13 20:41
i have solved it by using USERENV('sessio nid')

0 #31 Leonard Martin 2010-07-23 15:25
Hi Anil
In the Enter and Maintain CWK form, I need to add a condition NOT to diplay person_type ='Contact'. Can you please let me know how this could be done.

L eonard
0 #32 Sudha 2010-08-15 09:02
Hai anil,

In requisition and vacancy form, i got a requirement to change Name field to Requisition number and to generate it automatically. Req. No should get generated sequentially.

Thanks in Advance
0 #33 babs 2010-09-06 06:11
Hi Anil,

I have one form which name was ICQTYED this form doen't containt .pll file. So I want create a separate .pll file on form based when I try to create a new .pll from it will create like LID_148 which does not create own my custom name.
Please let me how to create .pll file on form based for particular form.
0 #34 Ahmed 2010-11-05 05:58
im ahmed
i have problem that i have 2 person types A , B the 2 person types on one System Type S
the proble that i want to change person Employee Person Type from A to B
but i didn't find B person type in Person type usage screen so i can't change the person type
0 #35 rs 2012-04-18 08:18
Hi Anil,

Even if i follow the same approach I can able to save the form without entering anything to title field.Please help me out.
0 #36 Neha Garg 2012-05-14 06:24
Hi All,

Can anyone help me regarding the issue that why trigger fires twice?Is there any way that it fires only once.I'm doing AR form transaction.


Form Name : ARXTWMAI

condi tion : 1=1

Se q :10
Type :Message
Langua ge :All
Message type : show
Message Text : Text Message

My question is why it pops the message type.
our requirement is to pop up the message only once.

Thanks & Regards,
0 #37 hrushi 2015-01-19 12:59
Hi ,
Need help For DFF level form personalization.
Currently DFF sttribute is not required .
i want to make in Required conditionally depending on other value from form .

Ex > Misc. transactions Form if TRANSACTION_TYP E='Issue to Contractor - Chargeable' then i want to make DFF Required .
I tried Form Personalization but it haven't worked .
Any Idea about Form CustuM
0 #38 Omer 2015-10-11 21:04
Quoting DD:
Hi Anil,

I have a requirement.

1) First part is to mask the first 5 digits of the SSN field on the people screen. Example : If SSN retrieved is 123-45-6789 then the SSN displayed should be ***-**-6789.

2) Second part of the same requirement is : If a change is required to the SSN value then it should be allowed and the user should now enter the SSN twice like the way it is done on the password field on the User creation screen. Example : User enters the SSN and he sees only ***-**-1234 on entry and then on exiting from the field he is prompted to enter it again and again he sees only ***-**-1234. If the 2 entries match then the entry is considered valid and the record is saved.

Any idea how to get this done on the People screen using Personalization or any other method ?


Dear DD,
Did you get the answer?
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